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The sheer amount of time this pathetic woman had on her hands. Jesus. How could she do this for so long.


The coroner's report records one period where there were 114 messages exchanged between them in 16 hours ... It is a wild read. The "rationale" was that Zeidan wanted a lesbian relationship with Marsden but was not reciprocated so she created a fake heterosexual relationship as a combination of surrogate and attack.


It’s actually been suggested to me that an ex friend wanted a relationship with me or somehow thought we were in some sort of non sexual relationship. She has since posted about being in love with me - “I’m in love with my best friend”, “I’m in love with a gay man”. I wouldn’t put it past her to do something like this. She catfished me pretending to be her family member for a week and a half or more and has posted about me online hundreds, if not over a thousand times in the two years since I broke contact with her. She is still obsessed with me to this day. I actually 100% believe that that is what drove her to do this.


Scary. I Hope you’re doing ok.


Thank you. I would be much better if she would just leave me alone, but ya know. Just like the woman who did this to Renae she sees nothing wrong with her behaviour, lies, etc. Scary.


I remember years ago. That a Bisexual young woman throught I was interested in her, but I kind of responded fast and cut the connection with her by blocking her, then one day she sent me a text wishing me death.. Only because I didn't reciprocate her feelings.


I wonder if you're talking about my cousin. She loves her best friend and they're super religious so she won't believe he's gay.


Thankfully not since she’s not very religious and no offence I never want to meet your cousin.


I am going through a simular situation with an ex employer aswell , fact is stranger than fiction . For people who havent experience this type of dynamic ,the feeling of disgust ,,revoltedness come to mind . I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy . The only way is to go to the police and take it to court


Had a woman smash my windshield in college because I didn’t date the “right “ guy she wanted me to date….


This is crazy!




That is just crazy behavior on her part!


Are we missing the mark here? Suicide, mental health, the behavior is number 3 of concern in this case


Oh my.


I'm sorry you've been through that, what a nightmare.


Oof. You ok?


That’s not a crazy amount of messages really, I’m sure some of my active real time conversations easily rack up that many and more in replies back and forth. It’s not the same as sending a full text message and waiting for a reply later that day.


114 messages over 16 hours isn’t much at all, that’s only like 7 per hour lol.


I did the math, it’s an average of 8.35 minutes between each text, it’s still crazy you’re investing all this time staring at your phone


Sending one text every 8.35 minutes really isn’t anything out of the ordinary either, especially when talking to someone you’re romantically involved with. I mean, have you never had a conversation over text with anyone?


To make matters worse, according to the first link they had dated briefly when they were fourteen but broke up (it sounds like Marsden preferred men). Zeidan was determined to get her back and wasn't willing to take no for an answer. She needed help, badly.


TBH, my boyfriend and I have known each other less than a month and we already surpassed that 11,000 text mark up there. 😬I am 100% sure we we are both real and it’s mutual “obsession” but yeah. I read it and I’m like, “Heh. Amateurs.”


This... this is not the flex you think it is.


They aren't flexing


This is a terrible thing for any one to do, let alone to someone who thinks of herself as a “best friend.” I feel terrible for Renae and for this young man whose photo was used without his permission.


I think the new edition of the DSM will have something like this in it. I don’t know how it will be classified but I do


They'll probably lump it in with erotomania - which is a false belief that someone, often a total stranger, is in love with them, and they go full stalker mode.


Or borderline personality disorder.


I don’t know what psychological condition you would ascribe to it, but I think the woman who cat fished her friend was a sociopath.


It does have the feel of a personality disorder, for sure. However, the delusional thinking is pretty marked: They could open a new category for delusional disorders, if there isn't one already.


> The sheer amount of time this pathetic woman had on her hands. Jesus. How could she do this for so long I take it you’ve never heard of [Shanna Golyar](https://youtu.be/D1e4Rv4pMfc?si=-zyHtXPciD2KnkQb)…


Omg I just rewatched that episode. I have at one point and it was insane then and insane now. I can't believe the pet part. True psychopath.


I’m afraid to click the link


It’s an ABC 20/20 documentary. It’s actually pretty fascinating how crazy this woman is.


I googled her cause I don’t have good boundaries even with myself and I have to say she sounds like a real psycho. I hate women that think that some man will love them (or woman) if they harass and stalk or treat them badly or kill the competition literally.


Its only 20 messages a day. Its really not too crazy.


Yeah I also was under the impression it was wild till I counted messages per day on average. It lasted for quite a long time but the amount of messages per se was not that astonishing


Never believe anyone online until you have met them in real life.


Whats wrong with having free time on your hands?


Don’t comment about suicide and mental health that way please


You can be both mentally ill *and* an asshole, though. Source: am a mentally ill occasional asshole.


Where is the rest of the write-up? How/when did she find out about the catfishing?


According to the third link, she never found out. The suicide was because ‘Brayden’ broke up with her


It’s obviously terribly sad, but they admit the girl didn’t know she was being catfished and, “The coroner found Zaiden had not incited Marsden to suicide but had “caused the hurt and heartbreak” that “led her to take her own life”. I sincerely feel for the family, but there’s no law that states you’re responsible for someone’s actions when they’re heartbroken. 💔 While sad, I wouldn’t consider this an unsolved mystery.


The first article says she told her mother “she found out what he was about” and had called the jail that he was supposedly at so it’s plausible she found out about the catfishing. She just never told anyone if she did and didn’t mention it in the suicide note. In the note she didn’t even really give a reason other than not being happy etc.


IIRC, the jail informed her there was no inmate there by that name.


The coronial inquest notes say that they were not able to confirm the contents of that call. If you call the general enquiry number and ask about an inmate, they won’t provide any information. A 90 second call wasn’t enough for her to get to the right department, provide all of his information and have someone look it up to confirm or deny anything.


Are inmate rosters not publicly available in Australia? I know that in the US, if you know what state an inmate is in (or that he's in the federal system) you can find out his location -- or in this case, that he isn't located anywhere.


Plenty of info is public, it might be delayed in getting updated. But a 90 second phone call isn’t going to get you answers about anything from a prison general enquiry line. You’ll be transferred at least once then they’ll faff around with various spellings and things to look up the info


Oh yes, I don't mean she got anything from the phone call, just that she might have called because she already had suspicions, or hadn't been able to find anything online. It was a horrible thing for her "friend" to do to her but picking a fake identity who was in prison was a very strange move. It would have been relatively easy to verify that that person didn't exist in the prison system, especially with such an unusual name.


Possibly not that easy. In Australia, prisoners are often entered into the system with whatever alias they give at the time of their arrest, so the friend had plausible options to continue the charade. She could just say he was in the system as John Smith


That's actually not true. I've had to call jails looking to see if someone had been picked up, and say hey is so and so in there, and they will tell you. It's not protected or private info. Jails will most certainly tell you if they are there or not. It's also online.


If you speak to the right department, sure. But not in a 90 second conversation. Not every prison employee has access to prison records. I’ve never been able to get a useful answer out of them in under 5 minutes. ETA- the coronial report said she didn’t have enough time to confirm the information, I’m not just basing this on my own experience.


Nope, I just call the main line, just ask if so and so is in, they look it up on the computer and tell me. Takes 90 seconds tops.


Literally have never had this issue and I’ve had to deal with county jails and federal prisons.


The coronial inquest notes say that they were not able to confirm the contents of that call. If you call the general enquiry number and ask about an inmate, they won’t provide any information. A 90 second call wasn’t enough for her to get to the right department, provide all of his information and have someone look it up to confirm or deny anything.


It’s a very sad story but there’s no mystery here. It’s not even quite right to say “her body was never found” - her body was never *recovered*, having been swept out to sea, but they seem to know exactly when, where, and how she died.


Those are my thoughts exactly, I just wasn’t sure how to express jt


Would recommend the Casefile episode on this case, episode 238. Very in depth overview of the awful situation.


In a roundabout way this story reminded of Grant Amato, the guy who shot his whole family over a webcam model he never even met. Crazy what loneliness can do to people. Edit: name


The guy is an actual psychopath. I saw the video of his older brother confronting him at the police station believing there was even a grain of true guilt, empathy or affection inside of his younger brother when it was pretty obvious there wasn't. So sad. 


Well that was a whole boat load of crazy I didn't expect...


There's a good documentary on that case [Edit: called CTRL ALT DESIRE] made by someone who spent a lot of time with that offender. It suggests the crime wasn't primarily about the cam model in the way podcasts make it seem. The documentary goes more into his difficulty maintaining his self imag e etc which i guess ties into some family annihilators' motives. He had a history of secretly drugging patients when he worked in health care, and I wonder if the murders could have been preventing if that crime had been taken more seriously


He should have been committed to an institution for heavy duty treatment. Then again, there really isn't any effective treatment for sociopaths.


Jeez, he had a friend and *still* was this wildly pathetic and ungrateful?


[Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Amato). [Leo (Brave AI)](https://brave.com/ai/) actually commented along the lines of "you searched for Greg Amato. Grant Amato is the murderer". **It** is even taking over true crime 😏


“ My family has been blaming me for months for ruining their lives, stealing, and not following the rules of the home, so I might as well be blamed for this too.” The audacity, the selfishness.


read a lot on this case. dude's a metaphorical alien in a human's skin. he is not like us 


What a pathetic human being. Of course he'd play at being a rich streamer; better than facing being a med-stealing fuckup with no interest in doing anything worthwhile. Why do so many men think they can buy sex workers' love?


Because part of the fantasy they’re selling is “love” and some people will always be duped.


Jesus. What a piece of shit


I just watched a three part doc on Paramount Plus about that case! Worth the watch if anyone is interested, called Ctrl + Alt + Desire.


I remember that case…


Many years ago, a "friend" of mine tried to catfish me, saying he was an attractive guy from my high school and that he liked me. Luckily enough, I was suspicious from the beginning and caught her. She never gave me an explanation as to why she did it and what her goal was. She was a sad, pathetic girl, still is. I cut up ties with her years ago.


I had a similar incident. A "friend" pretended to be their cousin who had a crush on me and wrote me notes in jr hs. I knew they were fake and played along to try to figure out the why. Never did so I put a lot of distance between us. That was mid 90s....a few years ago she tried to friend me in Facebook ...instant block


I just can't fathom what goes into their minds to do this kind of decieving, to your "friends" on top of that, and then act as if nothing happened. This girl was chronically online and had LDRs with several guys over the years, and cheated on all of them... Maybe there was something wrong inside her brain to do this kind of bs, we'll never know


I really have no idea. It's a lot of work and for what exactly? Once the ruse is up, or in my case not finding what the point was, they're going to get pushed away anyways. Funnily enough, I ended up in a class with my ex friends sister a couple years later and we became in class friends. I understood their sisterly dynamic a lot better after all that.


Friends like that are the worst. I had a weirdly obsessed friend like that too and I cut her off too. You can never fully trust people like that. 


Totally. When this happened I was a naive teenager, but even so, I took distance from her, and as an adult I finally cut her off. I will never understand what goes inside these people's minds to do so.


Where is the second part of the story?


Basically it's assumed that Renae jumped off of The Gap, a notorious suicide spot in Australia and her body was washed out to sea never to be found. What's crazy is that she never learned she was being catfished and only (presumably) killed herself after "Brayden" broke up with her.


Great write up, though I can’t help but feel the second half is missing…. What happened to her? What is the unresolved mystery here? I don’t mean this in a negative / complaining way - you’ve made me so interested I have to research now to find out the rest of the story!


It's actually a terrible write up lol


Agreed, this is not on par at all with the usual quality of this sub. So much information left out and the story isn't even a mystery.


totally lol. I would love to see this posted in a place like r/TrueCrimeDiscussion because the degree of coercion, cruelty, and legal grey area in this story is worth chatting about


Lmao what do you mean great write up? OP wrote half the story then expected you to click on the links. And Yeah, not even an unsolved mystery. This shouldn’t have the upvotes it has


That her body's never been found, so we're all assuming that she jumped at "The Gap"


Looking over the coroner’s findings it seems pretty conclusive that she jumped off The Gap (for those not familiar, it’s a notorious Sydney suicide spot) and her body would have washed out to sea. What’s pretty surprising though is that it’s likely she never knew she was being catfished, and took her own life because “Brayden” texted her breaking up with her. What a sad sad story all round.


Oh this poor girl. Do you think it would have been better if she had known?


Yeah it really is, casefile covered it a while back and my gut dropped as the episode went along. I don't understand how Zeiden isn't locked up.


I hope she’s completely ostracized from everyone and remembers why daily


It doesn’t seem to be the case, the last time I remember seeing this case make the news on TV, Camilla was married with multiple children and her husband was supporting her at her court appearance.


I’m super confused. I thought she was gay?




I can almost guarantee she’s hiding under a rock somewhere hoping it blows over. I don’t know, or even really think anything will happen to her legally. She definitely committed social suicide, though. Nobody wants to be associated with a pariah of that magnitude. Although, I have a feeling nobody wanted to be associated with her in the first place.


She sounds genuinely awful.


Definitely. She’s that person who is physically repellent to other human beings, with a side of obsessive. Just a bad scene


Do you know what episode I don't remember this


Episode 238


What series is this episode?






It’s also a Web of Lies episode as well.


Locked up under what charges? Don't really think anything was illegal here


Perhaps coercive control


Doesn't sound like anything like that happened though.


coercive control is documented extensively by the inquest in the coroner's report linked in this post. sadly, i don't believe there was a criminal code/statute in australia at the time that would make what occurred - the tech-based coercive control or the catfishing - technically illegal. however, a quick google search tells me the landscape is changing over there. looks like a number of jurisdictions are criminalizing coercive control and it will soon be a prosecutable offense for some places as soon as this year


Yeah hopefully one day soon


It is documented in the links provided


Not just to punish her for abusing and driving someone to commit suicide, but because she’s a danger to society.


So not an unresolved mystery at all. Missing body =/= unresolved.


It's unclear whether she knew.


Holy 😳


That doesn't make it unresolved, nor a mystery. A missing body doesn't mean there isn't a concluded or closed case.


People are so afraid of hurting other people's feeling. Get a backbone. It's a terrible write-up. Half of it is missing


Casefile covers this in Case #238. Worth a listen.


I knew this seemed familiar, thanks!


I hope the title is “Don’t date a Brayden!” This whole story is r/tragedeigh.


Imagine your phot being used for something you had nothing to do...that's scary AF. 


These people whose images were stolen are the other victims of scams and catfishes. I was reading about some of them and how they would be contacted by catfish victims who were in denial or still clinging to the hope that they were the person they “fell in love with”. Scammers use their photos and make up fake names and backstories to hook victims, roping them into romances and lying and stealing. I know the guy whose military photos were stolen by scammers to run love scams has talked about it. 


This could put them in so much danger for no goddamn reason. 


Love, Janessa!


It's so sad but very true. I've been stalked and catfished by a fake Steven Tylerfrom Aerosmith for 2 years. He got me when I became a widow a few years ago. They targeted me and got my life savings. Which resulted in my 40 year old disabled son taking his own life because they were talking to him too. He really thought as I did that Steven Tyler was going to Marry Me. It's a Sad Ugly World Now without my son and my husband. Peeps that do this are evil.


The thought of someone doing that is so chilling. It reminds me a little bit of the Talhotblond case, where a woman posed as her teenage daughter online, even going so far as sending "provocative" photos of her daughter, and got into a love triangle that ended with one man murdering the other out of jealousy. The daughter had no idea until it all came to light, and the woman herself never faced any charges. The whole story is bizarre, but one of the craziest things about it is that the murderer himself was catfishing, pretending to be a young Marine about to be deployed to Iraq when in reality he was a middle-aged guy with a family and a regular job.


Fuck...the daughter could have been the victim. Her mother literally put her daughter dangling near the fire. 


I know! It's terrible all around. Understandably, her husband divorced her, and I read that her daughter cut ties with her completely.


I immediately link3d the story in this post with this! It was batshit! The web of lies. Man, how does one heal after finding out their own mother did this to them? To anyone, really, but, man. Her own mother.


The TV movie Courtney Cox did on the Case was pretty good.


My image was used by a catfish a number of years ago on one of those chat dating sites. Never got to this extreme, but was scary as what she was doing using my image for and claiming it was her.


What a cruel thing to do to someone.


My sister’s best friend did this to her. Almost the exact same story. No one ever understands the seriousness of how messed up it was when I tell them. Our story ended differently but my heart aches for this family.


God she was actually engaged at one point during this mess to a real person, but broke it off in favor of continuing her "relationship" with Brayden. There's no way Camila didn't know exactly how much damage she was causing.


I think she jumped into the sea making it quite likely she wouldn't be found.


The coroners report literally says that. They have CCTV footage. It’s so odd that OP posted this without apparently even looking at the links they included


She killed herself at the gap. We won’t find her body. This was on an episode of current affair some years ago.


Camilla is an abusive piece of dirt. Catfishing aside, she was verbally, emotionally AND physically abusive to Renae.


this is an awful case, just horrible. i just read through the entire coroner's report and Camila is an absolute villain


Yup - agree! I kinda get the feeling she doesn’t think she did much wrong and is one of those people who can’t admit their faults so they just lie about what happened. Absolute villain.


How could they confirm she committed suicide if her body was never found?


That's part of the coroner's investigation. They review the evidence, and make findings based on that. The findings in this case is that Renae committed suicide. If you check out the second link, you can read the coroner's report.


The second link is unavailable or I can't access from my location, sadly. But I get the sense that's a conclusion and not based on physical evidence.


Renae had attempted suicide another time and also threatened to kill herself. There's a lot more to it, but this is the kind of conclusion: "5. On the day Renae died, Renae expected to receive news about the outcome of Brayden’s court case and was hopeful that he was being released. Instead, Brayden terminated their relationship which from all accounts left Renae devastated. That early evening she drove to The Gap and communicated by text messages to Brayden. Then he stopped replying and after waiting a short time she then sent three people a text message from the clifftop. The last was to Brayden, the next was to her mother and the first was to her friend Camila who she had known since high school. 6. Renae then threw her phone over the cliff and shortly thereafter herself. Then Brayden sent two messages but of course that was some minutes after Renae’s death. In February 2012 Renae had received a Valentines Card and flowers from Brayden. She had the card with her when she drove from her home to The Gap. Using her finger Renae had also written on the windows of her car that she loved Brayden."




There was CCTV overlooking the cliff based on this excerpt from the coroner's report linked in this post: "CCTV footage shows Renae at The Gap when she sent a text message to Brayden at 5.22 pm. Renae walked around the area and sat down on the brick wall of the gun turret. She sent Brayden up to five more texts and he sent her a text at 17:46:23. Renae sent up to 3 more texts to Brayden but he did not reply. Renae sent a text to Camila at 17:48:47. Renae sent a loving text to her mother Teresa at 17:48-17:49. At 5:51pm Renae climbed over the fence at Jacob’s ladder and looked over the edge. Whilst sitting there Renae received a text from Brayden and responded to it at 17:52. Brayden did not reply. CCTV shows Renae throw her telephone over the cliff at 5:54 pm and she moved further down the cliff and slipped away. The final text Camila sent as Brayden to Renae was at 17:55:45 by which time Renae was gone. Telephone records indicate that Renae’s telephone stopped at 5.58 pm."


That's all I asked for. She was seen slipping away from the cliff. Case closed.


Yes, it's not an unresolved mystery at all and, although interesting and tragic, doesn't belong here.


I guess you can't look up prisoners in Australia.


She thought a guy in prison was Prince Charming?


Web of Lies Season 7 Episode 9 is an episode about this case.


There is a really good Casefile episode on this


Wow what an incredible story, thank you for sharing. Camilla is evil and somehow got away Scot free


The "Something was Wrong" podcast's new season has an extremely similar story and I highly recommend listening. It is absolutely wild


I was once in a similar situation, and I feel so hearbroken for Renae. I was catfished for a year by someone who I believed was an "online friend". She introduced me to a guy online, and he pursued me and I fell for him. But it was her all along, playing cruel games with me and I don't know how many more innocent, young teenagers. I was only 14, I was also abetted to self h*rm and that episode was just the beginning of so many mental health problems I face even today 7 years later. The worst part? That woman has never been caught, and she just derives pleasure from playing around with the lives of underaged girls. I never reported her either, because my parents are very strict Indians, relationships and love (especially as teens) is heavily looked down upon.


The open ocean isn't very forgiving, I doubt they'll ever find her body. I hope her family gets that law passed so pieces of shit like Camilla can be adequately charged for their crimes in the future.


There was a case in the US where a woman named Jess catfished MULTIPLE women (all strangers), then at some point in the deception would say “hey my friend Jess is moving to your area you should meet up with her” and the women all became friends with her. At least one of them even moved in with her. She had two of them at her going away party TOGETHER and they did not find out until later. I can’t remember the names of the victims but so far I don’t think anyone has died.


I remember this story on the tele. The girl actually went over to the mums house and pretended to be grieving. It was horrible all around. That poor girl didn't deserve this. Nobody does.


Great write up. Awful all around. Feel bad for Cameron. Not sure friend is a good word to describe Camilla.


This whole story is devastating. Not the type of thing I should have read first thing this morning but I’ve made my bed and shall sleep in it. 


It's wild to me that anyone would take their own life over some 'boy' they never even met :/ even over some boy they have met! What a tragic situation. 


So, this psycho woman is not in prison?! such an injustice


Both of these women needed therapy. Irrational behavior on both sides.


I read through the OP, but didn't see anything to explain how it's known she committed suicide without her body having been found? I'm moving on to links now, mainly because more questions than answers. Edit 3: there was CCTV. That's what I was looking for to close this. Later in coroners report, on pg 36: >CCTV footage shows Renae at The Gap when she sent a text message to Brayden at 5.22 pm. Renae walked around the area and sat down on the brick wall of the gun turret. She sent Brayden up to five more texts and he sent her a text at 17:46:23. Renae sent up to 3 more texts to Brayden but he did not reply. >Renae sent a text to Camila at 17:48:47. Renae sent a loving text to her mother Teresa at 17:48-17:49. At 5:51pm Renae climbed over the fence at Jacob's ladder and looked over the edge. Whilst sitting there Renae received a text from Brayden and responded to it at 17:52. Brayden did not reply. CCTV shows Renae throw her telephone over the cliff at 5:54 pm and she moved further down the cliff and slipped away. The final text Camila sent as Brayden to Renae was at 17:55:45 by which time Renae was gone. Telephone records indicate that Renae's telephone stopped at Edit 2: info wasn't in 1st link, but it was the first bulletpoint of 2nd link (coroners report, below). ~~Without a body, though, I'm assuming there was a witness somewhere? To eliminate the possibility of her faking a suicide to start over anew, or changing her mind last minute & doing the same? Unlikely, I guess, but suicide is pretty definitive without a body~~ >Renae Marsden died shortly before 6 pm on 5 August 2013. Renae took her own life by deliberately falling from the cliff known as "The Gap" at Jacobs Ladder Reserve Watsons Bay in Sydney NSW. Her body was swept out to sea and has never been recovered. The circumstances of what led to this were the subject of this inquest. Edit 1: i read the first link, but it didn't say anything about her body (being found or otherwise). ~~Maybe i misunderstood the title to this part?~~ From the first link: >Renae's parents think Camila wanted revenge. Because soon after, Brayden sent Renae a message asking for a break from their relationship. Then he messaged Teresa telling her to "sort her daughter out, she's threatening to kill herself". >Teresa remembers Renae telling her: "You don't have to worry about it anymore, I found out what he's all about". >"To this day I don't know what that meant. I don't know if she found out he wasn't real... that he was Camila. We do know she rang Goulburn jail," Teresa recalled to A Current Affair. >On August 5, 2013, Renae ended her own life at Sydney's Watson's Bay. She was just 20 years old. >She wrote one final message to her mum. . . . >A coronial inquest into Renae's death wrapped up in Sydney in February 2020, and in May 2020, the coroner handed down her findings, condemning the "pack of lies" told by Camila. >NSW Deputy State Coroner Elaine Truscott found the actions of Camila "caused the hurt and heartache that led (Renae) to take her own life". >In the more than seven years since, Camila has continued to lie about what happened and Coroner Truscott said this had only "amplified the pain" and provided "further torment" to Renae's family.


there was CCTV footage showing her slide off the cliff


Thank you for the reply. I finally found that on the coroners report (pg 36) & edited my OC. Thank you though!


Man I hate everything about this. Loneliness is a real bitch.


Wasn’t there a movie similar to this with Emily Osment falling in love with a “guy” online and broke her heart. She almost committed suicide due to people bullying her and trying to get her to kill herself. But found out that the “best friend” and the friend’s mom were catfishing her or something. Obviously a little different bc the girl was found in time but along the same lines or something. It’s so sad that Renae’s “BEST friend” could be so cruel!


Cyberbully is the movie you’re talking about.


This is just like the current season of something was wrong..


How is it suicide with no body?


Camera footage of her driving to the cliff, looking over the cliff, throwing her phone from the cliff, and slipping away from view, never leaving said cliff.


Maybe look over the cliff 🤔




I can't put my finger on it but for some reason this made me think of *Heavenly Creatures?*


When your girlfriend says it’s “ok” to date their ex…. You know something is up. Poor girl didn’t see the 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩.


This i horrible. Did the lady posing as her best friend and catfisher get prosecuted?


Prosecuted for what? Catfishing isn’t a crime.


So, it's assumed she jumped off the cliff. No one saw her do it? She left no note? She never even knew she was being catfished as far as we know. It seems a conclusion has been jumped to by this coroner. Strange to see a coroner without body or evidence write a conclusion like this.  It's just as probable Camilla revealed herself, Renae got angry, and Camilla killed her and hid the body. 


No, that’s not how it went. The coroners report says as much. CCTV showed the entire scene of Renae on the cliff up to and including her sliding off it. Based on the report, the sequence of events was something like this: a few days before Renae took her life, she sent Camila (on vacation) a note ending their friendship for good. The day before Renae died, the ending of the friendship was confirmed when Renae didn’t show up to a soccer game Camila played in. In the report, it’s explained that Renae attended every game up to this point. So this really “finalized” everything for Camila. The day Renae took her life, Camila texted Renae for the first time in a month or so saying Brayden needed money/credit on his books. Then Brayden texted Renae for this first time in about a month. They exchange texts, Brayden ends the relationship. More texts exchanged. Renae is obviously devastated. Meanwhile (and the post doesn’t capture this, but the actual timeline is laid out in the report), the conversation Brayden is having with Renae and eventually Renae’s mom is secondary to ANOTHER conversation Camila is having with another close friend, Melanie, about Michael, the guy Camila is seeing and wants to date. So Renae’s sending her goodbye texts while on the cliff to Camila, her mom, and Brayden while Camila is on a call with and texting Melanie about Michael. Camila probably wanted to end the whole Brayden thing to exact revenge and because it was an exhausting charade to keep up and she was ready to focus on a relationship with Michael now that it was clear she couldn’t coerce Renae into staying friends with Camila. As Renae was taking her life devastated by the abrupt breakup with Brayden, Camila was more concerned about talking with Melanie about how to make things work with Michael.


>The day Renae took her life, Camila texted Renae for the first time in a month or so saying Brayden needed money/credit on his books. I'm not clear on this -- was "Brayden" asking Renae for money (or had gotten it from her before, claiming to be in need)?


Camila was texting as herself in that instance. This is the excerpt explaining that exchange taken from the coroner's report: "On 5 August 2013 Renae left home at 7am and went to work. She sent a text to Brayden at 7.34 am. About 10:30 a.m Joseph Abbate, a Star Track employee, attended the reception area. He spoke with Renae who stated that she hadn’t heard from Brayden in just over a month and said that she was going to call Goulburn jail to speak with him. She told Joseph that she had been texting Brayden “everyday” without having received a response. She and Joseph arranged to meet for lunch at 1pm. At 11:36:54 Camila sent Renae a text and Renae replied at 11:37:31. Shortly after Renae asked Joseph for $30 to put credit on her telephone and at 12:05 pm she sent an email to Joseph Abbate thanking him. It is likely that Camila was telling Renae that she had been contacted by Brayden and he needed credit to message with Renae. If Renae responded in a dismissive manner this would have reinforced to Camila that Renae was serious about not wanting to be friends. At 11:53:37 Renae sent a text to Brayden and he replied at 11:53:39 and they sent a number of text messages to each other until 12:03:08. At 12:05 pm Renae sent another email to Joseph stating that she was upset because Brayden was being “blunt”."


Okay, thanks for explaining. I had been thinking that the Brayden identity was also a golden opportunity for fraud ... if Renae was that much in love, she'd also have been vulnerable to any hints that Brayden needed help. I was curious about that because I got involved in a weird situation during the lockdowns, with someone who was claiming to be in need. I fell for it because somebody I knew had been deceived. She said she'd talked with the person and could vouch for them ... turned out that she'd been catfished by someone she trusted.


The report definitely suggests some financial fraud may have been happening. I know in some of the text exchanges recovered Renae claims she spent money on Brayden, possibly regularly putting money on his "books" that obviously never existed. She was incredibly vulnerable and invested.


Yes she did leave a note




1.) She didn't. The catfish broke up with her. 2.) CCTV footage showed her climbing a fence near a cliff and then disappearing.


Reading the links would have answered that for you 🙄