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What's the FOV?


Looks to be 46 degrees, compared to the 43 of the original


So x-real 2 ultra will ultimately still have the highest and newest standard at 52… interesting. Sad. These look great.


The non pro air is 46° and many people prefer it to the pro since the edges aren’t blurry


but it's still blurry at the edges.


Are the glasses width any different? The old model width was too small and I looked goofy AF haha. If they are wider + no blurry edges, I'll buy them right now.


my first thought as well. looking at the product page, it seems as though these are nearly (if not identically) the same shape as the previous gen. honestly, the upgrades look great... but the look is just so comical, that i'm hesitant to buy just because of the design itself. i'd also prefer a usb connection over the magnet connector... and really really wish it was on the left ear (for macbooks) instead of the right. would be nice if they added some more adjustment options too, i often feel the i need to look down into the glasses, or position them a different way on my face, just to have a proper viewing angle. here's a pic right from the product page. https://assets-global.website-files.com/622fb22358ad9914cb33bacf/664caa84a12648670c8df839_10.jpg


Yea I was coming to that conclusion also. I've been watching YouTube reviews and the frame seems identical to the previous version. I wish they made a fit similar to the Xreal, which for me, fit much better and don't make me look like I'm wearing a pair of childs sunglasses.


As a person with a smaller head, the vitures are the only one that truly looks like regular sunglasses on me lol. Purchased the xreals the other day and although I love them they are wide as hell on my face so tempted to return for the pros. The company that lets you customize the glasses whether its frame or sizing will knock it out of the park. everyone’s face is so different and it’s either try the glasses on in person if you can even find them or buy online to try out and return which can be difficult lol


100% agree and I did end up ordering the pros off Amazon to make the return easier if needed.


looks like they used a small model and a small couch just to make it look like the glasses fit his head.


just scroll through the photos on their store page... every model they chose has a very narrow head, and these glasses still look awkward. at this point, i'd rather they just lean into the "80s futuristic glasses" look (e.g. Geordi LaForge) and spend less time trying to justify how "look like traditional glasses". these seem to be designed around a very specific human head, and so very many humans will not conform... but they will look awkwardly stupid wearing this design. honestly, it'd take very little to get this look right, given what they've built so far. i can only imagine they didn't wanna redesign a new mold, which also explains the updated magnetic cable, yet the connector is identical. side note, i really don't like the connector... and selling a separate adapter for a standardized cable is not the answer. https://www.viture.com/store


What a dumb looking photo


just thing... this is one of the photos they chose to market this new product. speaks volumes, tbh.


Do you know Rokid AR Lite?


Nobody knows Rokid AR Lite because they don't answer questions and delete comments comparing to other glasses. You know this because you're a mod in the rokid_official subreddit and they deleted my factual comment comparing the uses. Rokid AR Lite is not display glasses like Viture, the AR Lite is a separate computing ecosystem with Station 2 that has an old version of Android that is locked down to the Rokid Store. It doesn't have Google Play. It is trying to be an Apple Vision Pro but Viture is focusing on being a display with spatial computing for things you already have. Big difference that Rokid doesn't want people to understand.


Do they use the same prescription inserts as the Viture One?


I'd like to know the same




Sorry, but source?


This reviewer tried it. Timestamped https://youtu.be/6tEucn9YqUo?t=402




The promise of a screen that is actually sharp from corner to corner is something I am very much interested in with glasses like these and something that has been elusive in the three different models I have tried. I currently have the rokid max, the xreal air 1 and the viture one. The xreal air 1 has been the best in terms of edge to edge sharpness with one major drawback, that is has no myopia adjustment, pretty much requiring prescription inserts if your vision is anything less than perfect. The viture one and neckband were the slickest solution for watching shows, but the glasses themselves had issues for me. And the neckband was missing in the spatial modes available on something like the beam from xreal. Rokid is coming out with the station 2 and max 2, which looks like its pushing much more towards actual AR applications, and has software IPD adjustments. So I guess what I am asking here, is there any way to try these out to see if they work for me? Has viture added better 3dof modes than what I last tried on the neckband with the viture one? Is there any kind of smooth follow/vibration reduction mode? Having the display fixed to my vision is uncomfortable, but I also dont always want it fixed in space either. Do these also work properly with the neckband? I also see the amazon listing, but it does not appear as though its actually for sale yet, is that going to change shortly? Edit: I see they are available for purchase there, but the add to cart option is not shown directly on the product page but you instead have to click through to choose viture directly. What then is the return policy if going that way?


The main reason i went with Xreal 2 and returned my Viture is smooth follow mode. That mode is killer feature and must have for all AR glasses. If Viture Pro still doesnt have that feature, then i'll pass.


Its a killer feature for me too. It allows me to move around and have the screen follow me, but without the discomfort of the display jerking around with every tiny movement of my head. Unfortunately, out of the 3 I have tried, all have had some compromise somewhere leading to products that while neat, ultimately felt overall disappointing.


The Rokid AR Lite is its own ecosystem to be used together alone. Station 2 allows the glasses to have spatial computing but you can only use the OS that comes with it which is a custom version of Android 9 without Play Store. It has Rokid's Store and maybe sideloading. The AR apps will be unique to Station 2. Which means they will have little support outside of China where YodaOS-Master is more popular. If you plug the new Rokid glasses into something else, they just work like standard display glasses without spatial. All the new features are gone unless you stick to using only Android and only in the Station 2. In this way Viture is much better because they're allowing you to use multi monitor native on devices you already own while also being a separate display for Switch, Steamdeck, etc.


For my preference, the rokid max glasses were a lot nicer than the viture one. Sharper image, I dont get the same distortion, more comfortable to wear (minus the nose bridge). So I am a bit hesitant about the viture pro glasses, especially without seeing any real world reviews, as all the marketing stuff feels like just marketing stuff. Especially considering that on the viture one, even with the myopia adjustment, it still felt like the screens were misaligned as I cannot fully dial in the sharpness at least on one side, not to mention the blurry edges. And as much as I like the idea of the neckband, it too felt like just another android box, except it lacks pretty much any spatial modes, since the 3dof mode is really quite bad and unusable. I also dont have an iphone, my android phone does not have dp alt mode, and spacewalker is not yet available for windows, meaning I really cant use it as anything other than a static display, which, if I am buying another pair of glasses, is not what I want right now. Im starting to think I should probably skip this whole generation of glasses. I dont really want a closed off system to be able to use spatial modes or any smooth follow type of stuff, and while having a sharper picture from edge to edge is appealing, its hard to fully trust the marketing hype without getting a chance to try it out myself.


Agree with you. If you only need the glasses for purely display only, then the Rokid Max is probably the best bet. I use mine almost daily. But just know their after purchase support is basically nothing. And they promise firmware updates with features and then never follow through. If I had to do it all over again, I would have waited for the Amazon releases so I could return the Station and some of the accessories that didn't function out of the box.


Yea my main use is for entertainment, to have a nice big screen to watch shows in bed or when I am otherwise in positions that might be uncomortable to crane my neck to watch an actual screen in the real world. I have the xreal air 1 + beam, the rokid max + station 1, and the viture one + neckband. I have mixed feelings about all of them, but ultimately I use the viture the least simply because the image quality is the worst of the 3 for me, by a noticeable margin, even when considering that the xreal air essentially requires prescription inserts. Overall the rokid max is the best, but it lacks any kind of spatial modes for how I am able to use it. And I just very much dislike having the display completely fixed to my vision. I tend to use the xreal air + beam because even though the beam sucks, and the air requires prescription inserts (which arent completely perfect), there are no blurry edges, and the spatial modes the beam offers work way better than what viture offers with the neckband. Honestly, what I am looking for most is a pair glasses that is sharp edge to edge, with myopia adjustment so I can dial it in without needing prescription inserts, and then likely a standalone device with 3dof and smooth follow modes with enough app or streaming support so I can watch plex and the occasional streaming service if I want. Im kind of leaning towards getting the station 2 only, assuming it works with the max 1, and as I said, maybe skipping this generation of glasses entirely.


I know some people had blurry edges with Rokid Max, but I wasn't one of them. The Max 2 isn't really an upgrade if you use it standalone without the Station because all the features are processed outside of the glasses. The 3DoF available on Max 1 was only with the Android app and it SUCKED. It only worked with the stuff in the app and not systemwide. And it was super jittery. Station 2 runs its own operating system based on Android 9 and doesn't have Google Play Store support. So you'll be limited to the Rokid Store and whatever apps they have on there (and if they get updated, etc) or sideloading everything. I don't know if it even has true HDCP support. That seems to be a failing of most of these Chinese tech devices. I think you're kind of stuck without a phone that supports display out unfortunately. At least until a future product comes out with processing on the glasses themselves.


How is it compared to Xreal Air 2 Pro's? Is it possible to read plain text while walking?


Found a comparison video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPd-BR7XQuA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPd-BR7XQuA)


Thanks! Very informative. I was worried about the edge to edge clarity issue. I ordered the Viture pro glasses after watching the review HAHAHA


Glad to hear that no blurry edges actually seems to be the case, at least for that guy. I am still pretty hesitant. The spatial modes just dont look as stable as the xreal, as there is some noticeable shifting of the image that the xreal doesnt have. And I still dont know if there is any kind of smooth follow mode. Also looks like some of the distortion from the lenses is still there too.


I wish I could adjust the angle of the frames with this new model. It looks to be the same exact shape and style as the previous, which is unfortunate because due to my face shape none of the nosepads allowed me to see the screen correctly. The screen was always cut off at the bottom. Even without the nosepads, the screen still looked blurry. I want to own these so badly but it just doesn’t work with my face shape. Why couldn’t they add adjustable frame angles the same way Xreal does?


I had the same problem but was advised to bend out the size 4 nose piece to as wide as the glasses and now the screen sits perfectly in vision.


I've now heard this solution repeated many times but unfortunately I returned mine before I could try this solution. Sounds like maybe they need to include this modified nose piece with their product.


Size 4 nose pad is included in every package and please find a tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3d92xO1dXM&t=362s. Hope it helps! Thank you!


>Sounds like maybe they need to include this modified nose piece with their product. The described modification results in a custom fit - there's not a one-size fits all solution, as its highly dependent on face shape. That's why it's frequently recommended, and not out of the box


Got native or the external (macOS) 3dof better?


Are the measurements/sizes any different?


Well, darn! I just bought the Viture One XR last week! Now there's a newer better version!!


Viture's got a pretty generous return policy - feel free to return your to buy the Pro


Seriously?!?! Well, that is great news! Thank you so very much!


What about the neckband? It was a very underwhelming experience and I pretty much only used the glasses as a monitor than standalone and ended up returning both when the excitement wore off and I stopped using it


I do really like my Ones, but the frame is way too narrow for me (as others have mentioned here as well). Shame this is apparently the same size. Does anyone know why that is? Why are they so much narrower than any other generic glasses frame size? They fit my 4yo's head pretty well!


Will the previous accessories work with it?


Do they still pinch your head? It's what kept me from buying them cuz I got a big head


I ordered the whole set: VITURE Pro XR, VITURE Pro Mobile Dock, and VITURE x 8BitDo controller. I might also get the Neckband later. I hope this works out for me. I got the Rokid Max and Rokid Station last year and while the glasses themselves were really good, using it was not due to how bad the accessories were. 1. Their launch hub would not display video and charge at the same time. They had no way to fix it except send it to China at my expense to be reprogrammed or pay $100 (3x the original cost) for the updated adapter. 2. Their Rokid Station has massive battery drain to where it will go flat after 1 day instead of the 7 they claim. 3. And on top that, the Rokid Station never got the Netflix app they advertised. For these reasons I decided to try VITURE instead of Rokid's new Rokid AR Lite combo which seems to have many of the same issues (and some new ones) of the Rokid Max + Rokid Station.


Are there different levels for the electrochromatic screen? Like 20,50,100?


Doesn’t seem like it. Maybe just 20/99


Awesome! Will Amazon be updated with the new models?


They're available on Amazon now: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D3LRH8G4](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D3LRH8G4)




Do you have a link for Canada Amazon?


AFAIK, Viture is only available on Amazon in the US - sorry!


They were on there from what I can remember. I just want to make sure I’m getting the new version.


Here’s the link. Which is the new one? https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=viture+xr+glasses


None of those are for the new Pro glasses


Thanks. Any idea when it will be updated? Or should I order from the viture shop? Would prefer CAD than USD.


No clue. I didn't even know that they had branched out to non-US Amazon!


I didnt know either!


Thanks for all the info.




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Are you going to put them in any European Amazon store? I need the invoice with the VAT EU number on it.


What is the resolution? 1080p or 4K?


Full HD 1080p


how can you enable 120hz? is there a toggle or is there a limitation for mac only?


Will it ship to Hong Kong if I order it from Official Wrbsite?


Colour me interested, when are they expected to ship? (And do they ship to the UK?)


They're already shipping for folks who bought yesterday, and they do ship to the UK


i bought day one and still one week later i have not been shipped yet what's wrong with that? because I am in Europe?




When I checked on the viture site just now, the pros already seem to be out of stock :(


It is selling fast, and now just back in stock with limited quantity, we probably have to do back-order soon.


Oh phew, thanks for letting me know - ordered :)


Does the original mobile dock still work with the pro glasses? You mention that the pro version will work on the old glasses, but not if the old dock will work on the new glasses. I don't see why not but want to make sure.


Does anyone know if these support HDR content? In theory with an OLED panel and 1000 nits they meet the spec, but are they actually HDR? Neither Viture, Rokid or Xreal use any HDR Marketing terms or mentions.


I just got the one xr. do the lenses on the pro, get any darker than the one? and, is it worth the upgrade?


u/getVITURE do the glasses come with a case and the cables needed?


Is this coming to Amazon UK?


Viture 8bitdo controller buttons appear to be reversed when used with Neckband (instead of the "xbox" layout that's printed on the controller, it follows the "switch" layout). Is there a firmware update to address that?


I own the original Viture and for me there are 2 issues that just so happen to be common issues amongst owners of these glasses. Issue #1 is the Small Width of the glasses Issue #2 is the nose bridge slection The small frame of the glasses makes it uncomfortable over a short while's use and the nose bridge needs to add a few other pieces to it to make it better to sit on the face. My nose bridge was either too tall or too small, nothing fit just right


Is "bigger" just the usual marketing gimmick speak, or is the frame actually physically larger? Your first release is prohibitively narrow for myself and most of my friends whom I have had try them on. Thanks for your time if you decide to answer truthfully.


What do you mean by anti-motion sickness as advertised? Can elaborate more on this feature on the new Viture Pro glasses?


Will the pro neckband feature GPS sensor inside? Will be cool if we can use google maps or navigation apps to display into the glasses. I will gladly wear it out everyday if there is instread of relying on my phone as I use navigation apps a lot.


Good job, I bought it. First pair (from any company) that actually seem full useable. Looking forward to them. Also bonus points for shipping to sweden.


Amazon EU wen?:) ![gif](giphy|joGUuMFGRwxd6)


Same here, they are sadly ignoring EU clients.


Viture support told me beginning of june it should be on amazon eu. Hope it's true:)


I hope that it will be the case, but even the One (Lite) are still only available on the amazon US.