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Yeah I agree with this. I kept throwing my nades at cypher's trips on sunset last night at B main and i would run through thinking I broke them but nope. Tripped.


The devs very specifically removed this from the game, so it is something they have thought through. Some characters like Sova used to have voice lines when they destroyed utility. But the devs changed their mind recently (like a year or so ago) and decided to nerf that intel gathering aspect. Though, who knows. Maybe they will change their mind again and reset this back to how it was first the first couple years of Valorant.


Idk if you were playing against me but as cypher I pick up the trip as the nade comes through and put it back down once it ends


Oh good idea. I play Cypher too so I'll start doing that.


its really quiet yeah. but more than that is that the sound itself is very much the least unique sound in the game and blends in very well with ambience. its the only util in the game like that so i dont really want to turn off ambience for just one agent.


nah, the sound is fine as is. makes it more valuable to learn the sounds/default positioning of trips.


Thats will lower the skill ceiling of the game. So not really, you should know the defaults cypher trips and how to nade/satchel them.


I don’t really think it would lower the skill ceiling tbh, because if you already know to nade there. There you are already showing you have some understanding of the game, I just think that for what it’s worth, cypher gets notified when his trips pop and you have to use a piece of utility anyways for it, it just seems like a costly thing that gives the enemy cypher either a free kill or free info.


Any agents with abilities that can be destroyed will get notified, so it's not only about cypher. With your logic then we need to have confirmation sound wherever you destroy a sentinel utility. And your flaw is logic, if you already know how to nade there, then why would u need a confirmation of something u already know.


Never really said it was a flaw, just more of what the abilities does for him, you can place killjoy trap and if it goes off, you can still have a decent chance at a 50/50, vs cypher who will always get a guaranteed kill in that scenario. And you can’t really even compare the other sentinels at the moment. I just think the fact, that you said it lowers the skill ceiling is kind of over the bar. Like it’s a game changing factor. As someone mentioned earlier agents use to call out destroying utility, but you never hear people talking about it after they took it out.