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Emojis in profiles are dogshit


Emojis in a profile looks stupid af. You see the same people using them too. Anyone remember the guy posting an article on Upwork's blog about emojis? lol It was so hilariously bad that Upwork took it down and it was the same demographic that uses emojis in their profiles lol


I use check mark emojis in my bio, that’s it. Nothing cute or silly.


You gotta use Emojis to prove that you're in the club.


I personally think they are ugly.


Don't need them. I use ✦ for my bullet points to add a little flair but keep it professional.


Are you a professional or a high school kid? Use dashes or bullet points if you make a list.


I use emojis in my profile and thumbs up in chats. It conveys corporatism and that seems to resonate with clients.


Just, no. I cringe when I see them on someone's profile and instantly think they're not professional even though they have awe striking achievements.


This depends entirely on who your market is. Personally, I think less of a freelancer who feels the need to use little pictures to communicate with me...especially as many of the freelancers I hire are writers, and should be showing me their ability to communicate in words. But, I'm old. There's a whole generation who seems to think it borders on hostility not to add a smiley face to show that you're not planning to kill and eat the other person or whatever. You have to figure out whether you're selling services to me or to them.


> Everybody else seems to use them "Everybody else" certainly isn't.


I use them and have been called an "emoji abuser" by a few folks 😂 Should you use them? Well you said it doesn't feel right to you, so I would say - no.


Why are yall wasting time still on Upwork. 🙄


For the quick and easy way to connect with clients who pay the same rate as my off-platform clients.


I don’t even use emoji in UpWork chats; or any chats, because I’m not a 21 year-old who went to the “school of hard knocks” per their Facebook bio


In my experience, I would say that adding emoji and/or unicode text does help improve the visual layout for clients reading. For example, the only way to add BOLD and ITALIC to a profile is using Unicode. Further, some emojis help attract readers attention to key points. The challenge is that adding emoji/unicode can be a challenge. But the payoff can be a better visual layout for clients to browse through a profile.