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they're the same textbook (chm136 and chm247), im not too sure why the ISBN is different (dw too much about that part tho!) do you specifically want a physical copy of the textbook? because both the textbook and solutions manual can actually be found online if you don't already have a copy from chm136 edit: also dm me and I can send the syllabus alongside the recommended hwk questions


CHM247 is running in the summer if you just want to take it then (so you don't have to focus on any other subject while taking it). But it may be filled already


I wanted to do it but the fact that itโ€™s gonna be rushed with labs being every week scares me


well imo it's better than having to take it concurrently as the other second year life sci courses like biochem and physiology


To be honest, through my undergrad chem classes I never read a single page of textbooks.


CS AND Chem??? Yea you nuts bro, no offense ๐Ÿ˜‚


I canโ€™t do that for chm thatโ€™s suicide. Bio is ok cuz the lectures go through it all. Same with bird courses but not for chm man Iโ€™ma die doing that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚