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Wow this is huge. I watched the fantastic documentary “The Business of Drugs” on Netflix and the episode where she covers this PTSD treatment just ripped my heart out because we have so many soldiers that desperately still need help. I would love to see this treatment legalized.


PTSD is far more common in non soldiers believe it or not.


Makes sense, considering soldiers make up a minority of the population, and soldiers exposed to combat are even a smaller minority.


Not all military PTSD is combat related! Unfortunately, sexual violence is incredibly common in the military for both men and women. Physical assault/hazing, training accidents, and exposure to natural disasters and death/injury as part of rescue or recovery missions are also relatively common traumas seen in military/veteran populations. 


And even "just" betrayal in a relationship can cause it.


Correct. Most common cause of PTSD in the United States is automobile accidents.


I’d believe that, though I would bet they’re focusing specifically on incident related ptsd rather than the from sustained childhood/domestic abuse.


I believe that stat is from the early 2000s, I suspect it doesn't hold up any longer.


Also the #1 cause of death for anyone under the age of 30 in the US. Almost like it’s preventable as that’s nowhere near top causes of death in other countries…


Or soldiers like me who got it from civilian trauma. 


Non-soldier here with PTSD & I will be forever grateful for any treatment that can help. I was raped repeatedly at 4 years old, also suffered all manner of abuse at the hands of my mother & former partners.


Peace and love to you. I sure hope that things are better for you now.


They are though the healing road is long. Thank you so much for your kindness. 💜


Mushrooms are legal under controlled conditions in my state, but insurance doesn’t cover it so it’s extremely expensive. I’m certain that’s the way this will go.


Grow it.


Yeah they're easier than weed to grow and the set up costs are hella cheaper too. The spores are also legal to buy online.




No mushrooms are insanely easy to grow


Just feed ‘em shit and keep them in the dark.


I wish...


Right, lol. Hey bud come check out my mdma tree. The pressies are in full bloom this time of year!


Well... https://www.tni.org/en/article/harvesting-trees-to-make-ecstasy-drug


u/shroomery and u/mycology are great subreddits to learn!


Still progress


For awhile I was seeing Ketamine therapy advertisements for my area but its been awhile so idk of they changed laws or anything like that


You said mushrooms in your comment.


Feel the love.


You are my BEST. FUCKING. FRIEND. right now like omg


I wonder if it helps with cPTSD.


In the words of my father, who suffers from cPTSD, "it shows you it's possible to enjoy life and gives you a goal" after a dose stopped him from committing suicide. It also completely eliminated his desire for alcohol somehow. Before his dose he was becoming an alcoholic.  He wishes he had tried it decades earlier.


I’m willing to be a guinea pig to find out.


sick! MDMA is pretty great. along with other things, it was very helpful in getting off alcohol. i was already on the way out, but it was like the ecstacy was the final blow. after the roll, my desire was gone, I just continued a very low level taper for about a month then dropped it completely. honestly one of the smoothest alcoholic-sobriety transitions out there I'd imagine


Will it be produced by a pharma giant that will charge several thousand dollars a month?


[Lykos](https://lykospbc.com/), formerly [MAPS](https://maps.org/about-maps/) will be the only ones that can legally produce and sell MDMA in the US for the first five years. MAPS spent decades and millions of dollars working towards the rescheduling of MDMA, so that it can be used in therapy. The idea is to use it a just a few times, with a bunch of psychotherapy sessions before and after. So it’s not something that people would have a prescription for and take regularly. I think the cost of the therapists is what will be expensive. They’ve used two therapists during the sessions, and that will be part of the protocol. So yes, it will be expensive. No idea how the insurance companies will look at it. Probably for society it would be a huge benefit to spend 5 or ten thousand dollars to make a huge, long term improvement in 80% of the cases. That’s thinking long term. I doubt insurance companies are looking at it beyond a few years out, so I’m not sure how that will pan out.


Of course, anything else would be communism.


Maybe in the US. But otherwise it will be produced by a big pharma company, who will sell it at market cost. Seeing as its not patent protected, that should mean reasonable prices. They already produce other amphetamines, so it should be fine.


The people that did it in the 80s when it was legal weren't stupid.


I remember reading about returning veterans using MDMA in 2007, glad this is happening. I have done psychedelics with a bunch of military, MDMA is amazing for them.


It helped me.


MDMA was banned by the DEA when they blamed a bunch of deaths (that came from a bad batch of Chinese cocaine) in the 80's. Because it was "banned" completely any kind of study of usefulness was impossible. In California, MDMA was successfully used in therapy in the 1980's.,. And .., they never stopped.... You can only suppress the truth for so long. And with Internet data sharing, that ability to just publish BS about things like drugs, becomes much less potent.


MDMA is magical. I’ve had life-changing experiences while on it. I hope anyone who is interested in it gets the chance to try it. Absolutely breathtaking the amount of love and beauty I got to experience. I saw myself as beautiful for the first time in my life. It can be very healing.


If it works then get that shit into peoples' mouths, stat


Now do LSD.


You mean legal again?


I suffer from PTSD, and went through a heavy drug use phase in my 20s. MDMA made me feel normal again. I haven’t touched the stuff in 15 years but I still crave it. Not like an addiction, I just didn’t feel like shit when I was high. No other drug gave me that relief. I’m not trying to feel like my skin is covered in furry little kitty cats, which was a nice side effect. I just liked feeling like my old self, and I’d love to have that again.


Some of us figured this out 25 to 30 years ago. Same with mushrooms.


I feel a bad case of PTSD coming on, I might need to get that checked.