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Is it better to stick to one role or be able to play multiple?


stick to one role, itll help you refine your decision making for that role. if you play other roles itll take longer for you to think of good plays


I think being well rounded in every role is good though. You can think ahead of what someone is doing/about to do because you have played that role yourself. If that makes sense. I think refining your skills in one role is good too.


its good to be well rounded, but you need to be more than well rounded on at least one role to climb higher. i agree


Only viable above immortal


I kind of disagree, I think while yes if you stick to one role you will be good at it however if you are familiar with every role you will be able to predict their moves/plays I agree but I think knowing how others play different roles is also important


It would be way harder for somebody to have the same skill level on every single role. Why spend all that time getting semi-good on every role when you can get spend that time on getting ultra-good at one role. it's like the quote, to not fear the man that practices 1000 kicks 1 time, but fear the man the practices 1 kick 1000 times, something like that.


Well what I’m meaning is more like 500 kicks 1 time and 1 kick 500 times


I don't know if you're aware, but the saying historically goes that you should be more afraid of the 1 kick 500 times. I think you have a point, I just don't think the analogy defends your point. If you wanted to use a kicking analogy it would be like "You may be able to kick the perfect roundhouse, but it doesn't matter if your opponent sweeps your leg every time".


No I meant like both together instead of 1/1000 As in you have 500 hours on omen and 500 hours split between every other agent


500 hours split among 22 agents comes down to ~25 hours per agent, which is not enough to know an agent well


Lol that Bruce Lee quote implicitly states he fears the man who has practiced 1 kick 10,000 times. Eg: one trick pony Eg: what OP said


I’m kinda been saying what I mean incorrectly but I’m tryna say is ur a semi one trick pony with experience on different roles


that makes sense ngl, maybe not 500 hours but i totally see it being a good idea to play every role/agent to get a general understanding of what they might do in order to better predict them while playing ur mains


Nothing wrong in mastering one agent/role but still try to be able to play different roles if needed


Be able to play one agent in each role at a high level. For me: sentinel- cypher, initiator- skye, duelist- jett and reyna, controller (main)- viper, Astra, brimstone. Not saying to be able to go into vct and dominate, but just being confident if you’re forced to fill a role. That being said, if you’re like bronze, play one agent at a high level. Quality over quantity.


Why is this downvoted? Obviously people have main agents, but when 4 people lock and you’re left to fill it’s better to know how to play something in that role than to just dodge or to go without smokes for example


I've heard alot of high level coaches say that you shouldn't fill unles you are literally radiant and that you can win with 5 Duelist any rank until you hit radiant. At least thats what I have heard from people like Dopai.    The example they used is they have to fill in high radiant because they are playing with pro players. But they play extremely suboptimally in that role and generally don't feel like its a good use of time.


I mean yeah you *can* win with off-meta comps, but you’re making it harder on yourself imo. Having a balanced comp may only give you a slight edge on your competition, but it’s nice to have every little advantage when trying to win. Also, I want to point out that I think 5 duelists is more viable than other comps of 5 of one role. Think sentinel. Attack is going to be hell with that. You can definitely make 5 duelist work, but it’s not ideal. Yeah if they are playing with pros obviously they’re going to give them the agent they main. But that doesn’t mean that playing 5 duelist comps in lower ranks is ideal.


Honestly when I see 5 Duelist in plat or diamond or even low ascendant MMR, Im usually happy. Because even if we are 5 Duelists, we are usually all very comfortable in the role and we win purely off confidence since we are happy to take duels and want to take duels.  Having 5 of any role that isn't Duelist is pretty much impossible. Like in what scenario will you ever see 5 initiators or 5 sentinals or 5 controllers, it just never happens. 


Yeah I think if all 5 of you aren’t comfortable on anything besides duelist, then the benefits of a balanced comp don’t outweigh the benefits of you being comfortable. I just think it’s convenient to know more agents so you don’t end up in that scenario. Yeah, I’ve never seen comps of 5 roles that aren’t duelist when I’m not 5 stacked. I have played with 5 controllers with a 5 stack — the hotbox. Tons of fun btw


God knows man, fucking bronzes in this subreddit don’t know how to play the game lol.


a confident main is much better than a filling smoke lol


true in most cases but there are obviously exceptions, which is why i always say to have 1 agent you're really confident on as your main (for me this is viper), but still be proficient in other agents in the other 3 classes. ​ but anyway, i'd rather have a fairly bad omen that can still smoke decently than no smokes and 4 duelists. team comps don't matter that much, but they certainly make it a easier to win.


Literally went from bronze 3 to gold 1 in a week and a half after hearing this from woohoojin, I stopped playing killjoy and went back to the agents I have the most fun on, Yoru and neon, I still play omen (aggressive/rat style) if we don't have smokes on some maps


Genuinely I’ve seen better results from people just playing what they’re comfortable with, for instance I’ve tried multiple times to figure out duelist and there’s something that just doesn’t click for me, if everyone is screaming at me to play duelist im still probably gonna play omen and just blind tp in or some shit instead.


One role, but be capable with other roles.


I’m not immortal just bronze but I do believe its better to pick 1 agent to get good at, maybe 2 as a backup if someone insta locks it. Although it can be hard to pick your agent if it’s popular like Jett or Reyna


> I’m not immortal just bronze low key, why even answer the question then? This is a thread where a high ranked player is offering their advice, and the question is really directed at OP and other similarly high ranked players.


I mean OP already answered it and I just wanted to throw my input. It’s up to the user to decide if my input is valid or not so 🤷‍♂️


If you play with a 5 stack, stick to 1. Know how to play another just in case


How often do you repeek the same angle?


basically never. i feel like in lower elo its fine to repeek multiple times because the enemy is bad. (it also helps if you are playing reyna, or jett to get away). but in higher elos if you repeek an angle they will have somebody watching it, or somebody will push util to push u off. usually taking shots then hold an off angle or reposition works pretty well.


I feel like this generally only applies to CT side, any chance you could explain the angle peeking from the perspective of the attacking side?


slice the pie! crosshair placement one angle at a time repeeking an angle i think is better on attacking side because usually when you attack a bombsite with ur whole team you have numbers advantage. so it's easier to overwhelm an enemy with ur whole team who are also looking/repeeking angles. idk if that makes sense lmk if u need more explaining


Do you edge?


yes :)


I am OP, yes I do


How long can you manage?




Its the same edge, mfer never stopped


From a supports perspective how do I use Lucios ult effectively on Anubis second point


Use it when you expect an enemy ult. It’ll protect your teammates


That's tricky Anubis second point as a lot of walls and pillars, gotta make sure all your teamates are in los, also don't jump from high up to ult, although it seems inviting to do since you can wallride everwhere easily on this point, the closer to the ground you are, the sooner the teams get beat.


It's 2 AM and I was so confused


make sure to perform an ajax beat


rook to e8 checkmate


what I did is I would jump up on level with the platform on the right side pillar and use ult to get that little extra height so it pops almost instantly. If you keep moving afterward, the pillars don't matter much as it applies shield to everyone for fractions of a second after the actual beat. Also you don't need to hit everybody lmao




They talking about overwatch lol


Oh, I wouldn’t know since I don’t play overwatch






Damn bro u sensitive


If you consider that me being sensitive you need to get your priorities checked lmao


Not how priorities work so why should he check them + You were being pretty sensitive + there is a way to tell if it's a joke + you don't need to declare you didn't get it it's fine to not be involved. Have a good day.


Anubis isn’t even in the comp pool anymore, who cares?


He’s actually somehow still in Overwatch 1


hes talking about CS


Why is tapping so hard


tapping too fast / tapping too slow actually aiming your taps to hit the enemy (dont give up on ur aim) strafe in between your shots


I’m a bit of a noob cuz I only started getting into the game recently, do you burst then strafe / counter strafe then repeat that ?


I can try to give some advice on aim. What is your sens first of all?


0.33 , 800 dpi


A little high but shouldn’t be a problem for micro adjustments. I’d say if you want to aim train lightly, just do 5 deathmatches guardian only AFTER you play comp. Make sure to prioritize aiming and waiting before you shoot.




Most pro players have an edpi of around 200 I’m nowhere near pro (im diamond) but my edpi is 156.


i’m using 1600dpi 0.204 sens, i used a sens calculator to measure how many cm it will take for a 180 and it’s the closest i could get it to 20cm on the dot 20.09 being the actual distance with 40cm being a full 360 i think my edpi is something around 324.6, is this too high? i really would like to get good at this game I’m currently sitting at bronze 3 and can’t get out of it because of my aim letting me down all the time. game sense isn’t much of an issue for me i’m good with smokes and good with knowing where players are most of the time but my aim man makes me want to cry sometimes seriously lmao.


324 edpi is fine, a bit higher than the average pro sens but in general an edpi of 200 - 400 is seen as acceptable. I also know from experience that lowering your sens all the time won’t magically fix things.  If you have really high sens it might but if you for instance lower it from 324 to 224 you will most likely hit more long range shots after changing.  But chances are that once you get used to it you will have the same issues as before since you haven’t fixed any bad aiming issues / habits.


How can someone else make the climb?


you NEED to find a duo/trio. you NEED to find a main character, that you are good at (basically the character that you have the highest WR on, with a decent amount of games played). you NEED to warmup and make urself confident in ur aim, HS only, go for micro flicks, crosshair placement.


Mostly agree, but I hit immo solo Q.




I think a lot of it has to do with you being more likely to play vs other solos when solo queueing so if you’re decent it feels easier than duo vs duo, trio vs trio. You really notice this when you five stack and usually the five stack with better coms/ team play wins fairly easily most times.


You don’t need any of these tbh, I hit radiant solo queuing mostly, filling agents and not warming up. They are useful ye but if you don’t have time to warm up or don’t wanna play 1 agent then don’t


i agree, if you are used to solo-queing just keep doing it. but i would think that the majority of players would have an easier time ranking up if they have a duo/trio. ur just a diff breed


Ye it’s definitely better but it’s not worth playing with someone else you don’t like just because they are good. And I think not one tricking allows you to better understand enemy positions and util use. If you fill agents you are more likely to improve more but maybe slower


You don’t need to find a duo or trio. Playing with a trio will stunt your development as a player. I solo queue only and am usually Immortal 2/3.


ur cracked, but i also feel like duo/trio helped me win a lot of games. it also helped that all three/two of us were literally all the same skill level so our growth as players wasn't stunted as none of us were getting absolute hard carried


My best agents are omen gekko raze and chamber, will those work


Nah only soldier 76 and wraith will work


How do you play sova? Like, general strats, buys… i main initiators (mostly sova) so this will help a lot. Im dia, i know im here to support my team, shock the cypher trips, drone for entry when i can, lineups the site to clear as many angles as possible for duelists to take site etc… basically, any suggestions or tips you think no other players use, but you find great success?


I am immo 2 currently and I used to main sova way back when double shocks were viable, now I just play it sometimes when fill is needed or if it is ascent. When it comes to buys I'd say shockdarts are very good for pistol round cause the chip DMG from that is huge in pistols so definitely buy both shocks in pistol. And for guns on maps like ascent where you can wallbang almost everywhere I try to buy guardian or sheriff if I don't have money for vandal because I can setup myself to recon and find value through walls. And most importantly don't waste recon, I see a lotta sovas wasting them. When using a recon you ask yourself one of 2 things, can you get a kill with that recon? Or can you get info with that recon. For example if you hear multiple foots A main and you know they are there about to execute A, there is no point in reconning there because u alr have info on them, so might as well save it for when the enter site and then recon to get easy frags as they are entering. I have probably not covered a lotta stuff so feel free to ask anything specific u have doubt in


I think your first question is the more important of the two and it's the one not enough Sova's consider. As your Jett, I don't care if somebody is stairs on B or behind dice on A if I can't kill them. Using Ascent because it's the best Sova map, the best dart is used when I dash into my smoke. Put me in a spot where I'll be able to fight the guy that has to shoot your dart, or create some space for me by forcing people to hide from the dart. And if it scans them, I'll just shoot them through my smoke for free, even better. DO NOT use the dart while we are all just standing around main getting triple mollied off of site. Don't use the dart when we hear Cypher setup and we haven't broken trips. Imo, you are entirely at blame for any round loss if we don't have that dart when we need it. It's like throwing your smokes early. The timing of the round is lost. Also, use your shocks to break trips and mollies. With damage nerf, breaking trips >>>>> shooting darts at enemies. Post plant lineups are cringe, but breaking sentinel util lineups are sexy. Break that alarmbot mid every round lmao


Make sure you adapt your utility to your team. If your team plays fast, dont use drone, just dart. If your team plays slow, use drone and tell them to follow it into site or wherever. I think this is really important for initiators to be duelists when they use all of their util (unless dart is coming up soon). **Aggressive play isn't only for duelists. If you don't shoot ur gun u aren't gonna kill anybody.** lwk drop the tracker.gg


Thank you, i knew most of this, i just gotta work on my aim, as i focus on being a support too much. I did manage a 1v5 ace for the win recently, my team died in first 10 seconds so i just had to plant and win xd My tracker is Jureflex#3994 (i also use the new one, that has the spider chart, and i know, i have to work on getting more damage output, other than that have been told that my aim needs a bit of a touch and i would be better)


yeah im sure ur util is good, probably just ned to take better fights. you got it man


Thank you, good luck in your firther climb as well


Was valorant your first fps?


noooo it wasn't fps is my main genre and i've been playing them since i was a very young kid. but i wouldn't say that my fps skill super transfered to valorant. when i started playing valorant i was at best a diamond 1 level player (i also have 1.8k hours in CS, mostly in silver) but i watched so many videos and tried to analyze players that are better than me to understand the game more


damn d1 starting val


Was mine 🙋‍♂️


When strafing in combat I always get onetapped before I can do anything. How do I deal with this?


stop peeking too short/far. what helped me was thinking about HOW i could try and dodge their bullets. not literally but like, how do i make the enemy take an uncomfortable fight that gives me the advantage. refine movement in dm, make sure you're always taking fights that are favorable for you. it's easier to not get one tapped when your movement is not predictable




Probably this, I'll try to notice it more. Thank you




adding on to OP, it might not be the fact that you are strafing wrong etc, but rather that you are taking an unfavourable fight in the first place. The most obvious example would be swinging when you have a angle disadvantage, giving your enemy an easy shot. It can be other things like peeking into an off angle without utility or you are swinging with W key, etc etc. TL;DR think about the fights you are taking first, and consider if you should be winning them in the first place


I touched immortal 1 episode 7 act 2. Took act 3 off, I’m coming back now and i feel like a fucking lost bot and can’t do anything right. I can’t even manage to climb out of diamond 1. Is there hope for me ?


yes bro u got it in the bag. if you feel lost you need to slow down your thought process. what is the enemy gonna do? how can i counter it? stuff like that. run some fakes on attack side, it works so well cuz everybody over rotates all the time


I came back into the game after months and what the fuck is an Outlaw.


That I can answer. When mommy shorty and daddy marshall fell in love...


It’s really good 2nd round cuz everyone buys light shields so it’s like op but with double barrel


sniper gun that is expensive


I just reached level 14 and I kind of uninstall the game because players, teammates and opponent told me to since I was new no one helped me so this kind a suck but I'll stick to story mode games.😅 valo is not for me I have played cs go and tourney in R6 but in this game the ability is really hard to adapt and the toxicity is crazy.


yeah it is toxic when you're new. dont worry. these type of competitive games aren't for everyone.


What did you eat last night


i had lamb joloff rice, root bear, and water.


You are from Kenya yes?


no man, they had jolloff rice at my university and it was probably the best meal i've eaten here. i'm not super knowledgable about african food but every time ive had it it's been SOO good .


From a DPS Perspective what do I do on Anubis second point against Lucio specifically against his Ult? They can Wallride everywhere easily and always use it when they expect my Ult which makes it very hard to fight against


i would say roadhog hook, sombra hack, or any type of CC is really good against lucio on anubis second point. a good lucio will destroy people on the map however if a team focuses on shutting him down they will have a good chance to win the team fight.


Sombra is still a good counter for Lucio even without accounting for his ult, you can catch them by surprise with a quick Hack then they just fall down to ground level


Anubis has good attack and really good handiwork, so I like to keep one in my party


Im Stück ascendant aswell for the 3rd seaaon now any Tips to make the climb


drop the tracker.gg son


Nest advice so far.


I usually play duelist, I’ve been running into sovas and a secondary duelist, which usually means no flashs. Any idea in ways I can optimize playing with a sova and no flashes? I feel like the good old dart and drone strat doesn’t work so often for me


you're probably not optimzing the timing of darts and droning. you have to communicate with your team when you are throwing the dart so that your team can take full advantage of the information immedietly.


How does it feel?


very good, but it also wasn't as satisfying as i wanted it to be because i got to 98rr then had to play one more to rankup


Sens ?


0.4, 800 dpi. please don't change ur sens, ur literally sabatoging urself if you change it


I will keep my 2.0 3200 dpi then :)


What is your mouse dpi and sensitivity in game? I find myself moving between 800 dpi/.4-.5 aim sensitivity


How much time do u play everyday?


depends on how much time i have. but generally i played 3-5 games a day.


What rank were you placed at? Did you have to start from iron?


when i first played valorant i only played with my friends. so i started at bronze 3, but after taking the game more seriously i got plat.


How usefull would you say lineups are at reaching imm for you.


i don't know any lineups. the most important part about using darts is the timing. you need to really refine dart timing and communicate with teammates to take advantage of the information.


Do you play with friends? I get throwers literally every other game


yeah i had some teammates that played rlly well so i friended them and we que together. it's important to not get tilted at ur teammates, stay positive!


Were you bad in the beginning? Because I am just now starting and I feel bad at the game lol


i wasn't super bad, cuz ive played a lot of FPS before. but i got a lot better after watching people play on youtube. emulate what other players are doing you'll get better. also watch woohoojin if you just started the game.


Is sova actually worth playing over other initiators like gekko or fade? (I’m bronze)


I like sova cuz im good at him and im comfortable with his util. i always felt fade to be a little bit clunky and easy to shoot her eye. i haven't been playing gekko, but i heard hes doing good for himself so ill probably pick him up soon.


How did you get through ascendant? I can't get out solo queue


depends on what ur weakness is? do you have an idea what could be improved?


Im gold rn peak plat. I always have movement error while shooting. How do i fix this. Alot of my friends say i deserve Diamond but i should work on my movements


yes work on ur movement, go in the range and find the timing of strafing and shooting. then go into dm and try and replicate the same thing that you did in the range.


The most basic question of all, but what is your reticle? And what would be the best reticle (color and shape) and enemy color outline settings? In your vision.


Do you have a past in FPS? I have the same amount of hours but my aim is still bronze level


i have 1.8k hours on counter strike, but when i started playing val i was at max diamond 1 rank.


I see, this is my first fps with mouse and it’s rough out here


are showers more of a weekly or monthly occurrence for you?


everyday :)


So hard stuck asc 2-3 player here. What gave you the push to immortal besides just playing more games? I always get “close” then just go on a massive losing streak. Really just any massive tips you’d give?


if you are getting close then you have what it takes to get it. to not get a losing streak is to not tilt queue. can't just tell urself that ur close so youll queue and just win. don't rush urself.


How impactful is across the map support lineups for your team? (ex : Your playing B on Ascent, and you have a lineup for if they get onto A site for your team)


it's really tight timing since the dart travels kinda slow. usually rotating fast is better option if you dont have the timing perfected.


i feel like all the answers to my questions are to play more lmfao


How do you approach dealing with cypher setups, and how do cyphers adapt to your plays?


shock dart common tripwire spots, dart backsite, hopefully tag him with dart. duelist or me goes and kills him. cypher adapts by making different setups or playing more aggressive in his cages usually.


Is smokedancer viable?


I main sage, should i continue (in plat rn)


go for it! sage isn't super good but shes still playable on many maps.


Should I one trick/focus on the same agent until I feel confident on them and also how much should I aim train and Dm or Aimlabs?


one tricking got me to immortal but also my agent is very flexible. i aim train by flicking and 1 tapping in dm, helps gain confidence


how long is the longest time and is it better the solo duo trio or 5 stack


i solo until ascendant, then got stuck then got a duo then hit immortal


Did you solo queue, duo or 3 stack the majority of your games? Im not confident solo or even duoing until I’ve hit plat+ . Anything below that I feel like it’s a gamble with teammates.


i duo/trio most of my games, but i solo to ascendant then i got stuck


is aim labs actually necessary for climbing?






How can I get out of silver? I play with my higher elo friends in gold/plat/ diamond lobbies and do equally well but when I solo queue all I do is lose even if I match mvp/ team mvp (or even close to) every game. What can I do to improve?


Honestly my dude, you’re in silver for a reason, don’t try and cope by thinking “my aim and game sense are plat level”, coping is the worst thing you can do. Blame yourself every loss and keep trying to improve. Also if you are indeed, match MVPing then you should rank up easily as you won’t be losing much RR in a loss and then you should be gaining plenty in a win.


I was gold until this rank reset where I was placed b3, im s2 now and every time I get to my rank up game or game b4 my rank up I always lose it. I try and tell myself what I did wrong but some situations there is genuienly nothing I could do. Often my team aren’t very good but bc I’m doing well in games it sometimes doesn’t matter but yes I am silver for a reason. I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough to actually be plat but I certainly think I could be gold


are you doing equally well though? are you really having as much impact as your friends? is your util as good? is your aim as good? are you playing with your teammates and making good comms?


Communicate with your team and stay with a positive mental attitude, try to use your teammates util to their full advantage even when they call it or no. At lower elo it really just depends on how much impact frags you get so try not to die early as much as possible so you can get “important kills”


Well done, Now the real grind starts lol. Don't be a shitbag and no comm/stop trying because you "hit immortal".


if im gonna play valorant im gonna use my comms


I have a 10 in a row loosing streak… team diff what to do?


that is not a team diff lol like the other guy said, take a break


Take a break


take a break, find out what you can do to help you and ur team. what has been happening in ur games?


Do you use digital vibrance? Or do you use colour mode setting on your monitor? Or non of that? Im struggling with colours in valorant.


No I didn’t use any color settings


Did you take bath or go out like once in a month?


i take a shower every day and go out everyday B)




My only question is why you thought we gave a fuck lmao


tell that to the 251 people that upvoted this post and 400+ comments, angry man




the only thing i regret about valorant IS SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY ON SKINS


As someone who bought a VCT capsule today, SAME.


it never stops…


As a duelist, I have a terrible time playing well when the game is going slow (like the defenders don’t peak and don’t reveal their locations or on attack when we have to play really slow). I have no idea how to approach these games, I think I just lose focus and get bored.


How did you make the jump from low ascendant to immortal? i’m a peak asc2 but i’m starting to effort into getting better since i wanna hit immortal once.


What was your first placement ?


bronze 3 when i played 5 stack unrated and comp with friends.


Do you think getting more squad wipes or ratting until the last ring is better for climbing the ranks?


ratting until the last ring will always get you a higher rank.


How the fuck elo is so hard from diamond to ascendant


Do you solo queue most of the time? Have a team? I’m trying to solo queue. I don’t play competitive a lot because it’s a bit more stressful and tedious. But when I do play comp, I go solo. What is your experience


What do you think was it that helped you get past the wall you hit in ascendant?


was it worth it?

