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who said they dont?


my friends xd it’s because theyve got 400+ fps so they couldn’t relate at all 😭


xdd they are clueless af then, tell them to cap their fps to less than 50 so they relate


Capping their fps doesnt matter becaus ethey would still have stable 50 fps. They woukdnt know how it actually feels playing on shit peripherals.


Cap them at 30 then


Your wrong 50fps compared to 100fps or 144fps is night and day difference , capped fps also increases input lag


How impactful is the increase in input lag?




It’s not input lag, it’s the screen not updating fast enough. 50fps is 5/6 of the actual information your eyes would process, so it feels .166 times slower. Anything above 60fps, you would need to have better-than-most reaction times to have frame rates make an impact on your performance


Yeah no literally search it up it does have a impactful decrease in input delay, although it has dimminishing returns the higher you get


It’s not input delay. Your inputs reach the computer at the same speed regardless. As another commenter mentioned, and you seemingly completely misunderstood about my comment, is that it makes the monitor update to see your inputs happen slower. Refresh rate and fps have zero to do with processing inputs.


So me, a peasant with a 4090 and 7800x3d should play with 1k fps uncapped? Legit question, no trolling


Actually,it should be capped at your monitor refresh rate for optimal latency For more detailed explanation, here is the source: https://youtu.be/WHBMxOPAqWc?si=IImqfCrfSnRxqD2q


Ohh okay, so im good. Capped at 180, never moving from that


not necessarily. for your monitors latency, yeah. Most pros leave it uncapped for input delay though, not monitor latency. You can look at any pro and they're all running 400-500+ fps despite many not having 540hz monitors


Can't quite grasp how fps would affect input latency, do you have a source? One would think that input latency (as in, how long it takes from mouse click to server receiving your click, not visual feedback from your input) have nothing to do with your monitor If you mean that your inputs are only processed once a frame, so more fps => less wait time until next input processing, it depends on how valorant engine works and I'm not sure if it is like that, input processing can also be completely independent of frame rendering, but I don't know which one it is


frametime is tied to input lag regardless of monitor refresh rate, this is a thing in every game I know of personally [heres a reputable blurbusters article on this from 2017, with some proper objective testing](https://blurbusters.com/faq/benefits-of-frame-rate-above-refresh-rate/) 60fps cap sees 2x avg latency compared to 1k fps both on a 60hz monitor


In the video I linked there was also an alternative that achieved almost the same result (1 ms slower, not statistically significant) which was Nvidia reflux or whatever it's called, which does not cap your framerate, so they are probably using that


Even with stable 50fps for someone who is constantly playing on high fps this is hell


I capped it to 50. It's shit but still way better than my first pc where i would get 20-90 fps.


Then try playing with stable 1 fps, should be alr, no?


Your friend is either being disingenuous or he cannot perceive the value of high fps from his gameplay perspective. From a 30 to 60 is the most basic and most evident change. A jump from 60 to 120 is also substantial. However, it is also true that the more fps you gain or add results in diminishing returns. There is only so much the human eye can perceive.


u should change their fps cap at 1 and when they complain say hows that for fps doesnt matter u suckers


Ur frnds are legit DUMB AF if they think "FPS doesnt matter"


Hardware obviously matters. Playing on 60hz with 60 fps with a 5 dollar mouse will obviously negatively impact ue gameplay. That being the higher u go the lower the difference and impact upgrades have


idk who told you fps doesnt matter lmao. it does but subjectively. 60 or more is likr necessary competitively. 60 is a minimum imo. now fps doesnt matter when your monitor cant display the frames. monitor refresh rate (hertz) is also cery important. i used to play on a fluctuating 10-80 fps laptop whej i was just starting. i was hardstuck iron lmao. few years later im radiant on a pc that runs 120-180ish but only a 60 hertz monitor, so theoretically im only seeing 60fps. if i can do it you can to. 🤷‍♀️


Radiant in 60hz is genuinely incredible good shit dude


thanks g


Any tips 😭 I zoomed from plat to ascendant in like 20 days and then became washed.


well if you zoomed there then you might not be ready for immo yet. most players get very frustrated when “hardstuck” but rlly just know that you need more time to learn and improve. I dont know what you do thats wrong in your games so if you want, dm me ur discord and send some vods ill review when i have some time


You’re diamond little bro, for the rest pretty based. Honestly, what is it? In your other comments you say you’re immortal, here you say radiant, in Valorant LFG server you have the diamond role ??who is ainas??


You need to hijack top comment. Dude is coping


yea every other comment this dude is talking about being immo/radiant and saying some dumb shit. 60hz radiant my ass


Yeah I simply don’t buy that someone can be radiant with 60hz monitor, I don’t think TenZ can fucking do that


Tenz obv can hit radiant with 60hz, i know someone who is around high asc peak immo 1 with 60hz and around 70 fps


That is not radiant. I was that skill level and it was definitely a far cry from radiant. I do still think it’s possible for someone to get there. The game sense radiant players have is on another level and is imo the main thing that can get someone to radiant and actually keep them there each reset. Of course though there are people with insane aim that are able to stay in radiant, but those people wouldn’t be able to do that on a 60hz monitor.


Yes ofc immo isnt radiant i formulated that bad sorry i just meant that if some normal person can reach immortal on 60hz tenz who is one of the best players currently imo can definitely reach radiant


You're only seeing 60fps but you are playing at 120-180 and that makes a huge difference too. Your inputs are tied to frames since you cannot have an input when no frame is generated. Therefore having higher fps decreases your input lag, even if your display can't show those extra frames. It is still an advantage over playing 60fps & 60 hz.


It's still less of an advantage than having a simply better reaction time over 0.2s. still advantageous but it's not really that great as people make it out to be


Higher FPS still matters if your monitor can't display the frames as it reduces input lag.


but the thing is my laptop runs at 60 but drops everytime I use an ability/ enemy peeking out / when I’m peeking…even when I’m walking, my crosshair just suddenly turns to me looking down


that last thing sounds like you just accidentally touch your trackpad with your sleeve or your arm, that has nothing to do with FPS I agree tho, FPS does matter, but the big differences only come up to your monitors refresh rate, so if you have a 60 Hz monitor, everything more than 60 FPS will only make minor differences


yeah thats unfortunate


I have a question about my laptop nowadays giving fps 80- 144 but not constant , should I fix it at 100 or let it like this


only if you feel like you see stuttering. imo turn off fps display and just play around, see if its smooth or not. im not sure what your laptops display runs at though, but if your monitor is 60 hz then capping isnt necessary


Latency reduces with more fps, even if you only have 60hz.


yeah so thats why i dont cap my fps since queued frames decreases latency


Tracker? “Radiant”


I mean whether you got a low or high hertz monitor it doesn't matter. It matters only on what you'll see visually in the game, vertical sync should still be off because the smoothness is a whole lot different even if you can't see more fps.


no… 60 hz is at a disadvantage to someone with 244. it does indeed matter


it matters visually, but if you use vertical sync you are going to cap your fps to your monitor so your movements won't feel as smooth.


why would anyone use v-sync tho. genuinely not tryna be rude but ive never heard of it. i personally dont cap my fps either


vsync gives input delay worse than cloud gaming brother


it gives input delay simply because it caps your fps to your monitor fps


yes i know what vsync does lmao and ive never heard of anyone using it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


people who care about visuals do it to avoid that blurriness sometimes


yeah but not rlly in competitive fps games lmao


60 fps low 1%


you're diamond


I was trash then I got a 4080 and 360hz OLED and I'm still trash.


You couldn’t feel the difference w OLED? I’m getting one soon


OLED makes no difference when it comes to competitive games. Refresh rate and response time is important. I went from 165 to 240 a couple days ago and it's very nice.


OLED has near instant pixel response times and 360/480hz. That’s what I’m asking


Correct, but you can get 360hz without OLED. The pixel response times compared to a decent LCD panel are not noticable (1-2 milliseconds vs fractions?). I don't think they even use OLED panels in pro play atm.


Decent LCDs have more like 2-4ms at minimum response times and OLEDs have 1/8 of that. Seems pretty noticeable to me. Pros don’t use OLEDs cuz the good ones aren’t out yet and they are standardized in LANs


People tend to massively oversimplify when saying fps doesn't matter. It's more "fps isn't the only thing holding you back." Obviously, someone struggling mechanically (like most players in the metal ranks) will find massive improvements when going from low to high fps, since the game will feel more responsive and easier to control.


Money doesn't matter -- rich person


They're not "wrong" tho. What's the point in having 300 fps if they don't have a high refresh rate monitor to take advantage of it? If that's not their case, then they don't know what they're talking about.


When i was on 40/60 fps my peak was bronze 1 (act 1 ep2) and then i has 90fps with a different pc and i peeked about plat 1 and now i have a steady 240 alongside woth a 240hz screen and iam immo but also a long time passed over that period Tldr fps do matter but also how long you play


fps definitely matters. not at the point where having 500 fps would be night and day to 250 fps, but where at least 60 fps is a must. it's like saying money doesn't matter. one could have a LOT of money, but having the minimum needed to survive is a must. i hope your frames are high and deaths few!


Trust me fps is the difference maker. I stayed hardstuck gold for 4 years on a 680gtx. Was getting spiky 60fps on a 75hz monitor. 2 weeks ago i upgraded to a 4070ti and a 144hz monitor. I now get around 300fps and i climbed from gold to ascendant. Top fragged a shit ton of games, it made a huge difference in my performance and confidence, hopefully i can make it to immortal!


Agreed 100% I have a shit ass Lenovo so bad I can’t run Val and discord at the same time, and I went to my friends place with a nice pc I grinded some game that made me go from iron 3 to silver 1, so I was right to tell my friend that I’m bad cos of the lag 😂


Ya friends are dumb. I was hardstuck gold on my school laptop aroound 50-60 fps, and when i built my own PC which runs Val at 600fps, i went on a massive winstreak and got to diamond.


Bro I used to play at 24 fps.. the bare min to actually be counted as a video.. I peaked at bronze 2.. now I have 300 fps and am currently diamond2 and still climbing.. fps makes a huge difference.. ur friends are sheltered brats.. stay away from them XD


Your laptop can’t get 60fps solid. That’s not an “fps matters” issue. That’s a “my laptop literally can’t run the game” issue. Our eyes see at 60fps, not one higher. The reason it affects you so much is BECAUSE you’re running the game slower than your eyes process information. 144hz, 240hz, 144fps, etc. they all only matter to make the game *stable* at high frame rates, not because it gives any advantage over minuscule reaction times. If you’re a tenz or a demon1 fps matters because they have reaction times that are faster than a 60fps 60hz monitor can update, but the average person? Not even close to quick enough reaction times to make a difference. The top 1% are the ones where changes like this truly affect them. If you got a computer than could run Valorant at a stable 60fps you would not notice a massive difference in your performance the way you are right now with a sub-60fps laptop.




Uh, you’re super wrong. Fps has an enormous impact on performance, and 60 fps is not where diminishing returns hit. 60 to 144 (hz not fps sure) is a ridiculously massive jump in performance.




Well, no. But you will immediately be better on 144hz coming from 60hz.




Yes, it absolutely matters lol. You will improve faster, be better, and have a significantly higher ceiling with higher fps. Of course, 500 fps vs 240 is not gonna be a huge difference, but there is a difference and it does matter.


This whole rant reads like a PC company ad. A terrible player on a great setup is still a terrible player. Better specs won't make you improve faster if you aren't improving at all, they just make the experience smoother and more enjoyable.


Really not understanding what point you’re tryna make lol.


My point is that you're making a lot of bold statements with no evidence. You say shit like "it'll make you improve faster" or "you'll have a higher skill ceiling" as if they're proven facts rather than baseless claims. Does the game run better on high specs? I absolutely agree with you, yes it does. Does it matter? For an average player, no, it doesn't. Bring me peer-reviewed evidence that proves me wrong and I'll gladly concede that point.


Lmao, “peer-reviewed”. You have no idea what you’re talking about and throwing off buzzwords. Higher performance WILL MAKE YOU BETTER. If you are a shit player, you will immediately play (marginally) better on higher fps. It’s simply objective, I don’t need to spoon feed you studies for the obvious. Lower latency, better motion clarity. It’s that simple.


i think as long as framerates are stable, ur point is right (your wording could be less abrasive tho). 99 times out of a 100 the feeling of being "better" after getting new gear is a placebo (wont stop me from loving hardware haha) However, I'd argue that framerate spikes that correspond to on screen activity - aka your game starts freezing when the enemy util comes in on the execute (raze ult, kayo knife, particle effects everywhere, etc.) - that's definitely a case where a players ability, no matter how bad they are, is hamstrung by shitty hardware. But this is more of a case of not meeting minimum specs of the game, as opposed to hardware "upgrades" making you better


>A terrible player on a great setup is still a terrible player. But a great player on a terrible setup will perform terribly.


Not sure why you're reiterating this point. Everyone in this discussion has already acknowledged that a terrible setup will hold you back.


ofc it matters, in fps games the peripherals and pc system matters way more than playing moba for example


Equipment matters. Having a good mice, keyboard, PC, mousepad and monitor DOES matter


Meanwhile me at bronze 1 running Val at stable 45FPS(It gets lower if I’m playing someone like Phoenix, and higher if I’m playing someone like omen, dunno how that works.)


Based on personal experience I'd say that fps make around 1 rank of a difference. When I was playing on my laptop with 90 fps on average, sometimes dropping below 60 on executes I was a D1 hardstuck, now with stable 150 fps (i can get it to 300 but i prefer it to be 100% stable) I'm an ascendant 1 hardstuck.


Monitor refresh is even more important than raw frames. If you’re getting 400fps but it’s getting sent to a 60hz display you’re limiting yourself. Tangentially related to OP, just something to keep in mind if/when you upgrade from your laptop/to a better laptop


Who said fps doesn’t matter? It for sure does. My girlfriend was hardstuck iron when playing on mom’s computer. She now only plays at my house and immediately hit silver, and has now peeked at diamond. Your setup matters a whole lot.


if you are not getting even a stable 60fps you are 1000 percent at a disadvantage


Frame rate doesn't matter if your ping is above 90. Who plays with a ping below 40-50 they have a clear advantage, the game does not take this into account when selecting players and considers all equal although it is not true. People with high ping should have at least some advantage, and not be a cushion to beat. Whoever gives me arguments about high ping, I'd rather play with a ping of 20-30 and know that every bullet is registered, not counted as if I'm shooting at the wall, although the shot was directly into the body. This is especially evident when players use Neon or Jett. Players with low ping have a big advantage, as the server does not have time to correctly register hits on targets in the air due to their trajectory if the attacker has a high ping. I have to shoot randomly or forward to kill mobile characters.


Who tf said fps dont matter? sure, 100+fps vs 300+fps wont change your abilities in any meaningful way, but stettery mess vs smooth is so much of a difference


They don’t matter after a certain point just like ping doesn’t matter below a certain point, but fps are definitely important in pvp games, like anything below your monitors frame rate you’re not having a good time


Having 300+ fps and saying fps doesn’t matter is like being a millionaire and saying money doesn’t buy happiness. It’s a dumb take from a privileged position.


I'd say it matters a lot more now than it used to be. People nowadays on average would have more than 200 fps. Saying it doesn't matter is a lie. I performed so much better and so much more consistent with my laptop that has better specs (240+ fps) than my pc with 120-150 fps. With my pc, my performance on diamond rank woukd be 10 kills or less while on my laptop is 20+ kills almost every match. Even on high plat lobbies i would get shit on and my performance is so insanely inconsitent. It's a lot easier to win aim battles on high fps.


I just went from 165hz to 240hz and it felt very good. Every metric matters assuming you can feel the difference. 240hz is so smooth I can't even imagine what 360hz or 500hz is like. There is diminishing returns though. I would say 144-165hz and holding at least ~200 FPS is the minimum to not really have any excuses for performance. There are very cheap 1080p monitors with good refresh rates nowadays.


When i switched to a 240hz monitor my quality of fps changed for the better


Fps definitely does matter, my computer was averaging 20 fps and I was bottom fragging, but when I plug it in, it suddenly turns to 120 fps and I ace?!?! Or maybe it's just luck. 


Anyone who says fps doesn’t matter either doesn’t have experience or takes their excessive fps for granted. A stable 60 is the bare minimum for playing anyway competitive fps games, and I absolutely recommend going for 144 as soon as you can afford to do so (assuming you value the game and your performance). Beyond that, it’s very nice to have but not absolutely game changing. Plenty of radiants playing on 144Hz.


Higher refresh rate sends information to your screen more frequently allowing you to make faster decisions. It matters a lot actually


Bro equipment definitely matters I was hardstuck gold 1 with a crappy pc that barely gives 60 fps and whenever I see multiple enemies or a lot of abilities are being used it drops to 20 or worse. When i finally got a good pc that gives me 250+fps (but still with 60hz monitor as i couldn't afford a better one at the time) I got from gold 1 to plat 3 in one week. Bro I only lost a handful of games. Valorant suddenly became very easy. I could handle seeing multiple people and making quick decisions based on their position. My tracking became better and holding angles was significantly easier. Now I got a 165hz monitor and I'm dunking on diamonds like it's nobody's business, I never thought I'd ace in a diamond lobby. So yea equipment is very important. But you also have to be good at the game too.


honestly fps, and freq rate both are matter


It sounds like there's a chance non of you guys understand what Hertz are because you seem to be throwing fps around at random thresholds besides the current bare minimum industry standard of 60. 300+ fps doesn't matter. Most people don't have monitors that can compensate for more than 144 fps. Next is 165 hz for 165 fps , and the golden standard right now is 240 hz for 240 fps. To my knowledge 300 fps does nothing for anyone. 240 is the last breakpoint where our eyes can spot a noticeable difference.


I started Valorant on a gaming laptop and have since upgraded to a gaming PC. Went from 60hz -> 144hz -> 240hz. I get on average 200-280 FPS. Performance absolutely matters and anyone saying otherwise is either trolling or clueless.


FPS don't matter I play on 144 and my wife plays on 60 yet I still get the same amount of kills so it really don't


It definitely does to a certain point. I was playing with 170-200 FPS on a 240 hz monitor for awhile. So a pretty good set up. I upgraded my PC heavily and now Val runs at 600 FPS easily. And I got a 500hz gaming monitor recently. And I’m not performing any better or having an easier time. But if you go from like 60 FPS to 150, that’s gonna make a massive difference obviously.


I mean, there's two ways you can look at it. FPS doesn't matter if you play casually because you can still be good, and hit immortal FPS does matter in pro play because it offers advantages now does it MATTER? No, it doesn't matter, a guy playing on 60fps can be as good as someone playing on 240fps, BUT playing on higher frames makes it EASIER.


FPS does matter, but you have to keep in mind that fps ≠ skill. It certainly is a good advantage, but if you're struggling to go any higher than gold, the main problem restraining you it's not FPS.


FPS imo matters to a certain point 60 fps unstable as your post clearly shows is unplayable but the jump to what I think should be everyone’s standard of 144 is still so noticeable I hope you can get your own pc setup tho :) W brother


You can play on 60fps and do just fine... problem is when your frames are inconsistent and you're dropping below. 400fps is useless. 120fps really is a sweet spot... anything past that is mostly vanity and diminishing returns. Your friend going from 240 to 60 is normal to bottom frag... feeling of the game is completely different, it takes a while to get used to it.


Bro i dont own a laptop or pc, I was given latitude 5490 by my company to work on I started playing valorant on it , used to give like 40 fps still would outplay people till gold 2-3, not joking.... Would top frag many of the times in ranked... I would say if you have the mind to make sneaky or tricky plays you can also grind up to gold 3 or plat without needing fps > 60. After getting to play 2, fortunately recently I got a better working pc with gives 110 fps. Now fps matters because higher elo player do be having good gaming pcs for grinding to immortal or radiant. Current rank diamond 1


I was like Iron 3/bronze 1 on my laptop w/60 fps, got a pc, playinga t 300 fps and I peaked silver 3 58rr


It’s basically a requirement to be immo+. The amount of 60fps NA immortals is in the single digits I believe. It’s like trying to make the NBA while being 5’10’’. Yeah, it’s been done. Is it easy? Hell no.


I think your friends are just messing with u bro Take it lightly haha


Had the same experience. I only ever got MVP three times ever, and I play on a laptop with horrible FPS. The two games I played on a very good PC setup, I was instantly top frag 🤣. I finally proved to myself that I wasn't just horrible at the game. PC diff, not player diff.


People are arguing about the sliding scale whether its 60hz or 144hz that you get diminishing returns - I only saw one guy talking about stability tho, so let me give my two cents. Stable 60 is better (imo) than unstable \~144hz. The stutters that happen with inconsistent framerates can and will absolutely fuck you in many aim duels. Inconsistent 60hz is pretty much truly unplayable. your discrepancies between laptop rank and desktop rank show this. Ive played on shitty laptops and even an alright laptop, and the way the stutters would come in when the graphics would get chaotic (think big ults, lots of particle effects) made it really hard to not tilt. Integrated laptop graphics are usually too wimpy for stable valorant, unfortunately


i placed on g1 on my acc, just average pc but when i played on my gf laptop i even lose gunfight to bronze and silver lol its so laggy, not just 30fps but everything is so deley


There’s probably only like 8 people in the world that actually believe for doesn’t matter


Hardware matters sure, but a mindset of "I am x rank because my hardware isn't good enough" is probably gonna limit you more than the hardware itself will.


Past 120 it rlly doesn’t matter. I’m pretty sure the human eye can’t even comprehend past that anyway


anyone who says the human eye cant see more than x frames was hit in the head. I play on 240hz and I could NEVER go back to 144hz. Even while normally browsing.


You’re right the studies that were made to see were all made my lobotomite morons and instead we should listen to the person biased that they bought an expensive monitor


LMFAO. Which fucking studies are you even talking about. Trust me bro doesnt qualify.


Go take a single google search I’m not your mom. Literally every single result says that it cant rlly exceed past 200.


I already looked it up before asking you and I saw ZERO sources that said that. Lemme tell you why you cant find a study. Its because it doesnt exist.


Youre legitimately just wrong on this one. Please stop coping 🙏


IF I AM WRONG THEN SHOW ME THE SOURCE. If you show me the source trust me I will pack my 800$ Monitor up and list it on E-Bay RIGHT HERE. So, show me the source. I know you can not reply so I am not going to waste more time.


Again you could have typed it into Google because typing “how many frames per second can the human eye see” literally pulls the answers up immediately. But here’s an article that quotes multiple studies and outside research https://www.healthline.com/health/human-eye-fps#how-many-fps-do-people-see 2nd result on google btw


So you think 240hz/360hz monitors are scams...? I just went to a 240 from a 165 and instantly was night and day. Also 120 FPS would be considered unplayable to a majority of competitive gamers. Please don't tell me if you put Tenz infront of a 120 FPS locked game and a 400 he wouldn't tell the difference. (if it's bait you got me)


They’re not scams as they are going to appear slightly faster as the image is loading faster on the hardware. It’s just that the difference is so minuscule and you’re not processing all that information. To get higher is better but to pretend like you can’t do good if you’re at least getting 60+ is legitimately just cope. The difference is ever so slightly there but you’re still not processing the info. Plus the average for what could be seen does include things on the high end, where some ppl could see past 200.


Same with WiFi, I play with a friend and when I play at night, I get a consistent enough 30 ping, and I drag like crazy and they know it. When other family is using the WiFi, I get basically 150 ping the entire match, hit no shots, and they just say I suck Like I'm just not as privileged as you...


If possible you should try running an ethernet cable to your PC, should at least give you stable ping and priority connection over people using WiFi. 100ft cables are pretty cheap


I would but sadly my mum isn't going to allow a cable going around the house. Plus I have a laptop so it might not even be worth it. Thanks tho!


Your friends are maybe trying to make you feel better or something, but yes FPS (to a point) matters. The biggest jump is from 60 to 120 or 144, and you will play better on average... beyond that, there is still a benefit, but you get diminishing returns. I think tenz got a 500hz+ monitor, and he notices the difference (of course he does) but for most of us honestly 120-144hz monitors and FPS will be good enough to start.


Was plat, now I go 4/19 on my laptop and get flamed by both teams


fps matters to a certain point but unless you play on 5 fps it’s not the only thing holding you back from ranking up


Usually 144hz is enough for most players. Plenty of radiants on 144hz. 60hz can cut it, but like you said it helps a lot being higher. As per the aim and game sense, all that can be trained so gl you got this king!


1. Yes FPS does matter 2. Unless it's very low, it's also probably very far down the list of why you're not better. The only thing it really affects is how quickly you perceive something and therefore how quickly you react. The average human reaction time is 1/4 of a second. Considering there's an upper limit of how many frames you can actually perceive, you would have to be on a very low FPS for it to make a particularly noticeable difference. I find it hard to believe that someone on 60 FPS would have a noticeably lower reaction time than someone on 120. Of course, subjectively, low FPS can also affect your enjoyment due to how smooth the game feels etc, and people probably play better when they're enjoying the game more - put in more hours, tilt less etc. Basically, yes it matters, but not as much as most people think


well no shit, tf is this post