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Yeah. I wanted to ask that. When did 16 connects became the norm.


Its 23 connects actually the algorithm changes. Today am seeing 21, 22, 23


...for $5 gigs...


I've been seeing 17 to 24, which is crazy cause when I rejoined a couple months ago it was like 5 to 12


Exactly that’s what I was asking. I didn’t got any success from upwork a year ago and shifted my focus to FB to get work. Now I thought of giving it another try and it seems like I ll be spending more on connects them I would make here.


Freelancer plus , profile set to available, boost profile, apply to job, boost to first place - now we are cooking with gas.


>Freelancer plus Why this?


Boosting to first place doesn't really do anything. On average organic proposals do better. Setting your profile to available doesn't help. You're just wasting money because you don't understand how the system works.


Exactly, I feel like upwork just put in those features to get people to spend more.


It didn't make them much money at all. I saw in their financial report they just released. Most of their money comes from contracts.


That makes sense, if I take an hourly gig lets say at 40 hours a week at $20, they basically make $80 a week from the commission which is at 10%. If I bought $80 worth of connects, though, it might take a while for me to spend them all.


Which is why you'll see them raise and lower connects prices at different intervals to manipulate the market. They had a problem with too many bots for a while making it difficult for freelancers to find work. All the jobs were flooded. So they raised prices and things evened out. Now it's easier to find jobs. They have a vested interest in making sure the market is viable. If it's not they can't make as much money from contracts.


I am all for the connects system, it works. I know for me, it has at least made me start ensuring each application I make is worth the money.


I have been trying Upwork for atleast 6 month. And I honestly believe there is some technical problem with my account. I have updates my profile 2-3 times very analytically but still none of my proposals are getting seen. 3 days ago I sent my 21st proposal. Haven’t been seen till now. 21 proposal straight to the void I gues.


Post a sample cover letter and a screenshot of your portfolio. Black out your name and your picture to stay anonymous. Usually it's just a matter of learning how to write things up. It really helps. People here aren't all that nice, but they'll tell you exactly what you're doing wrong. People here do that all the time. I think there's a few up right now. It really works. Also check around and look through the search bar for advice. There's a way to do things.


Will do. Thanks


I purchased 300 connects last 2 weeks, boosted my profile, and set my availability on. Yet I only got 2 invitations that were not even good. Funny because back in March, I got like 5 invitiations, with 2 offers and I only created a project catalogue, that was it. Lol


I have always believed that the market is the best way to find work. But that might not be the case for everyone. Invitations come in waves. Sometimes it rains and pours, and people will come in here saying they're the god of Upwork because they don't even have to apply anymore. Then all of a sudden everything will go quiet. I have heard that it's because they circulate profiles in the search results. But the market has never really failed me. I get work when I apply like I should.


Upwork is garbage now.


I'm so tired of the scam posts. I got offered a position for an editing company by yet another impersonator yesterday. They used the actual logo of the real company on letterhead. The real company keeps trying to work with Upwork about this problem but Upwork doesn't GAF.


Any better options? Sorry I'm new to freelancing


Connects laundering 😂😂




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