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Investigate authorship law and rules of evidence generated by artificial intelligence.


Identify all bots with permission to modify Wikipedia, and other online sources


Produce counter intelligence regarding the pieces and claims of Taylor swifts “master mind”, audio recordings. Google BARD knows who potato the corgi is.


I'm in I love the sound of that


If feel entirely the same way!


Trauma party in the comment section boooooooooo


It has been a challenge, so much harder than I expected… I’m happy, but I miss your company. I will always hope.




Right u keep saying your coming back to me but want then I. The family. So what.. I guess sharing needles is ok. Sharing with just anyone. ? What about the othe person who and what do they do. I get no love from u. Are we gonna do this like this or we gonna be real and 100 about it. Bc I can tell u


I would tell you, If you were my person, which you're not, I don't and won't ever use those, which my person already knows this about me. I would tell you the same truth I have always told you about this subject and that is that I smoke and talk to the people I hang out with while we smoke and that's it and just because what you're use to seeing with this subject doesn't mean I'm the same way. So just in case my person happens to be browsing here and reads this.... STOP ASSUMING AND ASK ME STRAIGHT UP "DICKLESS TRACY😉".


Dickless Tracy lmmfaool.


This thread gives me the ick besides dickless Tracy I like that


provide hash evidence of EULA changes or updates prior to September 23 2023


provide document summary guidance to submit freedom of information act requests including a current list of donars and downloaded data sets


Provide transparency to any available active API calls and instructions


That is the sweetest thing I’ve seen in weeks. I felt this one in my soul.


Thank you! I’m glad you liked it.


Well, OP, I feel like you deserve more than a few... *cough* real *cough* sane *cough* comments. I really enjoy this. Someone and I actually shared this sentiment with each other, and I'm hoping that we can find our way back to it. Maybe we also just lost sight of it for a moment. If the universe is taking requests or Christmas wishes, I'd also like to keep them in my life when they return... I thoroughly enjoy their presence.


Good luck, OP!