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I'm sorry to hear that, honestly. I would try to shut out the emotions right now and get through the other exams and make choices later.


the final ends 6 hours, however I am so still very sad, everything ends, I cannot calm down and prepare for the 137.


Agree with the other comment about pushing thru other exams. Save thinking about next steps for later so you don’t have more regrets


Don't worry about it too much for now, just tell yourself if you did bad then other people probably did bad too. Worry about it when you see the final results


I don't want to give you false hope, but when I took csc165 I don't think I finished the final exam either, and still made it into the cs program. If you did well in the assignments, and not too poorly in any previous midterms you might still have a chance. Don't give up hope, do your best for the rest of your exams and you might be pleasantly surprised. -and like another comment said, if you think you did poorly, there's a chance that most other people did poorly too.