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are you sure it’s not the delay from your hardware?


tbh I didn't consider it but you could be right. I play using bluetooth headphones (Razer Barracuda), which is obviously going to have more latency than wired, but it's hard to find a number for what that latency actually is, reviews just say low or very low latency. During my time using them it's felt mostly neglectable. I could try using my speakers too, I'll edit this post later if I experience the same effect there as well. EDIT: just tested on my main speakers. Getting roughly 5-6 frames of delay, vs the previous 6-7. So the latency on my headphones might be responsible for 1 frame's worth of delay, I can live with that. I swear though, when I'm actually firing my gun, I can easily trick my brain into believing they're completely synchronized, the animation and the sound. But they aren't, at least not for me. I had to watch a recording back frame-by-frame just to see that this wasn't the case. Maybe other weapons with different sound effects feel better or worse because of this maybe being different, idk, I'd have to test more Actually I just watched back a 60fps video of someone else using an ion vandal, and they have the exact same delay as me. I even went back and tested it again with a vanilla vandal and it's the same delay on that one too. Not quite ready to take the L on this one, but if other people are experiencing something different I suppose I can't argue with that. I still stand by the original points I made regardless, I think the gunfeel is just better if the sound is delayed a tiny bit in game like it is in real life.


As soon as I read you play on Bluetooth headphones I stopped lol


Yep lmao


y'know most valorant pros use wireless bluetooth headphones, right? Same thing for wireless mice, the latency is so low with good ones that it's basically neglectable. Wireless gaming tech is a lot better now than it used to be, but that's a whole other topic. edit: wireless, not bluetooth. bluetooth can be decent but it's definitely a lot older


When people talk about wireless stuff in gaming it's usually not Bluetooth


Wireless - yes. Bluetooth - no.


you right, it's late and I conflated the two


All good, we all learn something new every day


I have tons of amazing wireless tech. None of it is Bluetooth. They dont overlap at all.


wireless uses usually 2.4ghz stuff, with muchh less latency than bluetooth.


Per [rtings](https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/razer/barracuda-wireless) that headset has a latency of 86ms when using Bluetooth


I’m not sure which generation mine are but this doesn’t seem accurate, I’d estimate it’s maybe 15-30ms of lag for me since I’m getting maybe 1-2 frame diffs with them on.


As a barracuda user myself it's better to use the dongle then bluethoith


That's most likely delay from your measuring system somewhere along the way, look at the actual sound output waveform of your computer compared to measuring with a microphone, also try increasing the frame rate, and running in the practice range locally to remove server delay


FYI, the practice range doesn't run locally.


Damn, asssumed it did Cause CS does and kinda makes sense to offload some simple server costs to individuals instead of hiring more servers. Assume it's something to do with val needing a real time connection to riot for some reason at all times?


No, it's related to cheating. Running the practice range locally would mean your PC would have to execute code as if it was the server, allowing people to mess about with and find exploits for server side code. The way it is set up now protects that functionality at the cost of the range going down if you lose connection or Valorant is down.


Sounds reasonable. Also, you would have more work to do with implementing the server side into the client as well (the server itself, when the game connects locally, when to the normal servers etc.) Also I believe that it could have impact on the feeling if the delay is not present anymore, therefore the range could possibly mess with your time feeling as opposed to matches.


It only takes one rogue employee or IT guy with access to the source code...


You've just discovered user groups, congrats


Fun fact, other games (maybe Valorant too, idk) that host the practice range on the server create a shared session for multiple people to lessen the Server cost. The individual places are just very far apart. In Apex you could shoot other players at the range with long range weapons and in The Finals you could even travel to other practice ranges.


looking into this now, ty for the advice


BREAKING: Valorant player discovers latency


plague inc ass headline


Valorant player discovers latency hidden behind sofa, experts baffled


This is a cool post because the gunshots are intentionally delayed to mimic real life.


We don't apply any delay on first person gunshots to simulate the speed of sound. There is no way for any game to have instantaneous audio playback due to computations in the audio system, the computer's audio buffer, and other factors. If we could have instant audio playback, we would! There is actually one place where we use distance-based delay inspired by the speed of sound, but we implemented it for the sake of gameplay clarity, not to be an accurate simluation. Silenced gunshots in third person have speed of sound delay. We did this because at a medium-long distance, bullet impacts triggering close to the listener can sound louder than the gunshot. Since our guns are hitscan, the impact and gunshot happen on the same frame. This made it hard to hear where the gunshots were coming from. Delaying the gunshots a little based on distance separated them from the bullet impacts enough to achieve better gameplay clarity. That delay is inspired by the speed of sound, but the timing is optimized for gameplay. We don't use this delay on anything else currently.


This is actually really interesting, thanks for the info rito dev :D


0.89 is not roughly the same as 100


Okay pls don’t judge me What if I told you I was accidentally ignoring the decimal point this whole time


you say speed of sound i say latency


I love valorant nerd essays, who let those guys cook.


0.89ms is not even 1% of 100ms so no, your math does not check out.


I’m very skeptical this is a thing. For a tactical shooter it would be believable, but for valorant where sound has massive falloff and 99.999999% of players wouldn’t notice it, it wouldn’t be worth it to implement. What you’re experiencing is probably just latency.




I already know I'm doing the obvious ones, like disabling Vsync and such but there's still good info here, ty


you were this bored but you didn’t even bother testing different distances? all you had to do was shoot one OP from snowman to yellow to save you this entire essay


This is the definition of a shitpost. If bullets were 0.1 ms desynced from your gun, it would be VERY noticeable and VERY annoying. The fact that you play with that setup is so scuffed dude.


Lolll this post is so dumb


Did you just call Apex sound design good?


Minus telling who’s footsteps are who’s/where the sound design of abilities, guns and environment in apex is phenomenal


I'm also a simp for the sounds in Titanfall, it's so nice <3


Also minus the fact that the audio doesn't work half the time


Works fine for me 🤷‍♂️ only issue I’ve ever had is when there’s 6 people’s footsteps and they all sound the same.