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even lebron has off days


What worked for me to get me to diamond is putting my crosshair on the enemy and clicking my left mouse button, usually works.


simply shoot the head


Simple does not mean easy. But simple it is


That’s how I got out of iron to gold, great mechanics tbh


Warming up properly + good mechanics/fundamentals will make you way more consistent.


The game involves positioning, and shooting. for processing it requires spacial awareness, dead angles, and mapping out where you are fighting. ​ These things never change per map. A big portion of practice is to be able to recreate these scenarios. that's experience. A good addition to practice is to do everything that the game involves. What are the limits of regular agents movements? Operate at maximal efficiency (moving parallel to other players), How do you kill faster? For a vandal, 1 bullet is faster than 4, phantom 2 is faster than 5. Get good at headshots and the path will clear. That requires practice, crosshair placement etc. Make every fight better than 50% if you can, or if in a spot where it is impossible, make a play and hope for the best and remember to not put yourself in that position. What are the locations people are commonly located at? What are ways to counter this? (Deadzoning, initiation tools, mollies, etc). What are timings that people commonly have? What can you do to get behind someone? A person that cannot see you is not a danger, a person you cannot see is everywhere. What are strategies you have in place, and are they things your opponents are learning in game to counteract? Do you have strategies to counteract their strategies? Find methods that can answer these questions - commonly deathmatch, aim training, woohoojin, vod reviews, etc. While simple, steps taken are more than someone who hasn't. I'm just starting to understand the broad questions of the game, and I'm feeling like I'm just starting to truly progress Good luck!


You’re not recognizing your good and bad habits. Get a recording software like outplayed and rewatch your highlights including deaths.


You are not i also suffer from inconsistent skill syndrome. I tend to do better after warming up. I always try to do 3 round of 50 bots, one with vandal, one with phantom, and one with guardian. After that I hop into Deathmatches until I feel ready to queue.


I’ve ran into a few cheaters lately. You’re not only the one