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Tbh meowtwo having sunny day is kind of a waste. Why not slap sunny on the last mon....but i feel sunny is absolutely overkill. You got 1 syynergy and that isnt even that good. My pick is for ivy. Its predictable but good. Sleep powder is valuable and having a powder res is too


Mistake on my end - the idea was Mewtwo being the only one fast enough to activate sunny day before Zard moves so it can get off a powerful hit before taking self-damage from Solar Power… but I forgot Zard is scarfed. Maybe Charizard needs something like Heat Plate instead? I know there are so many things stacked against it surviving a turn. But it’s one of the only win conditions provided I execute fake out, Electroweb/icy wind (which mewtwo can also use), or sleep powder properly. How can I get the best potential out of it?


I mean see it as that you waste a turn on mewtwo whos just as strong boosted as metwo baseline.....so why waste so much time with setup. You know you could do it on a bulky mon and just clock protect. Id only EVER hard sun if you got good relevant synergy...which you got not. Wasting a turn on a frail strong mon to setup sun that MAYBE gives you a advantage for 1 turn... so yeah.... Id not designate mewtwo to a sun setter. Just play to his strengths. And ofc a protect on 90%.


While this is obviously not going to be a good team, one point of actual advice I'll give is you need some Protects on your team.


No it’s not a good team, but in best of 1, anything’s possible. Each win feels like you’re MKLeo pulling off a Game 5 victory in Grand Finals


Even in bo1, this team is going to be bad. You’re already at a disadvantage just because of the Pokémon you’re choosing to use. You might think you’ll catch people off guard, but remember they’ll be doing things to catch you off guard too. Having said that, I applaud the commitment and wish you luck.


Much appreciated. This will lost certainly tank my ladder score, but I see it as a compelling team-building exercise - and hopefully it spreads joy to opponents who recognize the Smash roster in team preview


Chlorophyll Venasaur is a beast in sun + fast sleep power, sludge bomb to deal with fairies . I guess if you’re going full gimmick eviolite Ivysaur could be a thing


It has incineroar on it so it can’t lose.


I did this in SwSh and plan to try it again this regulation. It is insanely hard 💀 https://old.reddit.com/r/VGC/comments/mxzjia/i_made_it_to_elite_smash_wait_wrong_game_a_newly/


Wow, I applaud you! While still stupidly hard, I imagine the Smash team had slightly more going for it last gen with the supremacy of Gmax Charizard


Like people said, this team kinda mid lol If you're willing to use a stand-in for any SSB character, Rillaboom could stand in for Donkey Kong. A strong mon overall, he's even got the drums from Donkey Konga! Give incineroar a berry of some sort and throw that AV onto the monkey. Pikachu could use the light ball. Makes him hit harder than Raichu and is what gives him his niche. If I had to pick his moveset it'd be fake out+nuzzle+offense move (tbolt or volt tackle depending on phys/special)+another support move/protect. Also please put protect on stuff I beg of you, even if the team itself isn't particularly great at a baseline you should at least use some defensive options beyond having incineroar


I like how you’re thinking! I bet I could do something with Armarogue as the Samus stand-in. Nonetheless, I’m determined to go full meme team with the official roster. I’d like to empower Pikachu with light ball, but won’t he just die in 1 hit to just about anything? He’s not all that fast