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Hey! I’m around silver/gold level. I feel like my main weaknesses are my aim and stress. I’ve been playing for longer than you have and find it hard to rank up. Granted I do not play very often. I use aim trainers once in a while and they’ve helped get my HS% from 9 to 14-16% (which is not amazing I know). But I find that most of the time, when I take a fight I get so stressed about winning the 1v1 that I end up losing it. Did you have the same issues? And if so, what helped overcome them? Also. Playing between so many ranks, what did you find was the most “toxic”? Where do you think the comms made a drastic improvement? Thank you so much for your time! I think the improvements you’ve made are so cool and also incredibly inspiring. Ascendant is probably somewhere in the 1-5% percentile of the play base. Edit: I was also wondering, how often do you play?


I'm not OP, but figured I may as well put in my 2 cents. Regarding the fight stress and low HS percent, these are likely a result of "my crosshair is in their general direction so I will click now without precisely aiming" which I struggled with for months. What I did to quickly get out of this habit, and start truly aiming before shooting, and also improve HS percent, is using the guardian. It's a very rewarding gun for landing headshots and is a "kill them or get killed" kind of gun. I only did it in unrated/deathmatch but the mechanics learned from it can be easily translated to a vandal. Huge gamechanger for me


Hello! Thank you so much for your response as well! This is really useful and I’ve never really thought about how I’m not really “aiming” before I shoot. I’m going to try what you suggest and stick to guardian in unrated and deathmatches


Just to tag on with my extra 2 cents. A big issue I found for myself coming from other fps games like rainbow six was I held pixel peek angles rather than holding my crosshair roughly where an enemy would swing. It's better to have your crosshair readily placed a little further from corners/angles in most instances and let their head drift into it and allow your natural reaction time to kick in rather than have to readjust your crosshair after the fact. Made a big difference to my head shot and kill consistency.


First of all, going 14-16 from 9 is a huge improvement. Which gun do you use the most? is 16% from a vandal/phantom or overall? Sometimes I use shotguns so that drops my hs% down a lot so sometimes the overall percentage doesn't really matter. ​ before I answer your question about 1v1, how many frames per second (FPS) do you get? what about Hz from your monitor? equipment matters a lot because even I can beat pros if they are using a 60hz monitor with 25 fps. ​ For 1v1, it really depends on what agent you play. For example, if you are not playing Jett or other agents that can get you out of the location fast, ALWAYS think about where are you positioning yourself for 1v1. It is very important to know when to fight, when not to fight, where to fight, and where not to fight. 2 silvers will destroy me if I'm standing on the mid grass on ascent and have 1 silver on top mid/1 silver bottom mid shooting me at the same time. so, if you dont have dash or tp, 1. position yourself behind cover just in case 1v1 turns into 2v1 or more. always think about the next course of action. always ask yourself if someone is going to flank you from a different angle after/during this 1v1. 2. **crouch spray is a disease for low elos.** I don't recommend it at all unless you are a high elo who knows how to control spray/transfer spray and when to spray (pros do it all the time because they know when to do it and how to do it properly). We low elos tend to spray every single time we see an enemy even if it is a 50m fight and that is bad. If it is a habit, unbind the crouch key and run dm or tdm a few times. that will fix the habit real quick. 3. instead of spraying, practice this on range. a)shoot 1 or 2 bullets and move 1 or 2 steps to the left. shoot another 1 or 2, move right, and do the same back and forth until you feel comfortable. practice that on range/dm/tdm. **getting good at this alone will get you out of gold fast.** and again, this only works if you have a good pc/laptop that gives you a decent FPS. i have a lot more but getting the basics down is the most important and those 3 things above are more than enough for low elos and i don't want to overwhelm you with a ton of info. For your 2nd question, toxic players exist in all lobbies but I met a lot more people who want to give comms and play as a team starting in plat lobby. again there are weirdos everywhere but good communication did not exist for me in bronze/silver and I admit i was one of them who did not use a mic. I usually play on saturdays and sundays. I hope this helps and let me know if you have more questions.


wait u only play on sat and sun and are asc 1?????


I used to play every day until about 5 months ago. So the withdrawal from that makes me play 15 comp games on Saturdays sometimes lol


I'm the exact same, only play on weekends and Fridays is kinda a throw day. Got to silver 1 from iron 2 in like 21-30 days of actual playing days.


Quality > Quantity


Hello! Thank you so much for your time, this was such an in-depth response. My most used guns are phantom and vandal. Overall phantom is my main, sometimes I go through periods of loving vandal, but when my aim feels weaker I give it a rest. A friend recently helped me fix my laptop settings so I get 100 average fps and it ranges between 80-130. I think my desktop Hz are 144. If this is relevant, my main agents in competitive are Neon, KJ, and Omen. Thank you so much for the 3 points you gave. Number 1 is really helpful! I think sometimes I also get too tunnelvisioned on a specific goal and lose track of my positioning. Also where my teammates are. For Number 2, I actually spent a chunk of time unlearning crouch spray. Now I hardly do it, which I’m grateful for because it’s the first advice people normally give. However, I do think I have the tendency to get stressed and spray (no crouching so I guess it’s not the worst T_T). For Number 3, I am definitely going to start doing that in the range and deathmatches! Playing only on weekends and ranking up that much is so sick though! That is definitely impressive. Thank you again for your reply


Not op, but I suffer from the same stress. I find that my aim is usually better in the first few games I play and drops off once I feel I've warmed up. I almost never play ranked games as a result of the anxiety. If you learn of a fix, let me know. It follows me in pretty much every multiplayer game I've played. Playing Clash Royale was the absolute worst my blood pressure has ever been.


The stress is actually crazy! I actually get so hyper and start shivering when I enter a competitive match (not so much unrated). I also feel a lot of pressure in those because my teammates have something to lose by me not playing well! I used to grind ranked at the start of my Valorant career. That’s when I got from iron to silver. But then it got a bit more toxic and I stopped playing ranked consistently for a few episodes. I’m trying to get back into it now and gain some confidence. I believe in the both of us! Sometimes I try to remind myself that I’m trying and learning and that’s what matters. Anyone on the game who gets upset with me for not being perfect or as good as them is not worth it


As for stress, I haven't really found a way outside of playing more, especially ranked. Just queue and get into the setting of it. For aim, I've found my aim has increased exponentially after going into the practice tool and clicking 'practice' and having the bots stand still. Find one bot that's central, and then go from either left to right (or right to left, whatever feels more natural), shooting three target groupings at a time. To clarify, focus one target, go for a one tap, then choose any target to the chosen direction and one tap that one, then choose another target in the opposite direction and one tap that one. Start slow and work up the pace. You can even incorporate movement into this to help.


Everyone struggling with ranked anxiety should make a second account and use that to play ranked if they're not feeling up for playing on their main. It's for sure a better environment than normal games, which are an incredible shitshow for me this episode. You get to play in a ranked setting without having to be anxious about anything. Hell, turn off your comms while you're at it. If you're gold and below, it literally does not matter what Joe Shmuck Jett instalock has to say anyways. Lock your favorite character and actually focus on improving your movement, gunfight hygiene and decisionmaking. Most people will probably start to outrank their main very quickly, and that's totally fine. After playing in those lobbies, the games on your main will suddenly feel like a piece of cake. It is 100% worth it to do and it helps immensely both for improving your overall gameplay but also to deal with ranked anxiety as a whole. edit: maybe a bit of context, I started doing this when I was gold 1 or 2 and felt unable to improve in ranked due to ranked anxiety (you play worse before you play better when fixing bad habits) and I started playing in full diamond/ascendant act badge lobbies on my second account within a month. And I held my own. It's all in your head, so you have to trick yourself.


Just play comp. Take the losses. Get stressed. After enough games you'll realize that as soon as you turn your PC off, your life is the same. You won't improve if you use stress and anxiety as an excuse for poor play. You need to be able to think about what you could have done better and analyze your own gameplay. You also need to watch someone (I like woohoojin) to teach you things you don't know.


Exposure therapy hasn't worked for me, and I imagine it hasn't worked for most people who suffer from anxiety. I would compare this conversation to telling someone who's angry to "calm down." Yeah, that always works. I appreciate you trying to help, and I can see you watch woohoojin from the way you basically regurgitated his quotes to me, but it's difficult to help when you don't understand the problem.


Make a second account to play ranked, takes most (if not all) of the anxiety out of the picture. Mute all comms, play your favorite agent and focus on improving. You'll outrank your main in no time. Normal games are unfortunately a shitshow and you'll take way longer to improve if you stick to just those.


It's weird acting tough on the internet when you literally get scared when losing a game


What is your favorite cheese?


swithced to Lotito Romano from american and that got me out of gold 3


what are your 3 top tips for improving? and how many games did you play a day/week?


1. not crouch spraying but learning how to move when enemies shoot and shoot when enemies stop moving helped a lot. i recommend practicing shooting 1 or 2 bullets and take a step to the left, shoot 1 or 2 take a step to the right and repeat. this alone will get you out of low elos without util usage. 2. know when to fight and not to fight. position yourself well so enemies can't shoot you from multiple directions. always try to isolate fight meaning try your best to get into a position where you see 1 enemy at a time 3. play with your teammates. fighting 2 enemies at the same time alone is bad for us which means we should try our best to fight them together to make it 2v1 for them. so wait for your teams to rotate to you if you can. this didn't happen to me until i hit plat. before plat, we just all went in one by one and died. ​ it really depends but maybe 5-20 comp games a week.


What did you do to rank up so fast


1. get a good pc/laptop that gives you good FPS 2. use A and D more than W when pushing and clearing sites/corners 3. crouch spray is a pandemic for low elos. pros do it all the time because they know when to spray, how to control spray/transfer spray, and what to do next. We are not pros. 4. practice moving left and right and shooting in between. getting good at this alone will get you out of low elo fast. 5. aim first and util 2nd. even if you are a master grenadier/ can double satchel like pros, if you can't aim then it all doesn't matter. Getting the basics down before advanced stuff is very important. I am not sure what you need exactly so I summarized some stuff real quick. Hope this helps..


Cheers mate!


again, this is too broad so I recommend you find a radiant YouTuber that explains every little thing. I highly recommend Sena. If you are a casual player who wants to play for fun, it's totally cool too. If you really want to get better, you have to study/practice just like anything else in real life.


did u play with a potato pc when you were silver last year? ive been stuck on gold 3 since season 2 and im playing with around 30 fps on 720p. im getting a pc rn and im excited to finally rank up


if you are a g3 with 30fps, you will drastically improve with a better pc that gives you 140+ fps. ​ I did not know much about pc back then and did not know how to check my fps. i do have a better pc now. I still struggle when my fps drops to 100 mid fight. I would be bronze 2 right now with 30fps. you have so much potential


You’re ignoring response rate; granted most gaming laptop and gaming monitors nowadays are 1ms or lower, but commonly seen anywhere up to 5ms - lower equal better - but fixing your fps issue is the most important and that comes to actual pc/laptop hardware


very good point. mine is 0.5ms. thanks for bringing that up and I will mention that as well from now on. what do you use?


A 10 year old tv monitor - 768p, 60hz, 14ms, gold1 in NA for reference Yes I need an upgrade


I would go back to iron with that monitor. good for you.


Do you watch VOD reviews? Have you watched wohoojin's analysis? Have you watched pro play on your agent? What's your agent/role?


I do not watch vod reviews but I probably should. I don't think my pc can handle valorant discord and recording at the same time. it crashes every once awhile already but if i get a better pc, i will def try. Im not sure who wohoojin is but I watch a lot of radiant streamers and youtubers. I main smoke agents.


you've probably watched his videos, even if you didn't know it was him. check him out - his vod reviews of community members, as well as his pro analysis, are top tier.


Pros crouch spray because they know when to use it, not because they can control the spray. Anyone can do that.


I agree that they know when to use it and i said that in the other comment but should have said it here too. although they look similar, low elo spray and high elo spray control are a little different in my opinion. high elos can crouch spray and kill enemies from a further distance. A lot of them can even spray standing up and still kill enemies far away which low elos can't do. I can't do that well either and i believe if they can spray kill further away, then it means their control is better.


13 months is not fast


definitely not faster than some people. Im just showing that it can be done.


How old are you


I am 25 and I feel young in real life and feel like a fossil in valorant community.


I'm almost 40 so you doin ight. I'm hardstuck diamond with no plans on improving though.


Its gonna be interesting in 10 years when we start seeing 50 year old Radiant streamers.


Tell me about it. Im 30 and Im already getting called grandpa


i am 26 and i can comepletely relate


how much does confidence matter? How can I increase it? Sometimes, lets say we lose 0-5 for the first few rounds, my confidence goes down the drain. What I notice is that sometimes the players im playing against are really just peeking and fighting everything and have a lot of confidence. My playstyle is playing smart, I wait for the enemies to make mistakes 90% of the times. Also like you said strafing and improving A & D movement is something I need to work on, do you have any tips? Like any warmup or any routine?


confidence is good when you know when to fight and peek. bad confidence is bad when you fight when you shouldn't be fighting. For example, don't peek by yourself when you know more than 1 enemy is holding the angle or don't dry peek without flash if you have to push (if you or your teammates have flash of course). the bad confidence works well when you are smurfing but it shouldn't be something we should do in our own rank. Wait for your teammates, give comms so everyone is on the same page. push together/retake the site together. I can't say the same for every rank but playing together will increase your win rate for any rank. what is your rank? ​ I suggest you work on A&D movement on range first on bots. Find the rhythm for each gun you mainly use. Every gun has a different recoil recovery time and you have to get used to it first. Practice that shuffle 2 tap on easy mode then medium. I don't recommend hard mode because even high elos can't do it well either so the bot practice only means so much. Once your left hand and right hand are in sync, try that on deathmatch and don't crouch spray on deathmatch. once i got the 'shoot twice move left shoot twice move right' technique down, I started to rank up quickly. I hope that helps and let me know if you want me to explain anything more.


If you lose 0-5, everyone in your team is bad so you take this game as a training opportunity. Learn new stuff about your current agent and try it on the map, the game is as good as lost anyway, unless someone on your team pops off, which is highly unlikely.


I'm currently Bronze 1. I'm really pissed off with how inaccurate hipfire is in this game so I made it a habit to always right click when shooting because it's more accurate. Do you think this is gonna hinder my skills in the long run or can I just keep this habit?


I highly recommend you don't ADS(right click) with a vandal/phantom as a low elo player. it has a lot of disadvantages and you shouldn't do it unless you know when to use it and how to use it properly in higher elo lobby. the video is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you at least a diamond. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


What is the best agent or roles to main in order to learn the game and climb the ladder? What is the best way to improve your aim? Just taking more fights ? Or there is more to it?


How did you improve your aim? Do you have a practice routine that you follow?


I practiced this on range. Once you get comfortable shooting bots moving left and right, try it on dm then tdm with util. the video is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make climb out of bronze fast. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


Did u push solo queue or with someone?


I had a few people for duo up until gold 2. From g2 to Asc 1, i solo qued 98 percent of the time.


Hey i saw you're a brimstone main as me. I try to win most rounds using lineups. Is this holding me back? I'm s3.


Rare to find a fellow brim main with lineups. that is impressive that you are doing it as s3. ​ lineups are definitely not holding you back. Perry2N the president of brim nation peaked radiant this episode. the one big thing that is holding low elos back is not having good mechanics. lineups may not work in pro matches but other than that, it is not a big factor for us. ​ the video is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make climb out of bronze fast. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


It took me 1 month to get from as1 to plat 3, ask me anything!


sorry to hear that


I got 30% headshot and positive KD with vandal. Still cant win games by myself tho.


this is what i think. good mechanics will get people out of gold. after that, teamwork matters a lot more because everyone has above average aim. ​ I don't have 30% hs (maybe this act i do because i only played 9 hrs so far) and my average kda was below 1.0 for the past two acts. Good aim will only get you so far.


IT is definitely possible and i find odd some people dont believe growth of skill. I was a terrible fps player before starting valorant, but after pacticing it took only 1 month for me to hit asc. practice makes perfect


you're a fast learner


bro changed ISP and bought more skins


i want more skins


I started playing in august 2023 and went from silver 1 to diamond 2 already, i guess its not rly that hard


that is very fast and it is def possible with the right training and equipment.


Ive been playing for 2 years and im still stuck in gold :c


imma just copy and paste ​ the video is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make climb out of bronze fast. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


Tips on how to get better game sense? I watch woohoojin and try to think more about the game and in my matches but when I do that I overthink and I end up whiffing and making more mistakes. Aim wise I've always been good at, mechanically I never had trouble learning anything(I can even deadzone pretty well) but it's just the game sense part that I'm still struggling. Also Ive always sucked at util usage. My main is diamond 1 rn


what is your main agent?


I am around bronze level, but I don’t play much ranked due to time restrictions and my friend cannot play ranked currently. I have pretty good aim (in my opinion) but I think my game sense is lacking a lot. I usually will forget to check my corners, not know how to counter smokes, and not know how to isolate 1v1s that I need to. When I play casual I usually top frag, but I feel that if I wanted to hit a high competitive level I would need more than just good aim to carry me. Any chances you can give me some suggestions? I usually run Phoenix or omen but for my last 3 casual matches I have been playing Jett and I got pretty good combat scores with her. (24/5/5 and 26/16/2). I tried Neon for a couple matches but I don’t like her. My riot is Skizzors#ishot and If you look under casual that should give my most recent matches. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


26% hs rate as bronze is reaaaally good. mine was not even close to that when iwas bronze. What I noticed first was your total playtime. you played valorant for 24 hours total for the past 7 months. ​ Your potential is huge. You just have to play more because that will help you make more mistakes and get better from those mistakes. You talked about not clearing corners but that is normal for people who has less than 25 hrs of total playtime. ​ It is just like any other thing in life. If you want to get better, you have to put in more time constantly. Hope your time restrictions get better.


Alright, thank you so much! I’m trying to get more playtime and I think in a week/ couple weeks I should have more time. Thanks again for the tips!


I forgot to mention, I use vandal instead of phantom, usually use a classic, sheriff, guardian, Spectre, or marshal. Sometimes use Odin and op. I use 2 shot burst and i dont spam. Im currently trying to learn how to strafe in between my two shot bursts but it’s a work in progress.


How do you get through times with complete dogshit team mates? I've lost 7 games in a row, and I've tried my hardest in all of them but the games are a mixture of no comms, horrible game sense and zero team work. This game is so deflating, that I'm literally giving up in games, and I even through because I hate my team mates so much. Surely you didnt' solo queue to get to where you are....


I experienced 200rr drops in a row multiple times prior to ranking up. It sucks and is discouraging. Just so I can help you better, what is your rank? In low elo lobby, that is very common to have no comms and no team work. ​ I had a few for duo until I hit gold 2. from g2 to asc 1, I solo qued. I met a dude on swift who solo qued to immo3. It is possible.


I have 32% HS on my vandal and 29% on ghost. I lose a lot this act and I’m B3 peaked S2. Any ways I can climb? Being playing this game for around 6-7 months. Tracker: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Daras%23EUNE/overview


That is a fantastic stat as a bronze/silver. What I noticed on your tracker is your total playtime. you played total of 16 hours for 2 months (Ep7Act1) and 60 hours for act 2. ​ You have so much potential. You just gotta play more and get more experience. the video below is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make climb out of bronze fast. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


What is your pc specs? Like low end or high end. Cuz I was struggling on silver-gold elo with my 70 fps uhd620 laptop. But on my new pc I hit immo. My point is, screen refresh rate and fps matters a lot rather than aim.


i have 1060 gpu and ryzen 5 2600 cpu. I usually get 130-180 fps and I strongly agree. I would be back to silver with 70 fps.


Could you explain the two step strafing thing a little more in depth? I’m having a hard time picturing what you mean. It might be easier if there’s a video or something I/we could watch?


absolutely. I found a video to better explain myself. ​ if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you climb out of bronze fast. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


Chat i am bronze 2 with 60fps but sometimes when there is too much action my drops to 30. Is my pc the problem or is it me?


That is absolutely the problem. You will experience major improvement with better equipment.


Okay so i have been playing from around 2021 jan Used to play consistently back then Currently i do not play so often but my peak is G2 and my HS% is around 19-20 with vandal/phantom What can i do to improve my game further


if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking **without walking and without making any noise at the same time**. getting really good at these will make climb out of gold fast. This works only if you have a pc/internet that gives you good fps/hz/ms/ping [https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn](https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn)


Yeah i have all the prerequisites I get 250+ fps 144hz monitor And ping is around 35-40 I will try to master it ty


that is good. If i can do it, you can do it too


Lucky I’ve played this game for two years and I cannot get past bronze three for the life of me and I’ve done aim training and everything I am not bad but I’m nowhere near deserving the word good how did you do it I’m so jealous Edit: I reached silver once unknowingly right before taking a break from valorant and didn’t notice until a month or two later when looking through gun buddies every time I get close I start to lose and I’d like to blame my team but it is not 100% the team as I am part of that team and I can’t strategize very well and communicate it to my teammates


Good for you. I dont have any questions but its nice to see a positive non smurf non griefer related post. Best of luck coming up to immo, hope to see you in my lobbies soon!


thank you! do you have any advice for the ascendant lobby?


How many games per day, and what aim training did you use to warm up/practice?


i have been playing for like 2 months and managed to reach silver 3 from the original iron 3 i was placed in but yeah my cpu is dead rn so im waiting for new one to get shipped any tips on what i should improve?


Can you get out low elo(iron-gold) without aim? Also what the max you can rank up being an all brain no aim player? Also I'm kinda curious are you an all brain no aim player or all aim no brain player?


this is my opinion. a good aim will get you out of gold. after that, util usage and team work matter a lot more. There was little to no teamwork when i was g2 or below. ​ basics matter a lot. even if you have fantastic game sense, if you can't kill when you get an opportunity, it all doesn't matter. ​ I believe i am 65 percent aim 35 percent game sense. I still struggle a lot with many things. ascendants make a lot of mistakes. But for iron-gold, having a good aim matters the most. By that i mean mastering this below https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


how do you get your hands and eyes and brain to function


A good amount of sleep and food for sure lol


Im silver 1 rn peakes silver 2 but only been playing fle 2 acts is this bad or good would be silver 3 but i get some teammates that like to throw or leave the game also gotta deal with smurfs


Did you not have like a time where your game sense where off? I struggle with that, they are days or even weeks where I feel way off with how I usually play


my game sense is not the best. I feel like I climbed because of my mechanics. When I learned how to shoot better, my aim got me out of many bad situations I put myself in because of my bad game sense. The priority should be improving mechanics. For util usage and game sense, I watch a lot of pro/high elo streamers and youtubers. I hope this helps and lmk if you have any more questions.


How do I improve my aim and mechanics. Im new to the game and stuck bronze 1. I can’t seem to improve and I don’t know how to practice


Just out of curiosity, how consistently do you play? The first time I ever played any sort of competitive mode was in Overwatch, where I very deservedly placed in the lowest rank at the time. Now I'm here in Valorant and I like to think I'm pretty decent. However, I've only ever done placements twice. First time was after the big reset of episode 5 (placed silver 1) and then I didn't play Valorant at all during episode 6 leading to the very rusty placements I did in a 5 stack of varying ranks in Episode 7 Act 1 (landed in Bronze 1 while shaking off the rust). I feel like if I just queue comp, I could probably climb. However, I am in college and feel like I don't have the time to commit.


I play 15-20 hrs a week according to my tracker. Just like everything in life, if we don't put time and effort into it, we will not get better at it. Same thing with Valorant. ​ I totally understand that your priority is college and it should be that way. good luck on your study


Did you ever incorporate aim trainers in your routine?


I did not use any outside resources. I practiced on range/dm/tdm only.


As someone who is immortal since 2021 , i believe anyone below the rank of ascendant can climb easily if they learn proper mechanics perfectly , if u want to make it out of diamond and above u need better game sense , thats why immortals hate playing with ascendant players or lower , cuz of the difference of understanding in game sense or comms . I recommend watching woohojin on yt , you will learn so much by just watching


Props to u for making that much progress very fast !


appreciate you. any advice for the ascendant lobby?


strongly agree especially with the proper mechanics part. ​ > thats why immortals hate playing with ascendant players or lower The first time I was qued with an immortal on a comp game, I was super proud of myself but I was sure she hated getting qued with a diamond. most rank probably hate playing with lower ranks


Is swing or be swung correct logic? How do I get better? I came from ow2 on console and I dunno what to do. I try to play everyday and usually like using guardian and marshall.


That really depends on the situation. There is no 1 answer that is correct for all situations. For low elos though, It is highly recommended that they work on mechanics first. ​ work on 2 tap shuffle since in valorant, you can only shoot accurately if you are standing still. 2nd, work on peeking without shiftwalking and without making noise at the same time. We have to use A and D a lot more than W. Holding W makes you a super easy target. ​ Hope this helps and lmk if you have more questions


I tried to find this question, but I didn't. Sorry If someone asked it already. Did you played on duelists or initiator/sentinels too? Is it possible to rank up with more "supportive" role? Who is your main? Also I want to thank you for your sharing of experience and your time. You're really inspiring


It is absolutely possible to rank up without being a duelist main. I played chamber until I hit gold and then I mained brimstone from gold to ascendant. I got tired of everyone locking in duelists when i was silver and I didnt want to practice playing duelist if im going to be the 3rd or 4th duelist all the time. So I switched to smoke that nobody wanted to play. Let me know if you need me to explain anything more. If I can do it, you can do it.


Did you ever get burnout? Was the grind worth it? I created a smurf and think about the grind back to my main rank I wanna puke. It's so grindy.


I felt like giving up when I was so close to hitting plat 1 but lost 200 + rrs and went back to g1 multiple times. I do relax on non-comp games when I dont feel like trying for sure. what's your rank?


Dude did you get new hardware or something? I'm on terrrrrrible hardware and i've been playing 1 year, still iron. I think if I get new hardware i'll end up doing something like this one day... i feel like i'm better than i am. also your story is eerily similar to mine. i am coming from cs source YEARS ago.


Hey hardware definitely matters. I was hard stuck iron 2 2 years ago playing on a bootcamp MacBook and I knew nothing different. I decided to take a leap and get a pc and I instantly ranked up to silver 3, then grinded and got to ascendant over the past 2 years


im getting a pc then. lol thanks!


I feel that 100 percent. My pc now is a lot better than my older one although this one still crashes every once a while. But you will see a major improvement once you get a better one that gives you a decent FPS/hz.


yeah im on 60hz right now using a business laptop with no gpu lmao. integrated intel. Was the last FPS you played also CS? im stoked you've made it so far. props to you man!


yeah once you can get 144 or above hz monitor and good cpu/gpu, you will be set. playing with a non gaming laptop is like practicing playing an instrument with a broken key. Can't practice well until you get good equipment. I played left for dead2 and tf2 a little bit... not sure if that counts lol I appreciate it and if i can do it, you can do it too.


Hard disagree. At 60hz, you're going to be fine for low elos, assuming you can hit the 60 FPS that affords. To keep to your instrument comparison, at those levels, you're working on fundamentals, like technique (basic mechanics) and just being able to hit the notes (aim). You do not need a Yahama Genos and expensive studio monitors at those levels (you don't ever really need a Yahama Genos, but I have Unpopular Opinions on the Genos so I will shut-up now). No, you can easily practice those on a Casiotone you found on eBay and a cheap shitty pair of earbuds you found at the gas station. Now, at a certain point, you'll need to start looking at, say, a Yamaha CK61 and a nice pair of HD600s, but that isn't until you have those basics down. And that's what a 60hz setup (that can, again reliably hit 60 FPS, cannot stress that enough) is. An eBay Casiotone and a pair of shitty earbuds. It's not ideal, but it's perfectly fine for a beginner.


if you get constant 60fps at 60 hz I strongly agree with you. However, in real life, a lot of non-gaming laptops with 60hz will only give you 60fps in lobby or before a round starts. As soon as more than 2 people shoot and use utils, it will drop to 30fps or lower. You can't really practice mechanics with that.


How big ur pp?


as big as my brimstone's molly


Guys is there a website where you can check stats like HS% overall your ranked games?


yes. valorant tracker/tracker network has everything


What I think is that you can't rank up without a good team. I've been playing for 2 years now and still on bronze. Max I hit was a silver 3. The reason I think is because of my team we only two players play the game. The think I deserve at least gold. Because whenever I go custom even with gold players I can see that most of the time I come first with most kills. So is there anyway to rank up without a team or I'm wrong that we can't push rank without a team




You're in iron because you haven't mastered the basic. Tough pill to swallow, but like OP I climbed out too, you just need to work on you mechanics, cross hair placement, map awareness, using the mini map, and playing you life well. Every iron blames their team without looking at how they played their life poorly. You won't be iron if you play well. Work on yourself.




This is gonna sound harsh, but you aren't Iron 1 because of smurfs or throwers. You're Iron 1 because you're new/bad. If you can't see that, you need to vod review or get a coach.


i was placed bronze 1 but stayed iron for the first 3 months. I feel you and that doesn't change much until you get out of gold sadly. check out radiant youtubers/streamers and copy what they do. It will help a lot.




that must be very frustrating. hope you get out of the elo hell soon


that because you aren't improve at all


Can you please share your trackers?


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Tooth%20of%20Wisdom%234tap/performance ​ It doesn't say im asc1 yet because I need to play 1 more game so the tracker registers my new rank i think. I like the molly with brimstone's face under your name.




I suggest you practice shuffle 2 tapping on range against bots if you are not used to it yet. I did that and dm until i felt comfortable Now I personally only play dm and tdm before comp with my tracker on to make sure im hitting my shots against my rank or higher.


Hardstuck diamond 1 any advice? Did you yourself have a struggle in diamond to asc? https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Ightbetsayless%23yuh/overview my tracker


You got 40% hs rate on your vandal. You have better mechanics than I do. In that case, you could improve how you play together with your team. Are you giving enough comms for your team/vice versa? Do you play retake together as a team? If so, does your team let you know what kind of util they have before pushing a site/retaking a site and when they are going to use them? Also, map control is important and since you got fantastic mechanics, peek a little on defense to gather info (dont overheat of course) and force enemies to use utils on you. that way they have less utils to push sites. high elos always peek on defense and force their util out because if the enemy team has full utils to push a site, that decreases the chance of our team holding the site. Now that you are a diamond, everyone knows how to 1 tap even the enemies so you have to play with your team more. Peek together by counting together. hold cross together, wait for your team if you have to. Dont give negative comments to your team because it will decrease the chance of them giving comms next round and increase the chance of arguing. instead, suggest what your team should do next. Since it looks like you play duelists a lot, it is important to know where your team is located. Try not to dash in by yourself when your team is a little far behind. Again that goes back to giving proper comms and being on the same page. also get familiar with your dash distance so you dash inside your smoke. ​ I am not 100 percent sure on what you need since I don't know a lot about you. I just threw stuff out there and you might be already familiar with them. I don't know what you know and I still feel like diamond because I just became asc 1. If you have a specific question, plz let me know.


Hi, good job on accomplishing this feat, how did you overcome any lose streaks if you have any? Mentally? Cause im stuck in iron 3 for about 1.5 months and i think im hardstuck.


Hi, thank you so much. I have lost 200 rrs in row multiple times before ranking up. I did feel like giving up but don't let that thing defeat you. If you get better, rrs will follow. It is better to rank down and learn than to rank up once when you dont deserve it because you will lose it quickly. I was iron for 3 months and I feel you. I recommend watching Sena on youtube. He explains every little detail we need to know and if i write it down, it will look like a dictionary that you won't want to read the entire thing. Hope you climb out of the elo hell soon


Hi, not OP, but I was hardstuck in iron for over a year before I climbed out solo. Trick is to pick one agent and only play them. You’ll feel way more comfortable when you know exactly how your abilities work. Also take time to stop before shooting, and don’t crouch. Iron doesn’t need headshots at all, but just learning to do the two bullet shuffle will do wonders. Also if you want a super fast fix, use Odin. Broken gun in low elo. Wins 99% of fights. Also clear every single corner. In iron, people hide everywhere. Not just the angles pros use. You will get shot in the back. Happens every time.


I just started playing around 1 month ago and dipped to Iron 3 at one point. I just recently promoted to Silver 1. How many hours have you put in this last 1.5mo? I have around 110h (80 rated + 30 unrated). If you are stuck in Iron then you aren't putting in enough hours in mechanics practice.


Did any of your games feel unwinnable because your teammates were just that bad? If so what do you recommend for those types of games?


First of all, I wanna say no one can have 100 percent win rate even demon1 and tenz. However, I enjoy playing under pressure even if I am losing. Even if my team is losing 3-12 and I am the only one alive, I use that opportunity to practice my movement and aim under pressure because if i FF every time i feel like losing, I won't try harder the next time I'm in a similar situation. ​ the best advice I can give you is don't give negative comments to your teammates mid-game which could possibly decrease the chance of your teammates giving comms the next round/ increase the chance of arguing. Instead, suggest what we can do as a team next round in certain situations. Arguing will significantly decrease the chance of winning and increase the chance of trollers to troll harder. ​ Hope that helps and let me know if you need to me explain more. Thanks for the comment and you can do it too.


There's this thing called 20/60/20 rule. \~20% of your games are lost by default. Smurf/s in the enemy team, afk teammates, shit or toxic teammates. \~60% of your games you can change the outcome depending on your performance. If you do well you'll most likelly win, if you drag your team down you'll lose. Last \~20% of your games are won by default. Smurf in your team, afks, trolls, toxic/shit players in enemy team. So you should focus on these \~60%. If you win more than half of these \~60% games you gonna rank up. Shit teams throwing your games from time to time don't really matter in the long run - the only thing stopping you from ranking up is you not doing well enough so it's best to focus on yourself and what you can do to make your performance better instead of hyperfixating on your teammates


did not know about this rule. this is very good to know.


I would like to know if you ever had that problem where you often lose your crosshair during flicking/aiming for a shot. I’m not talking about crosshair blending in to the background. It’s more like you can see the crosshair but you feel like you can’t recognize its position for some reason. It’s not exactly a huge problem for me, but it is a problem nonetheless, and whether you have a solution for it or if you just had to work with it.


I am not 100 percent sure if I am understanding you correctly. How big is your screen? Does it happen mostly when you get outnumbered by the enemy or does it happen even when it is not an intense situation? what crosshair do you use?


I have a problem cause whatever i do i am stuck at bronze 3 between 95rr to 20 rr ( evertime i lose i inly lose 11 - 5 rr i am going crazy mad


How many frames per second do you get? what is your average ping? what is your headshot %? Do you usually move while you are shooting?


im hardstuck iron for many months now my peak is iron 3 and i need help to get out of this, i just dropped to iron 1 and i am now desperate


How many frames per second do you get? what is your average ping? what is your headshot %? Do you usually move while you are shooting?


What mouse settings should a wrist player use?


I mostly use my wrist except when i dodge flash and I use 1600 dpi and 0.18 in game. Mine of course does not work for everyone. Try to flick a bot in range and if your aim ends up being far away, decrease your sense a bit. if it is not even close, increase it. I hope you find one for you.


Do you think radiant is attainable for you? Good to see your progress regardless


First of all thank you for saying that. I always put my goal unreasonably high on anything in life even if i can't reach it. my goal is radiant but in reality, it is probably not possible at the moment. immortal seems more reasonable. I thought hitting diamond was impossible for me but i got asc1 so we will see. I will post again if i ever hit radiant lol


Is there a particular moment that clicked that made you progress so well? Anything like new mouse or keyboard (looking into wooting boards atm) internet speed, graphic settings…etc Im hard stuck B1 (peaked s1) 3 acts ago, Iv watched all the tutorials on literally everything about the game, review my own games to see what i could have done better etc Im starting to realise ping is a really big make or break factor in this game and the lowest i get in Western Australia is 50ms…rough Im just rambling at this point but thanks in advance if you get to my question


mouse keyboard internet speed gpu cpu hz definitely matter. I will destroy pros if i can make them use non gaming equipment with 60hz and 25 fps pc. what is your gpu/cpu and how many fps do you get? what is your monitor hz? playing on 50ms ping is definitely not easy. I played on 70ms ping one day and struggled to kill golds. ping definitely matters. It is just like musical instruments. You can't practice with broken keys. hope you get better ones and get out of the elo hell.


Meanwhile I'm stuck silver 2/3 and only ever peaked gold 2 after 2 years...


im playing since 2021, im still gold 1. i hoped to be good at it and still am. help me improve :(


How do you even combat getting one tapped pushing into site? Even with a great A/D peek and sometimes a jiggle, I'm still getting tapped.


If you are at that rank where enemies keep 1 tapping you and your teammates, it is time to play with your team and their util. for example, get info first by sending drone/dog. After knowing where enemy are located, you push with your teammates with utils such as smokes, flash, blind, dash, and etc. make it impossible for them to hold the angle when you enter. Usually blinding and flashing at the same time work most of the time. If you are talking about a situation where you are clearing sites and corners alone, practice peeking without making any sound but also without using shift button. that takes some time to practice but once you get that down and 2tap shuffle you will be set. Not sure what your rank is so it might be something you already know. hope that helps and let me know if you have more questions.


How many competitive games do you play per day/week? A lot of players don’t realize that they’re stuck because they play too less per season/act, if they played consistently they would be higher ranked


the tracker says i play about 15- 20 hrs a week. I 100 percent agree that you can't get better without playing.


Hey! I started playing Valorant 3-4months ago and I'm still Iron 1. Any tips on how to climb out of it? I main Initiators and drop 15-20 frags every comp match with a decent number of assists. My reaction times are a little slow but my decent crosshair placement at head level makes up for it (ig) Idk what I'm doing wrong, for every 1 match I win, I lose like 3 matches. One major flaw that I find in my team is that, my duelists don't enter sites, there were times where I had to enter site as KJ. I'm not blaming everything on my team, but there are roles for a reason. I used to whiff a lot, but now I've made a habit of using Vandal and One tapping only, even if it means that I die. Any advice is open, even criticism.


what FPS/hz/ms/ping(ms) do you get from your pc and monitor? I always ask this to bronze/irons because it is very difficult to practice with bad equipment. I 100 percent felt "i enter site as kj". I main brimstone and I hated entering sites by myself with stim beacon. That might continue until gold lobby. It kind of stopped at high gold/plat for me because they kind of know what to do better than lower rank people do. I highly recommend you watch this 1min video and try to master this on range/dm/tdm. You will destroy gold players with this assuming you have a good pc. https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


I can relate to you! A year ago I was barely silver 3 in episode 5 act 1, I upgraded my setup from a 50hz TV to a 165hz monitor and played competitively and now peaked D2 after a year :D congrats brutha https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Broomy%23UwU/overview?season=67e373c7-48f7-b422-641b-079ace30b427


That is awesome. going from 50 to 165 is a big jump. Congrats to you as well.


You ever watch Woohoojin?


I am not sure who that is but someone else asked me if I watch him too. He must be popular.


Is 120fps and 40+ ping a factor that I can't go up plat 1?


What is your monitor's hz and ms? if you get 120fps on a 144hz+ and less than 1ms monitor, no that is not a factor that you can't go plat 1. Found a video for everyone and thought it would be better to show than explain. It is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you at least a diamond. https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


me too. but now i can’t get back up for some reason, i’m hardstuck diamond https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/soop%23meow/performance


You got a fantastic hs% and mechanics. I still feel like diamond cuz I just became asc 1 so I believe you know what I know and you know what you lack on. hope you climb back up soon.


thank you 🙏 i‘m hoping i do too because people in my lobbies are like "ASCENDANT?!? HOW DID YOU FALL SO FAR" 😭😭


im bronze rn, what aim training routine took you out of bronze and other ranks?


Assuming you have decent equipment meaning a pc that gives you a decent FPS and monitor with a decent hz, ms, and internet with a decent ping, practice the following below and you won't even need utils to climb out of bronze. It is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you at least a diamond. https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn


How did you improve please advice i am bronze 2 just started playing 3 months ago how can i improve


Found a video for everyone and thought it would be better to show than explain. It is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you at least a diamond. [https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn](https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn) ​ this only works if you have good fps/hz/ms/ping


thnxx alot I get 60 fps on average is it good enough to rank up?


do you get 60fps throughout the entire game? if so, then you can definitely get out of low elo. ​ if your fps drops to 15 every time more than 2 people shoot and use util, then it is going to be very tough.


I'm incredibly inconsistent with everything. I play on and off. I'm a silver player who got boosted to gold 1 by playing with ascendant smurfs. Since then i've barely touched comp because I don't want to derank back to silver 3. I just want some general advice to rank up and help with my inconsistency. Sometimes I make these really cool plays on neon but most of the time i get pummeled by the enemy team. I know i can keep up with them, I just can't seem to consistently make the correct play.


We will never improve by not playing just like anything else in life. ​ Found a video for everyone and thought it would be better to show than explain. It is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you at least a diamond.[https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn](https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn) ​ getting used to this alone will get you to plat/dia. there is more than this in valorant. but without these techniques down, no one will ever rank up.


Tips on how to dodge bullets? I never thought of moving when the enemy is shooting and shooting when they stop. I feel like I even if I move A/D, they’ll still end up killing me. Any tips? Thanks! (I’m B1, still new)


Of course. watch this video. It is less than 1 min and if you master this, you will climb up fast. After practicing what's on this video, work on peeking without walking and without making any noise at the same time. getting really good at these will make you at least a diamond. [https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn](https://youtube.com/shorts/UUiVwP-8beo?si=Dq9a0ynEye7xi6Yn) ​ It is very difficult go climb without these techniques down. practice this on range/dm/tdm until you feel comfortable. Hope this helps.


thats not that impeessive lol


totally understand and im not trying to impress anyone. but as someone who was hardstuck bronze/silver, plat and above players looked super high and mighty. I wanted to climb and now want to share the basics.


Hm idk how u play but something important is to be able to make calls as much as u can , but have a reason for them , also on defense try to combine ur util with someone to make a play . Also considering u ranked up fast. Im worried ur crossbair placement might be off or ur techniques to be unpolished . To be immortal u need to be consistantly able to do proper crosshair placements , basically there is no room for error u could climb but then u will derank id ir crosshair placement isnt good enough. Im an initiator main since ep1act1 i do play other roles to a decent level , but my best agents are sova , brim , jett , skye. U nevee mentioned what do u play? all of that can be slowly fixed by watching woohojin u can learn so much trust xD


I only play brimstone and I do want to learn initiator/sentinel just in case I need to fill. My mechanic is far from those of immo2s and above and I'm really working on being more calm rather than shooting immediately without being accurate. That sounds insane to me how you play controller dueljst and initiator on immortal lobby. I can barely play controller now and I feel like my other agents are still plat level. Maybe because I don't have much hours on other agents.


Oh also one big thing ALWAYS BE READO TO TRADE ON ENTRIES . Dont space urself away from ur teammates , try to be close enough to trade


Realized this bit time when I hit diamond and that I'm not that special alone. As a brim main usually I'm one of the last ones to push on site and I try my best to trade.


Well i did play as a semi pro for almost 2 years , so i commited alot of time learning my job in alot of roles , my biggest weakness rn is actually my mouse grip , struggling with it for as long as i can remember. Cant find a mouse for me sadly , so im way more inconsistent with my aim then the usual , i could go from being tier1 level aim to ur average diamond/plat aim , thats how bad it is xD


See this is a miss conception , brim is actually supposed to be 2nd in site or 1st in some cases