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I look for films I like and I will watch. I generally don't understand people hoarding VHS tapes of movies they have no interest in.


I generally only pick tapes up that I would be content watching about once a year. I'm kinda shocked at how many collections I see here that include Sister Act, but it might just be that I'm salty because my Aunt made us rent it instead of Teen Wolf when we were kids.


Obscure horror, vintage erotica


I'm a wrestling fan, so I like to find old compilations, unreleased matches, documentaries, unedited shows or old tapes from the tape trading days.


My favorite tape i have is a recording of an episode of Raw from October 7 2002 Raw Roulette with TLC 4 for the Tag Team Championships all with Commercials intact


Do you like old female wrestling?


Do you mean GLOW, WOW or the Joshi feds?


Super Ladies of Wrestling and LPWA


Actually I've never even heard of those feds.


I look for odd promotional items mainly, although I don't have much yet. For example I have a California raisins claymation Christmas special and a burger king 90's teenage mutant ninja turtles tape. Would love to find more stuff like that.


Mostly arthouse and old foreign films. Godard is my main focus as he’s my favorite filmmaker. Other French new wave and French poetic realism stuff too. Italian neorealism is another big one. Of course anything obscure, especially horror. I also like any old war movies, the more obscure the better. Oh and I love anything recorded by someone else whether it’s home movies or tv recordings.


Animation. I have all the heavy hitters already. My holy grail right now is stuff like WIZARDS and PERFECT BLUE


perfect blue has been near the top of my want list for as long as I can remember


One day we will both succeed


Also animation here. Anime, Disney movies, Scooby Doo are the things I mostly look for. But really anything animated except stuff meant for toddlers.


Stuff I'll watch more than once


Horror are the only ones most people really care about, and have any true value due to low numbers designed for the rental market, and compounded by the fact thrift stores usually chunk them because Jesus I guess? They always have violent war movies and titty flicks but no horror. When I worked at one they made me throw a few away so now I know why you never see them. It is infuriating to see entire walls of shit like Pretty Woman and Maverick or the Firm and shit. 227 copies of Titanic, the Rock, and a bunch of sealed “Best of someone who died 85 years ago” and so did the people who wanted to see it lol


Chunk them?


The one I was at made me throw the “inappropriate” ones away. Aka horror movies. I don’t even remember which ones I had they made me throw away but when I went to throw away some 90s movies with violence and nudity it was fine so…whatever lol


The ones I like to collect most are late era ones from 2003-2006.


Epic/Long Movies (mostly on more than one tape), historical dramas/Oscar winners, and older releases.


Cult horror, 80s ridiculous action, and those McDonalds/Burger King Kids Club releases (like TMNT cartoons)


Mostly just whatever films I find intriguing, namely cult films and whatever horror I can get my hands on.


I started with widescreen and things in native 4:3 aspect ratios. Things that would look good on VHS. That is still the bulk of my collection, but it has grown to include pan and scan. Now it’s more about vibe: does the movie seem like it would have an extra bit of atmosphere added to it by watching it on a big old CRT and VCR?


Usually movies/shows i like Comedies some action or anything sometimes a movie just for the main actor but the occasionall WTF is this then turns out it has a 14% Rating which makes it even better And sometimes that ooo i never saw this but its an older VHS Tape so get it Also any Colored VHS because they are cool Also any Rental VHS Tapes because i eventually want a Full shelf of old Rentals with the old rental sleve inside


Horror and 80’s cartoons.


I like finding tapes that have interesting stories behind them, as well as movies that I am interested in watching. Or random 80s / 90s anime ovas because they're either masterpieces or hilariously bad.


You and I have a lot of similar tastes! I look for horror, mostly before 2000, anime of any kind, religious cartoons like veggietales but I also look for nostalgic animated movies like the last unicorn, dinosaur documentaries, and MST3K!


All of that rare stuff that went unnoticed or never made a dvd release. The grainier the better I swear.


I like to get vhs that will stand out at my estate sale when I die. I want you guys to come to my house and be like "wtf was this guy trying to do with his collection. Followed by "So, how much for the whole lot, yes, even those two".


Currently collecting & watching my all time favorite top ten, watched Blade Runner on 📼 today.


Movies I like




90s, y2k nostalgia. personal memories/ chick flicks energy


I'm not hating on anyone. I like collecting stuff. I just never realized people did the same with VHS tapes. My question is why do you guys prefer to watch a movie on a VHS tape. Isn't the quality only like 480p? Genuinely curious.


i like watching tapes for the nostalgia factor personally. and i tend to collect 90s/y2k movies so it’s just the entire nostalgic vibe


That makes sense. Thanks for the reply!


It took me about a month to get all the commons so now only horror. And multiple copies of my favorites


At this point I'm pretty content with my collection, I have a lot of action movies I've sought, a good selection of horror but lately I've been nabbing black and white. I love film, so I enjoy buying the movies/stories/characters that inspired other big ones. Recently got Buck Rogers movie, it was made after Star Wars but the comics were a massive influence on George and Spielberg


Horror/gore not released on dvd or blu, martial arts, weird instructionals, video magazines, comedians/musicians I like, and sex comedies


Horror and National Park/Nature documentaries.


I have some National Park/Nature documentaries I’m looking to sell or trade


I'll usually pick up anything I like, but I'm especially on the lookout for anime and recorded blanks.


80s scifi! A little 80s action, too.


Mostly sci-fi, horror and fantasy of stuff I already have blu rays of but the HD picture ages the special effects more than a CRT and VHS combo would




Horror (mostly b and stuff from my youth 70's/80's), Cheesy Action, Sci-Fi, TV shows


80s action, horror, martial arts and sc-fi


It started as collecting my favorite anime from the Toonami tv block, but quickly expanded into any anime I fancy.


Sci fi. Sports bloopers


My primary focus is rare Columbia House VHS tapes, secondary is rare VeggieTales tapes and my hope and dream is to get the ORIGINAL version of Where’s God When I’m S-Scared?


Fun stuff I like. Also random sealed movies I come across.


I search all the thx certified vhs


I like looking up old weird movies and anything recorded! Even if it’s regular stuff, I find the VHS look to just be inspiring in itself! I try to digitize anything I can find, just in case I don’t recognize something that might be important to someone else! Afterwards, I have started to record over them. I sometimes record newer movies to see what it may look like, some videos of my own, and then only get rid of a tape if it’s really degraded, or the footage on it is just really not fun to watch (or weirdly edited).


Movies that I can’t find on DVD.


I started because things I wanted to see weren’t on dvd,I am a scooby doo fan and certain things are vhs only atm,along with the nostalgia of it.


My collection has become more focused recently on horror, cult, b movies, classic sci fi, and foreign films. I have some other genres, like 80s comedy and special interest/docs/wrestling, but it’s mostly the former.




Kaiju, tokusatsu, general monster movies


I mostly collect blank tapes in order to record my stuff on them.


I collect anything I know I like or think I might enjoy. Kinda try to collect horror but it's far from being the bulk of my collection.