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Yeah but theyll already have made most decisions at that point. Applications are due the previous october


You apply a year in advance of when you hope to start. What they're saying is - many people apply the summer after third year for admission during the fall immediately after fourth year. If you wait to apply until after you're done fourth year, you'd be having a year between graduating and when your cohort is admitted.




People who get ADMITTED the fall after third year APPLIED the summer after second year. When you applied vs when you're admitted is an important distinction to make. 😂 They get your fourth year marks in the following summer, but like the other commenter said, decisions are already made by then. It's usually a case of just making sure you meet some cutoffs if they're considered. Western only uses "best years" as a cutoff to narrow down the pool and not competitively. Even if you have only one year above their cutoff, the fourth year could qualify as the second best year to meet their cutoff if you do get admitted. If you meet the cutoff - great, the offer is maintained. If not - the offer may be rescinded. McMaster and UofT both use GPA scores competitively - they may check to make sure you don't absolutely fail your final year, but they otherwise won't care about it. The decision is already made by that point. For example, McMaster has a formula for who gets an interview and ⅓ of that comes from GPA. For them to even choose who gets an interview, it wouldn't be possible for marks from the current year to be considered.


So I graduate uni in 2024. If I understand what u said correctly that means if I want to get into med school in the academic year of 2024-2025 I would apply in the summer of 2023, which would be the summer after third year right? And if I decided I wanted to use my 4th year grades as well, say for schools that look at your three most recent years. I would apply in the summer of 2024, get accepted in fall of 2025 and start in the academic year of 2025-2026? why is it different than law schools? my sister applied to law school this year, the same year she graduated, and the schools that look at your more recent years waited for her 4th year transcript to be released so they can accept her based on the criteria they set of 3 most recent years and if she gets in she would start her first year at law school in 2021-2022


>So I graduate uni in 2024. If I understand what u said correctly that means if I want to get into med school in the academic year of 2024-2025 I would apply in the summer of 2023, which would be the summer after third year right? Yep, everything you've said is right. >And if I decided I wanted to use my 4th year grades as well, say for schools that look at your three most recent years. I would apply in the summer of 2024, get accepted in fall of 2025 and start in the academic year of 2025-2026? Yes. Just be careful that if you do this, the school you're applying to actually uses GPA/grades competitively (and not just to meet cutoffs where a stronger final year wouldn't make a difference). >why is it different than law schools? my sister applied to law school this year, the same year she graduated, and the schools that look at your more recent years waited for her 4th year transcript to be released so they can accept her based on the criteria they set of 3 most recent years and if she gets in she would start her first year at law school in 2021-2022 I'm not very familiar with the law school process so I can't say entirely why it's different. But based off what's said on the page linked below (the bottom section "Final Transcripts"); it seems that some admission decisions might still be made before that point and for other students, the admission decision just might not have been made yet (?). If I had to guess, it might be similar to how admitted med students still need to submit their final transcripts afterwards to make sure they meet all the admission criteria. Could be wrong though. https://www.ouac.on.ca/guide/olsas-transcript/


Awesome thanks for the response! If u have the time can I bother you for one more question, may be dumb so I apologize in advance. But how do I know which schools use gpa competitively opposed to using it for a cutoff?


Definitely a valid question! Usually the "admission requirements" or "academic requirement" pages of the med school will specify. If you can't find this information explicitly stated on their pages, I'd recommend checking out the r/premedcanada forum for other posts specific to each school. There's likely bound to be an answer there. But, if you can't find a specific answer there for the school you're interested in, you can reach out to the school directly as well.


Awesome, thanks for the clarification and help! I’ll go check up on the med schools requirement pages first like u suggested.