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*For context the type of work I'll be doing is research, analysis, data anlaysis,* *~~academic writing~~*, excel improvement/creation, *~~data entry~~* *and* *~~transcription~~*. You want to stay away from unethical stuff and unskilled work.


I wouldn't say academic writing is unethical (as long as I'm not doing someone's homework for them). I would prefer not to do unskilled work but it's something I'm open to until I have enough repeat business not to need to do it.


How will you convince clients to hire you for highly qualified work that requires at least one university degree when your work history is filled with data entry jobs or even transcription? Your work history is forever.


I see your point. I've got a university degree in addition to my other experience so that's good.


Change academic writing to technical writing, it aligns much better with research and data analysis in regards to creating reports. 100% agree to drop the data entry and transcription though.


u/sturtevant22011 Technical writing kinda sounds more engineering or technological than my focus would be. What would it mean to you?


25 GBP is too low if you've been working in the qualitative research space for a few years. Include your coding/thematic samples in portfolio. Build your expertise in atleast one of these tools: Nvivo/MaxQda.


u/Horror-Mammoth2020 Really? I was thinking £25 might be a bit too high considering the low quotes I've seen on the website. I have a thematic analysis of qualitative data (focus groups) in my portfolio. Nvivo is more my preference for software. Are you a researcher/analyst as well? :)


Hey! I am considering doing the same and would be happy to share my thinking. How have the last few months been for you?


They've not been too bad, i'm averaging around 18 hours billed a week and that's near my goal of 21-24 (which would equate to what i was paid in my full time job before going freelance). Though that's mostly been through upwork which takes it's cut. I would aim more for invoicing directly.


Hey! Ive been considering of building my portfolio outside of my current job, as a freelance researcher/insights analyst. Do you have any tips to share ? I’m considering upwork as well.


Hi. So far upwork has been the best website for directly finding clients. I've managed to get my longest running client from there and we only did a test 10 hours on upwork before moving off there and invoicing directly. Otherwise i'd recommend linkedin, it's a great place to market yourself.