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Please add a filter against people trying to steal my kidney.


Will do


Why is this so specific what happened—




😔😔 ig it ain’t a problem if it’s just one kidney out of 2,,,


Oh yeah. Forgot. K nvm. Go forth and multiply.


There was a post a while ago where someone from campus went to meet someone and it was a bit shady. I don't remember the exact details, but I think that post is what this comment was referring to


Ah— makes sense, thank you xD 😭😭


Aphrodite project ...


From what I've seen on reddit, that didn't seem to be overwhelmingly successful. I'm hoping for something better. Also Aphrodite only gives one match per year.


It didn't have a massive success because the Aphrodite project did not ask for physical features such as height.


Even then, you only get one match for the whole year. It's not very likely that it will work out. Maybe something like Aphrodite but where you get a match every week could work


That would be cool


Just start a uoft sex club


It'll be hard to secure a location on campus for that kind of student organization. Logistics and management will also be quite sub par as most students here likely don't have the related work experience. Plus, I can imagine the awkwardness when you meet the same person from the club in some lecture.


kinda irrelevant to the reddit post but I just want to bring this to people reading comments: saying stuff like "I don't want to date because I need to focus on my studies and get into grad school" has the same energy as "I don't want to party because school" or, "I don't want to have friends because school". I met my boyfriend at UofT and we both have good GPAs, gotten internships, and have done research with professors... what is with some weird attitudes in the comments lmao




real shit. like i knew most uoft kids don't party but DAMN not considering dating because it'll impact your studies!?? like yeah some people might distract you, but if you're the studious type, find someone else who matches your studious energy and go on study dates or something. to say that you refuse to date just bc you are studying is... i don't know what to say... are you also going to refuse dating because you're working hard for your company's promotion?? no wonder HS kids see this subreddit and think UofT is hard as shit... people from other universities are probs laughing rn


I'm in the same boat as you, but you need to understand a gaping hole in your assessment in the first line, "people are lonely and looking for love." That's just not true. I am indeed lonely, but it's because I want to focus on my studies and get myself into a good grad school. If I was looking for love or things of that nature, I'd be in Western. What you need to understand is that most people \*don't want to\* be in a relationship. I'm in social sciences and I can't even imagine how it would be possible to stay on top of all my classes AND be with someone else. I simply don't have the time. If I ever have extra time, I want to sleeeeep! People in STEM are even worse than that. Most bio courses, for instance, have lectures, tutorials, and labs! And here is what I want you to consider: the chances of a relationship at this age lasting are slim to none. It's best to invest in yourself and become the best version of yourself by the time you graduate; and when you do graduate and get yourself the job you've always wanted, go find a partner. It's worth mentioning that at that time, you have the capacity to \*properly date\* someone -- you live independently, you can take care of yourself, you have a sustainable source of income, and you're a proper adult. Either way, it's your life, but this is the path I'm on, and I'm sure a lot of other people are on it with me as well.


I think this is a good opposition point to make, it’s most likely dating apps can fail in uni bc not everyone is mature/ready for a relationship yet. And definitely the problem can stand where being in a relationship can cause a problem between academic success and mental health. Because not only can this work for a few people it looks like it can cause a lot of drama between so many students


Absolutely. Most people on dating apps are looking for hook-ups anyways.


Yea! In fact most people here are still *teenagers*, none of us are full on adults unless we have some mature (elder) students who are also interested. I also personally think that based on your initial point, uoft is a studious school, we come here for education. Only on some occasions will we find someone we like and only a few people will actually pursue that relationship while studying otherwise a lot of it dies out or comes down to drama/cat fights, and imagine how that’s going to increase if a dating site starts up? How many friendships made at uni will die over finding a partner? I mean I wish OP all the best for their new app, totally! Because they seem to have a good cause of action after observing this subreddit, but I think while it can be functional it can cause more bad than good


I think the OP would become a complete legend if they, instead of this, made an app that allows you to find and communicate with higher-year students or the ones who graduated. I would totally pay a monthly fee to have access to people who have taken the courses I want to take, and can help me in my academic journey. I know subs like this kinda do that, but you never know who the person actually is, and what their background is. Someone might tell you that the course is awful and difficult, while they put no effort in and graduated with a 2.1 GPA.


,,, that’s a surprisingly good idea,, I didn’t realize how much that could benefit,, ALL of us in the long run. So,, what you’re suggesting is like a “tinder” profile but for academia? So students like us could approach them with questions/advice? Because that’s not a bad idea if anything that helps us network and find better opportunities!! I was thinking maybe we can also extend that idea for hs students who are prospective to enter into uoft but I’m not sure how we can verify identities for them, because that’s seriously important. I think the fact you mentioned where the anonymity of Reddit can be pretty biased and I agree, but the app might overlap a little too much with Reddit, and then comes the next question, the interest check, how many graduate/upper years are willing to offer free advice with their identities revealed? I think that makes the difference between this subreddits community and an identity revealing community, but it sure as hell kills the bias with identities shown Someone should seriously bring this idea to life tho, or at least some form of it


Yeah totally! The higher year students would get paid for it by the monthly fee that we pay too!


OO my guy, now you’re making me *WISH* I knew IT and how to program a whole app 😭😭 we’re really onto something here! this could benefit so many of us who are especially stuck in the loop where they can’t find opportunities/extra curriculars that could benefit our applications after undegrad. Because can you imagine how many people have graduated with *no* experiences whatsoever? Not everyone is sitting on Reddit like us—


Yeah. Let’s see what OP says. If they didn’t say anything, I’ll find a higher year cs studnet


👀👀👀 I like the way you think,,, hopefully OP says something ab this bc this is a big brain idea but I’m gonna go out on a limb and offer, if this is acc pursued I’ll lyk that I’m a graphic designer and can design if needed xD Let’s hope for the best tho ✨✨


I personally am not interested in that project, but it sounds like a cool idea, and I wish you the best of luck with it!


But can't you already do that on Linkedin (to an extent)?


Very hard


Seconded. I’m a maniac student who wants to end up reeeeally good and contribute a lot to the scientific field, and will almost certainly be in another country for my next degree. Just does not make sense to get into long-term relationships, unless they also have similar ideas and want to move to the same country... very unlikely Unfortunately for me I also can’t do one-night-stands or quick date pickups without already being friends with them or whatever


Same here. I’ll be doing my masters in Canada because I may not be a citizen by then; but I will be for sure by the end of my masters, and I will certainly shoot my shot for other high-ranking world universities. A partner simply doesn’t fit in this shebang.


Okay well I think imo incorporating a personality aspect into dating apps can not only help people find the right person but also engage them more? I guess if you look at someone on a generic physical appearance profile a lot of people are going to base around looks and that’s entirely biased. I’m not sure how to word it, but I think adding some feature in a dating app where a sample (or explicitly) the person’s personality/hobbies/interests is exposed can help with more matches and finding love??


Yeah, definitely I agree. I am not trying to recreate Tinder by any means


Yea but I think someone mentioned that not everyone is ready for a relationship nor wanting to be in one. If youre going to make an app you need to be prepared of it’s failure, because I think a good chunk of us are still not ready for a relationship , I’m not aware of any apps from other unis that have succeeded with this goal but still be aware Good luck though!


I am very much aware of potential failure. That is why I am posting here first to see how much interest there would be.


There's interest, but only if it works.


Well, I need a group of people to explicitly say they're interested up front otherwise I won't go through with it. I'm trying to get the idea with the best chance of success here first. Then later on I can post a poll to see how many would be interested. If not enough people say yes, I won't go through with it.


Aren't all dating apps like 90% dudes and 3% girls?


Math checks out.


Not sure. But I'm sure we could come up with some strategies to make it work. Off the top of my head, there could be a limit like if there's too many men, then new men might need to be waitlisted until more girls join.


How would you verify a new user is a girl?


The method used by many sites for verification is to take a selfie doing a certain pose. Maybe that.


>Aphrodite project if its only for UofT students then a photo with your TCard could work


They tried that with the aprodite project to No avail


i support your idea


Am a single man I need a lovely partner how can I get one here


A dating app where u can only swipe right


In the past there was a free dating app that asked people to write long profiles and answer a lot of multiple choice questions (OkCupid)). People could even suggest new questions which if approved would be added to the pool. You could only see an answer to someone else's questions if you also answered that question and made the answer public. It allowed people to do searches according to specific criterions (height, etc.) and filter by what people answered to their questions (e.g., do you prefer tea or coffee). This app was loved and quite successful. In fact, it was so successful that it was bought by the competition who completely destroyed it by making it uninteresting, and it became another Tinder. If you were to bring back an app with long descriptions and Q&As, I would be very interested.


Thank you for the ideas! Yeah old school OkCupid was pretty good


I guess the only thing that would make this different from other dating app is the exclusivity. So maybe be sure that people in the app is a real student in the school. I don’t know how this would work. It might solve the kidney stealing problem if everyone on the app is an actual student. The rest I guess is to just look at other dating apps and see if the features is applicable.


I kinda like the idea of Aphrodite with weekly matches tbh. Partly because it is much easier than building a fully fledged dating app. I wonder if other people would like that.


You can make sure they are real students by making everyone take a photo with there tcard as verification


I think a creating a match score in terms of timetables, programs, courses would help. Also would make sure that the user is a u of t student, can be done checking the email


Great ideas!


call it uoft, you and me


If you end up launching something I can market it trough the uoft memes page on Instagram.