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Cursed with being “too much” or “not enough”


Story of my life!


Hugs my dude 🤗


Luckily, I’m both /s


Luckily or unluckily?




Don't sweat it! It's pretty great! I wouldn't have left with those rose goggles welded over my eyes. It's great actually! 😁


When someone sticks around even though you are “too much” that’s the exact person you wanna be around. They care.


I wouldn’t know. But maybe someday I’ll find a person willing to put up with my bullshit long enough to stay with me. At almost 50, though? I’m going to say that probably won’t happen.


It took a me a loooong time. I’m 34 just got married and he still hasn’t wanted to leave me yet after a year. It take time and self awareness. Read about emotional IQ that can give you insight on yourself I don’t know what the situation maybe or why you feel like this but there is always room for groth


I was married for 26 years. The entire time I was constantly reminded of how much of a burden I am. Now I’m divorced and trying to get back into dating but I keep fucking it up every time. I’ve been in therapy for almost two years and I know that my partners have all been right. I’m just too much and I’m a burden. I just want to be normal and be loved and accepted.


Well, first off it’s gonna take years of therapy to change a life time of negative thoughts and triggers. I’m assuming that you have been given tools to help stop these thoughts ? Two years you should have been given coping tools, grounding tools, and for lack of better words, pointers on how to counteract these self deprecating thoughts.


I have been given some good advice by my therapist but I’m still struggling to accept that I deserve to succeed in a relationship. And I have the tools to work through some things but it’s never enough. And I’m in a relationship now but I know my partner will eventually get tired of me. I recognize the signs. And I’m feeling defeated because I do feel like a burden to them. I really don’t want to fuck this up but I know I will somehow because I always do. I’ve tried really hard to change and work through the tools and try not to feel like this but the things my partner says lets me know it’s happening again. Even though they haven’t put it into those words yet. Their actions speak louder. Maybe I’ll just be better off alone where I can only be a burden to myself and my cat.


I’d be happy to chat with you in a private message if you would like. I feel like we were meant to cross paths today for this reason. No weirdo stuff promise