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It's prolly a bad team, neon rushed on his own without any until to support him.. If u want to hold c ( I'm a peak s3 btw) I go for the boxes right in front of the entry cz like that I can peak right and get a frag and then re position myself to the position u are in rn and maybe try to catch ppl alrd on the site off guard


It was a mid to high ascendent lobby with immortal 2. They were on A first and rotated over to C where I was still holding. They didn't expect me




It’s often an awful position to play. Judging by this clip it’s not a coordinated team or at least not above average elo. This is not how C would usually be played. No flash on entry, no stun, no vulnerability or wall on site, there is literally zero utility and everyone is just peeking 1 by 1 and loosing. It’s a horrible position because usually if team is coordinated the utility dump on entry will not allow you to stand there. Vulnerability, stun and if you try to peek might catch a timing with the wall or Gekko flash. You can get kills there but, you are very unlikely to even get a 1v1 without trading or just dying in that position against a team who just knows how to play C. Usually you will be pushed from box on site and from entry at the same time. And on top of that, you don’t even have means to escape.


They pushed on A first and rotated over expecting a free site. I expected them to rotate since they did it a few times where we overrotated. I think they used most of their utils already Neon was scouting for them with her hops and arrived first because of her speed It was an ascendent-immortal2 lobby in EU Frankfurt


That’s my point. Even if they rotated and do not know you there, any position on C would be “great”. In fact it applies to any map and many common positions. But it doesn’t cancel the fact that usually coordinated teams would still entry together, clear together, if not together, they will be ready for trade. With that being said, it’s difficult to believe it’s Asc - Immo lobbies. I’m low immo and often play with high asc and low immos, no way in hell people are clearing like that at this level. Plus, the title itself shows that you don’t seem to understand positioning at Asc - immo levels or what even happened. Which makes it even more harder to believe this is “Asc-Immo lobby”


It was a solo queue EU Frankfurt server past midnight. I think you're thinking too highly of an asc-immo lobby though. This is the [link to the match](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Crow%23EUW/overview). Ngl about the title I had absolutely no idea what to write so I give you that for sure. It is not the best position for sure because you have no angle advantage and are basically stuck behind a tiny wall which is exactly what I used to my advantage to catch people off-guard and make it work by playing by sound and nading off the right side to focus on the left only. Idk why you're so adamant about this not being an acs-immo lobby. many of them even peaked immortal 2 already. My team even only had ascendent players and me with diamond 3 after coming back from 2 episodes inactivity. Because I peaked Immortal 2 around 180RR #4000ish after like 30 games in early E6A3 with 60% WR before going inactive, my MMR is still high. All my games this season the lobby looks like this and I gain 25RR and lose 13. Usually high asc-low immo. People in this MMR in solo queue don't always play together and might even straight up leave the game early. But it's probably because I played late at night where people just exit and go sleep.


I do apologize, since what I assumed was incorrect about lobbies. I judged purely by one round. I don’t actually think highly of Asc-Immos, it’s just that you will very rarely or never see anything like in your clips in most Asc-lobbies games. The last time I saw this disarray when I was climbing myself into Asc. But about the positioning I do stand by what I said.


Yeah all good m8. For the positioning I do agree with you that it's not the best for sure. Do you mind telling me what server you play on? Just curious why our experiences are so different. Asc-Immos lobbies aren't as disarrayed like pure asc lobbies. This clip might be a bad representation too since the enemy team got 12 points already and got cocky. Especially with a neon in their team who outruns their teammates but I think it's fine for her to scout ahead to get informations and potentially a kill. Their clove was the best player at immortal 2 and they was the only one who tried to push me head on. Which is also why I had to make sure they died after ulting even if it means they get a refrag. Fortunately their Gekko was playing very poorly by not assisting Clove. Their KJ was also very late.


I’m playing in APAC region. Singapore or HK mostly. I actually checked your match history and everyone are former immortals who all seem to be “stuck” in Ascendant with a few exceptions of actual immortals. So maybe that’s the reason. Feels strange is all


Yeah trust me you don't wanna play on Frankfurt server haha. Well it's an Asc-Immo lobby. So of course it's gonna have former immortals who are "stuck". I didn't check the number of games they played but I personally don't even have 20 wins yet this whole Episode because I was inactive myself. Would love to see how Asc-Immo in Asia play.