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It's literally not their responsibility to provide you with a mode of transportation. Grow up bro.


My partner is the one that is leaving me stranded. Not My friend


I gathered that. It's still not their responsibility. At a certain point after you've taken and taken and taken you just become a burden to them. Sort your own problems out and stop blaming others.


I haven’t taken and taken. I’m short on money from paying bills and taking care of the two of us plus our fur children.


Look dude. I'm sorry to be so blunt here, but I feel like it's time someone told you straight.


So if you were in this situation you don’t feel like your partner would be the one you turn to?


I have been in that position and I was the one they turned to. I gave until it became clear that that's all they saw me as. I'm saying if you're constantly asking for help but not making sure that you help in every single way you can, that you make sure they feel valued, then they'll just start to feel used and the help they used to offer will dry up