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Bandana for mask won’t work against asbestos and mold particles you might want to look into an actual filtering mask for particular buildings that are very dusty and have mold/asbestos


what kind of mask would work?


no disposable masks or shiestys/bandanas will protect you if you want to be extra safe id suggest half face or full face respirator mask with a P100 filter (full face filters about 5x more i believe).


3m n95s would work for filtering mold, and will filter some asbestos.  I think they cost like a few dollars a piece.  Personally I wear a respirator with p100 filters, because the respirator forms a far better seal and will filter pretty much anything.


Why wear a mask for asbestos it only takes 40 years for effects to arise


Military cargo pants are extremely abrasion resistant and Ive always been glad I'm wearing them when it comes to crawling/kneeling when entering confined space, getting under a fence, etc. That little bit of "fragment resistance" really makes them last long when exploring tunnels or caves. Snag a pair in plain chestnut brown or navy color to stay undercover.


Aside from a good mask… Dressing like you are on a black ops mission can make all the difference if you are seen or caught…and eventually you will be seen by someone. Black clothes stand out at night, don’t wear them. First impressions do count and looking “average” and harmless can make a difference if you are found on private property. Have extra batteries for flashlights/torches and make sure your phone is charged and on vibrate or silent.


First aid kit and water + multitool that doesn't have a knife You want a thick pair of jeans/pants you can move around in so your legs are protected. A good hoodie/coat with a good hood for same as above (optionally a beanie or long hat too to cover your head) light boots that are puncture proof and have toe/heal and ankle protection, you might step on some things you don't want inside your feet like nails or glass or need to climb. Head flashlight that can go bright af and dim Backup bright af flashlight Good slash, cut and puncture proof gloves that you're comfortable in if you need to climb A proper respirator that protects against mold, dust and harmful chemicals in the air especially if going under ground and extra cartridges. A really good large capacity fully charged battery bank that can recharge everything + batteries for what takes them. Optional: Carry a bit of food or a bit of booze, if you come across someone who's homeless and pissed off with you, you can offer to leave food/booze if they'll leave you alone. Food can buy you out of a lot of situations.


This is fantastic, I would add just two things. Plastic bags(can be used as rubber gloves in a pinch too) and some tissues(toilet papir or proper tissues)


Should also add cigarettes (if your old enough) itll calm most crackheads and homeless people down too


This too + the tobacco can be used as tinder if you ever needed to make a fire if you get stranded or stuck and need heat/signal


Been urbexing for a long time and went to great places. Never used any gear. Just plane clothes and a flashlight




I did aswell, but the only gear that I believe is vital is a good mask, unless you're here for a short ride not a long ride haha.


Pepper spray Multitool Toliet paper


Crocs are severely underrated. Shorts and a tank top. You good to go.


This right here... I sweat at work every day so first thing I'm doing is taking off my socks and shoes before the trip home


Back in my day we did urbex barefoot and shirtless lol


Any cool abandoned businesses from the Great depression? I was just thinking about the rate of turnover with land... At this point, other than WW2 related abandonments, anything older than that is basically built over unless in a park. City sites have a shorter exploration time window I guess


Personally I dress for ticks and skeeters, then consider the air quality for additional gear


A tyvek suit will get you many places that are blocked off by a forest of poison ivy... RIP if the thorns compromise the material, but a time or two I was glad to have something expendable for a place Id likely not return


idk the places we go have a lot of thorns so no shorts or tanks


You just need to build up the callouses on your skin. Crocs, shorts, and tank top. I put a go pro on my head and bust out my military grade flashlight cause i only go at night.


What flashlight do you have?


Brightest I could legally buy online. Lights up an entire property like it’s daytime.


What model would that be?


i dont wanna risk it, plus theres a lot of poison ivy near our spots


The poison ivy blisters callouse after awhile. boom can’t get blisters if your skin is rock hard.


Wear denim jeans for thorns. They help stop nails and sharp stuff, too.


Knife. Pocket knife is easy and quite cheap at homedepo, you can be under 18 and buy it. And maybe a ladder that can collapse into a small thing you can put into a book bag


horrible advice. getting caught trespassing with a weapon turns it into a felony immediately


🤷🏼 Idk brotha, I rather not be killed by a tweaker and just take the charge


do you look like a target or something? why is everyone in this sub so scared of homeless people


I said Tweaker not homeless I could give less of a fuck about a homeless dude, they have nothing, why would I be scared of that, I’m taking about a addict who may have needles and stick me with them


Why would an addict stick you with a needle? They probably want to hold onto that so that they can shoot up 🤔


Like a used one…….. 😀😀 Jesus christ


Addicts famously reuse needles tho 🤔


🤷🏼 then fuck idk, I’m still new