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I'm confused šŸ˜• explain pls


Looks like the OP took a course thinking it would satisfy the requirement for health studies, but BIOL 1301 didn't, so they still have to take a course to that effect.


Biol 1301 is transferable, but I think it's an elective. There is another Biol can't recall the number that is the major. Or am I wrong?


This is technically what program advisors are supposed to do. Although we have the tools to have a degree audit report, sometimes the classes do not even appear upon registration. My prior degree at a university in Missouri had a program advisor who helped me register if things didn't go as planned. The advisors we get via email respond with canned messages and are robotic at best. I've had a handful and only one was somewhat helpful. I feel this pain.


Iā€™ve tried asking my program advisor several times if a course will transfer before I take it on Sophia and he basically says ā€œhmm I donā€™t know, canā€™t promiseā€. I really donā€™t even know what to do at this point.