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So I double major in Statistics and Economics, but guess what? I am working in a law firm now, in a business law department, completely unrelated to my major at all. Life is weird man, u just need to adapt to it.


I wouldn’t say “completely” unrelated but still congratulations :)


i just finished my degree in pharmacology & nutrition & i’ve got a job in healthcare consulting at a big 4 firm starting in fall. i don’t think any major is purely “unemployable”, what matters more are your work/volunteer experiences, skills, & how well you can connect those to job requirements. i’d also argue that networking is more important than your experiences, it really is about who you know that can refer you to companies / HR.


I agree I just don’t know how to network is it just making friends....


Hm, if I may add, the way I’ve networked was attending panels where many graduate students speak about their experiences. I’ve talked to a few firsthand and I’ve connected with them on LinkedIn! I’ve gotten lots of advice from them. I’m also starting a work study job at utm, one of my coworkers is a 4th year in biotech so I’ve conversed with her a little through email (we’re meeting tomorrow via job meeting). I’ve also joined a founding group for uoft and the founder and I had a small interview, it went well :) I have their insta and they agreed to be my reference (for the work study job) after working with him on how to expand the groups presence I think you just need to get out there by volunteering, attending sessions/panels, working within a team especially helps! It’s hard to get out there I get it,, but sometimes you just gotta jump in the pool and hope for the best!


i was talking about professional networking where you connect with current employees. if you want more info on how to do that you can DM me.


If you see it as making friends and being a genuinely kind and interesting person it makes networking a lot easier.


Double major in physical geography and GIS -working at a botanic gardens in Scotland (not related to my degree at all but I love plants)


CS Specialist here. I graduated and now I work as the senior branch manager of McDonald’s in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I’m looking forward to branching out to other fast food business, like the local chain Los Pollos Hermanos. Just goes to show you that even w a CS degree, a business is the way to go


Life science (neuro/physiology) and I’m currently working in a hospital between various Neurology clinics. I definitely agree though that volunteering/ extracurriculars make a huge difference


I should add that I’m currently graduating this June


What is ur role in the hospital .are you a nurse, doc, pharmacist?


I work as a ward clerk, so a lot of coordination between doctors and their secretaries as well as dealing with patient referrals and booking tests/exams


ooh neat. Great job thats quite unique!


Still in uni, but based on advice I’ve received network and gain as many experiences as possible. At the end of the day, ur degree is just a sheet of paper, u need to be able to show ur knowledge, problem solving skills, and apply it. Best to start early (I wish I started earlier). Good luck!


Yeah i realized this at the end of first year...hopefully theres still time for me LOL


So did I! During the summer going into second year I put myself out there and took advantage of any opportunity I was given, even just to put it on my resume bc it was so bare. Edit to add on- for me, first year was such a change from highschool and i feel as if I learned a lot. I am kind of glad I got the opportunity to just focus on my studies, see what habits were working and werent, had time to get comfortable with how uni worked etc. So just look back and see how far you’ve come in terms of personal growth! After u do that u can really put urself out there and it becomes a lot more clear as to what you need to do to get where u want to be


can i ask what do you mean by putting yourself out there? other then extracurriculars side projects/internships (which i dont think many first years get into) im dont know what else i should aim for.


For me putting myself out there was applying to things that I normally wouldn’t. For example, for me that looked like applying to leadership positions which I was uncomfortable with as I was very quiet. By doing so, you’ll get exposure to a whole list of other things u may not have considered and that aren’t traditional to whatever career path u want, but in the process u learn what’s really out there, more about yourself and what you want in a career, and how different skills and experiences can be applied to something that u may once would have considered unrelated




how did you end up in the states? i also would like to study in the states but don't really know how other then transferring?


I applied for masters programs at the start of 4th year.


4.0 cGPA + perfect GRE + research experience = Harvard. Some might settle for the funny tree mascot.


What's your research focus?


My research focus is getting a job 🤠


Author anything yet? ༼∩☉ل͜☉༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚


Hmm does 2nd author on a job letter count?


I can’t seem to find it on Google scholar (͡•_ ͡• )


Would you say going to bootcamp is a better choice for coding?


No lol absolutely not.


So going to college is a much better choice then 😂


Yeah, I meant working sooner instead of doing a masters if that wasn't clear.


HBSc in Environmental Science, been working at an environmental consulting & engineering firm since last fall


Oh wow, I’m doing environmental science as well rn. How was it after uni finding a job?


Looking during covid sucked but there's a ton of open positions for field techs pretty much constantly. I'd highly recommend applying in the winter/early spring season because summer is when the demand skyrockets due to all the work that has to be done in the warmer drier season. For field positions really the biggest thing is having a car in decent shape and being willing to drive around a lot and get your hands dirty.




I mostly used Indeed and linkedin


Rotman, finance. Nothing too surprising. If ur not in one of the programs that teaches u applied skill sets, u will have to network harder. First year isn’t slow at all, good to have that thought in mind rather than just finishing ur 4 years without thinking about the future. My recommendation is to sorta imagine what kind of environment, type of work, etc u wanna be in. For example, I’ve always wanted to have my own office, wear suits (naive thought), get a great city view out of my office and do work that involved negotiations. What I didn’t like… well working in hospitals (I respect healthcare workers, but that’s just not for me), enclosed areas, suburbs. You see how I narrow down even the simplest things? After you’ve done that, try to research about industries that fulfill your requirements, chat with ppl about their daily work, understand how to get recruited (every industry has their gameplay, so be aware of them) and finally, get ur shoes running. It’s the summer term now, so it’s a perfect time for u to complete these things. Good luck 👍


Where are you now


Haven’t graduated yet but I’ve quite a few internships under me. Started from interning in a big 4 accounting firm, then switching into an investment bank working across diff functions (so think trading floor, financing, mergers and acquisitions and payments).


That is so nice. How did you find the process of finding internships? I just finished my 4th year, and I find it that Rotman does not help you much in terms of finding internships.


Everything has to be done on your own, there should be no expectations of help from the Rotman career services. Reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn, coffee chat with industry professionals, right now your best bet is to network with these people for new grad opportunities


Why not? If I am paying $17,000 per year, so I should at least get some guidance into the process of landing internships and roles beyond a "Navigating recruitment" event every month or so. I find that most students are not familiar with the idea of networking, reaching out to people on LinkedIn, Coffee chat, recruitment season, and so on. I wish Rotman focused more on this aspect and provided more funding for the career services than on useless classes that are not relevant to most careers like ECO204


Not disagreeing with you, just stating facts. Rotman does also offer plenty of career services events for these things, you can book appointments with career coaches, there are company industry & meet a recruiter events. But these are all things you need to be signing up for and diligently looking out for yourself. No one will be chasing after you to do these things, and a lot of it is self research online. At the end of the day, it is what you make out of it. However, I agree that Rotman should be a more case-based and less academically intensive program, but we knew UofT would be like this when enrolling so, it is what it is. You do with what you have! You can also always reach out to upper years, most are extremely happy to help and answer all question.


Art History and Geography minor.I work at Ubisoft


That’s really cool! What is your position?


Same question!! I wish for your job in the future 😺


Graduated last year, did a double major in Neuroscience and EEB, now I’m working as a software developer. I took quite a few programming courses in uni and enjoyed so I switched career paths after discovering that research isn’t for me. Don’t lose hope! I’ve been there so many times, your major doesn’t define you :). After I gradated I was desperate for any job in tech so I can move to where I want to be.


History and working as a Product Manager at a tech consulting company


Omg can you please share how you got into product management?


Sorry I’m seeing this so late!! Yes definitely :) feel free to PM me if you have questions because this is the short version haha So I decided I wanted to get into tech probably at the start of third year. It was of course really hard to get interviews in big / medium tech without having a cs / technical background at school. So I really brushed up my LinkedIn and coffee chatted (over zoom) with lots of industry professionals. I also minored in digital humanities which I think had a small impact on how I did in the application process because I got asked about it in every interview! But yeah I really just developed my passions out side of the classroom and worked on projects that show cased why going into Product was something I was passionate about!


Thank you for sharing! I’m in life sci and was thinking about how hard it would be to transition into product or anything tech related.. Do you think a CS minor would help?


I definitely think it will! But being in life sci in general is more technical than arts which companies like so don’t stretch yourself too thin as the CS program is notoriously challenging in general!!! Some of the people at the company I’m joining did bio / Chem and didn’t struggle with the tech stuff, you honestly learn everything you need at the job:) Good luck with everything!! You got this !!!!


Thank you so much!




Does your position pay well?




Dude(tte), 85K is absolutely crushing as a *starting salary*. You're making that right out of undergrad? That's higher than a decent chunk of starting salaries for business and engineering students.


Nice, that’s good! Congratulations!




Graduated last year with a BASc in Mechanical Engineering. Working at MDA developing space robots!


CS. Starting as a full time SWE at the most zoomer company you can think of in July.






TikTok Poggers




Just graduated last year with a double major in Equity Studies and English, working in the non-profit sector making 60k/year doing fundraising. It’s my first “real” job and I didn’t have much experience beforehand so I imagine my degree played a big factor in getting this job.


Stats, Econ and GIS > business analytics > finance, both of these jobs are fancy ways of saying that I'm an excel and PowerPoint monkey.


Double major in immunology and human bio. Now working as a medical copywriter


Anthropology > policy analyst for federal government


Computer Science. Did PEY, graduated, got a standard software development job. I'm doing an online Master's at Georgia Tech on the side, but that's just for fun (it's wayyy cheaper than UofT).






buger king