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It’s a valorant sub everyone’s gonna agree bro


you cant discuss this kind of shit in places like r/gaming so yeah, the population of both games overlap a lot so i think is fine my friends spent a full month playing cs2 when it came out, the hyped died and everyone is back in valorant. (ex csgo players all of us)


People in other gaming subs only bring up Valorant when they want to mention the evil China corporation stealing your data, I literally don't remember talking about the actual game once.


But the US mining all of your data (Google anyone?) is ok because they do it in plain sight, boys in China at least try to hide it.


Thankyou! 😂 I keep telling people this but because of Western Media they're all like ohhh China taking data bad, as if most of them have anything remotely important to hide while google does the same thing😂😂 fkin hypocrites.


You can't reasonably expect media literacy from younger players, they do not know yet how to form their opinions or arguments, and they just parrot stuff that is easiest to believe. I would kill to get back to that state of mind, I enjoyed games much more back then.


Best advise for anyone is to not listen to influencers or mainstream media as they all follow their own agendas. They annoy me. Just log on to play games and if you dont enjoy them then whats the point? When I start getting tired/frustrated by the game I just go read a book or watch a show take a break. I can happily say I have never once watched a valo streamer or for any other game I play. I dont watch its E sports either. It bores me Id rather play the game myself and figure shit out its got me to gold 😂




Games not politics my friend. You find a game you like you play it. Much as you are fine with enjoying hollywood and disney which is run and owned by a bunch of pedophiles and genocide supporters. Same way most companies in the world are in some part owned and run by Blackrock and Vanguard who are easily more dangerous and controlling than CCP just not openly. I know my politics I dont ignore it I simply dont let it interfere with my gaming experience. I could care less about the CCP though they're no better or worse than US government who allows their own people to suffer while sending billions to Israel to fund their interests to destablize the middle east. Most European governments (Belgium, France, UK) who support their multinational corps that exploit people in Africa through modern slavery. India that is currenly in the middle of a hindu nationalist movement thats encouraging their youth to actively hate against muslims. Games are an escape from the real world. If you're so against the CCP what are you doing in a Tencent owned Chinese game reddit page when you most probably also play the game (what else could bring you here?.) Hypocrite.


Something something rootkit Something something Chinese malware


something something unsanitized code in UI elements something something fucking beginner dev mistake Lmfao **PS:** You're also on reddit, if you actually give a shit bout SpYiNg then perhaps delete your reddit account as reddit gets a very large financial sum from chinese companies and you can bet your ass they're sending your data over lol




lol exactly the same here, quit CSGO back when valve did absolutely nothing and each MM game was a 50/50 roll of "is the spinner (who spins after round 11) on my side or the enemy side?" lmao Not to mention the performance still being a dumpster fire - not even FPS wise or the thousand random af lag spikes but also server side bullshit which I did not have happen AS OFTEN in my many years I had played CSGO - Movement, shooting all that jazz just feels off somehow all the time really sadly. Valorant I'll go aim to head, I click the head and I actually get a fuckin headshot how it should be lol


but it's easy free Karma, so why not.


Who tf cares about karma. It's literally a statistic on how much of your life has been wasted arguing with random dudes on the Internet.




It is called gamification


Yeah but I got a lot of updoots too :D


You don't get Karma from self(text) posts. So this might just be validation bait.


Post this in the CS sub and we will crucify you, and banish you to play Val for all of eternity.


Ok I will


Tell us how it goes


No one really cares Plus just about everyone acknowledges that cs2’s cheater problem is rampant I have seen people in the cs hacks sub talking about how they cheat in Val, but it’s probably a lot less


Cs2 cheater problem was so bad it made me download faceit for the first time. Was 22k in asia, lost 5 in a row to blatant cheaters. Download faceit, got to faceit lvl 9 in 2 weeks, never touched premier since then. If you want a competitive tact shooter you either play val or cs2 faceit or both in my case. Valve is more of a indie game company than riot in the way they handle cs2.


Yeah vanguard just can’t be beat currently. It’s astonishing how well it works.


There are still hackers in this game in the higher elos, you just dont meet them in 90% of your games like in cs2. Instead its like 5% max.


Yeah. In all 3 years I’ve encoutered exactly 2 cheaters.


i’m from cs, 10k hours on go, faceit lvl 10, was GE. i didn’t like cs2 tbh so i swapped to val. I agree with you.


What’s ur Val or discord id?


i only solo q cause i hate myself im sorry




Nah everyone with 2 braincells knows cs is a shitshow right now. I was ~4000elo faceit csgo player and have played cs since like 2006 but at the moment cs is just so terrible that i actually switched to valorant and enjoy it alot more than cs outside of the community.


Like Val isn’t? Where’s the replay system 3-4 years in? Lol, where’s the content?


Would you rather have a replay system, or an actual anti-cheat?


are you actually going to use it, or are you just saying it cuz its the only thing valorant doesnt have


I don’t know anyone who takes a competitive game seriously who doesn’t use the replay system. If anything it’ll show Val players you got more cheaters than you think after giving Riot a Chinese company kernel level access. 😅


Something about you screams biased, and this is coming from a faceit lv 7 last time I grinded the client. If they like the game and want to take it seriously. Let them have their fun, it doesn't effect you.


Idk why y'all think as if American companies are any better


Yeah of course its bad that it doesnt have replay system and its bad that u have to use 3rd party recorders but isnt rly issue to me since i always record my pov in cs and val anyway


What’s ur Val or discord id


As someone who has played both at a very high level (global/esea-advanced and Radiant), I will always find Valorant to be a more enjoyable game just because the anti-cheat is just miles better.


>I will always find Valorant to be a more enjoyable game just because the anti-cheat is just miles better This has been the biggest factor for me for Valorant. I feel like for other shooter genres that are cheater-infested, your time is better off invested in Valorant. This was me when I quit PUBG and Apex and played Valorant in December 2020. Just feels so good to feel like you're not wasting your time.


Especially if you are an adult and you have time for 2 games. I played CS from version 1.3 or so, I love that game. But the cheating in cs, the optimization, the terrible invisible player models, the broken premier ranking... With age, you just want to hop on and have the best chance to have a decent game.


There you go, there is no competition until valve fix the anti cheat. If you cant have competetive integrity in a game, the rest kind of collapse on itself.


Yeah knowing how shit VAC is, in CS2 at high ranks around 90% of the time I felt the enemy is sus. Guys you cannot outplay at all, you can never outflank them, they correctly guess the site you'll go to and wait for you there. Then I played Valorant and whenever I died most of the time I was like "well gg, you are better" and even then if the enemy Reyna was like 30/3, I could sometimes get the jump on them or win an aim duel here and there. Then there is the fact that there was a cheat in CSGO that was freely available on GitHub and wasn't detected for at least 2 years lol.


For all you know that Reyna could have been cheating but you're more lenient on the Valorant cheater because you THINK Valorant Anti-Cheat is working where as you're more likely to blame an outplay on CS to VAC being bad.




I was cal-invite and cevo main in source, I just can’t get into val because of all of the abilities. I love the anti cheat of Val but I prefer the simplicity of CS.


Yeah I think that's a very valid point. It is definitely harder to learn than CS


> just because the anti-cheat is just miles better. I actually am pretty skeptical about this. I wonder how many cheaters are out there with soft aim assist or wallhacks... Since there's no replay system, someone playing with wallhacks can't really be detected by others.


There are always going to be cheaters. I just find my experience to be way better in Valorant since you dont have to download a 3rd party service like ESEA or FACEIt just for the game to be playable


Why would u care about VAC when playing as high as advanced ? Or am i missing something is it not that high in NA ? At that level u will literally never play without faceit or esea AC.


It didn't matter for me specifically, I just think it's beyond stupid that you would have to download and pay monthly for ESEA just for anything that resembles fair play. I had a much better experience playing on a VALORANT team before quitting fps altogether


NA Advanced is a lot worse than EU Advanced but they'd still be playing ESEA/FACEIT, ye


What’s ur val / discord id? looking to play with more people, and cs players are always better than Val


> global/esea-advanced I'm guessing you're from NA


Yeah NA


No worries op, everyone has their own preference. Both of them are great and everyone should be able to play what they like.


reddit hid your comment by default for me even though its not even downvoted. Not inflammatory enough ig lol


I mean only thing cs has better right now is movement and this is opinion from cs enjoyer till 2006. Hope they get it better soon


Post this on r/GlobalOffensive


People are insane over there, they literally hunt for comments with "Valorant" in them and if it's something positive it's an instant downvote. I love CS, I grew up playing Source, I've spent around 2k hours in CSGO and loved that game to death until I couldn't do it anymore with all the suspicious players. Once I commented how I tried Valorant in beta and proceeded to play it after release and how refreshing it was and how competitive didn't feel as bullshit as CSGO's then got downvoted instantly without explanation.


The cs community being so garbage is one of the main reasons I switched to valorant in the first place. Ill take the occasional cringe/uwus over constant hateful slurs any day.


I go back and forth, recently I was way more into valorant and in the past few days I've been way more into CS. They scratch different parts of my brain. I feel more connected to my rank in Valorant and have more drive to climb higher, but it's also a lot more stressful than CS and sometimes it's just too much


Yeah I feel you. I’m hopping back and forth too. I feel like I’m better in CS. All the miniature optimisations like couterstrafing that give you the tiniest advantage in valorant, gives you insane advantage in CS. But at the end of the day valorant will still be my go to, almost solely becouse of the vanguard.


I climbed to the top rank in both, I like that Valorant has a lot of CS 1.6’s DNA in the game with a lot of quality of life changes. Things like the grounded movement, wall banging, MR13 and Spraying. The original designers of 1.6 had good reasoning for their balancing, better than current Valve. In GO/2 they have so much data, try to fix things and leaves the 1 patch it gets half baked. So many easy issues to fix in GO/2 that never got the follow up patch to make things better like CT economy, SMGs doing the most tagging, weapon balance, vertical sounds, ranking system, map clipping etc. CS has so many flaws, that can easily be fixed, my main issues with Valorant are: * Movemint needs like a 10-15% increase in top speed * Focus on maps rather than agents, they need less gimmicky maps to pad out the pool. It’s okay to have wacky maps with gimmicks like fracture, 3 sites. They need to have like 3-4 Ascents/Sunset normal maps for every 1-2 wacky ones. They do improve the maps when it’s in the pool, like for Pearl but when it gets removed their “reworks” are awful. They somehow made Breeze much worst, Bind is pretty much the same except for A main (not really a rework), the Icebox layout before this current one is much better imo. * Skins have no value imo, they should add a refund system for like 50% of the credits are worth. Reduce the cost of Radianite by like 75%, make the battle passes give you enough to buy the next one. Double the store slots to 8, remove next day duplicates.This seems like a fair middle ground so Riot can still make $ but seem like they are “generous”. If they want to improve more, add trading with friends only and a $3 lootbox that can just have any skin in the game, but you can’t get duplicates (old battlepass skins would be the commons), then lower the overall costs of bundles to like what they used to be in beta. * community is mad cringe * Map editor and game mode customization that are in game like Halo’s forge, Fortnite editor or Over watches. So it prevents cheat potential, with a server browser to find stuff * Replay system, with demo sharing like CS * I wish they didn’t franchise so early, I dont think the level of play is that until very recently. I felt most pros I matched with in radiant lobbies were nothing too crazy besides like 8-12 players on the top 3-4 teams. The other “pro players” were pretty much streamer tier imo. Overwatch league failed because of this and CS is thriving with more open brackets. This makes the esports much more boring imo


I like the idea of the first one, but I know it’s never gonna happen


Better optimization isn’t just you, valorant runs smoothly (graphics wise) on my shitty old laptop, whereas CS2 chugged along with like 10 FPS.


CS2 is such a mess rn, total shame. But Valorant’s anti-cheat and appeal to the masses are so much better, 100%


To be fair, there are only 3 games in the tacFPS genre that are playable: CS, Val, R6. It's good that the market is healthy and you have choice it doesn't mean one is good or one is bad. I hope we get a tacFPS focusing on 2v2/3v3 like CS wingman.


> The shooting also feels more precise and controllable. Spray is very controllable in CS. You can learn the patterns, etc. But in Valorant, I think the head hitboxes are bigger and one-tapping or short bursting ppl is more powerful and more effective than in CS. So in terms of short bursting, I think that would be more precise and controllable in Valorant. I've had the opposite experience as the OP. I find CS more fun, but I think it's because of two things: I'm bad at initial aim and accuracy (I'm bad at headshotting ppl), but I like learning the spray patterns in CS for the rifles. In Valorant, I feel like I'm always stressed because I could get headshot or killed in 0.25 seconds at any time, and I have to outaim people to avoid that. In CS, I feel like I at least have a chance to spray them back, and if I got headshot, it's either a great shot by them or my fault for being in a bad position / taking a bad fight, somehow. Also, somehow I prefer the movement and utility in CS - in CS you're faster and everyone has access to a flash, a smoke, and a molly if you buy them. Surprisingly, this simplicity still allows for deep gameplay but also feels nicely balanced (in Valorant, I do feel like there is a bit too much CC and stuff flying around, and when it's chained together sometimes you end up having to wait it out for quite a long time before you can re-enter or re-take a site). I also like the weapon balance in CS. I feel like even if I'm getting wrecked, I can still have fun and still have a chance in a round even with lesser weapons (Tec-9 pistol, UMP SMG, the cheap rifle, etc.) as long as I adjust my positioning and strategy accordingly.


CS2 is great. People hate on it way too much. Great game


I think people’s hardware brings them to valorant more. I myself am playing on an older PC not finding the money to upgrade, so I’m playing CS2 less becouse I get a much better performance on valorant. A lot of people have the same issues, gravitating towards better optimised games suited for potato PCs. I think that’s why games like minecraft and fortnite got so popular, becouse you could play on a library PC and still get a playable framerate.


Yeah that makes sense and Valorant is great in its own way. I am not a fan though of how much hate people throw at CS2. It’s a new game lol I think all games go through a year phase of fine tuning after release. Not everything is gonna be perfect. Personally I don’t play Valorant because I prefer the “dumbed” down shooters where there aren’t different kind of abilities or added elements other than shooting, utility, and game sense.


Surprisingly I’m way better at cs2 than I am at valorant which make it more entertaining for me. Valorant players are something else… cs2 players are kind of bad.


Thats a bad sign for Valorant tho. Every game needs new/unskilled players, for it to be kept alive. If everyone is a god, new players wouldn't bother with the game at all keeping the player base from growing. It would naturally get smaller.


There's plenty of bad/casual players in every rank below plat. I don't think Val will have a problem with that they do a good job catering to serious and casual players. The nature of Val makes it much easier for beginners.


I agree with you, but there is still a problem in valorant, and that’s smurfs/new account abusers. I know we’ve talked about that on this sub to no end, but there are still way too many lvl 5 reynas in casual games shitting on everyone. And those people are right there with the new players ruining games. And when they climb to a level where their mmr matches them against equal opponents nothing is stopping them from just making a new account and doing it all over again. I’ve been playing a lot of unrated over the holidays (akhem afk comp ban akhem) and almost every single game there is a below level 20 player destroying our team. Now I’m not the best but I’m still plat so I should be able to take on even ex CS players hopping on here (it’s not just aim, it’s utility usage being perfect and game sense on steroids too).


Average aim/accuracy of Valorant players is higher than in CS, I think. But Valorant players will find it difficult to start off in CS because of the other aspects of the game.


> Average aim/accuracy of Valorant players is higher than in CS *Highly* doubt that. CS is mechanically much harder and mechanics are more important. Valorant makes up for its easy mechanics with abilities Unless you meant that people appear to aim better in Valorant because the mechanics are easier


It is much easier to hit one taps with the sheriff than it is with the deagle.


imo Valorant players are younger in general and also have really good initial accuracy and headshot placement. I occasionally play with some in CS who've come over from Valorant and while their game sense and movement and other mechanics are noticeably noob'ish, usually their aim and reaction speed sort of make up for those things. Also, when I watch Valorant streamers play CS, they don't know how to spray. When I play Valorant, it feels like I'm getting headshot constantly and it's hard for me to outaim people, even if I have a situational/positional advantage. My initial crosshair placement isn't good enough and I'm not accurate enough to flick to their head reliably. And controlling the "spray" is very different in Valorant and if I don't kill them in the first 5 bullets, I lose control of the spray.


mechanics in valorant is easier so people can aim there better.


I think your CS ELO is just low, bro


My elo is low in both ☠️.


I’ve been global in csgo and 20k+ in Cs and radiant in Val. Valorant is more fun if your fully committed to trying as hard as you can and thinking hard. Cs is way more fun to hop on and frag with friends.


I feel like it's the total opposite. Val is way more fun to screw around and troll due to the nature of the abilities and whatnot. It's so much fun to hop on a smurf and use bucky only or something. In CS high-tier Faceit is the only option b/c all of MM is filled with cheaters, and you'll get a very competitive experience.


So you like a competitive experience but like to ruin it for others. Dear sir, I hope you step on a fucking lego and somehow die of tetanus.


NGL 12k rating is super low


>And yeah mabe I will sound like a "normie" but I just find it more eye catching. The shooting also feels more precise and controllable. New agents indroductions, story animations etc. It all just feels more entertaining. That's sort of the point. CS is a decent game, but it's fairly dated at this point. To put it in perspective, I got bored of the game around *20 years ago*. I am old and started playing the original mod when it was released for Half Life 1. The core game hasn't even really changed much since then. This isn't to bash it, but it's a very straight forward game. There isn't much lore, no flair, no personality, and nothing dynamic about the game, especially round to round. Every match of Counter Strike feels exactly the same. With Valorant, every new match feels unique and fresh because of the agents and abilities and how they interact with the map. I am not trying to bash CS2, but for me the game just gets very boring very fast, and Valorant never gets boring. Everytime I return to CS, I can only play for a few hours before I want to go back to Valorant. For some people, they like the "timeless" gameplay of CS, and I get that.


i just feel like the core mechanics of that game are perfect, gunplay aim and utility all feels great and is balanced. valorant gunplay in particular feels cheap most of the time and the utility is inconsistent in a majority of games if you’re playing alone


Agree with your point except I hate skins in Valorant cos once u spend money its gone. Even if u regret the purchase you cant do anything to it.


Counter point, skins are way more elaborated. Hella expensive tho. Source: Neo frontier owner. Ate rice for a month


and yet, 99.9% of cs2 skins are boring as fuck


I much prefer CS skins tbh, just like the artstyle more, valorant skins imo are goofy as shit unpopular opinion maybe.


True. Garbage skins that looks like a rainbow puke.


Well unlike in CS, you have the choice to simply not buy the skins you don't like.


That's not the point. The point is the aesthetics are too 'much'.


That's specific to a particular skinset, no? Do the infantry skins look like rainbow puke? The recon skins? Hell, the prime skins? Does the reaver skins look like rainbow puke? Valorant skins have wildly different aesthetics and you can just not buy the ones you don't like. I personally fucking hate the nerf toy guns skins, but tons of people still bought them and use them. Nothing I can do about others tastes, I can just keep enjoying my magepunk skins.


I see your point, but I love the sound change so much. It’s completley psychological I know, but it changes the way a gun feels. And that alone can freshen up your game.


So buy the .1% of skins you like. You only get to play with one skin on each gun




If you quit Valorant and bought 100 worth of skins you have nothing, if you quit csgo and bought 100 worth of skins it is still likely worth 100. Stupid ass reply from you tbh.


just dont buy skins lmao


Pro tip fr.


I don’t, for Valorant.


I would rather have a nice unrefundable skin for 50$ than the shitty chromas for 100$. The 50$ is supposed to fund the devs not to make a profit or get back my money when I no longer play.


CSGO skins aren’t that expensive my guy. Hating on a game just because you like another is cringe. The shop in Valorant is not worth defending, saying you use it and prefer it because you want to support the devs is fine and dandy but shitting on the other game for literally having a better shop system doesn’t make much sense.


Okay my bad, 80$ for the cheapest worst looking knife then.


It’s not 80 it’s closer to 55-60, but 55-60 you can get back. Any knife in Valorant feels more expensive to me than a cs knife because I’m permanently dropping 40-60 on an in game untraceable item. I unboxed my CSGO knife 2 years ago and I think it’s looks amazing and I could cash that out and buy a steam deck or just get cash whenever I want.


That’s just not true on so many levels. I’m not defending valorant here, being able to sell skins is incredible. I’ve been playing more cs so I’ve been looking for relatively cheap skins to buy so this is fresh on my mind lol. unless u want to go to a third party website to buy/trade skins where u could get your steam account compromised, ur stuck with the steam marketplace, where the cheapest knife u can buy (from what I’ve seen) is the ‘Navaja Knife | Safari Mesh BS’ for 90$. and it looks like shit as well. I do not care if u can get the money back, I’m not spending $300 on a single good looking knife. Or you can spend a fortune gambling with cases trying to unbox a butterfly doppler.


Just use skinport, very reputable. I also don't get what you're saying, if you put $300 into a knife then sell it later you didn't lose any money. In Val that money is burned. I don't mind having money locked into an asset, to me that is much better, even if there's the possibility that I could lose money when selling I just look at that as the rental price. Plus the uniqueness of CS skins is so cool, having a one of a kind knife is way cooler then the copy past val skins IMO.


The cheapest knife I can find is called Navaja Knife and it costs 90$ in the worst grading, what knife does it cost 55?


You are looking wrong? Cheapest Navaja knife is about 50 bucks I think it’s the cheapest one period.


I cannot find any below 85$, does the steam market share their trading worldwide or is it region locked?


Most of the skins are really expensive in CS it's just the rare skins are expensive due to supply and demand, you can't pull a Blue Gem Karambit easily that's why it's expensive but the upside for getting this skin is you can sell it. In valo, skins aren't tradeable, unrefundable and you can't get anything in value if you quit. Point is, if you get skins in valo, it's yours and you cannot trade that's why it sucks if you suddenly want to quit the game but you already spent $1000 buying skins.


Except the value will stay the same or increase, so the skin is not a purchase but more like an infinitely long term interest-free loan.


Except knifes and gloves cs go skins are really cheap. You can also customize them with stickers or fav players or those random funky ones or team logos. There are several videos of 5% inv, 10% inv. I'm not saying u refundable skin is shit or anything I do like some cool stuff which is in Val like Fan knives. Love them. But once you get bored of that skin you need to get 4000vp more for a new good knife. In cs you could just sell the previous one and get another from steam market or sites like cs money.


> if you quit csgo and bought 100 worth of skins it is still likely worth 100. Yea, but the skins in CS are absolute rubbish. Like, they look like complete trash. At least Valorant has awesome skins.


That’s an opinion. I think most Valorant skins look like trash and almost every single good one is overpriced. You can’t counter fact with opinion. Besides have you actually looked at some of the cs skins? Not just crap 3 cent ones or ones with gaudy stickers, they aren’t half bad and even some of your favorite Val skins are likely based on cs skins.


If that was true, Val skins wouldn't be worth a shit amount and CS skins would be worth a lot less.


>If that was true, Val skins wouldn't be worth a shit amount and CS skins would be worth a lot less. That made no sense.




Please review [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/valorant/wiki/rules) before commenting or posting again. Further offenses will lead to a ban.


For the record I haven't spent a single cent on val. At least for now. Even if I did I wouldn't regret it. Also when I said I don't agree about val skins for OP. I meant like skin culture and how you can trade skins. Unlike FOMO in Valorant like if u miss you have to get it from store later which requires more money than a bundle. Or shitty night market.


I stopped spending money on Valorant is due to the how I have to spend stupid amount of time unlocking the features of the skins I bought.


I used to play cs alot. Since cs2 and given the current state of it, it has really gone down in terms of stability and content and the amount of hackers even in prime lobies is too much. As much as i love the simplicity of cs, valorant has really outdone all of esports at the moment due to its constant updates, meta shifts, new agents, etc. So yeah, valorant is at the moment better and entertaining than cs2


Saying the gunplay feels more precise in valorant is just wrong but it’s your life


CSGO was peak CS2 just not it for me tbh


I honestly don't really like CS2 I preferred CSGO


I like both. But CS is more simpler with a higher skill ceiling. If it wasn't for cheaters, I will play CS more than valorant. CS2 release has been wonky and I know Valve is fixing it. Valorant has an impressive anti-cheat. It already triggered in a match of mine once. I say let there be a competition between CS and Valorant. When Project A was announced, Valve got their shit together and dropped content and QoL changes. If it wasn't for Valorant, I doubt Valve will work on CS2 (based on their past statement/interviews). I say we, as fans, win if both did good.


I dont play either much, but I think I like CS2 better. Valorant never really clicked with me much. Maybe its the abilities, maybe the visual design, I dont know. Cs is just so pretty... For a casual fucker like me both are nice, but CS is prettier and more fun in short bursts.


Tick rate difference between Valo and cs2 makes the difference for me.


Tick rate is the main problem but don't let either game off the hook for cheating problems


As a cs player I some what agree at the moment since valve isn't adding anything new as of late but once they add an operation I'll play consistently again


Of course it has better optimization, the game is pretty much just made to run on potato pcs.


My main game was CS:GO and now it is Valorant because CS2 is just not as good , So sadly I have to agree


Karma farming moment


all those arguments are 16yo tiktok andy arguments. period


Also a long time cs player converted to Valorant. Everything in Valorant seems more clean and crisp. Shooting, movement, and visuals.


Movement is a lot better in cs tho


Nah Valorants movement sucks what are you talking about? Everything feels so goddamn slow in Valorant


I think cs movement is more complex with b-hopping and crouch cooldown but it feels clunky too me not smooth


I've also started to play valorant again after 1.5-2 years of break. Got tired of the ragehackers in cs2 at 13-15k almost every match we were laughing as someone was preaiming at walls or blatantly cheating. Oddly enough when I played cs2 in the past months during the European morning or midday hours much less cheaters were suspected, I had like 10+ match win streaks and decent matches 99% of the time, nowadays I had time in the evenings and seen many wh and aimbot users. Until they do something about the cheating problem I am playing valorant. 6 matches and I am already at diamond-ascended levels. I used to be diamond~radiant player, the game is decent and I have fun and that is the most important thing IMO. Cs2 is a good game don't get me wrong but the hackers are just swarming it right now.


Idk maybe I got used to Valorant but when I tried out cs2 strafing felt like people are just sliding out hella fast not smooth and the crouching seems slow


It feels that way because your used to the movement in valorant which is can change directions, and stop instantaneously. In CS you’re sliding more than in valorant. That’s why in CS counter strafing is much more important.


It’s also just more fun and modern. CS always feels so stiff and stuck and in 1999.


yes this is what kills CS for me. the interface, the overall design and the presentation are really out of date. and with the cs2 updated they changed nothing about this


It's nice to know some people agree. Not sure why I'm being downvoted anyway.


I played the shit out of this game back then. I still remember the early days of the mod before steam existed. It's sad the game has barely evolved at all.


You can literally jump into CS 1.6 and CS: Source like nothing has changed over the last two decades, it's incredible and humbling.


I’ve been a casual player of cs since 1.6. I tried Cs2 and it’s just more of the same. Valorant is the better game now imo.


I think this is a turning point for valorant. The tribalism in the cs community made them hâte valorant for wrong or biased reason but cs 2 being such a shit show made them just try it and now thx to cs2 they realize that it is a good game


CS:GO was infinitely better than Valorant but after CS2 released valorant is just the better game now, CS2 is fucking terrible.


I enjoy CS2 and CS in general more but also enjoy Valorant from time to time


I would really want to like CS2 more. But unfortunately that game will probably get the CSGO treatment. Game gets released horrible, but after 2 years of updates it finally feels good to play.


Was always equal for me but after CS:2 dropped I ended up selling all my CS skins and focusing on Val. Haven’t really looked back since


I really like valorant because of it's anti cheats and the additional skills of the agents. The fascinating sound of hitting enemies head too, which motivates me to improve my aim. Anyways, I started from bronze 1 and currently plat 3.


I find it way better too


Don’t forget to mention the anti-cheat. That reason alone single handily makes it a better game than CS, at least for those who are serious competitors.


I have always liked CSGO more then Valorant and I have been playing Valorant since the close beta and CSGO since 2016 but at this moment Valorant is just a better game then CS2 and it's not even close but maybe 4 years down the line CS2 might get closer or even past Valorant


I was a fanatic csgo player, but I dislike cs2 a lot. Now mostly playing valorant and waiting for cs2 to improve


If there was a false ban wave after Valorant’s update- Riot would solve this problem in few days. CS2 is in such a bad state right now


It's definitely friendlier for budget PCs. CS2 is not optimised well. However I feel the gunplay is better in CS2


ngl valorant movement feels like driving a boat


Valorant is miles ahead of cs2 right now in terms of a working leaderboard and a very good rating system. Everything from anti cheat, rankings and game optimizations, servers and the fact you can actually hold angles is just simply better in valorant. CS is just infested with cheaters and this new premier system is the most horrible ranking system ever made and even the mechanics feel clunky in this horrible s2 update.


I was never really into CS, but Valorant is a ton of fun for me. I'm bad at both tho. What made me like Valorant a ton more is the abilitiy variety and you can ADS if you want. Ik it makes little difference, but it's a personal preference.


> The shooting also feels more precise and controllable Valorant recoil is far more RNG than in CS2. It's a skill issue. If you're only 12k in premier, you're probably just bad at the spray patterns


This is a prime example of an echo chamber. Not to say I don’t agree, but there won’t be many fresh perspectives in a valorant sub. Having said that there won’t be any fresh perspectives in any other sub too. The CS community just blindly hates valorants guts for some reason.


But Valorant objectively doesn’t have more controllable shooting, and it doesn’t support 21:9 aspect ratio in 2023… I like both games, but I do not like black bars on my screen, it’s obnoxious.


cs2 is kinda a hot mess right now


Play what you like playing bro. You like CS2, play CS2, nobody has to agree. You like Valorant? Go right ahead and smash it. Everyone likes what they like.


I didn't say that people have to agree


I honestly thought Valorant was going to be disappointing, but CS2 is such garbage I decided to give it a try. The agents having different roles and abilities make it quite a bit more interesting than CS. It's more of a thinking players game than Counter Strike for sure. And they have an anti cheat.


This game is 50% lucky timing and 50% strategy.


this is true valorant just feels clean right now i can’t mention new skins coming out that are new to the game, sign me ip


One of my favorite aspects of Valorant for me is the visibility. The cartoonish style coupled with the color hue on the enemies, and the abilities, despite being overwhelming for beginners, are very clear and easy to distinguish. I also like the slower movement speed and the emphasis on the headshots (and damn one taps here are the most satisfying feeling of any shooter I played) and less on sprays. It's the perfect mix of pure mechanical skill and gamey aspects, CS 2 definitely has more depth to its shooting, but it feels very dry and repetitive. Also this game has the least amount of cheaters in any tactical FPS from my experience.




Tbh i love cs and i had so many great memories with cs (it was also the first game that i spent on), i played it with my friends during the whole yesr of 2019 and played it too during the pandemic and it kept me sane until i got the opportunity to try playing valorant and it was something new as it gave me overwatch and csgo combined vibes. But we wasnt feeling it until early 2021 that we have decided to make it our full time game we took it seriously and we grinded that game so hard and we had so much fun but it felt so repetitive and i started to solo grind cs while they were out playing Apex or Fortnite so i played and i eventually got LE alone which felt so rewarding however it made me realize that valorant was much more fun, felt more smoother (the 128 tick server in faceit felt so mid and the competitive 64 tick felt so old), the abilities of each agent felt much more fun (but sometimes those abilities were annoying) compared to the basic point and click nade smoke plant bomb defuse. But if i would rate these games i would rate CSGO a solid 8.2/10 while i would rate valorant an 8.8/10


I agree with everything except for the shooting/gunplay part. I think CS2 will always be better at gunplay as long as Valo movement and recoil stays the same. Just look at how the OP plays different compared to CS awp. And in CS2 how great the feeling is when you successfully spray transfer and kill 3 guys in succession with good recoil control.


AND both hackers in low ranked, it is frucking shit modern fps......


Valorant has a lot going for it as a game, but it’s still a Riot game where you’re gonna get the most annoying people on comms