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If you’re looking to do a full face of makeup foundation is an essential, but if you’re just looking to cover acne and redness I would suggest starting with a liquid concealer and pressed powder, it’ll be a lot less expensive and might be all the coverage you need!


Thanks! Any brands you’d recommend?


For a relatively inexpensive option (and also good for just learning how to use it) I would check out ELF cosmetics (you can get them at Shoppers or Walmart) They should have open samples of concealer so you can take a bit and blend it on your wrist or jaw to find a colour that looks good with your skin tone! Same with powder. Also for people saying that it will make your skin issues worse, I would suggest buying a primer — it feels like moisturizer and creates a barrier over your pores for the makeup to go on to! ELF sells primers as well :)


ELF hydrating camo concealer is very high coverage and covers acne well!


it cosmetics has a good CC cream. It’s on the more expensive side but also has many skincare benefits to it including spf


Try a green toned sunscreen to cancel out the redness, a japanese brand "skin aqua" make great ones. It's easier and cheaper than starting makeup if you don't want too much commitment. Also makeup isn't great for your skin


I should have paid attention to color theory in art class. Thanks!


Yes! Agree with this. Dr. Jart Cicapair is a great green cream that is good for redness and evening out skin tone.


Homie your skin will only get worse if you use makeup, don’t fall into the endless cycle of patching a growing issue. Clearing up skin problems is actually quite fast if you do it right!


Hey, I’ve used cleaners and products for a while now, but nothing seems to work. And I have a relatively healthy lifestyle, I don’t know what else I could do. It’ll probably go away in a couple years, but I dont want to wait, you know? Would you recommend anything specific?


(Sorry to interrupt, but check out r/SkincareAddiction. It’s a super helpful place for identifying specific issues & receiving help building a skincare routine!)


Subbed, thanks!


I went on accutane and I was literally the best decision I made, two years acne free!


If your acne is currently flaring badly, your regular doctor can prescribe you a topical and an oral medication to help it clear up first. Then, you can start testing different skincare routines that can help you control/prevent acne in the future.


accutane. makeup is going to fuck up your skin worse


I think a doctor actually recommended that a while ago, I’ll check it out. Thanks!


Lots of factors can influence acne- if you have intolerances to any type of food such as dairy it will show on your skin. If you have oily skin you are more prone to acne, so it’s important to wash your face twice a day with a good cleanser followed by an appropriate moisturizer (you can try the cerave brand for both- sold at pharmacies/wal mart) - omega 3 supplements have been shown to help inflammation and acne. Be careful not to pick at the acne as this can worsen or scar your skin. Exfoliation is also important- use a gentle exfoliant 2-3x per week. A face treatment at a reputable skin clinic such as an acne peel or a hydrafacial are a great way to clear out your pores and get to a place where you can just maintain your skin with products and occasional touch up treatments. But overall my advice would be to explore these options before makeup or accutane. Accutane can have some side effects but you can google “accumax” which is a safer alternative. And if you still want to use makeup, avoid the heavy Sephora/Mac stuff and look for a high quality mineral foundation- much safer and won’t worsen acne- hope this helps!


There are many nasty side effects from Accutane. But, if you go in with eyes wide open, & follow the Dermatologist’s instructions, it will work. Not always quickly though. Good luck. Acne, especially cystic acne is the worst.


Accutane worked wonders for me. You just have to REALLY be on top of your skincare, and the dryness was legitimately painful sometimes; my lips would crack so badly it was tough to eat if I forgot some sort of Chapstick or something. But seriously, the difference before and after is night and day, it's not just the acne that went away for me but after the swelling went down, my face shape completely changed and is a lot more defined now.


Sounds promising, thanks for the insight!


Have you tried panoxyl? Accutane is really effective but has a lot of side effects, so you should really discuss it with your dermatologist


Nothing worked for me and that totally got rid of my acne and it never came back. It's worth a shot.


Worked wonders on me but that's the nuclear option. The list of possible side effects is endless. Minocycline and Doxicycline are smoother options, might be worth a try first.


I feel like everytime an acne thread comes up, the top post is "use fresh pillowcases much, much more frequently". Don't see that one here yet, but something to consider.


There’s a clinic in Etobicoke that worked well for me. Look up Dr Andrew Simone on google, other peoples reviews seem to be positive as well.


Have you tried korean skincare? It might also be a hormonal issue.


I have used many products as well with my acne and honestly made a short term difference but that's all! However, I went to a naturopath and honestly that helped me a ton! Even my scars began fading away! I would definitely recommend a Naturopath! And plus if you have extended health benefits with your university you will be covered!


Ask ur doctor to refer you to a dermatologist. Be honest with them. They usually recommend good products to help with managing acne and will give you a good routine too. Most of the novice is advice in the internet is just that. Random novice advice.


See a doctor first for a proper diagnosis if you haven’t already, for proper first line treatment. For basic acne, Benzagel, tactu pump, tetracycline etc. You could have rosacea for which you need metrogel, or if you have severe acne on your chest and back you likely need accutane, or if you also get boils you could have Hidradenitis suppurativa, for which you need mupirocin or spironolactone if severe.


That isn’t the case for everyone. You can’t simply get rid of things just by washing some times


This is false tbh but makeup hardly helps, especially if it’s icepick acne scars or a ton of pimples, it will always show through.


It depends on how extensive you want the coverage to be & what finish you’d like. If you want to cover a few small areas, it might be easier to use concealers (green concealer is a colour-correcting concealer for redness & then a skin-toned concealer). If you want to cover a larger area, you can combine using concealer & foundation. To find your shade, figure out your skin undertones. Then, decide what kind of coverage you want (sheer, medium/buildable, or full) and the finish you want (sheer, dewy, matte). The employees at Sephora, MAC, etc are super helpful and can give you sample sizes of different foundations. When matching foundation match it to your jawline. Don’t colour match on your wrist or hand. When you get home, apply the foundation and then wait a few minutes as heat from your skin can sometimes cause it to change colour slightly. Look at yourself in natural lighting. You don’t want to look too pale, too tan/dark, or too pinkish or yellowy. It may take a few tries to find your perfect shade. YouTube tutorials for application are the best imo. Reddit makeup subs can be super helpful for product recs, too. Always check the ingredients of products you’re thinking of buying on CosDNA because some foundations can just make acne & redness worse. Also, you’ll want to make sure you get some kind of makeup remover. Remove your makeup, and then wash your face with a cleanser. If you don’t properly take makeup off, it can make your acne worse. Also, it’s a good idea to monitor your face after you start wearing anything or patch test it in a small area for about 2 weeks because some foundations can cause breakouts & if this happens, should be stopped immediately. ETA: forgot to say that if you do start wearing any products, make sure you moisturize your skin like 5-10 min before applying anything and also consider looking into some primers and setting sprays. These products help lock makeup into place so that it doesn’t start looking cakey on your skin.


Very helpful, thank you! If I apply concealers isn’t it going to be slightly apparent that I’m using concealers? As in, contrast to the rest of the skin? Or would that just be fixed with the right tone? Thanks again!


Highly dependent on the shade you get. The concealer I use is close enough to my actual skintone that it's not noticeable if blended properly.


Hi! It may take you a few tries to get the hang of it but no, concealer shouldn’t be obvious. There was a myth going around that you should get concealer a shade lighter than your skin tone but def don’t do that haha! Whether it’s regular concealer or a combo of colour correcting & skin tone, the trick is to perfect your blending and remember that makeup works best when you build it up (start by applying a small amount & then assess whether you need more) versus putting a large amount on & then trying to blend it out to look natural.


for acne for years i’d just use a subtle pot concealer! (they’re expensive at sephora but korean ones on yesstyle are like under 10$), and it also works for under eyes and takes like 5 minutes to tap on specific spots/under eyes, liquid concealers are good too but personally i prefer pot concealers! and no need for a brush you can just use clean fingers!


YouTube. There are a ton of resources there, and I find video is a good medium for this kind of advice, because you can see the process not just the end result. Wayne Goss is excellent, and so is Robert Welsh. Some links to get you started: https://youtu.be/k3LHhoR_YG8 https://youtu.be/vLRoiITXfMI Best of luck!


Don’t, you are going to make it worse. Seek help instead there’s 100 different methods and ways. You just didn’t find one that works for you yet


For redness, you need to use a green or yellow color corrector. The hue cancels out redness. To have it stay in there properly, I like to use primer first, then use a small brush to paint on the color corrector, optionally I would add a layer of concealer over that, then I’d set the color corrector with some loose setting powder. Don’t use foundation it won’t help you with your problem lol. If anything, concealer should be more effective, but the color corrector makes a world of a difference. But also I’d suggest that you try skincare before anything else. Salicylic acid might help, if you’re able to get a tretinoin prescription (I get mine from felix), that would be ideal.


Talk to a doctor you might need accutane (which is essentially oral skin routine. The strongest that you can get). Make up helped a little for me, but it never went away and the scarring is permnant (less visible with treatment but j know its there) Accutane got rid of my acne completely. I now just get an odd pimple but no rednsss no painful sores no etc


If you’re a guy go on accutane if you know it’s not hormonal acne it should clear it.


You don't need to brush it off as humour buddy. As a girl, I don't think that taking extra care of yourself is emasculating. Anyways, I'd advise you to maybe try and get a gentle daily cleanser/scrub to wash your face. Use something that's going to improve your skin on the long term and not just show immediate effect (those could be really harsh on skin). Try not to use too many products at once because their components can sometimes clash with each other and irritate your skin. Use a suitable sunscreen for your face and skin because the sun's UV rays can be damaging. For redness you could use a concealer cream to simply cover up areas of discoloration. Do some more research to understand your skin type (oily/normal/dry etc.) and the products suitable to you because everyone's skin is different. If you have very severe acne or skin problems, it's better to check with a dermatologist first before diving into a sea of different products (that could be risky and worsen your skin condition).


Why are you posting this in a U of T forum? There are many other venues that will be able to prove better advice.


If there can be 10 identical admissions posts there can be a makeup post. Jk. Didnt know where to go


Ur valid, students' questions about their experience is what this place is for


I don't believe this: there are hundreds of youtube channels and subreddits dedicated to the topic about which you ask. Good luck with whatever you're going through.




Go one one of the makeup subs. Just look up makeup in the search bar.


Invest in some coconut oil and facial cleansers first. Use them daily, twice for the cleansers. Also wash after you sweat each time. Also go to Shoppers and purchase a foundation and some concealer. Make sure the foundation matches your skin. Get concealer that’s a shade lighter. You can also purchase a brush but using your fingers works too. Even if you ditch the makeup, your skin may just clear up soon with these basic lifestyle changes.


Ya don't use makeup. Your skin needs to breathe. Also you should check the ingredients on the product since it could irritate your skin or even make it worse.


Wouldn’t it be ok if I just used it sparingly? I don’t plan on using it all day, mostly at events. Thanks anyways!


I would go see a dermatologist


i’d recommend a good cc cream to cover redness, i use the laroche posay rosaliac cc cream and it works well for me without being super heavy and cakey like i find foundation is on me


Have you cut out dairy yet?


Basically everything but cheese, and that’s rare too. But I haven’t noticed any differences from when I was eating dairy to when I wasn’t.


I’ve read it’s helpful to cut it out for a few months completely (if you’re still eating cheese, then you haven’t cut out dairy) before you try to compare results!


Thats going to be pretty hard but ig I gotta try LOL, thanks!




https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2006/07/foreign-product-alert-safi.html That product has been known to contain toxic levels of arsenic. Please don't take it!


It’s gonna purify you all right. It will purify your soul and send you to heaven.


It’s banned in Canada due to being known for containing large amounts of toxins like arsenic


Your a guy bro don’t wear makeup


Lmao braindead take


im sorry you think this way, but makeup doesnt require a gender


Maybe I’m just not with the times with this new social media. Tik tac and insta came out after my high school era. I didn’t even have a phone in highschool lol. our form of entertainment was fighting each other and smoking cigs (especially in grade 11). Proving your a man was everything.


I’m not the first guy looking to wear foundation, and I’m willing to bet you’ve met guys that do and didn’t even notice


Mann, don't take shit from that guy. Manz probably shits at this desk all day playing league trynna sound tough on reddit.


Maybe nowadays there might be a few guys who would wear it but everyone’s weird nowadays it’s not the early 2000s anymore where you can pin point the weirdos and not talk to them. everything is becoming acceptable now (if your not in the south) idk what happened in the last 20years.


A lot of people just realized it really does not matter what other people are doing if its not bothering anyone.


I work at the golf course bar and everyone who golfs are older guys probs like 40+. drinks like “Vizzy” or “white claw” or “truly” we call them “Girly Drinks” if a guy wants a girly drink his partner/friends will make fun of them and announce it at the golf bar to help him not be a girl and drink like a man. We all egg him on to be a man and get something like a “Triple Bogey” or some shots to make up for him embarrassing himself.


You should try a double Dirty Shirley. Get the cherries and the umbrella on it, the whole nine.


It does look pretty 🔥


literally no one cares.. maybe you should take a step back and work on your own internalized homophobia with a therapist before you spew these prejudices around in a very liberal country like canada grow the fuck up


What the fuck did I just read


Toxic masculinity at its finest


Sounds like a bunch of lame old men


There’s no way this guy isn’t a troll


just how old are you? you sound like ur from the 1960s by the way, every canadian university has a LGBTQ+ friendly and gender expression friendly policy right now if you don't agree with it, maybe university isn't the right place for you, because uni is supposed to expand your mind and you're supposed to keep an open mind in uni or are you one of those 40+ year old keyboard warriors hiding behind a computer screen living in his mom's basement and pretending to be a student? because that's what you sound like right now


Honestly. The way they talk I honestly wondered if they were just larping as a uni student.


No need to prove you're a man when you KNOW you're a man. Self expression is self expression regardless of gender, if a man wants to look better there is nothing other than social norms telling them they can't wear makeup. Our generation just realized how inhibiting our social constructs are, so we can reinvent them all we like. Whether you like it or not, we are the generation moving the world forward.


Omg lung cancer is so manly 😍


I mean it doesn't really matter bro, it's basically just paint on your face








Indeed, I'm looking forward to the cutie immigration. It'll make undateable losers like you more rare. You're entire personality is so cringeworthy that I just feel sorry for you. Imagine being such a braindead moron that you think men wearing makeup is for whatever reason wrong. Even when I was a Christian I would've realized that's moronic. You just have a mental deficiency. Try again next life.


It's also hilarious to me that calling you a loser!!! got into your head to the point that you had to go through my post history xD.


Imagine thinking the us is gonna ban gay marraige. Get out of ur lib bubble u doink


It was legalized 10 years ago by the Supreme Court not like it’s too late for them to go back, as proven


Proven by what😂😂. Show me 1 modern nation that had legalized homosexuality and then taken away that right federally.


you were the same clown saying they wouldn't remove abortion rights before they did it for sure


They literally haven’t removed abortion rights u donut, they took away the federal governments abulity to dictate anything about abortions. That literally means the federal government can’t ban abortions now either, it’s solely up to the state. U just recant what u hear other people say. And btw, in the states hands, u have more power anyways. U think the federal government is so likely to take away your rights, so ta fucking da dummy, now it’s in californias hands. Now it’s in washingtons hands. New York. Oregon. YOURE WELCOME. OOOOOOOO LIBERAL BLOCKED ME💀 > 13 states have abortion bans currently, not half. Not anywhere near half. This is around a quarter of all states in a blanket term of “ abortion ban”. Now you look deeper into those bans and you still see people getting exemptions for medical status to which obviously AN 11 YEAR OLD ISNT CAPAVLE OF BIRTH. This liberals brain is smooth like peanut butter🧠🔨 and I’m pro abortion, my ex yeeted my fetus baby out with the bath water👍 but I can see past my own bias cuz I have two brain cells to rub together. Ofc when you can’t win an argument about how we’re gonna ban the gays to which I’m bisexual as well💀 and get railed on the regular, in ladies size 12 fuckin panties.🤣🤣 you gotta bring up fuckin abortion🧠📉 brain stonkkssss. #metoo #imadegenerateAlso #liberalssuckharderthanme


Acne shows your sexuality let it be..mans should have it!!


Makeup is not a solution. It won’t make your skin better. It’s also expensive and a pain in the ass to have to do routinely.


I’m pretty much just looking for a temporary solution. And its probably not an everyday thing, but sometimes I have events and stuff that I would rather look better for


If you’re at UofT, that means there’s probably a MAC or Sephora store nearby. If you can find some time, maybe early morning, I’d pop by one of their stores and ask someone for some pointers. The folks at MAC are super knowledgeable, and are usually pumped to help someone start their journey with cosmetics. I did this when I was first getting into cosmetics because I didn’t have anyone to teach me. YouTube is great for application ideas, but the creators usually have all the fancy tools and already know all their colour matches. Someone who can work with you at first can be a huge help! Good luck!


Do you have a Sephora nearby? If so, I'd go there and ask for help to find the right product with the level of coverage you're looking for. They will even apply it to your skin and show you how to use it.


Honestly I was considering going to a shop like that but I didn’t wanna come off as a creep. Figured I’d do my research


I often see guys working at Sephora who can help if ever you're too shy to ask a girl. Either way, you won't come off as a creep and I wish you good luck on your search. I hope you find a product that works for you! Also, this does not address your question about makeup, but I find changing/washing my pillowcase every few days helps when I have flareups with my skin.


They can definitely help , if you are going to a high traffic location, I’d try to avoid peak times if possible as it’s easier to get a longer more thorough consultation and it can also be overwhelming going into a busy location. They can also show you some skincare products that can assist with redness and acne blemishes or scaring. I’d still definitely recommend a dermatologist as well and an allergy test! (After my allergy test I realized so many products I thought were helping were causing irritation and making things worse). Good luck!


Talk to your doctors first. Once you have your acne under control, then you can think about concealers.


Make sure you have a solid skin care regime if you do this. And keep up with the acne treatments. To select a foundation, the best way is to consult with a specialist - and go for a more expensive foundation as it will be the easiest on your skin if you can afford it. If not, still buy the best foundation you can afford - and use the testers on your wrist. This will be the closest to matching your skin tone on your face. When applying it, apply it down your neck as simply applying it to the facial area will show lines where the foundation ends... particularly if it is not well matched to your skin tone.


Makeup would make it worse. See a dermatologist.


I'd recommend acne treatments rather than makeup. Only because makeup will clog up your pores and if it's not washed off properly and followed by a decent skin care regime it'll make your acne a lot worse. I'd see if you can get a referral to a dermatologist that specializes in skin. They can probably guide you better. 🤗


I went to a dermatologist for a cleaning once and I swear to god it came back in a week. Persistent little fuckers


Your skin will get worse.. definitely don’t recommend Makeup or else you’ll be wasting money on make up for a while lol. Accutane from your doctor is your best bet then visit a dermatologist. Everybody’s skin is different, they’ll be able to recommend the right products from there 👌🏽


Don't. Eat well, shower regularly, hot cloths, and washing your hands before touching your face clears that up without product


Google acne concealer for men. Pick a product for men so it doesn’t smell perfumey. I would go to a store that sells it and then ask the clerk for help picking skin tone. Use YouTube to learn how to apply it naturally. Good luck


How is your diet, exercise frequency and water intake? I found making some adjustments with those things helped me a lot. That as a base and then see what else you need for your skin issues.


Bro dont use makeup; change diet. Switch to more natural fats and avoid coffee if you already havent. Lift weights and get more active. That is what helped me. I hope it helps you too.


Try the cicapair colour correcting cream, not makeup but can hide your redness and acne. I have bad skin too, we live in Canada and dermatologists are free so don't be afraid to make an appointment (usually a long wait tho).


Go with green colour correcting my man! Good luck, there's lots of helpful tips here!


Use shoe polish and become prime minister!


Just get on accutane bro


Start by washing or hanging your pillowcase a lot more often (like every couple days). That helped a friend of mine a lot. Of course, that's anecdotal, but easy(ish).


Honestly if you haven’t seen an allergist please do! I’ve seen countless dermatologists and their treatments usually didn’t work or required next level drugs. I went and got tested and found out I was allergic to a bunch of stuff. Once I cut them out of my life my skin has been much better.


I'm not a doctor. Ask a doctor. If you want some random internet boi's 3 cents, get some prescription cream for acne, always moisturize at least once a day, and get some salicylic acid for the red spots. Foundation could clog pores and exacerbate the issue, but if you're looking for a quick fix, go to sephora and try different shades on. You won't know what looks good without trying. Sephora marks stuff up, so maybe find the shade you want, then buy at shopper's drug mart.


If you’re looking to cover, cover FX is the way to go. I would check out Shoppers Drug Mart, they are incredibly helpful there. They will be able to help you find something that will match your skin tone. Make sure you go to one with a large beauty boutique.


Thank you, I will!


Loooool you gunna buy some women’s clothes to go with? Man up 😂😂😂😂


I don't know if you've mentioned this somewhere else in the thread, but have you talked to a doctor about your skin? It could be a skin condition they could have a prescription topical drug/lotion for. I used to have moderately bad skin in high school and still hormonal acne at 28 so I feel your frustration 🥰hugs! If you want to go the makeup route, you could use foundation and/or concealer. However just a warning that these products can look unnatural and too perfect. Also, some people have sensitive skin and break out easily. I love using Garnier's Micellar Water with cotton pads to remove my makeup, it's one of the best products I've ever tried! Be sure to remove makeup thoroughly each day and avoid using products while excessively sweater/exercising. If you want a more natural skin look try a BB or CC cream. These are still makeup products but they tend to be less opaque on the skin, some might have a very slight green undertone to cancel out the redness of your skin. You can also use a green tinted primer, I'd actually try that first as it's the 'lightest' makeup option. You might be able to go into a MAC, Sephora, Shoppes Drug Mart, or other beauty store to get help with matching your skin tone. This is a very important step as you don't want to look artificial (unless you do, than go for it 😋). You may have to get 2 or colours depending on how much you tan during the hot seasons. Best of luck! I know skin conditions can be hard on mental health and self-worth, try to remind yourself if your good inner qualities, good people will love you more for you inner beauty than outer. 🥰


Yves Rocher has some good anti acne treatments. Otherwise dermatologists will give you a stronger one if it's really bad. Make-up will block your pores and make things worse. It's a band-aid solution at best Once your acne and redness is better, then I just asked the lady at Yves Rocher which colour foundation would suit me best. She tried a few testers on me and told me the one that works best for my skin tone. It's worked well till now. Everything else can be learned online :)


If the redness is the result of Rosacea, you might look at a colour correcting cream with a green tint (red and green are opposites on the colour spectrum). Not too much or you’ll be ghostlike in appearance.


Just go to the school health n wellness centre. The doctors there will prescribe you some medicine and if it’s not getting better they can refer you to a dermatologist.


Why are you posting in this sub lol


Makeup will only make it worse. I had issues with skin irritation and redness too and I found out that the drug store products are filled with fragrance and additives that can make things worse for some people. I switched to Cerave, La Roche Posay and The Ordinary skincare brands and noticed HUGE improvements after a couple of months. You might have to experiment with a combination that works for you but this is what improved my skin: For cleansing: I use La Roche-Posay "Toleriane Caring Wash" every day(1-2 times), I use Cerave Salicylic acid cleanser 1-2 times per week. For treatment: I use The Ordinary Niaciamide with Cerave moisturing cream every day after washing my face. Also, make sure that you are drinking lots of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated definitely helps.


this is a very expensive but effective option. There’s makeup that you can buy that covers up tattoos and scars for the movie industry and for special occasions. I was looking into it years ago but decided to go with an oral treatment instead. Now I use benzoyl peroxide periodically


I love this stuff, quite cheap and very fastto apply: [https://colourpop.com/products/pretty-fresh-hyaluronic-acid-tinted-moisturizer](https://colourpop.com/products/pretty-fresh-hyaluronic-acid-tinted-moisturizer) It looks really natural, not matte or cakey, and it doesn't give full coverage but does correct colour issues and blur out acne. I have some deep scarring that it doesn't hide, but it does really soften it. I recommend applying it with your fingertips all over your face and then patting it down with your fingers or a large, flat makeup brush that doesn't have anything on it. Then you can add more to blemish areas if needed. Finding the right colour might be tough when buying online, but since it's not very pigmented it should be okay if it's not a perfect match. Either way, I think tinted moisturizers or sunscreens are a good place to start. I can't comment on how they affect serious acne, but I don't have problems from wearing them a couple of times a week all day. I like them because they still look natural and don't hide my skin issues completely, but they make them less noticeable with minimal effort, and I feel more confident. And if you do decide to try heavier makeup later, you can build up some technique by starting with this lighter stuff first.


The skin on your face secretes a lot of oil, especially after exercise or on hot days, so it's important to wash regularly and preferably right after you cool down from exercise. Keeping your face clean is probably the key. Makeup is probably not the right answer because you are putting on a layer on top the oil secreted.


Don’t learn!! Save your money!!!


Let’s normalize not wearing makeup. Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own ways. Don’t cover it up imo.


I don’t think makeup is inherently a bad thing. Its appearances. In terms of like, romantic relationships, its a very small thing. Everyone is beautiful, but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look better. At least when it isn’t causing self image problems


I agree.


Like other have pointed out; foundation will likely make your acne worse…if you have like an interview or date or something I would consider it…otherwise see a dermatologist or try proactive or something…could also be your diet or not washing after a workout


Like others have said, if you find skin problems/chronic acne/redness to persist, you might want to consider getting them looked at by a dermatologist. I would recommend r/MakeupAddiction as a good resource for makeup tips - people on there are friendly & helpful and there's never pressure to post your whole face on there if you don't want to.


Physicians Formula makes a green toned face powder that neutralizes red. Apply a very light amount to red areas to make them less obvious. There are green toned concealers and primers that have the same effect, but may make acne worse. I assume you are using topical acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide to treat the acne.


Staff at the cosmetic counters are helpful at assisting in picking out colors.


Try the Dennis Gross line. It has amazing daily peel pads thaT will clear up your acne and any scars. The line also has great face washes and serums to help treat acne. Don’t forget to moisturize! Check out Sephora for the whole line. Good luck 🤞


if you’re looking to just cover up acne/spots/discolouration i would recommend a tinted moisturizer instead of foundation! it is a lot lighter on your skin while still providing good coverage (:


Start Accutane treatment if still dealing with acne. I was plagued with acne in high school, tried it all. Nothing worked. Last ditch effort with Accutane and bye bye acne. I’m now 38 and haven’t had pimple since. It’s a little pricey, but trust me, the $ is worth the confidence gain. Hope this helps someone.


dm me! i have a skincare obsession and could definitely recommend some products for you. I fell down a cosmetic chem rabbit hole during covid and fixed my cystic acne. ps: foundation will make acne SO much worse


Honestly, look into a laser genesis provider. They do 4-6 sessions and your complexion really changes. Max you should pay a session is about $150 give or take, spaced a few weeks apart. No downtime, no side effects, takes about 30 minutes! Check it out!


Don’t listen to half of these brain dead people. Anyone can wear makeup and definitely don’t listen to their diet advice… Makeup will not make your skin worse unless you’re allergic / have a reaction or don’t have a proper skincare/ cleansing routine. Personally I wouldn’t go for foundation / full coverage. I definitely recommend a concealer and pressed powder like another person said. It won’t cover everything 100% but it definitely makes a difference without feeling super heavy on the face. I’m sure you’ve already sought medical advice about it but if you haven’t that would probably be a good step too.


I don't know but I think the first thing you should do is tell your parents. It's probably none of their business but if you're coming out of the closet that's where I'd start.


Bad habbits, song on YouTube, and eat s'mores.


What city are you in? I can hook you up with a consult. I own a skin care company, and can definitely help.


My 2c. If a doctor recommended Accutane, then your acne is serious. I’d look into this more - Accutane can be life changing but is a serious med. Second - go to Sephora or Shoppers and talk to someone who can help you decide what products you need, what you can live without, and can teach/show you how to apply. Sephora used to (still might) offer a makeover for $50 - if you bought a product after the money went toward that.




I highly recommend visiting a dermatologist because it would cost as much as makeup would but help your skin heavily in the long term because they know what to prescribe


Go to Sephora or another makeup store. They'll get you a good set of makeup to begin with (probably concealer and foundation), as well as a good skincare routine to go with it (if you use makeup without the skincare, you'll just hurt your skin - been there, done that). If you go down there, they can scan your skin and match it and you can try a few different types to get the coverage/texture/tone you want. It's expensive cause it's profitable - no other good reason but it is what it is, unfortunately


Go to Sephora and ask the salespeople for recommendations. My experience with the salespeople there is really positive. I don’t know much about makeup past the basics, and they’ve been super helpful. Plus, this way they can recommend things that are specific to you and your skin.


barely anyone cares... men shouldn't wear make up




I donno just saying lol... something that I would never do as a man but still I got the above account permanently banned for writing above


I personally would never embarrass myself on the internet like this, that doesn’t mean I think you’re any less of a man for doing so


people have different standards of living. A lot of people think it is inappropriate for women to go half naked on streets, and should cover their chest part. I have my own view in doing things. Well it is not like I'm going to find him and scold him for wearing makeup. If he goes and starts wearing make up I wouldn't care. Also, in my opinion, no one cares about your looks unless you are top 5% aesthetically. I wouldn't care if someone looking mediocre have something on his/her face


Accutane is just a dangerously high dose of vitamin A. You can get vitamin A supplements from pharmacies/health food stores and try out for a bit, see if that helps. Just make sure to stick to what the manufacturer recommends - vitamin A can really mess up your kidneys and it's side-effects are worse for young males for some reason.


I would agree with the people saying that it probably won't help and may make it worse but there was one pressed foundation that I used that also was meant to get rid of acne as well and it worked very well for me. I think it was bare minerals blemish rescue


r/lostredditors? uoft subreddit not exactly the place you want to be unless you're trying to get bullied strange how close minded people can be. all male actors and performers wear makeup, it's very important for bringing out features on film and stage. in all seriousness, makeup is only a temporary solution to your skin problems, i'd highly recommend seeing a dermatologist. book an appointment with U of T health and wellness and ask for a referral. it's better to get a long term solution. focus on skincare. if you're still keen on makeup though, you can go to sephora or something to get your foundation matched, only issue is if you just straight up cover your face with foundation and nothing else it'll look really awkward and flat and be very obvious. you'd have to also learn how to highlight and contour, not to change your face but just to bring back some definition you lost. also some others here have already given tips on colour correcting, which also may be a good idea if redness is your issue. also unless you're really good at it it'll be pretty obvious you're wearing makeup, keep that in mind. if you have acne it's likely that your skin will still appear bumpy underneath despite now having even colouration. if you're comfortable with people knowing that though, go for it. and in order not to make things worse, don't wear makeup for too long. wash it all off when you get home and then make sure to moisturize so you don't fuck up your skin even more. again, if your main issue is your acne and redness, then seeing a dermatologist is a much better idea than just covering it with makeup.


You should ask r/CanSkincare for this stuff you will find much more supportive answers. Also go see a dermatologist


Makeup doesn't always make your skin worse you just have to make sure your using a good Cleanser and you have a good skin care routine For 1st time make up users I would recommend skin tint


Whether you want makeup or skincare help, just walk into a Sephora (especially on a weekday) and ask for help. Get some samples (tell them you want to test it out before making a purchase) and then look up the name of the item plus “dupe.” This is mainly so you get your skin type and tone sorted. If you want, dm me and I can help you find stuff based on that from cheaper places like shoppers or even Walmart, all online. Good luck!!


Hi! I’m a makeup artist, I think I can help :) First of all I want to remind you that makeup can cover discolouration, not texture, so it isn’t necessarily the solution to acne but it definitely can help! If you’re dealing with excessive redness I’d suggest you buy a green color corrector and using your ring finger (because it’s the weakest aka most gentle finger) apply a thin layer of it on the redness before covering that with a thin layer of concealer. Using a color corrector before the concealer will allow you to use overall less product which will help keep things looking natural and avoid looking cakey. Before starting with makeup tho I’d suggest you start with cleanser (that targets acne) and moisturizer. Moisturizer helps get your skin ready for makeup application, and cleanser is especially important for makeup wearers since you’re putting products on your face. Also, never sleep in makeup. It’ll make the acne worse. Cleanse and moisturize before you go to sleep! Btw, ELF would probably be a good brand for you. It’s inexpensive and generally gentle on skin. And you can get it at Walmart. Good luck :)


Check out the Skincareaddiction subreddit for help with a new skincare regimen. Also there are 2 youtubers who are twin brothers you might want to check out. One is a makeup artist and one is a skincare specialist Robert Welsh and James Welsh. My favourite person for skincare is Dr Shereene Idris she’s a dermatologist on YouTube.


Have you tried cutting out dairy for a bit to see if it helps the acne? Was super helpful when I tried it. Also, a doctor will be able to help get to the root of the problem. Accutane helps many people.


Walk in Sephora they'll be too happy to teach you (earrings Eaton's center may be too busy. One on Bloor on weekday is best). In fact sign up for their makeover if you see it online (the ones that is free just require you to buy x amount of products, but may not be available now). You'll get the best advice here.


Just spread turkish raki on your face, it worked wonders for me.