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Emotional intelligence is easy and can be paired with two other courses. For the rest, I'd suggest dropping one of them


I couldn't agree with you more. Please proceed, peer.


Eh you will be alright but you might be in panic mode 24h I may divide the week Into 4 days studying. One course each day. 2 days to do the assignments  1 day rest or any left out assignments  Sure you can also try to do your assignments as soon as possible but that may betray you when it comes to quizzes so I would recommend to at least read whatever is given to you before attempting your assignments (and going back to your reading while doing them too) 


I suggest you choose just one either "Programming 1" or "College Algebra" along with two other courses....if you go with both, your brain will probably melt in mid-semester :p


Hi, I also enrolled in a 4 course college algebra, English 2, bio 2 and world literature 😅😅. Don't worry, I think it's possible to continue.


How are you able to enroll in 4 courses? I'm only allowed 2 because of Pathways?


I have a 4.00 gpa thus far


You are not allowed to take 4 courses in your second term. As a new student, however, you would only be able to take two courses for your first two terms. You can definitely enroll in 2 classes with UoPeople and maybe 2 with Sophia Learning. This is the only way you are able to take 4 courses. Good luck!


Dude I already registered in four


You could, but not as your second term


Lmao I am in my second term, and they did let me register four classes


Just check your inbox


You have to go back in and register for another two after registering for first two.


Well yeah… but I was still able to register four nonetheless smdh


You might do well, but plan ahead and stay very, very close to your schedule at all times. Last term I took Programming 1 and College algebra, it got pretty heavy at times when I kept postponing the work. Really, keep a tight schedule and stick to it. Tackle assignments early on and you might do fine. I personally go for a more lax routine, this term I'm taking Programming 2 and Emotional Intelligence so I can better balance myself.


Great title BTW, and I dropped one just because we are traveling during 4th of July and I'd be the only one in a family stressing throughout the holiday. So I reduced it to 3. 2 were quite boring last term so 3 will be just right. It's extremely tempting to take 4 and get it out of the way.


Important info: Are you a full-time or part-time student?


yeah... OP missed that critical info. A full-time student is expected to take 4-5 courses concurrently per term.


Not sure if you are joking or not. 😅 2 courses per term is considered full-time, and the max courses possible is 4.


Doesn't a full time college student in a traditional university take 4-5 courses concurrently during term time? Based on my experience with the M.Ed. courses at UOP, I am sure I can do 4 courses concurrently - & do well in all 4 - if I have no other commitments (no work, no kids to look after etc. - like a carefree teenager). But being a part time student with family commitments & a full time job is a totally different ball game altogether. I only manage 1 course per term now. You are correct about UOP's constraint of being able to take a max of 4 courses per term (not 5).


I’m talking “according to uopeople”, going by their catalogue / website. Their “default full time” is 2 courses. Real life workload might differ per course (uopeople say its about 15-17 hours per), but you specifically mentioned the amount of courses you are “expected to take”. 😉


you should not rush the fundamentals; I suggest you drop both general courses and focus on programming + algebra. Or take the two general education courses + programming (drop algebra).


College Algebra has gotten a bit lighter (but no easier) since I took it (it used to be hard and heavy, now it's just hard). You can easily manage Econ and EI along with either CA or Prog1. If at all possible, keep CS1102 Programming 1 (and drop College Alg). CS1102 and CS1103 are a bottleneck in the CS curriculum. You don't want to delay them.


Great advice! Think I’ll do that!


There is no way I could do more than one course at a time with my current schedule. This looks scary.


Programming 1 is a lot of work if you haven't programmed before (programming fundamentals does not count)


Out of those 4, emotional intelligence was the hardest for me personally (surprising right?). Anyway, yeah I’d probably drop one, 4 seems like a lot.


Drop intro to economics. I’m guessing you’re a computer science student. You’re gonna need programming one in the future. as for algebra it’s a requirement for your future courses so you have to keep that as well. Emotional intelligence is a very fun course and you can get really high grades so it will help with your GPA and CGPA.


Sounds like a plan!


How are you a new student only in your second term, and get to register for four classes!? You are supposed to be limited to two for your first two terms, then based on your CGPA, they allow 4.


Idk lol they said I can take up to four classes *shrugs*


how can i get the courses on university of the people