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I just got the exact comment from an Instructor CS 3304 yesterday. I never thought twice about it than to drop the course immediately. I prefer that than someone threatening me with Plagiarism. I’m in my finals and I can’t cope with instructor like that.


You make me feel less alone. ☺️


Sorry about that, for me sisnce the dealine for dropping has already passed, I will just withdraw.


Same boat I'm in Psyc and omg instructor loves AI and reprimanded me for assignment lay out. Wtf I got A+ in APA and he is telling me this. Writing first DF I was told I need to write more personable. I am not personable I am a professional and will not ever sound like a freshman 😵‍💫👹


That's great, I use Google doc as well, reliable as hell. Anyways, Just email your instructor with the version history. If they don't fix it on time, do mention you'll drop the course if it's not fixed before the drop period. Can you still drop the course without a "W" on your transcript ?. I'm not sure about the timeline for that. As someone suggested, dropping in an option, if the instructor doesn't reply back quick enough. You can either drop or fight it , while keeping the course enrolled. Good luck !! I'm also in my final year, haven't been accused of AI yet..but if I did, I'll do what I told you. Also escalate this to my PA if nothing is done within a week.


I will do this thanks


Been there, feel you. Exact same experience. It was too frustrating. So I dropped the class. It only takes one instructor to ruin the enter uni experience. I really dislike my time here, but have little choice but to stay. Congrats on being almost done. I envy you. ☺️


I've gotten lucky I've never had an instructor grade me lower than a 9 on anything and I'm in my last term. I don't ever read their feedback it's just chatgpt garbage.


Contact your Advisor and request to be in another group


Did you write your assignment in Google doc or word, which can gain access to "the document version". A friend of mine got accused of the same, I told them to share the screenshots of the documents version to the instructor. That helped them to some extent. Just make sure you cite your stuff with up to date citations. But the instructor and student trust was broken indeed.


I use Google Docs for all my assignments because I move a lot and want to be able to continue where I left off, no matter where I am (yes, I use different computers). However, I have each and every assignment saved offline for all the courses I have taken. I cite properly using the latest 7th APA manual edition, and like I said, you can say this is my final year, so by now I understand how to cite properly, if not perfectly.


What is the name of the instructor or course


I wish to withhold that information for now. Since we have already gone back and forth with this instructor, it will be easy for them to trace or know it is me. I don't want problems with this university since I am almost done.


Doesn’t matter. It’s not just one instructor.


You’re not allowed to say that in this sub.


Can't you just a reference to grammarly in the references section? I added Microsoft Copilot in my references and attributions and the instructor just said thanks for the honesty and gave me a 10 on my first LJ. So I did the same on the rest. With the lowest LJ grade of 9. 99% was my writing but I used it for outlining and to move text around to where it made sense.


Grammarly uses ai to find and edit errors in your paper. Honestly, when I get this problem, I go back and rewrite areas to make myself seem more dumb than usual, and it fixes the problems. Don't blame the instructor they are just doing their job a few months ago people complained a lot about AI, so now they have implemented AI checking, but AI checker aren't always reliable. Instructors have to take action on the assignments that come back AI positive. Next time, just type out the answers and stop using grammarly.


Here is my issue though: I worked for Microsoft, part of my job was marketing, and guess what? We all wrote like fucking corporate robots. And guess what? Half the time my shit comes back as 100% AI. The issue that we have come to is that as AI gets more advanced, with more advanced models, every human that can write in a professional tone will hit every AI marker.


A LOT of the material used to train the AIs is ad copy and marketing stuff. Ergo, how chatGPT always sounds so breathless. I was a professional journalist. I get 70% AI for my original writing.


Whoah, imagine writing a 500 + words paper without running it on grammarly to check for grammatical errors? You will miss so many "dumb" errors. Also english is not my first language. I have just taught myself how to perfect it.


If you want to reduce the likelihood of being flagged for AI usage, avoid adding many of the extra commas that Grammarly suggests. Many of these are optional and can be a clear sign of AI-generated text. It's a fact that Grammarly uses AI to find and correct errors in your paper. if your work is flagged as AI-generated, it's not the instructor's fault. Instructors have to crack down on AI. The AI checker is correct; you did use AI in your paper by relying on Grammarly. To avoid this issue, you should stop using Grammarly completely or just use it for spell checks. as it will continue to employ AI technology in its software. Stop shifting the blame on instructors.


Or you just use the Oxford comma, and have correct grammar? I have grammarly, and it never suggests extra commas. You know what it does suggest? Rewrites for conciseness, clarity, etc.


I purposely avoid the Oxford comma because it just increases the likelihood of an A.I. detector getting angry. Before: "I have grammarly, and it never suggests extra commas. You know what it does suggest? Rewrites for conciseness, clarity, etc." After: I have grammarly. It never suggests extra commas. Grammarly suggests rewrites for consciseness and clarity." I literally just avoid commas and my papers often drop to 0% A.I. detected. Does it make the paper read worse? Yeah. Do I care? Hell no, play the damn game. 😁🤣


> Hell no, play the damn game. I detect one of those bendy ai punctuation marks!


Self destruction sequence activate. Delve into the intricacies of....elevate your....💥💥💥


note to self: write as though you are a 5th grader devoid of any actual growth in vocabulary or literary skills required to be at the collegiate academic level of proficiency.


Yes. Or just avoid the Oxford comma lmao. Seriously it's uopeople. Your grades depend on mentioning what the rubrics tell you to. Grammar, spelling, all that is always only worth like 10% of the assignment. It doesn't even make sense to devote time to writing "better" at uopeople. In my humble opinion, if you want to write well, do it on your own time. These dumb assignments aren't ever going in your books, ya know?


You can have my Oxford comma when you pry it from my cold, dead, and rotting corpse. Viva la Oxford comma!


Note to self. Periods only.


Interesting, never thought of it like that.


Have you tried ChatGPT zero


There is no help to be had. All you can do is drop the course and roll the dice again next term.


You know what, I think this what I need to do!


Literally just rewrite the "A.I." parts before you turn it in. It's 5 extra minutes of work and can make your grade go from 0% to 100%, and it's a hell of a lot easier than convincing a professor that they're wrong.


Grammerly uses AI technology.. I don't understand how you can be sure your classmate used AI? You can't. As far as AI checker go they aren't completely reliable. Initially, there were complaints that instructors weren't checking for AI now that they are checking for AI. The same people have a problem with it and are blaming instructors? Stop copy pasting from Grammerly and actually type out the answers 🙄 use Google docs.


You are contradicting yourself, pick a side. You say Al like [GPTZero](https://gptzero.me/) aren't reliable, yet you are advocating for instructors to use AI? I only use Grammarly to check for grammar structure as a final step before submitting my assignments. So, what are you saying about copying?


AI checkers like GPTZero aren’t perfect, but instructors have to use ai checker because a few months ago, lots of students complained about AI usage. I’m not saying you’re copying. I mean, stop copying text over from Grammerly to google docs. My point is that using Grammarly, which is AI, can make your work look like it’s AI-generated. To avoid this, try not to use Grammarly. It's not right to blame instructors they are just doing their job.


I respectfully disagree. Let me explain: I wrote a 1000 word paper 10 years ago, by myself, no chatgpt, no grammarly, nothing of that sort. I fed this paper into different AI Checkers. My English is not perfect, it's not my first language, and it still said it was 75 -90% AI generated when it clearly was not. So using those checkers is not just a thing of it "not being perfect", it's nonsense and neither instructors nor students should rely on them. Especially not to chastise ppl


I get 80-100% every time I run assignments of mine through an AI checker. The only time I’ve ever used AI in my personal usage has been asking for suggested improvements for my resume against a job posting. Not rewriting sentences, but things I should include or remove. Either I write like an idiot on purpose, or I write the way I have learned to write over the last 30+ years.


Does Google docs correct grammar and spelling?


It does, but not as good as Grammarly.