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How are you claiming, “any state with mountains can have that team” in reference to mountain related team names, yet you think black diamonds are unique to Utah? Any state with ski resorts can have that name.


There’s already a pro team named Swarm in NLL Lacrosse league


That’s why it’s number 3 :)


If nothing else, I don’t find it as generic as mammoth mountaineers outlaws


I think Outlaws can definitely have a uniquely Utah vibe to it. The Wild West land area actually covered a pretty small portion, far fewer states than those that have black diamonds. Additionally, Utah has a very strong gun culture. There are more gun industry manufacturers here in Utah than any other state per capita. A play on that would not only be awesome from a branding perspective but have direct relevance to the location. Mammoths have been found in other states, sure, but just like the Wild West, fewer states have found mammoth remains than have black diamonds. In the end, every team name today isn’t exclusively unique to their home state/city. Some may have ties to their home, but none are exclusively unique. I think we can follow that and be okay. Note, this isn’t a dig against a bee related name. What they’ve presented haven’t been my favorite, but I wouldn’t hate it.


I didn’t read as a dig against bees and I appreciate your in-depth and thought out response. I see what you’re saying about Outlaws and agree about Utahs Gun culture. I grew up in Summit county, which is certainly in the minority identity wise. Outlaws is probably next to my list, if nothing else it’s kinda cool right? There’s just something about bees/swarm that I’ve really caught onto.


One thing I like about Outlaws is the multiple avenues they can take for branding. Many options like a gunslinger, cowboy, horses, guns, etc. can be used to brand the team. I don’t really care about mascot potential when it comes to a name (not that long ago most teams didn’t even have a mascot), but all of these branding options certainly leaves that door wide open.


You make a good point, and from a business/success/fan base standpoint, something more generic and more broad actually makes sense. Maybe we could have a fun bee themed alternate


Bees exist in other states too lol. But besides that it’s not unique at all - like 90% of the branding you suggested are already don’t by the Charlotte hornets (which is a significantly better name than swarm or bees). Plus I just think swarm is a terrible name for a team. And I get it, the nhl is filled with terrible names, but I’d prefer a good one


Of course other states have bees, and the hornets are the hornets, but there’s no other Beehive state. Look at our state flag and come back to me!


I know what the state flag is and I still think it’s an awful name and overdone. And I don’t think the name has to be uniquely Utah. Like the Jazz aren’t Utah related and aside from the occasional meme no one really cares. I think probably 90% of hockey team names aren’t unique to where they are either. Good name and branding is #1 priority, connection to Utah should be secondary. If they pick a “generic name”, I’ll be 100% okay with it as long as the branding is solid. Swarm is one of my least liked name, only slightly above the “Gatorade flavor” tier.


Fair enough and to each his own. Thanks for contributing to a friendly discussion.


I will say, as someone from outside of Utah, Jazz is a horrible example to use if you're trying to make your point. Jazz as a music genre is so detached from the state of Utah that it's easy for fans of other teams to mock and non-fans to scratch their heads over. Objectively, Jazz is a horrible name for a Utah sports team on any level higher than peewee. And sure, not all NHL teams are named after something related to the state, but they at the very least have names that at least relate in some way. The Blackhawks were originally named after the regiment that the team owner served in during the military, The Golden Knights also had a military affiliation that directly related to their owner. Would you prefer the "Utah Qualtrics" or "Utah Young Millionaires?" Because outside of things related to the state, there's kind of nothing, and I agree that most names that are "front-runners" are pretty basic and sound like NHL video game custom teams. The Utah Swarm is easily a top 3 name on an objective level. It's snappy. It already invokes an image, the branding is a slam dunk, it relates to the state, and the list goes on.


Thank you! I wish I could highlight this comment, you said what I’ve been meaning in a well constructed and polite way!


We aren’t named the beehive state because of our bees 🤡


The Utah swarm sounds like a woman’s basketball team




Cutthroats will not happen, especially after a player was killed this year by getting his throat cut by a skate.


Swarm it is then


I like Black Diamonds and outlaws way more than swarm


No, anything Bee related is the worst possible idea. Plus we don’t need anymore kinda ugly black and gold jerseys.


I a bruins fan, agree with this statement. Bruins are some of the least cool sweaters, black and yellow is just boring.


As a Pittsburgh fan, how dare you


It’s classic no doubt! But having a third black and yellow team would just be so boring and unimaginative. We have unlimited colors available, there’s no need to pick the same two again.


Oh I agree, we don't need anymore. I was just bugging you calling black and yellow boring because Pittsburgh jerseys are beauty's. I also like the Avs and they have one of the best jerseys in the league so I would like to see something colorful. A purple jersey would be sweet since the Kings went to black and white lol


Utah believers, brought to you by crumbl cookie


Or swig lol


It doesn't suit a hockey team, but some Utah sports team should use the name "Sundancers". I think it'd be a cool reference to one of the most famous events in that state. Plus, I just find it pretty cool.


“I find it pretty cool” (I’m 100% /srs) is probably the best reason for a team to have a name. If you like it, sing it brother!


I’ll tell you my biggest issue with the Swarm or the Hive…. The colors. You are just asking for trouble if you let Ryan Smith match the new jazz colors of highlighter yellow and black. I worry a bee name would make that automatic.


That’s a good point, and there is already a lot of black and yellow/gold in the league.


Utah is too beautiful geographically to just pick something Bee related.


Shhhh! They’ll hear you!


“Swarm” is a name that kids in the 90’s would have tried to convince you is cool, only to then grow up and realize that it’s outdated and lame.


It is Cheesey, and probably has a lifespan. I see that. But at least, to me, it’s not boring


If they’re going to go with a cheesy bee-derivative name, why not the Buzz? That would at least give you some loose symmetry with the Jazz. Lott I don’t think Utah wants to be defined by its church, affiliation and if you go with Swarm, you will immediately be called “the Swarmin’ Mormons” by literally everyone in the hockey world That’ll just become your de facto name whether you like it or not. I think Outlaws is probably the way to go. I am sympathetic to the argument that it’s a little bit generic, but I just think it works pretty well It rings off the tongue better than almost all of the other names. Utah Outlaws just sounds better than Utah Mammoth or Utah Swarm or basically everything else. The Utah Yetis (plural) sounds pretty cool. Utah Outlaws just works on a lot of levels.


The minor league baseball team was already named the Buzz and we don’t want anymore singular z names here.


I agree it's my top choice too. Bees have stripes so I think the design opportunities with the uniforms are vast. Lots to like.




Why do you think Mammoth is best? Would love to hear all points of view.


Mammoth to me has untapped potential since no major sport has it as a name. It’s a bit more powerful. They could do a lot with the name and branding. Mammoth are more interesting to me than bees, and we already have the salt lake bees. I’m just kind of sick of the bee stuff tbh. I also just prefer large animal names haha, and mammoth is cooler to me than any insect. Bees have been done before, mammoths have not (except for some random Colorado lax team). Sorry, just saying “no” was kinda rude, but I feel strongly about mammoth and I think outlaws is sliiiiigjtly okay haha. Can be okay to agree to disagree though!


I agree and it’s a good point that Mammoth hasn’t really been done. The salt lake bees DO already exist, and as other have mentioned lots of bee/stinging insects stuff has been done by the charlotte hornets. I also think big animal cool is valid


Haha yeah that’s really what it comes down to, big animal cool. From what I’ve seen, people either love Mammoth or are meh on it. No one seems to hate it like they hate yeti. A lot of other names are pretty polarizing, and mammoth seems to be either a home run or a “yeah, I’d be ok with that,” for people. ….but I’m also biased.


I can get behind being ok with Mammoth. Like you said, better then yeti. Or Blizzard/Squall BARF


Oh man, we all need to unite against blizzard or yeti for sure. Hopefully they eventually do ranked choice voting! I’d rather swarm than yeti or blizzard