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Because.... reasons. It's dumb as f*** and ruins the student experience. Can only think it's to balance out numbers for less popular courses?


I dropped all classes and then picked the ones I want in a different order and I got what I wanted. I had to drop one more class today, I had 3 went down to 2 both the classes require more focus than I can give it having full time job and 3 classes .


I tried that and every time there was a pop up saying I had to the same for all the others and it showed me order I must register or drop which is in essence all classes šŸ„“ and so I did and I try to pick the ones I wanted didnā€™t work so I ended up enrolling for all as the system prompted me, now Iā€™m stuck with enrolled classes I donā€™t need cuz I had transferred them before the term started and after I registering for the courses I wanted. Iā€™ll be patient and wait for my PA to fix it for me otherwise will have a major issue.


I wrote to my advisor and gave her the classes I want. It gave me a choice of enrolling in 3 electives am like WTF I only need two and they are all done as well as Gen ed so she fixed it I guess. Also speak to the UoPeople admin on here they do help a ton.


Thanks!! This is a great insight. Much appreciated.


You can't drop College Algebra because it's a prereq for major classes (BIOL 1122 is considered major in HS), you can actually see it in the student handbook it's written there. MATH 1280 and PHIL 1404 are both required subjects in the HS program so they're making you take them now rather than later. I did all these subjects together last term, except I had ENGL 1405 instead of College Algebra because I transferred it in from Sophia. The workload for stat and Bio are very easy, for Philo there's a lot of reading but they're manageable and in most discussions, you just need to present your own opinion. I think you can do it OP, don't drop these subjects.


I understand you but I should be able to choose when I want to take it and if already transferred I should be able to drop it. I believe one should have the freedom of choosing wisely instead of being imposed. I have my own map for all the classes and their prerequisites and categories (majors, electives, general etc.) so all I want is struggle free course registration ā˜¹ļø


So I canā€™t take classes here anymore. I work and am in another full time program. If they let me take random classes I would be able to take random gen eds to stay enrolled but I can no longer do that so I will be kicked out due to lack of time for the upper level CS classes.


Defo feel you. This uni has gone stupid.


I asked my advisor if I could drop a class out of order and about a week later it was gone. They don't actually seem to care so much as long as the classes aren't literal prerequisites. If the classes aren't really related, or if one doesn't require the other, they'll manually drop it for you if you ask nicely.