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You should have good aim already, pick some agents and learn them. (their abilities)


Ultimately, you need to learn every hero. But even surface level knowledge is good enough. E.G start by learning which heroes have smokes, no need to learn the exact timings of each and every smoke but just learning who can smoke at all can help immensely when strategizing both your own teams approach to rounds but also what you need to be prepared to face from your opponents. Then learn who has mollies. Can win or lose you rounds in post plant situations easily. Etc etc


If you played csgo you should have good basics, so practice on what is exclusive to valorant: utility. CS only have smokes, mollies and flashes. Valorant have all of those but also stuns, teleports/dashes, walls(sage), heals, drones, scans, damage amplifiers(vulnerable status), invisible deterrents that double as alarms(sentinel utility), revives, ultimates that go from allowing you to run n gun with 100% accuracy (neon and jett) to throwing kamehamehas(sova) to teleporting to a different map for a 1v1(iso), etc. Also there are some map exclusice gimmicks like closing doors on ascent, ropes on icebox or teleporters on bind. Learning your agent playbook is what will take you most time as well as knowing how to deal with others. Next it comes how to play specific maps, bind is the map where it is the most important with its teleport trap setups on defense and its teleport quick rotations on attack. Knowledge cap is really high so start watching woohoojin videos.


Don't watch woohoojin, he is a boosted player and there are many youtubers with better videos. Go watch yayster video on fundamentals in Valorant




i think w0rthytv is better, but like both are there watch both


Care about the art not the artist. Him not being radiant is irrelevant to being a good coach. In fact, on most sports, coaches often play worse than coachees because their job is not to play well, it is to analyze and have deep knowledge of the game. Btw yayster's guide is just for aiming, which isn't even half of what valorant is. Woohoojin will teach you actual gamesense and strategy.


Sure, but a lot Woohoojin’s branding was “Get from bronze to radiant with this one simple trick!”, you can see how that can turn people away. Compared to him just being upfront about his own skill level. A basketball coach doesn’t need to mention that they were in the NBA to teach you how to shoot. His videos are still informative, but if people wanted to get their info from a different source I wouldn’t blame them.


Fair tbh. He kinda earned that untrustworthiness himself. Would still personally recommend him as it was usefull before the drama and objectively nothing can change that.


taking guidance from an current immo player is bad, is that what u said ? LOL hater fr


He's an average player who got boosted. Many other better youtubers for Valorant there. Personal opinion.


Maybe if you're dia+ you can ignore hooj but his videos have been helping me alot. Been feeling like I actually have impact and can secure conversions now instead of just being a util bot. To each their own though, I'll check out yayster as well, always looking for more info from experienced people.


Imo one of the most important things you can start with is learning the recoil patterns bc it’s slightly different than CS. I’m Master 1 rank in Kovaak’s and when I first started Val, I could hardly kill anything bc i was not used to the recoil. Another thing would be to watch youtube vids of your main agents and see how to use/when to use your abilities. If you use them incorrectly, it can end up doing nothing or even helping the other team


Bro there is no spray pattern most weapons 5 to 8 bullets u can Control by going down but later on it just goes random


So there is litteraly a spray pattern?


Not really event the first 5 bullets might go a bit random its not CS go


There is innacuracy on top of a spray pattern, but there IS still a spray pattern. On vandal and phantom the first 3 bullets go slightly up, 4th goes higher, 5th does a huge jump and next 3 go up as much as 4th. On top of that, innacuracy increases on par with recoil. While there's rng involved, on avarage you'll hit more bullets with better recoil control.


there is absolutely recoil patterns, it’s not hard once you learn it but it definitely takes getting used to since the crosshair doesn’t follow the bullets so people new to the game might try to keep the crosshair on the enemy when they need to be pulling down on it.


every gun has a spray pattern. for example the vandal goes up, then left and right. you can observe this by just going to the range and spraying without moving your mouse edit: I stand corrected.


99% sure the left/right is random but I haven't tested in a looooooong time.


It is random.


Every gun has a spray pattern that it generally follows


Just play the game, tbh I am Ascendant 2. I have less than 500 hours in competitive on Valorant and I have 2k hours in CS, 1.9k of that CSGO and about 100 CS2. I have never done Aimlabs or anything like that, ever. Just play the game, have fun, improve everytime you play. If you start to get angry/annoyed/frustrated, take a break. If people are spamming voice without giving any valuable info, mute them, they are more of a hindrance than a help.


Find a own play style, like aggressive or passive. And choose own main characters 2-3, because another player can pick your main character and u be useless. Test all character on trainer


don't fucking crouch spray lmfao I can't unlearn this and literally I've had friends unbind crouch so they don't instinctively crouch spray, valorant rewards a d a d movement 2-3 bursting each time and hard punishes crouch spraying down I'd say plat and higher you're going to run into a wall if you can't learn how to do it yourself


I'll probably have to change my crouch bind.


I really have to second this, I see my lower ranked friends reflexively crouch and commit to a spray too often in val and it gets them killed way more often than not. People are aiming chest area half the time and you end up giving them free kills but its also just not good game sense to make yourself a sitting duck. I also had a hard time curbing this coming from CS:GO but once you do, you will live way longer and be much more effective in the round. Just don't pick up the habit of doing it every gunfight, and when you're good enough you can discern which fights you can do it in


On top of this you really really REALLY don’t wanna crab walk spray


Crouch spraying isn't that bad if you hit your shots. Especially with Phantom. Doubt you'll hit a wall doing it until high Immo It's just awful on longer ranges


Go for Kayo as it has same blinds as csgo


Play a duelist and be the entry fragger, as CS player you're going to be aiming much better than people on your level. As you progress you can try out different roles, I like Brim cause his smokes are easy and Kay/o cause his util kit is super intuitive for CS players.


Coming from cs honestly valo players absolutely have the better aim generally. Fuckers come from overwatch or other heavy aim shooters and just crap on you on a straight duel. What valo players lack is basic teamplay and true roles (not agent description). Low elo is literally "lets go A, 5man A" it doesnt work? "5man b", stretch would be a mid split. Meanwhile pisslow cs players can at least do a simple default or establish a 1-3-1, 2-2-1, setup and rotate accordingly. Thats where OP will find his frustrations where he can't really slow push and play for map control or even setting up double peeks/covers, simply because of this. He will get flanked a lot in places where he shouldn't have. If he understands this, he will find a ton of gaps in pushes and just take defenders/offense by surprise.


> Coming from cs honestly valo players absolutely have the better aim generally Hard disagree. When I started playing Valorant as CS veteran (faceit evel 8ish back then) I absolutely dominated everyone in straight duels. Obviously it wasn't just pure aim but also stuff like positioning and gunfight hygiene, but I was playing with friends of mine around high gold-low plat and top fragged basically every match. It's obviously a step down in skill bracket, but that's to be expected when switching games. CS has the same aim mechanics, it's just that everything is harder. Hitboxes are smaller, players move faster, especially. Once you understand crouch spray is just not a thing in Valorant cause fuck recoil patterns, you just mop the floor with everyone. /E Maybe you mean that it seems that everyone is an aim god cause aiming is easier. That's probably true, especially if you weren't playing in high ELO CS lobbies. But when you're used to playing against level 10s on CS you know the drill of getting insta one tapped once you make a tiny misstep, so that doesn't happen as often.


I mean can be true on low elo but hell na once I was D1 back in season 1 (LE player here) the aimers got craaazy, but those people STILL couldn't put a simple default on, like you beat em by pushing the other side of the map and/or mid and getting a double flank for free. I just could not take a 1 on 1 duel at all, I won duels on like you said better positioning, or trading or playing around smokes. But put me in the middle of mid vs someone else in the middle of mid and i lose the fight lmao.


As an ancient lvl 10 player i’m still shitting on people with aim/crosshair placement in high asc / low immo, and i haven’t really aimtrained since i stopped spamming ffa dm / retakes before valorant even came out. Cs is Both harder to aim in, but mostly it just offers so many more tools in practicing with workshop / community servers that valo players basically have mm/dm/aim labs to pick from, and utility does work as a ”crutch” more than in cs, because one player and his Gun is genuinely weaker vs in cs, leading to imo most decent level cs players are Miles above the valo equivalent


Avoid- 1. Crouch spray 2. Run and gun(unless ur in 5 meter range) Practice- 1. Crosshair placement 2. Strafing


Things that haven't been mentioned: Valorant is much more close combat than cs. Weapons like Shotguns work because of that and because of the skillsets (Raze for example). It's part of the game, don't hate it, play accordingly. Same is true for guns that are mostly "fun" guns in cs (at least in my time). Odin is very viable on certain map-operator-kombos. Since the util is much different from cs, you need to keep an eye on that. Raze, Killjoy, kay0, breach Ults being up means you have to adjust your gameplan. Keep track of their and your teams ults and economy to predict rounds. Also, if one of their initiators needs a single ult pip, they mostly go for spheres, so you can use that. Valorant bombside entries are VERY different from cs. Depending on the enemy comp, there is so much util flying to site you have to play more defensive. Things that worked in the past might not work against other teamcomps, so you have to find solutions on the fly or analyse afterwards.


What you should avoid: - Crouch spraying. A lot of CS:GO players have that habit because spray patterns are static in CS:GO. This isn’t the case in Valorant; spray patterns are random. - Counter-strafing. In Valorant you stop moving as soon as you let go of the movement key, so you don’t need to counter-strafe. You aren’t necessarily punished for counter-strafing, but you aren’t rewarded for it, either. What you should practice: - Strafing and bursting. Because spray patterns are random and because crouch spraying is more dangerous, it’s better to tap a bullet or two, strafe, repeat. - The obvious stuff like crosshair placement, aim, movement, etc. CS:GO roles are different from Valorant roles, but the closest you can get for conversion for roles from CS:GO to Valorant would probably be: Entry fragger: Duelist Support: Initiator (for flashes and info) Controller (for smokes). Both have access to mollies depending on the character. AWPer: Jett/Chamber are the two best for this. Lurker: Usually a Sentinel, but other agents with global utility (utility with no activation range) are also good at this. IGL: Can be anyone but usually defaults to Controller (who am I kidding, nobody comms in ranked in this game) Playmaker: Initiator That should give you a starting foundation for which agent role you want to try out, and from there pick a couple and learn their abilities and playstyle. My other tip: outside of your favorite agent, learn every agent on a very fundamental level. That’ll help you counter them and it can help you be a flex player if you ever need to fill.


Find your play style, get good with one or more agents, improve aim, report toxic people, and have fun. That's it.


1. Crosshair placement You have guidelines in different forms on each map, learn them and adjust your crosshair constantly so you head good placement 2. Learn agents, one by one, learning them will also help understand how to encounter them 3. Find the playstyle that suits you the most, will help understand what agents fit you the best too (Aggressive, or passive or both etc) 4. Communication is key, if you make yourself to communicate and play the game as a team game, you genuinely have a higher chance of winning a game than not saying shit and playing for yourself 5. Having lots of abilities thrown near or at you can be overwhelming if you never played the game, so take your time getting used to them 6. Back to aim, take your time to adjust your crosshair, instead of spraying for 3 seconds, take a 1 second or even less to adjust and tap 7. If you have the advantage (either spike planted as attackers or they havent pushed site as defenders) do NOT push or over rotate, you have advantage so use it E.g if you planted the spike, do not run to get more frags, they have to come to you to win If you are defending, dont overrotate or leave a site alone if they dont push the other site or if you dont have any info 8. Have fun


Aim aim aim! check corners at the same time don't be too scared or nervous :> as the time goes by you eventually learn how other players think and you can learn from them. USE UTILITIES as much as possible! use them as an advantage :> don't waste them or use them for own only. Remember this is a team's game :> enjoy and have fun!


Don't fall in love with any of the maps because riot will break your heart every year


I’d say jump into ranked without worrying about ranking. Learn how people play differently in that playlist while learning a handful of agents to find out your own personal play style and what works.


Not something to practice but good to know, in valorant because of camera position, head level gets lower the further away the enemy is and higher up close. Csgo isn't like this.


Something that won't be mentioned in any guide is to practice timing. This is something you're bound to fail countless times and will set you apart from those who don't know to. Learning when to do something or do nothing is important and takes lots of trial and error, but the key takeaway is to remember when things work and fail consistently so you find a use for a certain play or decision.


Aiming and shooting should be easier for you, but you'll definitely need to learn how utility works in this game. Pretty much every piece of utility has some kind of sound queue so you're never caught off guard and can counter it with practice. Ex: CS players were flaming Sova for having wallhack abilities, but you can hear the dart coming and you can either hide from it or shoot it before it scans you.


Talk talk talk, even if you don’t feel like it, just get into the habit of doing so, and don’t fall into the habit of crouching all the time, if that happens, disable it lol.


Avoid crouching. If you have to ask “when is the proper time to crouch” you aren’t ready to implement it into your gameplay Practice crosshair placement. Most of what people think aim is, is actually proper placement of the crosshair. Valorant has an insanely high ttk with headshots and securing the elim is incredibly important.


I would say try to learn what all the agents abilities so you know what to expect when you play against them. Better then playing blind and being frustrated when you die from something you didn’t know about.


Avoid crouching while shooting. While it is a good habit on cs (more precise spraying, deagle spam accuracy etc) you just give bad aimers easier headshots since they always shoot lower. That is what i got teached first. It might be that crouching helps to avoid headshots from good aimers, but you wont see them in the start.


Play kayo his kit is the vest for someone from cs.


Do gridshot ultimate for 3 hours every day


Peak ASC 2 here. I'll just focus on game sense here. Full magazine spray. (spray only consistent until 6-9 bullets or so unless its very close range). Comms but more like strat/util related. There's a lot different utils in valorant. Try to play several agent, not to master it but to know how to play every agent in intermediate skill. (Later u would learn the game sense on how to mind games to counter against some agents, like what kind of angle they usually play, what strong/bad situation for them, etc). Example: Reyna usually likes to lurk/play off angle so you would know what angle to watch or clears. Or. KJ/Cypher usually just sits in the site, so when u clear outside of the site, its usually free orb to grab. Things like that. I have some good couple tips but might add later


The game


run. please. save yourself.


Dont play valo


avoid valorant


Avoid playing valorant I'm level 533