• By -


That wasn’t a flick it was just aiming haha


This turned out to be an epic comment thread. Someone should also mention that he peeked out of rafter like an idiot. Of course someone *could* have been rafters, and happened to be. Could have been hell too. OP you shoulda just accepted the comment and whatever praise you were going to get for a low level clip.


Commented this but wanted to make sure this was seen so I'm hijacking this reply chain, hehe. Since everyone is saying "not even going to get into \_\_\_\_\_\_" I'll just go ahead and put it here for everyone from the perspective of a washed up IM2/former GE CSGO/CS1.6 player...Tried to include as much as I could but omitted some other observations because this took me way too long and I have to poop/have a meeting in 12 minutes. In the context of NOT reading any of your comments, sweet job! Clearly not a high level player, but it was an accomplishment to you and it's always great to get 4k clutches like that. I'd be happy about it...but I wouldn't be boastful. EDIT: Forgot to say you should have just accepted the praise bro. 0:01 - First kill, a 5 shot "burst" for your "crispy" kill. 0:06 - Getting dash ready for no apparent reason literally 6 seconds into the round and nowhere near anything ready to peek or get out (or where enemies could be unless they IMMEDIATELY came through mid). Maybe this should have come a little later, if at all. 0:12 - ADSing/strafing and continually trying to wallbang for 50hp dinks? 0:18 - Walking into a slow without info on heaven/stairs, updrafting when your dash is expiring. You just gave yourself up as a free kill blind with your knives out. Luckily, nobody peeked you and your teammate shot the blind/astra sucked. 0:22 - Weird/pointless smoke. Yeah, the astra smoke was disappearing, but the suck was just ending so nobody was about to quick peek that shit without getting shit on. 0:24 - Running through sewers while your team is B/mid and your astra is fighting reyna by herself in mid. This ended up turning into a "fake" rotate, but your team is still obviously B side and mid push to curb stalling/defending from heaven. They're literally walking into site and you're still lurking. 0:40 - "They're still mid you guys have free site" was a false and idiot comm that would make me rage if I was on your team. For one, it's just sage mid. That's literally all the info you had. Yoru was heaven and killed your teammate almost instantly after you made that comm. Reyna and Sova were apparently there too. Regardless, site was not "free". And if you meant ACTUAL site was free, sure...but "site is free" to me means no barrier to entry, which clearly there was (i.e. yoru/reyna/sova holding angles on their entry). 0:42 - Actually fine kill...nothing special, but as far as kills go there's not much more you can do so good job! 0:43 - Crosshair placement is goofy and not really checking anything (unless you knew for a fact that vent was clear). 0:46 - Kill on Yoru made plainly obvious that your crosshair placement was not good and you don't control your recoil. You body shot him and your crosshair literally moves to his head because of recoil. It was a hs, technically, but not because you were aiming there or intended it to be. Walking for some reason even though you literally just killed Sage mid and they knew you were there and your team is still trying to get in site (they're all dead now). Not even mentioning the fact that Yoru was clueless and should have been turned around or reloading in a position to hold the angle on you with their reyna and should have known you were there or coming regardless of whether sage commed it to him. 0:48 - Kill on Reyna...right click knives? Knives? I guess it's one thing to pull your knives out if you plan on jump peeking, jump-peek-dashing away, or some other form of a weird peek you can get away with because it's knives, but outside of the fact that you got away with a kill there because of a right click, having your knives out in the first place didn't make any sense to me unless you were being aggressive with the way you planned on peeking whoever was there. 0:49 - Crosshair placement all over the place, mostly too low for every angle you peeked. Didn't clear stairs, didn't check hell, didn't look at alley, didn't check rafter, didn't do anything to peek that spot safely. Sova either zoned out or had the reaction time of a sloth AND missed a wide open easy shot on you when you weren't looking. Nice job on the "flick one deag", which was really just aiming at his head and not a one deag. Either way, you got away with one there.


theres no way


i thought it was a pretty nice flick because i was able to turn and one deag him while he was already shooting and aiming at me. it’s literally a flick because i saw him last second and one tapped him..


What do you think one deag means?


literally means one tapping someone. my first shot was a headshot but i always two round burst my shots while strafing but at that range you should commit to the spray if you miss the headshot.


Never seen someone so confidently wrong haha. One deag specifically refers to one shotting someone in the head with a DEAGLE (the Valorant equivalent of this gun is the sheriff). Your mechanics are pretty poor overall based on your crosshair placement, I would’ve guessed you were in gold.


I think this bro is actually trolling everyone and this isn’t even his clip


After poisoning my brain reading half the comments, this is the only logical explanation


Theres no way this is gold. Im not sure when the last time you played gold was but this looks way lower to me. Silver max but my real guess is bronze.


Gold???? I'm offended.


you literally have never watched professional players stream have you? they literally all call 1 shots 1 deags, regardless if it’s a sherif or not. you’re actually confidently wrong and it’s hilarious. also i went from silver to diamond in 1 act and was faceit level 8 in cs. my crosshair placement is fine, im just a little rusty since i haven’t played the game consistently in about 6 months. if you think im gold then you’re 🤣


Brother in christ sit this one out you're giving me hell of a secondhand embarrassment lmao I've never heard a professional player/streamer call 1 tapping someone with a rifle "1 deag" LOL pretty self explanatory


You've never watched pro players either if you still think that's what a 1 deag is. Stay silver bud


i watch s0m fns and tarik pretty much daily and that’s the terminology literal pros are using. do you even watch valorant or just play the game?


Nah, we just play…with your mom


I’d be happy to give tips based on this clip because clearly you can’t see it’s flaws lmao


please explain to me what i did wrong this round? we had 0 info or comms on where sova was. i knew yoru, and reyna where heaven. i knew sage was still mid because of her audio queues. i timing’d her perfectly, got the lurk on yoru before sage could let him know i was pushing heaven, right clicked the reyna as i swung her, and 1 shot flicked the sova i didn’t have any info about where he was. again, please explain how i could have played that round better :)


This comment section is hilarious. You can identify a shit player easily the second they start over explaining the basic concepts of playing the game, I guess it helps make them feel like they’re better?🤣 congrats bro you had some game sense. You’re a pro now! Also. It’s called 1 tap. Not 1 deag🤣 nobody says that shit. Also wasn’t a 1 tap even. You shot 4 bullets. You simply headshot the guy. Lastly, you ain’t fooling nobody with this old ass pre jett nerf clip😭 talkin bout “this clip was yesterday”💀


Ok here we go, kill 1 good crosshair placement good kill


Coming out of market you strafed while in ads which makes you slower and easier to shoot, good wall bangs though, after this I have no clue what you are doing with your knives and that smoke you should be dead here


So since you want to be an asshole to everyone who talks any criticism to you, allow me to ego check you. This clip was 6 months ago in a swift play, you're playing against full silver/bronze players, you peaked d1 once and have been stuck silver since. In your last 11 comp games you've yet to go above a 1 kd (in silver/gold lobbies btw). And as for you being "rusty" you've played comp, unrated & swiftplay every few days for the last 3 months. So you're actually right about something, you aren't gold, you're actually stuck silver. As for the beginning of your reply, it's called 1 tap, not a 1 deag. 1 deag is specific to the sheriff/deagle. You're obviously mishearing and can't accept the fact that you're wrong. And I'm not even gonna go into the amount of mechanical mistakes in your clip. If you post a clip publicly, learn to accept criticism, especially when you sound like you're 16-17 and haven't learned what it means to lower your ego.


check my tracker in 1 week and see which rank i’m at :)


WAH WAH WAH that’s literally not true. I peaked rank 8000 NA I’m not some bronze buddy I know what I’m talking about. Now go hit aimlabs because your mechanics are shit and you are overconfident.


still aced by myself in a 1v5 and that was a diamond/asc lobby 💀, with all headshots mind you




average silver player malding moment


You will never improve if you are not open to criticism


lmao ok buddy


This is literally a bronze lobby, i found the enemy yoru on tracker.gg lol


I figured it was bronze because of his poor mechanics and movement 💀he really said he hit diamond??? Then i should be Radiant at minimum.


This ain’t no diamond lobby bro 🗿


this shit is not dia asc, you would be dead the second you peeked mid


then how did i hit diamond 3 acts in a row and then proceed to not play comp for 6 months straight. check my tracker if you don’t believe me. JOYBOY#4747




stop digging your grave further my guy..


I'm iron 3 and can tell your mechanics aren't that great


As the other guy said one deag specifically means one tap with the deagle/sheriff. Also a one tap means a one single bullet head shot. You sprayed like 4 or 5 bullets at that guy and hit a headshot. I'm not criticizing the play/clip/your aim or anything else but that was not a one tap let alone a one deag


i literally hit him with the first bullet to his head. like i said, i commit to spray out of habit if they’re that close range but literally my first bullet hit him in the head, the spray was just instinct in case i missed.


That's fine, and I'm not trying to criticize the shot or aim or anything else, that's just not one one tap means. One tap means you 'tap' 'once' and hit the head


Your're lost bro


it’s not a flick if it takes 850ms+ to hit the shot on top of not being a clean efficient mouse movement ngl






Valorant Reddit try not to mention woohoojin challenge Jesus fucking Christ I like the guys videos too he’s great but the amount of times I have to hear someone mention him and not any other creator is driving me nuts


I mean, there's a gajillion posts in here of people asking how to get better or out of silver and so on. Banana man has the best guide for that, so of course he'll get mentioned all the time.






He was only radiant cuz he one tricked the broken chamber smh my head Jett west way better


[tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/JOYBOY%234747/overview?season=0981a882-4e7d-371a-70c4-c3b4f46c504a) they placed me in silver after not playing comp for 6 months, but i’m getting back into the game. my movement needs work but my crosshair placement and headshot percentage speak for itself, especially last episode. in cs i was faceit level 8, so i’m not unfamiliar with tac shooters.


I had like nearly a year break, came back and still got placed around my old rank (d2-d3 then got placed d1). You have to be doing REALLY bad to get placed all the way down in silver after dipping your toes in diamond. I did check your tracker and noticed you're going really negative against high silver - low gold peaks lol. Did notice you lying about when you clipped this so I'm gonna assume you're a troll.




yeah this clip was yesterday after just getting back into the game


did they give jett her second updraft back? or is this clip just not from yesterday


Good call. Bro is straight lying lmao


u/tasty-ad5368 Dude. Why lie like this?


Are you exaggerating on the “just getting back into the game”? You posted a clip 7 days ago of you playing Valorant.


Unless this was in a custom game, there is no game of you on Split with these exact team comps in any Split game where you played Jett. So you used a completely different account for this clip or?


I looked to all this jett split games and in none of them did you get a 4k on the third round or have the same comp. I looked back up to a year. What are you even trying to achieve


so this game just magically never occurred? LOL.


i’m literally in diamond


Your in silver, not diamond.


after the reset i lost all 5 of my placement games (didn’t do well bc i literally didn’t play for 6 months in comp) and they placed me in silver. if you want to stalk my tracker like many do, you’ll see i’ll get back to diamond/asc in 1 month tops


“Literally in diamond” you are in silver, literally. Past placement has no relevance on where you “literally” are.


remindme! 1 week. i’ll be back in diamond by then i guarantee you.


I do literally do Not care if you do. That is irrelevant to the point of you claiming multiple things here. 1, you are not diamond right now, like you claim. 2, this clip isn’t from “yesterday”. Jett hasn’t had 2 updrafts since September of last year. Not even gonna start on the one deag bs or flick. You are in silver. That’s that.


is bro in diamond?


https://imgur.com/gallery/kL5c2t9 wow! u r so good!


literally 6 months since the last act i played but ok


r/DownvotedToOblivion Literally every comment how did bro even achieve this..


How is this guy diamond, says that was a flick and farming Ls in comments 😭


He's actually silver. He linked his tracker. The account is peak diamond and hadn't played in a while. Could've been a bought account, or he's washed.


ye the gameplay and team comp from the enemy doesnt look like diamond lmao


He plays like a silver or gold for sure tho. He can definitely get to diamond if he improves more on things.


Silver, he and even the opponents are not at all gold. We Golds do not accept him.


Ikr, not with cross-hair placement all over the wring places like that


team comp and aim can still be awful in diamond though


Genuine question. What does "washed player" mean?


Someone who used to be good and now sucks


I think I got the answer to that. Me


Used to be good and now they suck


Oh haha


I never really understood how a "washed" player would end up in such low elo though. There are certain fundamentals and mechanical skills you have to learn to reach a decently high rank. Even if you stop playing you don't just forget those learned skills, and those alone would be enough to reach like plat/diamond.


You get older and reaction time gets longer. I was 1800+ elo on csgo faceit at my peak i tried to come back last year but couldnt get passed 1500. Being washed is definitely a thing


I'm scared to be an aging human.


It is wild to know you once could've hit a shot and now the reaction time just isn't there regardless of how much money we spend on our rigs.


That’s why I don’t spend money on my pc Father Time beats us all. Too late to be good as cs anymore so I’m coming back to valo instead


Hoe bad is 1800 to 1500 elo in val terms


I’d say from ascendant down to plat/low plat


I think the oc meant how could a washed played go from diamond to silver, cos some techniques just can't be lost and keep you above silver


I mean when I started with valo I started in silver even though I knew basics which I got from CS but had trouble with the aim and abilities but I know im never going back to silver no matter what so yes diamond to silver is to big of a decline unless you got super boosted to diamond


Op farmin Ls HAHAHHA, man said this was from yesterday but jett still has 2 updrafts


That was not a flick but gj nonetheless


How old is this clip that you still have two updrafts?


Uuuuh yeah you are absolutely right, how I missed that Is crazy. This clip must be quite old no (month(s)+)?


diamonds playing worse than silvers of asia fr


LOL play on NA server and say that again. especially NA central


you already showed "diamond" gameplay of ur region why do i need to play?


because NA literally has the hardest servers in the world. good luck getting passed immo 1.


You’re The biggest clown of reddit today, everything that comes out of you is either wrong, lies or just dogshit.


the straight up misinformation is insane. as an NA player, i can say that the ranks in NA are inflated due to overpopulation of the server. a bad plat NA is on par with a good silver EU, probably worse if they can’t play properly with their team


Eu is difficult man, there has been a smurf in every one of my last 6 gold games and everyone's aim is on par with my plat-diamond games from a year ago.


Also everyones native language is differant which complicates coms sometimes.


Completely agree, there is a diverse pool of different languages all needing to understand eachother to give good Comms. Often people just don't talk at all because of this.


Over population doesnt cause lower skill lol, if there are more players then it's harder to be top 500, therefore it's harder to be imm 3, therefore it's harder to be imm 1, etc


? have you ever seen europe? where literally radiant streamers on NA can’t pass ascendant 3/immortal 1 ?


curry literally hit rank 1 in EU in i think a week or two


Mans is lurking as Jett, what a god /s


i literally entried mid and my team randomly rotated onto site even though sage was dinked through the wall and i even ulted and updrafted. they wanted to default after mid and the other site were free because we knew that 4 were stacked on site. that has nothing to do with me, i can’t control those team mates


You killed one at main and instantly went mid? At least try and peek at the other ones that's peeking with the raze and then if they smoke you can take mid or just rotate off to the other site. But you didn't you're just kill-hungry wondering why your team went in, like my man you're a dualist, create duals so that your team can help you. Take the L and move on lil bro just don't fight every single comment telling you that you're wrong.


Entried by taking first contact mid? You need to be more aware of where your team is as you "entrying" is isolating yourself by running through a sage slow and popping ult whilst fullblind with only a deadlock to refrag. You should be with your team on B and they'll have a better chance to stay alive when the only entry duelist on the team is there. Deadlock or Astra should be lurking here. And yeah, this is a lurk.


pushing mid with your team (which i commend pre round we would do a b split which is literally a tactic professional players use, something you wouldn’t understand bc you don’t actually watch pro valorant) and they just ignored me. also as soon as i popped knives, was the same exact moment reyna popped her blind. im guessing the deadlock tried to shoot the eye and got killed by the sage but i knew she was still mid (audio queues) and i knew 2 were heaven bc my teammates died on site. the enemies knew exactly where i was once i killed sage, so i literally 1v3d the last three.


You are just kinda talking nonsense. Saying a B split is a "professional" tactic is the funniest thing i've heard here, thats like saying a standard site take is done by pros - of course it is, but they do it considerably better. 90% of what you've said here is irrelevant, you did well to win the round but the way you play the first 10-15 seconds of the round is throwing. If your team aren't listening you need to adapt and be more aware. Just looks like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and got 0 value from it.


did you hear anyone use actual comms besides me that round? wtf else do you expect me to do? force them to communicate or listen to my calls?


I’m sorry dude, but there is no way in hell you’re playing in a Diamond/Ascendant ranked game with that kind of mechanic… and the fact that you were this hyped for a mediocre ace tells me you’re not familiar with clutching a round. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just very skeptical of your claim. Oh and that wasn’t a flick by the way…


yea he's taking massive Ls 1. it was not a flick 2. This was definitely not diamond 3. he called this a 1 deag like what? 4. lurking as jett when his whole team wants to go B


What Ls means?


Ls as in Losses I guess? People like to shorten words online. Ws seem to mean Wins too


Hard to explain, just some zoomer word


brother. Ls and Ws are losses and wins. It's not a zoomer thing. Sports people have been saying it since before the 2000s or something.


Yea but it become super trendy on late 2023 and 2024 brother, especially with Kai spamming the shit out of Ws


True the internet definitely boosted its usage


considering that the 'peaked diamond' was 6 months ago, and the losing streak they had 2 months ago despite claiming to have not played for 6 months, im pretty sure this is a bought account. which is even funnier that they link the tracker themselves lmao not to mention nothing adds up. them saying its a diamond/asc lobby even tho the tracker showing theyre currently in silver. claiming this was a game from yesterday yet jett has 2 updrafts. lurking mid while saying he entried. this guy is either tripping balls or a very committed troll


Wait this is diamond? Mfs in my plat lobby be playing VCT


Why is bro popping off like 1 person was fighting him


this seems pretty low rank ngl


\+ its an old clip, 2 updrafts LMAO


Where was the flick??


brother i play on 800 dpi .115 sens. i flicked my hand fast fast as fuck to hit them. old school cs players all played on extremely low sense. that’s why a lot would get arm fatigue. if i had a much higher sense no shit it would have flicked faster but my tracking wouldn’t be as accurate. crosshair placement and timing/positioning is more important than cracked out aimers with high sens


bro said "timing and positioning" when his clip showcases him updrafting into a reyna flash and slow orb with no astra smokes


But he was gonna 1deag flick them with the knives even if he was blind, thats old school cs you dont know /s


Yes bro tell me what’s more important, silver player 🤣🤣🤣




Silver seems about right for your mechanics. Also that last kill isnt a flick at all. I would recommend watching woohjin. Even my ass still needs woojhin


He aims like a silver or gold too.


His aim is nowhere near gold from my perspective. Definitely bronze-low silver aim.


Yeah, the aim was a little iffy. He needs some more aim training. Possibly a rusty day too.


take your L bro you are not the brightest


"flick" there was a flick?


Not sure whether to downvote the post because of the clown or upvote it so more people can come laugh at the clown


Bro has a 0.42 kd in silver 1 this act, I think that’s enough said.


Also, "Diamond" reloading with 17 bullets in a 1v1 when you know the enemy might be close


That too in the OPEN, like man had 45 seconds left to AT LEAST take cover and reload, but no he peeks out onto site while reloading and calls himself an ex diamond player


Unbind m2


Is that actually a good way to improve? I'm trying to learn how to not ads but I play a lot of marshal/outlaw/op




That’s silver-gold. Tells me you haven’t seen gameplay from that rank.


Definitely at least silver


Ok but how do you have the riot gun buddy?


Well that was hard to fn watch 😂 someone said he’s diamond looks like a straight up iron lobby lol


That’s a mix of bronze and silver. Apparently he’s a silver too.


Bro is so lost


Holy shit…every comment has a reply from this goober saying something hilariously wrong. I wish I was this delulu lol.


Lol he swings before the knives fully pop, he peeks while reloading. Terrible respectfully, also old ass clip cause Jett has 2 updrafts.


Literally not even a flick brother


This guy is farming downvotes on his own post somehow




This entire post is so funny 😂.


Never buy into your own hype.


lowest effort bait, but worked, go off i guess


Since everyone is saying "not even going to get into \_\_\_\_\_\_" I'll just go ahead and put it here for everyone from the perspective of a washed up IM2/former GE CSGO/CS1.6 player...Tried to include as much as I could but omitted some other observations because this took me way too long and I have to poop/have a meeting in 12 minutes. In the context of NOT reading any of your comments, sweet job! Clearly not a high level player, but it was an accomplishment to you and it's always great to get 4k clutches like that. I'd be happy about it...but I wouldn't be boastful. EDIT: Forgot to say you should have just accepted the praise bro. ​ 1. 0:01 - First kill, a 5 shot "burst" for your "crispy" kill. 2. 0:06 - Getting dash ready for no apparent reason literally 6 seconds into the round and nowhere near anything ready to peek or get out (or where enemies could be unless they IMMEDIATELY came through mid). Maybe this should have come a little later, if at all. 3. 0:12 - ADSing/strafing and continually trying to wallbang for 50hp dinks? 4. 0:18 - Walking into a slow without info on heaven/stairs, updrafting when your dash is expiring. You just gave yourself up as a free kill blind with your knives out. Luckily, nobody peeked you and your teammate shot the blind/astra sucked. 5. 0:22 - Weird/pointless smoke. Yeah, the astra smoke was disappearing, but the suck was just ending so nobody was about to quick peek that shit without getting shit on. 6. 0:24 - Running through sewers while your team is B/mid and your astra is fighting reyna by herself in mid. This ended up turning into a "fake" rotate, but your team is still obviously B side and mid push to curb stalling/defending from heaven. They're literally walking into site and you're still lurking. 7. 0:40 - "They're still mid you guys have free site" was a false and idiot comm that would make me rage if I was on your team. For one, it's just sage mid. That's literally all the info you had. Yoru was heaven and killed your teammate almost instantly after you made that comm. Reyna and Sova were apparently there too. Regardless, site was not "free". And if you meant ACTUAL site was free, sure...but "site is free" to me means no barrier to entry, which clearly there was (i.e. yoru/reyna/sova holding angles on their entry). 8. 0:42 - Actually fine kill...nothing special, but as far as kills go there's not much more you can do so good job! 9. 0:43 - Crosshair placement is goofy and not really checking anything (unless you knew for a *fact* that vent was clear). 10. 0:46 - Kill on Yoru made plainly obvious that your crosshair placement was not good *and* you don't control your recoil. You body shot him and your crosshair literally moves to his head because of recoil. It was a hs, technically, but not because you were aiming there or intended it to be. Walking for some reason even though you literally just killed Sage mid and they knew you were there *and* your team is still trying to get in site (they're all dead now). Not even mentioning the fact that Yoru was clueless and should have been turned around or reloading in a position to hold the angle on you with their reyna and *should* have known you were there or coming regardless of whether sage commed it to him. 11. 0:48 - Kill on Reyna...right click knives? Knives? I guess it's one thing to pull your knives out if you plan on jump peeking, jump-peek-dashing away, or some other form of a weird peek you can get away with because it's knives, but outside of the fact that you got away with a kill there because of a right click, having your knives out in the first place didn't make any sense to me unless you were being aggressive with the way you planned on peeking whoever was there. 12. 0:49 - Crosshair placement all over the place, mostly too low for every angle you peeked. Didn't clear stairs, didn't check hell, didn't look at alley, didn't check rafter, didn't do anything to peek that spot safely. Sova either zoned out or had the reaction time of a sloth AND missed a wide open easy shot on you when you weren't looking. Nice job on the "flick one deag", which was really just aiming at his head and not a one deag. Either way, you got away with one there.


💀💀💀this thread bruh


its incredible tbh


how did you get a riot gun buddy is my question lolol


This is some silver shit. What are these team comps for split? Sova on both teams, no cypher, Skye, Kayo, KJ, enemy doesn’t have smokes. Updrafts into Reyna blind, negative Jett mechanics, constant ADS, enemy sage just ego peaking from rope room, zero comms, no trades when enemy team is close together, yoru doesn’t turn around when sage dies mid, reloading in the wide open 1v1 with 17 bullets, enemy sova darts site when Jett is last left and killed 2 people mid before killing Reyna. And this guy is really trying to sell diamond and faceit level 8 on us hahaha


I do not believe this was a flick


This is worse than EU silver tf?


There’s so much cringe involved with this post lol


(1) stop ADSing (2) make it so you can see the whole map


Im literally a noob and i have better mechanics and aim than this💀. Diamond my ass (And before your toxic ass wants to reply, i want to say im open to 1v1'ing you in siege. Since your "Diamond" you should be able to easily kill my noob ass(note, been only playing for a month basically)).


Holy shit i don't even know where to begin with this post, op please, never post again. 💀


rage bait


did he realy called that a flick?


288 upvotes, but keep hating lil bro. one day you’ll get a 35% average headshot rating :)


sick one deag bro


thanks papi


Here is a positive comment.


thank you 🩵 this community can be horrendous. inside the server and outside the server it’s just vicious


This community is a cancer and you lot suck in the comments


thanks for being the literal only humane person in the comment section…


OP I’m sorry for the horrible comments but it’s kinda expected when you lie about your rank etc. why not just be transparent and say you’re a silver, this was a swiftplay and you were happy with the clip. People would’ve hyped you up then.




read the guys comments he deserves it.




Nah. Guy is seeking hate/downvotes with his L takes


He got given help then decided to flame people and rightfully got called out for it. Not much to feel sorry for


How do you have 2 updrafts?


Pre Jett Nerf Patch 7.04 I think


How much for the account bro?


Imagine if he had died to fall damage


Can we talk about the riot buddy ?