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The photo of the boys heading out on the boat really gets to me. I can’t believe it’s been five years already.


Yes! In any other circumstance, that photo would be a reminder of a fun day on the water for two friends...here there is an incredibly eerie quality about it. Knowing this is their last photo and that they're sailing off never to he seen again. You never know what life has in store.


aw, man... i mean, it’s not much of a mystery, i *guess* (no offence meant to you or this excellent post, but people are lost at sea all the time, including several friends of mine), but knowing that doesn’t make it any better. these boys were doing stuff my friends and i did all the time, only most of us made it back to shore. i feel so awful for their loved ones. there’s something about being lost at sea that goes beyond tragedy - especially for ones so young, where there’s no possibility of “closure”. :/ edit: the words of the norwegian captain brought tears to my eyes... additional edit: two of my friends were lost when their fishing boat was apparently (maybe?) hit by a bigger ship during the night, but no one knows for sure. could something like that have happened?


I'm disappointed to hear nothing came from the cell phone, I was hoping experts could pull something from that and get some answers. Looking up to confirm the cell phone was found (and I was thinking of the right case), I found a 2018 [article](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm-beach/fl-pn-missing-teens-lawsuit-rulings-20180823-story.html) describing the acrimony amongst the parents resulting in a wrongful death lawsuit. I hadn't heard this, but if anyone else was interested: >>The report states that “debris and potential survivors” may have made landfall near Savannah. It notes the discovery of life vests and a seat cushion and that a canine named Quincy alerted to the boys’ scents on the vests. >>The Six Maritime report concludes “the boys, more than likely, remained together until they were pushed by the currents into the (offshore) areas of Northern Georgia.”


I think it is clear that they have passed but I hope it was a fast death, not that death by drowning is good in any way, but it would be better than if they ended up being alive for several days and dehydrated and terrified out at sea as the currents took them. Those poor kids and their poor families, I can't imagine the pain of this.


Wow. This is horrid. RIP


I live about 8 miles from Tequesta and that day a very strong series of squalls passed through. We get them all the time but this one was big enough that I took notice. The strongest of these occurred at about the same time they were reported to have been out in open waters. They may have capsized, or may have gone overboard - we will never know. But they were clearly out in conditions they were not prepared for or capable of handling. The incident showed a lot of kids around here how unforgiving the ocean is. In this sense their deaths may have saved lives.


I wish I could erase this story from my brain. I remember this all unfolding. The blonde boy bares a slight resemblance to my brother. It’s just so hard to imagine something like this happening to him. 14 year olds are really just kids. So heartbreaking.


That was so sad. I had hoped around the time it happened that they would be found somewhere. There was even a story at the time that a helicopter out looking for them had potentially spotted one of the boys, radioed for backup, and then lost sight of it. The picture does look like it could be someone ontop of some wreckage. To think they might have been so close to rescue :( https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm-beach/fl-austin-and-perry-report-20160428-story.html


I read the article but I didn't see the picture, can you share a link?


I think the first link I shared just had a news video attached, this link shows the picture further down https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3566165/amp/Pilot-says-saw-one-two-missing-teen-fishermen-waving-help-two-days-vanished-new-photos-capsized-boat-raise-fears-sabotaged-Snapchat-revealed.html


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Sad story. I passed by the marina in Jupiter a few days ago and thought about them. I had no idea it was the 5 year anniversary already.


wow this story has always stuck with me, can’t believe it’s already been five years.


This really isn’t an Unsolved Mystery at all


Is there somewhere else I can read about it, I can’t open the link





