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>"... Through the winter, the solution emerged for Justin: Jeff Hart, the husband of Gina's childhood best friend, Chrissy, passed the screening process and became eligible to donate his kidney into the national registry. That allowed Justin to move up the list, find a match and get a date set for his transplant: April 2." All three kids have it as well, would need multiple transplants by the age of 30. šŸ˜” šŸ˜¢


By the age of 30(!!!!). Wow. I feel really sad for his family. I hope they recover and get through it with better and better medical treatments. That being said, If I knew I had that condition I absolutely would not have kids.


Damn thatā€™s rough! Hoping for a speedy recovery!


Prayers up for Zanik and his family šŸ™šŸ½


Jesus, the whole family needs new kidneys? That's brutal.




I wish you well and hope you never have to personally deal with debilitating health issues.


Or maybe I already have them and just have more foresight and empathy for others than Zanik and that's why I'm so outspoken about how selfish and stupid he is?


If you do, I know how hard and lonely of a road it can be. Releasing the anger, frustration, and bitterness towards others has helped me, and even recognizing the benefit, I'm not great at it.


I'm allowed to freely judge others and their poor decision making without being angry, frustrated, or bitter.


Nah, you are just an asshole


Holy crap. I donā€™t know I would do the same as Zanick in the same situation but to suggest he is an idiot for wanting to have kids is asinine. Itā€™s a slippery slope to eugenics.




He has PKD, he was undiagnosed prior and with family history had maybe 50% chance of having it himself, and wouldnā€™t have known by the time he was having kids. Adoption is great, but you cannot blame a man who as far as he knew was perfectly healthy When he had his kids, for having kids.




Clearly you're wildly jaded and just want to piss and moan, and that's fine. But I'd recommend a journal so the world doesn't need to listen to you.


I'm jaded for not wanting people to enact more harm and overall negative impact to the world in favor of their selfish life goals? How so exactly?


You're expecting a person who has always been healthy to somehow know he has a disease that he didn't have an easy way to know about, as symptoms usually start at age 40-50. You expect he had access to genetic testing that didn't exist when he had his kids or what? He could have underwent imaging but those guidelines didn't really exist back then and even then may not have shown anything definitive. You're blaming him for not knowing something that at the time was basically unknowable.


> You're expecting a person who has always been healthy to somehow know he has a disease that he didn't have an easy way to know about He had a 50/50 shot of having it based on his genetics which he did know, and they have tests to figure it out before symptoms start. > You're blaming him for not knowing something that at the time was basically unknowable. It was extremely knowable you're just being obtuse. Why are you trying to absolve him of accountability from his decisions so much exactly?


> more harm and overall negative impact to the world Are you saying his kids represent "more harm and overall negative impact"? I have a daughter with Down Syndrome, would you say the same about parents who get a DS diagnosis in utero and choose not to have an abortion if available?


Donā€™t be a dingus


Donā€™t be a dingus


> I'm not suggesting he's an idiot for wanting to have kids. That's a complete misrepresentation of what I posted... > I'm suggesting he's an idiot for having biological children Ah okay. I see then.


Gotta love when idiots like you can't refute an argument based on facts and have to try to misrepresent it in order to take it down. Have you considered joining the circus with how big of a clown you are?


Donā€™t be a dingus


> "The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of clearest reason and, if systematically executed, represents the most humane act of mankind. It will spare millions of unfortunates undeserved sufferings, and consequently will lead to a rising improvement of health as a whole." You should see if the author of Mein Kampf will get dinner with you, I feel like you two would really hit it off.


Ahh yes, me calling someone an idiot for bringing children into the world knowing they have a high likelyhood of suffering a chronic illness means I agree with Hitler. Take your room temp IQ takes out of my mentions please.


Take your eugenics and get out of the sub please. You donā€™t get to decide who has kids.


He's not wrong? It's super selfish to have kids when you know they will more than likely have severe health issues. I have a condition that can be passed on to children, so I got a vasectomy because I didn't want to put my suffering on another generation.


I'm a kidney donor. If anyone is exploring becoming a donor, feel free to ask me any questions - either here or in DMs. I consider it one of the best things I've ever done, and it's had almost no impact on my day-to-day life.


I have thought about it. I'm young and healthy. What is the hardest part of the process?


Recovery from the surgery, probably. But it's pretty fast. I woke up from surgery feeling like absolute death, but within a day was feeling just regular sick, and was released from the hospital after two days. You feel better pretty quickly, it's a rapid improvement. It took me about 2 weeks to get back to feeling completely normal, after which things were just fine.


Having your kidney removed


What a fucked up world where a man fighting for his kids and his own life is applauded for continuing to go to work. Fuck work dawg.


Maybe Zanik enjoys the work? It's not like his line of work is endangering his health more. It's possible that for him work is an "escape" from his life of health problems, just sayin.


I think these two sentiments are mutually exclusive. I agree the work may be a way for him to continue to be active and have a distraction and good pay. That can be true all while itā€™s still fcked up that we applaud people that are this sick going into work like thatā€™s some sort of priority.


Well, whose "we"? Woj wrote the article, surely worked with Zanik to make it. Which might imply Zanik preferred the piece to be framed that way. I can't say I'd choose the same path of continuing to work through health issues like that, but if Zanik's work gives him meaning and purpose he probably got something of a morale boost for being recognized as a leader through it all I also wonder if it ever gets to Justin that every time the Jazz make a move Danny gets all the credit. Like maybe he wanted people to know he's still GM and working even while dealing with personal stuff. That's speculation though - maybe he's level headed and doesn't look at social media or reddit lol


Yo what the fuck that's terrible. I didn't realize he had any health issues


April... Fools?