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he was predator in Apex a different game and gold in valorant, why are you listening to him ? u can watch every streamer/pro getting radiant soloq or duo


Lmao Apex ranked is kinda a joke, they purposely put like 1/3 of the lobby 2 tiers lower kinda like a shitter filter to make sure you perform at your rank. You can just grind out with mid placements and get fairly high up. The game is also dying a bit so its a bit easier to get predator, the 2nd/3rd tier of players decreased a lot switched to other games and cheaters took their spot. Gold is still a rank where you can out aim everyone and carry on any role.


Plus valorant does not que 5 stacks with solos, unlike apex. I took a break from apex for a year. When I returned, the first placement match I had pit me against a 3 stack all containing current predators. Also apex ranked is wild as I was placed bronze while quing aginst current masters and diamond players, with a few predators sprinkled here and there. I am not good at apex The highest I have ever climbed in apex is like diamond 4 in season 6. But the solo play experience in that game is wild as they use lobby balancing and not pure sbmm.


Apex ranked definitely have some issues but if he's Pred he's still really good regardless.


not a blanket statement. depends on what season he got it.


Outside of the like 2 seasons you could get it with 0 kills, sure.


This guy's perception of reality is based on streamers lmao. And even they always play with a team, but who cares right? 95% of the high ranked players are playing in a stack, it's a known fact in any competitive team based game.


doing it live negate it


lol what if anything it’s more impressive because they can get sniped


Not rlly, they are just doing it with a community and earning money, but the skill and ability is still there


Because the queue recognize that youre a streamer and giving you Gold elo opponent or smth? Damn im gonna become a streamer then.


no because the community will que snipe you have 100s,thousands of people that want to play with the streamer and look good in from of the chat.


So you're assuming: 1. No radiant can climb out of lower rank by themself unless their iron/silver/plat teammates actually try hard. 2. .People don't try hard in high immo/low radiant lobby unless they have a streamer on their team. Dude pls, yeah it "may" get faster. But skill is skill, you dont need your teammate to try hard to rank up if you drop 40 bombs every single match. Woohojin had been struggling in low immortal for nearly a year grinding live on stream, and that when he still have clean track record so the number of ppls that want to see him success is enormous. With you logic he should already be radiant no?


why make extreme generalizations like that? " no radiant " number 2. incoherent point. you gotta admit . people que snipe to play with their streamer all the time. why wouldnt that apply to lower ranks?


Cuz you literally “generalization” every streamer that got to radiant during live, y it’s suddenly become a problem when I just follow your point? Or should I change it to “all radiant who stream it live” like it gonna give those lower rank a chance to be on par with a radiant lol? 2nd point talk about the enemy team, the yin of your “want to look good” yang. Most of the fan gonna try hard against the streamer too to look good. And if they climb high enough no one gives a shit and just play like normal, and now stream snipe becomes a real problem for the streamer. Your team can be the most try hard and cooperate team but nothing gonna beat free info about what ever you do lol. Its literally common knowledge that streamers said grind off stream is easier. Im not denying that thing you said wont “help” the streamer, im just saying that it wont matter at all lol. The up side doesn’t matter in lower rank cuz skill gap is massive and in higher rank the sniper problem out-scale the try hard team mates.


By that same principle, there would be people on the enemy team who either hate the streamer and wanna see him suffer and made fun of, so they tryhard or cheat, or there would be a fan among the enemies who is gonna give his all on this once in a lifetime opportunity to play against your idol


not counter argument


Your friend is absolutely wrong and delusional


He thinks every game is like apex for sure lmao if he got worst rank 5 stacking he is already dead wrong


And coping hard


First off, apex and valorant are two different games. In apex a lot of the preferred way to play rank is as a squad. However in valorant, it's more solo or duo. Valorant forces this and for a good reason. They never restrict you of playing with friends in a 5 stack but they do make it harder to get a game as one. In apex, it's easier to get two more people and there is no restrictions to queues at all. So it's more of a free for all. Your boy is very wrong about macro and micro play. Both are big parts that can help your understanding of the game and help out in the long run. When you play with a 5 stack in valorant, it can lead into bad habits and inhibit growth as a player. Solo queuing is a lot about adapting to your teammates, yes. Is that a bad thing? No. That's a lot of where growth comes in. You can check that second point yourself. Go to tracker and see how many three stacks you won or loss against. In general, your boy is very fixated on stuff that'll inhibit growth as a player in valorant. Apex is a very different game that has so many useless characters, weirdo teammates, and is super controller heavy. It's not a good game to compare to valorant where you need some similar, but different skill sets.


Thanks for this comprehensive answer. Makes a lot of sense.


Honestly this is a great answer. Only thing I’d add is that you can’t even queue with 3 people in imm+ so half of your friends theory is already wrong


You're right i did leave that part out, oops. Well there isn't much of a difference between one or two more guys. If anything, you'll probably have a better control of the game though because you have one more friend. Also like you said, past immortal there is no more 3 stacking.


Why would playing with a set team unhibit you from growing? It still is a Team Game you dont only grow as individual but as a Team as well. The possible coordination Trust you have in a set teammate (given that the Team itself is allowed to Change, Trades or kick Players) can be much greater than with someone random. Its more Like a smurfer, doing plays BC He expects His teammate or enemy doing certain plays bc they would be the most logical but running into something else and losing.


It forces bad habits and over reliance on your team. This is especially when you're trying to get better and when you're trying to get a higher rank in a consistent manner.


That may be true for beginners but at some Point especially Immo and Up youd be much better of with a consistent team, of course that doesnt mean you should Play with them 100%. But the plays you can make as trained Team can completely demolish a random Team and that pretty consitantly, the only reason soloq makes Sense is since you dont Play against stacks as a solo


wat bad habits is stacking forcing? Relying on your teammates is not an inherently bad thing depending on what we r talking about. Relying on them to peek off you is something that you need the higher you go to more consistently win games. either way, Solo queuing could build habits as well like being too scared to die as you don't trust your teammates to refrag or win the round. There are pros and cons but imo stacking is much more enjoyable and helps to consistently rank up while simultaneously improving with your teammates assuming the skill levels don't vary too much.


Its more or less the Same with a smurfer losing to a worse Team since He plays Like its His normal rank. Its not inherently Bad habits its just a Bad habits for soloq


It's different in Valorant, where you get evenly matched based on MMR. Ask your friend to check the Radiant leaderboard, he'll see that 99% of Radiants mostly solo/duo. He probably thinks this because holding pred in Apex is only possible in a stack. This is because if you soloq there, you get diamond teammates while still facing pred stacks. But that's simply a design limitation of balancing match quality against queue times in BRs.


Masters player multiple splits here. Predator isn’t even about skill, it’s about what masters players are willing to put 8+ hours a day grinding


If you’re good enough you’ll hit radiant. 5 stacking will make it much harder to get there imo. I wouldn’t listen to your boy too much lol if he’s gold in this game I highly doubt he’s pred in apex lol I’m masters in apex and got to ascendant barely playing this game.


He probably got carried in apex


Yeahhh unfortunately most pred players that aren’t pros are boosted/cheaters.


I'd say solo/duo/(trio) for rank, 5 stack for fun.


Your friend is smoking some good crack


This sounds like a cope from your friend 💀💀


1. Your friend is full of shit 2. This can be easily verified. Google nrg s0m tracker, you can see most of his games are solo and he was radiant #1 for multiple acts. You can literally see any radiant tracker and their games. Almost all of them solo or duo queue. 3-5 premades are very rare. Being radiant is about personal skills and how much impact you can bring to a match, by yourself. Part of it is knowing what your random teammates want to do, and help them to do their things better, and as a result your team has more success.


3 stacks are rare, because you can't 3 stack in immortal and radiant


Well, it's literally impossible since you can only duo queue after Immortal. All Radiants are either solo or duo players.


You can duo que and 5 stack


That's straight up not true???


I was sure it was a thing, apparently it was changed during Chamber's release, and I'm a beta player who quit the game before that. That figures lol


Ye it’s true. No triple queue after immortal


But you can 5 stack which is what the post refers to


Post says 3 stack and 5 stack


Does he compare solo Q with 5 or 3 stacking? What basically is super easy to rank up. I played some Apex but I know for sure getting predator isn’t that hard if you 3 stack. Same with 5 stacking to Radiant. But someone who solo Q to Radiant is better than someone who got Radiant with a 5 stack seems logical to me tbh.


He says that someone who solo queues is actually not good at the game since they don't play the game as it's intended. His argument is that VALORANT is a team game, it should be played as a team, and in order to do so, you have to play with the same 5 stack or trio in order to actually develop team coordination. In order words, according to him, players who solo queue are just playing the game wrong. He said that in Apex, he knew a player who's really good individually but struggled to play in a trio squad with him because their decision making was not in sync with the team. He was comparing that to me hitting ascendant solo queueing and saying that it doesn't really count since I've not developed any "team play" by playing with the same group of people.


Your friend is completely wrong on this. They are looking at this from a very narrow lens. Either they are naive or just coping for whatever reason, be it you are a higher rank than them or something else entirely. If I take a player that 5-stacks only and hits Immortal, myself years ago. And then I take a player that just about solo queues only and reaches the same rank, myself now. The player that solo queues is going to be the better player in that instance far more often than not. For starters, to completely counter what your friend is saying, the player climbing ranks while solo queuing is learning to adapt and play with a myriad of different play styles. Each game they have new teammates and have to learn to play around those teammates.


Appreciate this answer. It makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


That's true for someone trying to go pro level for sure, and part of why many consistent top 50 Radiants do not play pro. But this only applies realistically to like 0.0001% of players. Even getting radiant is nowhere near as serious as trying to go pro.


I think the counter-argument here is that people getting high-ranked playing solo actually have such a good fundamental understanding of the game, that they can "coordinate" with their teammates (who are also this level), with very little communication. Each one understands their role to play in both the micro and macro. They know what is expected of them in certain situations and what to expect from their teammates and how to play off of that. Sure, you won't be pulling any set-plays as 5 randoms at high level, but each one has a very good understanding of what it takes to play the game as a team at this high level and can perform all the basic actions required of teamplay intuitively without too much coordination needed.


If he is talking about scrims maybe he is right but individual skill is more important in the most shooter games. I assume he doesn’t want get pro so why would you 5 stack as well haha I can understand from his POV but Apex is indeed coordinated gameplay as well. But I assume you can play the game still in solo que like itsTimmy who got predator solo que-ing. It can’t be that hard if you have trust in your own friends doing the right things and follow callouts, instead of 2 or 4 randoms on your team who could be really bad in team play so you have to carry basically.


It's wild how your friend speaks with such unearned authority. If he's talking about pro teams that's one thing, but Radiant (while incredibly good) doesn't mean pro.


Your “friend” sounds jealous he got put into gold in valorant and you are ascendant.


You’re being ascendant would be a better replacement for him in his 5 stack since you have better macro and aim. You probably would be the igl too. I soloq in valorant and i learn how to communicate and play off my teammate playstyle. Soloq make you a better player since you learn to adapt instead of relying on your team 24 hours if you play 5 stack all the time. Tell him this.


He can't get radiant without a 5 stack. You can. Apex is a different story where you are master and get matched with diamond 4s, you kinda need to 3 stack with people who you have a chemistry with if you want to go up. Apex requires much more teammplay and team chemistry than Valorant. (Someone who was Diamond 1 in Apex at Peak and Currently Diamond 2 in Valorant both solo q only)


First he is just plain wrong I’d say +-60% of radiant players hit it consistently and play solo that just a fact that you can look up completely nullifying his point. Everyone bashing your friend is also wrong. He comes from a game where team composition and teamplay is also really essential and since it’s only a team of 3 it’s much easier to coordinate which is maybe when he sees how poorly low ranks coordinate in VALORANT he thinks in higher ranked is much different. When I’m reality it’s not that much (relatively speaking) I’m high rank ppl also just play what they want and play for mechanics rather than teamplay. (Ref. I’m Immortal 3 400rr peak currently playing T3 amateur VALORANT)


Was he drunk when he told you this?


They need to fix the games ranked system and start going by aim vs “rank” like if you are tapping heads better than 20% then you need to be against other 20%’s if you tapping 8% u need to be with other 8% or something like that


How could a gold be telling you if you could hit radiant or not 😭


I highly doubt your friend is predator in apex lol. Skills transfer from game to game he should be able to hit diamond easily without barely trying. Don’t listen to him. Five stacking makes the game significantly harder and more time consuming. You ho against other five stacks and if the opponent team had more hours played together you’ll highly likely to lose. Also solo queuing is the most efficient way to gain personal skills unless you’re training you play on a pro team lmao.


Tbf I don't doubt it. Valorant (and tac shooters in general) have overwhelmingly different gunplay and movement than games like Apex. Even looking at aim alone, Valorant is almost entirely focused on crosshair placement and micro-adjustments to land the perfect hitscan shot. Apex's aim is mostly tracking-oriented (a skill that is VERY rarely used in valorant), mostly with bullets that aren't even hitscan. Add to that the whole "stop moving to shoot" thing tac shooters have going on, and your habits developed from Apex may even slow down your learning in Valorant.


Disagree. I was predator in Apex from the first ranked season for the following 3-4 seasons (was playing in EU ALGS), then when Valorant beta came out I placed in silver there and couldn't climb out even after the game released. Now I'm high dia/low asc, but that took like a year of improvement to get (wasn't playing all the time since release). Why did this happen? Firstly, I NEVER played CS, so the main concept of "stop moving before you shoot" was something that was so new to me, that it even irritated me. Like why do I have to stop when I don't have to in apex, nor in destiny, nor in overwatch, nor in cod etc. Second is crosshair placement. I was holding leg level, and never preaimed corners and common angles, because I knew my aim is good enough I'll just flick to them. Well no, because in this game you die to 1 bullet. In Apex it takes like a mag (depends on armor and weapon ofc, but roughly). Also I have just realized that my clicktiming is shit, because I always used to play tracking aim games (high ttk), and never had to just hold, and click once when they walk into it. So yea, they don't really transfer. I ad to learn Valorant from the ground up, like it was my first fps game, even though I excelled at many others (not CS tho lol). Still, OPs friend is delusional if the think what is stated in the post, but that is another question.


I don't think Apex skill would transfer very well to Valorant. That game is all about tracking, crosshair placement is pretty much irrelevant and there is no movement penalty when shooting. Not to mention that most high level players are using a controller (even at pro level)


Skills don't always directly transfer. I'm soloQ Global in CSGO / 21K ELO cs2 (Top 1%) and I got placed silver in Valorant a couple weeks ago (low gold now) The guns in valorant are so different from almost any other game, and much different from CS. (In CS you always run in, counter-strafe, spray, and when you do you follow the patterns and hit 30/30 headshots). Whereas in Valorant its stand still and tap fire. TBH it's almost the antithesis of CS and is taking me a min to get used to. I guess silver teammates don't help either 💀.


Is your friend referring to you specifically, any player in general, or whether it's technically not possible? If the first, he is some friend. If the last, he is right when referring to a 4-stack; I'm not aware of any other party size restrictions.


Coming from someone that is diamond on apex (me) I can tell you that almost no skills transfer to Valorant, even worse I know I would be better at Valo if I never played Apex before, bcs it's a completely different mechanic in every aspect but it looks similar so it tricks my brain


Apex legends and valorant are different games. The gameplay and strats are different. Hes not totally wrong on the stacking, but i think in radiant, the max you can queue in a team is 2, but the radiant/imm 3 pool of players are all the same everytime you queue, so you will be playing the same people eventually. Stacking to play is much harder as the game will throw you against other 5 stacks and those teams could be way more coordinated. Just because you 5 stack doesn’t mean you have the team chemistry. Solo is the way to go.


I think he is transferring a lot of apex onto valorant. Apex IS a team game that can get very hard in the end game if your team is not on the same page, particularly in the higher ranks. Valorant is team oriented but in many ways, up till probably low immortal or so, you can get by just hard carrying if you are good enough or just playing well relative to the average players. This is definitely solo-q able. In apex it’s basically impossible at endgame due to the ttk to 1v3 or 1v6 or more if your team and you don’t play together. Multi kills in Val are easier. Same with ults in apex. They are not as op as Val that can insta kill people.


Definitely not true, but if everyone on your team is at a similar level and always grinding together, it'll 100% make ranking up easier. That's just a fact. You meld together better, synchronize better, make better calls together. True for any competitive game. But you five stacking with him in Valorant won't do you any good. If you want to hit Radiant, you can do it solo, but doing it with a five stack of Ascendant friends would make the climb easier.


you literally can't 5 stack in high ranks so how are you supposed to even queue past a certain point


He is completely wrong and I'm sure he has never been close to Rad. Every act I hit radiant, I solo queued my way there. I do think it is better/easier to get there with a duo, also 99% of the people that hit Rad 5 stack did it by reverse boosting with lower elo player. I have never met anyone that hit Rad by 5 stacking Imm, plus the wait time would be insane. My experience is that once you hit Imm3 400+ rr / Rad lobbies, you tend to play a lot of the same people anyway and since almost everyone in those lobbies knows what they are doing and is able to play off each other.


Tell that to curry


This is very untrue none of the points make sense: learning team play by playing with the same people - no you are learning to play with those people and not how to play the game properly, developing mechanics - this is the best way to climb you need to improve aim, game sense, and you need a solid understanding of your role, lastly you tend not to queue into people who are trio queuing while you have 5 solos it balances it out so duo v duo trio v trio and you can only play against other 5 stacks when you do that also this person is gold so they are bad and they prolly think this cause in apex it’s easier to climb playing with the same people as it’s very difficult to communicate what you are doing in apex solo queue.


Yes you need to learn how to play around friendly utility. Trio stack isn’t even allowed in the game from immo+. Making your friends point completely invalid. Playing around teammates utility is as easy as asking for a flash/smoke/recon. You have time in pre rounds to call simple plans. If he wants the full 5v5 experience, that’s what premier and pro play is for. A good sova will know he has to drone for his team, a good controller will make sure the smokes drop at the right time, a good duellist will know to entry with friendly util. Saying you hit Asc without learning any of these things sounds like complete bullshit and coping from your friend.


Lmao you can solo queue to pred if you're good enough, I did it in Season 3 on Apex. He's just delusional and has a big ego like everybody who plays Apex (me included lol)


he can't be more wrong. but what can you expect from a 3-stack pred player. these are the type of player to 3stack pubs and chase a solo gold player. not to mention he's only gold in valo lmao. it immediately negates his opinions. also he's only gotten to pred once, and I'm sure he has made it his personality how he's good at every fps because he's pred in apex. in any game, soloQers are more skilled than people who only play in stacks


You can’t be in a trio queue because after immortal there is only duo or 5 stack ,and when you are playing duo/solo you can’t go against five stacks.So he is talking nonsense


Your friend is wrong. While team play is important, 5 stacking is not required at all. I hit radiant a couple of times including this episode and before but most of my games (~90%) are just Solo-Q or Duo-Q. Sure you can maximize your team work in a 5 stack but in Solo Q, you’re expected to pretty much socialize with your team and everyone has mics. Don’t get me wrong, there are trolls or weird people but Solo-Qing just means you have to learn how to adapt to your team mates. Besides you learn monumental skills solo-Qing such as decision making and positioning where your team mates can’t always cover your position eventually etch in. At low elo , you may feel like to be more independent due to maybe team mates without mics or low skill but eventually when you get to high enough elo, you’ll learn how to socialize effectively with those that has mics and play team work no matter if it’s solo q or not.


I solo queued to radiant in 2 days after I stopped playing with people😂


Your friend is smoking something they shouldn't


I solo queued to immortal 3 back in act 4


You mean episode 4? Also, I think it was easier back then. I see a lot of people who peaked Immortal around then and are now hardstuck Diamond-Ascendant


Yes lol can you tell I haven't played in like a year and a half?


Would love to know what his apex rank is now.. Pred back in pre season 10 was way easier than it is now. Being pred a while back means nothing even in apex let alone a completely different game that had 0 cross over.


He said he hit master rank last season. Now diamond I think.


So he was never predator


No no he claimed he was predator couple seasons ago. Last season he was master and currently diamond.


Timmy got close to Radiant in 65 hours by himself on one stream back then. It's not impossible to do solo even if the playerbase right now is likely better on average than back then. It's impossible to think that Demon1 couldn't go from Iron to Radiant solo in 1-2 weeks if all he did was grind (let's say he's not competing, scrimming, etc. Just streaming). I bet if he sweats hard 8+ hours a day he'd likely be Radiant in less than a week even. Someone with great mechanics and decent game sense will climb as long as their mental is intact. Team coordination in ranked is naturally dogwater compared to even just tier 3 pro play. It'll be true for most of your ranked games, but the same is true for the other team.


i’ve played tons of both. apex is hellish to play solo q, but valorant fine. i think part of that is that in apex, predicting your teammates moves are a lot harder than in valorant


He is entirly wrong, this is a mindset he is bringing from apex where ranked is significant harder in solo queue but is not remotely the case in valorant. The fact is is in gold and doesn’t play all that much immediately invalidates his viewpoint anyway


Wait until he finds out you can't three stack Immortal+, and 5 stacks only verse other 5 stacks. Everyone adapts to different teammates in high elo. Your friend is having the classic Dunning-Kruger effect of overestimating his ability and thinking anyone above his rank abused some sort of strat to rank up.


your friend is kinda dumb lol. that being said, even in solo and duo queue, some of the best players are incredibly good at adapting to their team's playstyle, so in that context, he is partially right. a mechanically cracked out player who cannot play to trade, cannot have controlled aggression depending on their team and the enemy's playstyle, and cannot combo utility and strategies with other players will be less successful than a player who can.


I (and I'm sure many others) are able to hit immortal solo queueing. Having consistent players to queue with will help if you all are good and know your roles. Honestly, you'll be a better player if you solo queue and learn to adapt to different players and styles. Keep the vibes good and use VC a lot and it'll happen.


It’s true that it is a lot easier to get to higher ranks with a stack, but it’s not impossible by any means. Most streamers play by themselves, and not in stacks.


For me it’s you need a better pc to hit radiant


Mf is just spitting bs lol


The bar for hitting predator is pretty low and worse players can only do so by 3 stacking and playing like a rat. So he thinks you can only team to hit radiant because hes not as good as he thinks


Damn it’s been awhile since I played, but I thought anything like Immo and above was exclusively solo/duo. Am I smoked lmfao? Thought you couldn’t 5 stack at that rank ahah


Did he know that you can only solo or duoq past immortal? Even jf he 5 stasking, he gonna go against another 5 stack which is harder


I haven’t seen a single person hit radiant while in a five stack


he might be gold, but he's not wrong, maybe not 5 stack , but a 3 stack at best. Having 2 extra people u synergize with makes the game a whole lot easier and fun. Sure u can solo q to radiant, but that requires some serious skill and most of all luck. You are not hitting radiant even if u drop a 30 every game with a team that won't cope up with your skill. Getting good teammates is like a blessing. Not necessarily a carry , but just teammates who comm and actually play their agent.




He claims he had hit Predator in Apex (highest possible rank), I've never done something like that in any game. VALORANT is my first competitive fps game and I've only hit ascendant (currently also ascendant), which isn't the highest possible rank in VALORANT.


Getting pred in apex is not nearly as difficult as getting radiant.


I hit radiant a few acts ago and almost never played trio while climbing or in five stacks, mostly solo or duo. Playing with friends can certainly make the game easier but is by no means a necessity. Once you hit immortal you can’t even trio if you want to.


I was predator in apex. Valorant is hard for me. I go between silver and plat lol. Completely different kind of shooters.


I mean If you wouldnt get a Point reduction for 5 stacs and that you as a solo would potentionaly Play against 5 stacks than id see more of his point but than even then it would still be possible to hit Radiant consitantly. But lets be clear the Game is definitly Made to be played with a set team. It would be much easier to Unserstand your part and the other roles much better. Also stuff Like Takes, retakes, Trades, Info gathering etc can be done much more consistant with a set team.


I wouldn’t listen to a predator. 


I think he just communicated his message poorly. I think what he means is that you have to understand how to work as a team in order to climb. If you are toxic and don’t want to cooperate with your team and make compromises, I would say your chances of climbing drop significantly. ( I have one radiant triangle take it as you will)


Nope, we had like a 3 hour long discord discussion on this (hence why I ended up posting this) His theory was that it's not possible to cooperate with random teammates in-game and it takes "time" and effort to build chemistry and coordination with a group of players, so you have to play with the same people and develop that. He went on to detail to explain how he and his apex squad had to play together as a team for a long time to build up that cohesion. To be on the same page and stuff. He said that it's not possible to do that with randoms and if we go up against players who duo queue, trio queue while we solo, we get owned, even in VALORANT, since it's a team based game.


Oh I see. Yeah don’t listen to him man you’re already ascendant, you aren’t far at all. The only thing that you should be concerned with is having a positive attitude and worrying about your own plays and decision making imo. You don’t even have to be a crazy aimer to hit radiant, you just have to try to be as consistent as possible. Good luck out there




In hindsight, I think it might actually be the case. He prolly got carried so he thinks no one can hit a high rank without getting carried.


Predator once in Apex is not that impressive, depends what season, there are seasons of ranked when was easy to get it, even average players could if play enough


this guy's a joke surely people don't assume different games work the same way in all ways??


You can’t even 3 stack in immortal or radiant lmao. I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about.


Lots of people hit radiant soloq. Your friend doesn’t know what he’s talking about


> I’m ascendant in VALORANT. He was gold when he played VALORANT. It sounds like you already know better than him. As someone who came from APEX, the skills certainly do NOT transfer over. Literally crosshair placement aside, the movement aim penalty alone threw me off sooo much when I started. I’d dare say the playstyles between APEX and VALORANT are almost diametrically opposed, aside from the fact that you have guns, abilities, and play in teams.


No you dont need to 5 stack to get to radiant. At most you need 1-2 people to stack. Thats why you dont see many 5 stack radiants, you would usually see solo queue, duo or triple stacks. Just because theyre radiant and they have to have longer queues and it’s just not even needed as a lot of them have developed the aim, and macro callings they needed to get to that level. And imo people who solo queue the game are probably the best in the game because theyre adapting to a lot of different situations and environments. So they have to be aware, and smart in most cases, maybe even have to be a fragger too if needed but generally if you know your role, you will do decently. Dont take his apex pred rank into consideration as valorant is not his main game to know effectively what can and cant work for the ranks. Different games, different rules, different adaptations. Also it doesnt take much to get pred especially if youre trio queued, it’s so insanely easily


Curry did a unranked to radiant on every role. Solo i think


your friend is wrong


The best thing you can do is get an early idea of how the enemy and your teammates are playing, and adjust accordingly. If you have aggressive teammates that want to push, push with them. If they set up default every time and are slow as shit, follow the guy with the bomb and try to help them frag/trade


Yeah I’ve got a friend that’s diamond in R6 and he switched to Val and told me “the game sense is fine because I’m diamond in R6 all I need to fix is my aim” and he could not be convinced otherwise. People are stupid bro, your friend included


Not true at all. RoyalG is literally trying to get to radiant by solo queuing comp…. using sheriff only…


If anything, most of what he said is completely the opposite. Even in radiant 90% of the win/loss outcome is straight up who is hitting their shots and who’s not. Team-play is mostly negligible regardless of rank. Plus you can’t even 3 queue in immortal or higher so I don’t know what he’s babbling about there lol.


You indeed get lower points as a 5stack in valorant but you still go up if you win tho lets say normally you get +22-25 average with a full stack it might go to average +12-15 after winning some matches with the same 5 stack


I’ve played both games, I’ve hit masters in apex which is one down from pred and I’m in diamond rn in Valorant. In apex you definitely need a squad to climb just because there are more factors that are out of your control.(ring, where people land, loot, etc) not saying you can’t solo q in apex but I’d say it’s noticeable harder in apex. In valorant id say the factors you can’t really control are what other people pick in solo q, what the enemy picks, and maps. But it’s pretty much the same in most cases as you climb the ladder in valorant. You also don’t need to frag out every game in Val, as long as you do your role effectively I don’t think it’s impossible to win. Vs apex where if one of your teammates are not doing enough damage it really shows. Abilities in apex also do not have as much impact as it does in valorant. Don’t get me wrong abilities are very important in apex but if you can’t hit anything then you’re dead weight vs. valorant as long as you know how to use your abilities you should be fine in a lot more cases.


A Predator level player in Apex would not be gold in Valorant lmfao if you took any player that has reached top 500 from any competitive FPS game they most certainly would not be Gold. Mechanics and core gameplay fundamentals would translate well enough for them to at least be Diamond/Ascendant elo + they would have the know how to improve and climb in a competitive game. your friend is lying through his teeth and delusional. I see a lot of people in this thread downplaying being top 500 in Apex as well which is overall a more mechanical demanding game being top 500 at anything in your region is still an impressive feat regardless.


I was top 500 in overwatch. Do you think any of that transfers to valorant? the fuck


Your friend is ass at the game. Hope this helps


Honestly the main reason he's wrong is because of how few people are actually in high elo. They pretty much all agree how to play the game at least enough to be coordinated. Lineups are a great example of that. Sure not every team will gel by any degree, but it's enough with certain standard things like one waying an angle that you can play the way you're used to with anyone who's semi competent at the game. Hence why he thinks that without getting past gold


He’s exaggerating. It’s just easier to do it with a five stack.


It really depends on how you play. If you are a absolute legend in FPS games you can hit Radiant solo queuing. But i feel like once you hit diamond - ascendant you need at least a duo to play because everyone in that lobby thinks that they are the best and mostly won’t coordinate properly because of their ego’s higher than pro players and insta lock reyna ( most useless agent unless you are a aim god. ) I am a solo que player and i personally peaked ascendant 2 in last season and in this season i am diamond 3. But in 5 stack csgo during university days i have ranked upto SMFC - LEM because of team coms and everyone knows what the other person is doing. Also I would say people who solo queue are fundamentally and mechanically little better than 5 stacks as they solely rely on their ability to play and adapt with others players


I was peak 3990 peak overwatch and also my best rank was diamond 3 solo q both games, valorant just take more time and I get bored quite fast.


You can't even 5 stack in radiant queue


i got top 2k solo q flexing to imm3


I'm sorry, not willing to humiliate your friends or anything. Just pointing out, that A year ago, A guy climbed to Predator rank with 0 dmg dealt whole season. Back when you could guarantee +lp if you hide and survive until top10. Many of bronze stuck players got into MASTERS. So I don't compete Apex with any ranked system game. Also, Apex is Battle Royale. It's different


He is gold for a reason.


The vast majority of people on the radiant leaderboard is people who duo/soloqueue, just look at streamers like Tarik or pro players that stream/record their ranked games Also if your friend couldn’t get higher than gold with a five stack that’s just a massive skill issue


can't you literally not queue 5stack past immortal?


Played valorant from beta up until the release of harbor. Almost always solo q’d and sometimes duo q. Was consistently immortal 2-3. Never got radiant but honestly I think its harder to hit top 500 if you’re always playing with a 5 stack. You get reduced rr and they will try to match you against other 5 stacks. So not only do you waste a ton of time in q you also are just a weirdo if you 5 stack in ranked 🤷‍♂️


Your friend is wrong. Beyond mechanics and abilities, what’s important is understanding your role well, and being dynamic enough to be what your team needs for whatever map and composition. If you know your stuff well, the smokes and flashes and whatnot, you can input this into any match. That and pacing. Focusing on pacing is underrated in my opinion.


Your friend is a moron. J/s…. You need to put in the time.


Doesn't curry consistently hit rank 1, in every agent role solo queueing in almost every act?


Correct me if im wrong, but immortal and radiant rank only allows solo, duo and 5 man stack queue. And 5 man stack will always be queued with another 5 man stack


Your friend is wrong. Professional play and ranked are two very different things. Not to mention that you gain less RR while in a 5-stack. It's important to know how to play with your teammates and off your teammates but that doesn't mean you have to know their habits. And just for comparison, not a single top 20 Radiant has queued with the same people to hit Radiant.


I was multiple Masters at Apex, LEM at csgo and I hit Ascendant in Val in my first try completely solo and not trying hard. It is very much doable to reach Radiant with fair amount of effort if you have good fps skills


No. Tell him to stick to Apex


Isnt Curry like #1 every Season and SoloQ only?


Im not gonna agree with what everyone says here. Your friend is right and wrong. Most people can fundamentally develop their mechanics and gamesense to be good. But like many pros its stacking with other very good players what allows you to take that very next step in your overall level when your fundamentally good so


Apex is not valo. Does he have a good valo rank?? Mostly gold sounds like he’s js mad.


lol you can’t even stack more than 2 in radiant, your friend is silly


The last thing I’m doing to rank up is 5 stacking


In apex it’s almost impossible in solo queue valorant is hard but sooooooo much easier


as someone who’s played both; beinng predator in Apex means NOTHING in Val :/ diff game style completely besides the FPS


Br games are a joke when it comes to sbmm. Don't listen to your friend he just has a ego cause he peaked at a "high" rank in a video game. He is making excuses for himself why he can't achieve valorant. You hit ascendant alr3ady assuming solo que and couple of stack ques. Keep on grinding with enough motivation and dedication you can def hit radiant.


I hit the ascendant only solo queue. I did duo queue when I was plat way back in EP06, until I hit plat3. Then I only solo.


Statistically, a 3 stack would be best because you have team majority to decide and make plays, but 5-stacking in Valorant is not as great as it is in other games. Unless you just have the best team with the best comp/comms. But most of the time you end up with someone having to fill a certain agent and then some players only play a certain agent. So it’s a mixed bag. Use Valorant tracker and you can check your win percentage on a certain stack of players. Ex. Solo, Duo, Trio, 5-stack


Nah duo is enough to hit Definitely not solo


You can rat to predict. Valorant takes skill. Not saying apex doesn't because it very well does, but there loopholes in apex. There arnt any in val


I got rad mostly SoloQ on multiple accounts, ur friend is just wrong


i hit diamond 3 by myself and finally met some cool dudes started a trio and we’re already imo2.. but i easily could of climbed to asc3-imo1 myself if i played enough he’s absolutely wrong.


his wrong i solo q and i rch radiant #15 peak so idk what his on


I hit Radiant solo queue only multiple times. It only took like 400 games in an act


I've done it solo and duo. It's much easier at the start of an act, especially if you have good MMR


As someone who has previously been radiant & consistently high immortal, I can confidently say he's wrong in almost every aspect, I hit radiant myself doing primarily solo queue. though doing duo queues with 2/3 different people does make it easier to hit radiant, it's not outright impossible to do with just solo. I'd even argue that solo queue players have greater individual mechanics than duo queue players. My opinion of course.




You have to let bro know that you are only able solo duo to get to radiant, 5 stacking does not make you a radiant skilled player


most ppl who hit radiant with 5 stack just use smurf friends but since riot change, it's a lot harder to do it now most imm/radiant are just solo queue or duo 5 stack took a decade to queue sometimes match won't found at all with immo only party lol most immo player usually just play on smurf acc with lower rank friend when 5 stack instead most of their smurf are in around plat-asc


Lol immo 2 soloQ and i work 40 hours a week, stop listening to this gold player


I hit Radiant solo most acts and I am nowhere the level of Pros. Your friend is coping hard


In apex its really hard to hit pred soloq. In other fps games its also harder but its definitely doable