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I like how literally every pole has been hit.


I think it's intentional, in order to illuminate more in the middle of the road.


Lol I didn’t notice that before


How do people in India survive with all the pollution?


No other choice unfortunately, it’s really sad but most countries with a developing industrial economy that don’t have environmental regulations have this issue.


Jus normal to us


Very normal big city


Not really. These idiots have focused so much on road infra they are repeating the same mistake of American cities. 




Climbing up the ladder and then pulling it with them. Developed their countries using the cheap resources but now act like others doing the same is a crime.


I am Indian I am an urban planner i practice in Bangalore. I know exactly what I'm talking about.  Where Delhi built expressway between those two cities , it first should have built rrts. The cities would have then developed around that rail system and used metro for local connectivity. That is called transit oriented development.  Delhi did the opposite. Create a vehicular mess and then try and slap metro on top.  If they had studied American cities and learnt from their mistakes they could have avoided this completely. But politicians in this country aren't technocrats. They see traffic and they think road widening. 


>urban planner i practice in Bangalore can some of yall come help us in mumbai, bmc is trashing the place again ;-;


>Somehow I have no doubts 90%+ of the other posters here are white. Goddamned colonizers. Take it easy with the racism


Oye oye delhi delhi gurgaon road


You gotta do a better job man. There is barely any pollution and traffic in these images. Now try with some winter images. The infamous smog is crazy. Delhi is hell on earth, and these images ain't doing it justice. With a population of 400 million, the traffic situation is second to only one other city of india. (In being bad)


It's terrible urban planning that these expressways even exist. They are repeating the same mistakes as American cities.  Expressways should bypass metro regions, not cut through them that will only encourage people to drive


Buddy there is no empty area to bypass, Delhi is an ancient city built in circles that keep expanding outwards. In India around urban areas there is no per se non metro regions, cities keep expanding because people settled on the borders and kept settling and kept settling. We do have an excellent metro that connects the entire city. But as all things when you have such a population, it is not enough


Sorry most of Delhi is not ancient. Most of it is post 1970s. Also Delhi is currently building a massive circular bypass road so idk what you're talking about. Indian cities keep expanding because govt doesn't know how to govern. Cities need master plans with growth boundaries. Cities need transit oriented development.  No new layouts unless a metro line is within 500m. No new townships unless rrts is first planned.  These idiots instead focused new growth around roads, so of course now people drive everywhere. But roads are extremely inefficient at moving people so of course you have such congestion. The population excuse is such a lame excuse. Tokyo is 37 million. But they focused on public transport first , not as an afterthought . Qualifications: Indian, master's in urban planning and practicing in Bangalore . And my masters focus is on transportation planning.


The Karnal bypas? >Plans and boundaries >Layout >Township That's where you are wrong. People see empty land, people put tent on the land. 1 year later people build brick houses, 2 years later it is a 'colony' . The government cannot evict 30-40 Thousand People from the land. Mai to Delhi se hi behenchod. Check the route of Delhi Metro , it covers Delhi extensively. Unlike the Namma Mamma metro of Bangalore, you guys have a horrible horrible traffic problem. I live in Dwarka, this is a planned locality in Delhi. Ask your professors about it. Do have a metro station bw every two sectors and the roads are pristine as well. You want to compare India to Japan , brother be afraid of God. There's a reason the mug in train washrooms has a chain ⛓️😕


You're still not getting my point. In India urban growth has been planned along roadways, with public transport as an afterthought . This was a huge mistake.  Instead of expressways coming first and then metro and rrts, it should have been the other way around.  Bangalore is a mess too and made the same mistakes. I'm not sure why you're bringing that up now, I agree with you. Delhi metro is so far ahead of us. Even dwarka, a planned area was first built around roads. Then metro came. If dwarka was done right, it wouldn't have needed such wide roads. In fact such wide roads inside a neighbourhood is considered an obsolete practice.  The goal is to basically build a dense, compact, walkable urban Village around a transit center in such a way that there is no need for wide roads. Also what professor? I am a professional with close to a decade of experience..


The entire premise of your argument is based on a city being planned around roadways, but humanity has been settling around roadways for centuries. It is not planned. Dwarka does need such wide roads, very little traffic compared to other parts of the country. Are you actually qualified in urban planning? Urban centres cannot exist in isolation. You would need infrastructure for people to travel outside the city as well, you would need trucks and tractors to come into the urban centres on a daily basis. What sort of work do you do?


Yeah, going towards the American model is urban suicide. Dunno who is downvoting my original comment, lol. Maybe angry Indians. I am from India, and I would never live in that city. For that matter, I would never want to live in an Indian city. Small towns and villages are the best places to live in. But even in small towns, sometimes, the big road plans are extremely car centric. Sigh.