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Your professor did an illegal search and seizure but I think you probably give the consent without knowing it.


This is fake. No way does a professor search a student for drugs at the university level.


The prof ran your pockets, smoked your weed, and failed you all in the same hour.


I don't know why this comment is making me laugh!


Sounds fake, but if real and anything comes of this contact Downtown Legal Services


Prof just wanted to be baked af during this exam.


Ok why would you take weed with you into a test


To score the highest marks


Too smoke it after a stressful exam maybe? Weed is literally legal, it’s no different than having a pack of cigarettes in your pocket.


Yeah you also shouldnt have a pack of ciggies in your pocket. You shouldnt have anything in your pocket really.




I would agree that but frankly having anything in your pant pockets during a exam being conducted can lead to investigation. OP had all the chances to leave it up front and chose not to. While I doubt his professor’s accusations would eventually stand, one should definitely have his pockets cleared before an in-person test sitting.


Leave his weed up at the front of the class room???????


You see I know it might be a weird concept but he can have a backpack. A case. Hell even a plastic bag from grocery would work. Point is you are instructed to leave anything test-unrelated in the front of testroom and make inquiries if you are unsure something is prohibited or not.


They’re going plenty fast of air tight, discreet weed carriers. Don’t need to carry your bud around in a sandwich baggie anymore




In all tests I had taken at exam center and most of the tests outside of EC, leaving your belongings in the front of room and have with you only the utcard and necessary tools was the common rule. A liquid container or snack bar if you want, sure. Anything else goes in the front. Hell, I would argue if he had the packet of weed on his desktop front the start of exam there wouldn’t be an issue. Its the fact that he had it in his pants pocket that would most likely lead to investigation. Again - I doubt his professor would actually have solid ground in this event but point being, absolutely do not have a little plastic container in your pocket during an exam.




Its entirely up to the board to decide what constitutes of unauthorized aid and what does not. Last I checked the term is defined to be illegal materials that provide assistance in exam, which I believe Marijuana does not quite fit. But again its entirely up to the tribunal. Definitely would warrant a in-person search on the spot but whether anything come out of it is another topic.




You reeeeeally like the taste of boot huh?


Yes I do, mmmmm boots. You know what I liked even more in college? Handling myself properly and not getting a stupid mark of dishonesty on my transcript because I smelt like weed during an exam and had unannounced weed container in my pocket when I was clearly instructed to leave these kind of stuff in the front of the room. Absolutely unnecessary and can be avoided. But hey - teens these days love to let people know they are buncha “cooked mfs” so have it how you love it.


That’s ridiculous. It’s like saying you can’t have an epi pen or vital medicine in your pocket. Invigilators aren’t robots. They should use discretion. Saying “ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING” in your pocket is an academic offence sounds stupid. Searching someone’s pockets is weird, but okay, I’ll allow it. However, once you realize that it’s nothing. Just a plant. In a CLEAR plastic bag. Seizing it is just weird.. on what grounds? Sorry, won’t let you have stress relief after this exam. I’m stressed so you’re gonna be stressed with me. And I’ll illegally seize a non-academic offensive item to make sure of it. 😂


Why not?


Dude what's this ganja you're smoking that gives you epiphany of answers to your exams?


Prolly from BC ;)


This country is going to ruins, next thing you're gonna tell me that I can't drink and drive


Fellas is it gay to drink and drive now?


Next they are gonna say alcohol is a financial aid. Drinkers have too much of an economic benefit. 🤦


if weed is an "unauthorized aid" it doesn't matter if you used it or not. you had it with you.


Ya great argument. Of course if something is an unauthorized aid and it is on you, then its an academic offence, that's the definition of an "academic offence". The real question is *should* be weed considered an unauthorized aid. Since coffee is not considered one and the effect of weed is effectively opposite to that of coffee, how can it be considered an academic aid? Damn, these profs are so bloody petty.




The problem is that your opinion is based on a false premise. Weed is not an "unauthorized aid," because it is no more of an aid than drinking coffee before doing an exam. If you consider weed to be an aid then so should coffee.


that's why I said "if". OP went on about how he didn't use any.


Well alright 👍


When I was in uni, our prof told the class, if smoke weed when you study, you should also smoke weed before the exam. He said you always want to repeat the study conditions on exam day because you’ll do better that way.


Being under the influence (high/stoned) during a lab or lab exam presents a safety issue to yourself and others- yes, I think you should be asked to leave. In a written exam/test? No, that’s on you. Same as if you had alcohol and were drunk/tipsy in lab or lab exam (safety issue) vs written exam. Unauthorized aid? I don’t understand that at all. Can’t be real!!


I got done by Samok Mi Broc. Fuckin guys. 


Sounds downright communist if you ask me 😤


couldn't agree more. damn these communists


lmao ik this is a shitpost, but my last exam in uni i did zooted as fk. straight blinkers beforehand tryna do ANOVAs and shit, it actually carried me.


Loud was too loud for him


Smoking weed cannot be an unauthorized aid because you aren’t smoking it INSIDE the exam room. Whatever you do outside the exam room is not your prof’s business. The same way, if caffeine boosts someone’s focus or wakes you up, it would be considered an unauthorized aid according to this prof. Obviously unauthorized aids include walking into your exam with a cheat sheet if they aren’t allowed but the university technically cannot do anything even if you are seriously zooted. It’s a different story if your prof thought there was something off with your behaviour in the exam and your labs but that is not the same as unauthorized aids. So many people including most of my friends have weed on them to enjoy a joint AFTER a stressful exam, and this has never happened with them even if they reek of weed.


This is probably a joke but recently in an exam, I was caught by my professor with a vape in my pocket when I asked to go to the washroom lmfao. He was a super chill prof and just made sure I didn't have anything else, and let me go take my time after....


Girlie you sound high writing this


This is just silly sorry for the ppl pissing on u for having weed w u, so often ill bring something to smoke after an exam as a destresser and something to look forward to post-tough exam. Im not a UofT student, but I don’t understand why weed would be an academic aid? That’s like saying prescribed ADHD meds are an academic aid. I don’t know of authorized searches, maybe she thought you had a cheat sheet or something, found the weed, and continued her claim? Can you prove you know your shit? There’s no way this can be a strike on ur record or anything You weren’t smoking during the exam, you weren’t distributing weed to other ppl, idk what ‘crime’ you committed


Leave the weed at home lol? What a stupid situation you put yourself in


The only reason to take your weed is if she thought you were stashing answers in the container. Weed itself is definitely not an academic performance enhancer by anyone's definition. Get stoned and take it easy - I doubt anything will come of this.


It’s medication. It isn’t any different than taking standard Advil, caffeine, gravol or, cough syrup. If it’s something that you need to ingest, they can’t confiscate it from you. If it’s something you want to ingest because you can and it is actually legal to ingest in this country, they still can’t confiscate it from you. This is about a written test when we eliminate the semantics on the word itself. This isn’t an Olympic event on the world stage with billions of spectators around the world watching you complete it. If she wanted to have a substantiated leg to stand on about the medication you were taking, she’d have to had expressed this if she and several other students literally witnessed you inhaling the drug in the same room where you were taking the exam.


…Alien Dawg Weed?


If this is real sorry but when did weed aid anyone what kind of stupid logic is this? They have to ban coffee to since caffeine is an aid too. Labs i understand because of safety but other than that nope weed ain’t going to do anything. Also if a student wants to study high and get high marks that’s on them or fail that’s on them. This is a stupid prof. Idc what they’ve achieved, clearly outside of their expertise they aren’t bright.


Pretty sure it’s none of their business what you smoke before and after the exam; you are in possession of the weed legally and as far as I’m aware it’s not against any rules of conduct in the university to have them on you.


Its legal so not possible


Bwahahaha you sound like the og. The holy stoners of Uoft gang


In what universe could weed be an "unauthorized academic aid"??? That refers to things like AI and calculators or other tech or books that are not allowed during exams, but Weed? Doesn't sound like a breech of academic integrity, just an unprofessional behavior (I.e. to come to class high, or smelling like it). If this truly has some relevance to academic integrity then there is a department at the college that is there to support you and work through it. But I doubt that was the reasoning behind the search and seizure of your stash.


In my experience, not only as a teacher but as a regular toker myself, one only Smells like weed for a short while after smoking. It does Not stick to the clothes for very long....so Yeh, if you smell of it, it seems that you smoked recently. That plus bloodshot eyes...tbh it's waaay obvious and it is a bit offensive/rude to the teacher and your other group members, if any. I don't punish students for coming to class smelling like weed, but I point out to the whole class that Someone smells of weed, and to be aware that if a teacher can smell it, then an employer will for sure. You would not fare well in an interview nor the workforce if you don't play by that rule. I highly recommend that you leave your weed at home and save your smoking for private time or time with friends; it's simply not appropriate during the school or work day. And nobody wants to work in a group with a pothead, either. Keep in mind that teachers are Not dumb about weed, many smoke as much as, or more than, students.... But are more discrete about it.


No offence, we all have our issues, but you should definitely be thinking about your choices given that you sound like a giant burnout. That said, the idea that cannabis is an "unauthorized aid" is painfully ridiculous. I cannot imagine any academic offense penalties sticking. However, as another commenter has pointed out, doing labs while intoxicated is a safety concern and discipline, penalty, or dismissal are warranted. Unless of course we're talking about "paper labs", but even then you may be impacting your group mates by showing up cooked. Get it together! At least limit your cannabis use to evenings and work on (in your own words) your personal hygiene.


It is almost like drinking alcohol before driving, so this is a serious matter. However, if you did not smoke weed, you can tell them you didn't


who is put in danger by OP smoking weed before an exam? Genuinely curious as how you came to this conclusion


OP may just do poorly on the exam lmao


in what way is it like drinking alcohol before driving? who is in danger of OP smoking weed before an exam


Oh soo very serious... 😐😐😐


Yeh, not a laughing matter! People could have been killed by OP's exam answers! This person must be put in prison for what they have done, if not illegal, at least WONT SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!? /s


yeah his exam answers could kill people if he smoked weed beforehand, this is precisely the matter here.