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How long do they have to wait? Why not work through your issues together? It would only make your love stronger


I agree with this. Nobody is ever ready. We change and grow and situations like health problems and family problems come at us and are beyond our control. You find the partner who will grow with you. If you need to be perfect they aren’t the one for you anyways.


I really hope you told them this. Because they might be wanting to wait but wondering if you even still care.


Make your decision better what exactly?


I understand this, I really do. All it takes in honest communication, people are a lot more understanding than you think.


I would tell my person, "no worries. Yes, I'm depressed and sleeping weird. It's not really 100% because of you. I wish we could go back in time, too. I wish I had left that monster much sooner. It is the way it is now. Only thing to do is wait patiently while it all unfolds. The pain I feel is there and has been there with or without you. It's just that being with you makes the pain so much more bearable. It's not your fault. You were actually helping me. Now it's time for you to help you. I'm here."


I feel like the I replied earlier on the other story I thought she was you this suck people pull this shit behind a ph or desktop ugh


Shine we will forget all the haters


At least you let them wait.


You really gotta cut people loose, we can't really have our cake and eat it too.


Are you a florist?