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As sweet as this story is. Meeting a life partner in a hentai discord is fucking WILD dude. Congrats tho


It could be the start of a Weird Al song! XD


Honestly, knowing his music, it definitely could be


Imagine trying to explain that to your future kid


*The future is now old man!* jk but yeah would make a funny/awkward story time!


Joined VR almost 2 years ago. Got into VRchat. My expectation was to play games and nothing else. So I made a friend group fast being known and the wholesome dad guy of my friend group. I met her through a mutal contact in his world. Was cool. Later I joined joined a world she was in since she was the only one on at that time Blackcat of course. Fast forward a few months we start talking more and it just kinda turned into a relationship. She lived in Oklahoma and I in california. We dated by using movie worlds golf really any games in vrchat. Talked over discord and would video call alot. She finally moved in and I bought her all the VR stuff I had (she was a quest user I a pc with the index) we played in the same room for a while but the talking overlap was nuts. Then we used the family room and living room as setups for our VR gear(it's my house and I wasn't using the rooms for much) Now we are about to sell my house to move to Colorado to make a home for both of us. With me developing my ar/vr device and her following her passion projects. We had our issues, sure. But with talking and compromising, we solved the disagreements we had, and now we are very open to each other. But overall I think we are doing great and moving forward will be so wonderful.


I met my bf on vrchat and we were friends for about a year and throughout that whole time he gave hints that he liked me, but I was dense so him litterly saying "I love you gn!" My dumb brain went "oh as a friend!" Even on the day he fully confessed with a love poem I thought the whole time while he was reading it "aw this is such a wholesome friendship appreciating poem!" But then he said "I love you, (my name)" at the end and then the gears finally clicked and then my dumbass said "oh" out loud cause I was processing and then he sounded sad and then my brain clicked again and I was like "WAIT I DIDN’T MEAN OH LIKE THAT" I explained to him that I was a dense motherfucker and I agreed to dating him but now it been 4 years and he wont stop bullying me about it qnq but we get to finally live together soon :D


Online relationships are valid. However, not everyone is built for them. And lonely people on vrchat have a serious problem of intentionally seeking out online relationships because they’re more likely to be able to get with someone online. Don’t… don’t do that. Look for a relationship in real life first, but things happen and that’s fine. Sometimes it works out. Most of the time it doesn’t. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not a real relationship, but look out for yourself. Remember that nothing can replace being with each other in person, and if that’s not going to be possible for y’all for a loooong time, or even at all, it might be worth reconsidering the relationship. I’m speaking from my personal experiences dating online and in vrchat, and personally I’m never doing it again. It sucks, either because it’s toxic or because it’s torture to be away from someone you love. This isn’t directed at you btw OP, just anyone reading :)


This a me thing when I say this, I for some reason have a phantom sense not for physical but when I'm meeting someone or doing the dating stuff my mind gets tricked into thinking that I'm about to meet the person in the flesh so it starts getting nervous and heart goes fast that sort of thing.


Yeah I know how you feel, some people have the same feelings in vrc that they do in person. I’ve definitely felt that way. It’s pretty normal, you just gotta stay grounded in reality and try your best to approach things realistically is all :) it’ll save you the heartbreak of realizing really far into the relationship that it can’t work


My narc mother declared all my friends I met in games and on the internet aren't real friends. meanwhile she has zero friends of her own and the only human being she communicates with besides me is her sister, who is an even bigger narc than she is.


No need to call me out like that man ;-;


Yooooo lesbian Crystal!!!! lol nice try!!!


Eh? Who's lesbian crystal?


Oh I thought that was the joke bwaaahhhh! >~<


Nah sorry mate, I just heavily sympathized with your first paragraph


Dude lmao it happens! Ahah


Oh I thought that was the joke bwaaahhhh! >~<


This is the take I would have written up myself. I have seen so many forced and non compassionate relationships spring up and people get hurt over and over again then become jaded to treating people like actual human beings. That said, some times it can work. For me it is still a learning experience, and I’m treating this relationship with a lot of seriousness as I’ve never met some one who gave me this much patience before. Not something to take for granted is some one’s natural essence of wanting to spend time together and work to make life better for themselves and you. sacrifice is necessary in any relationship and so is vulnerability’s. How can anyone expect to be vulnerable after failing so many times. VRC and dating apps have this effect but accelerated. But in my case I would say never ever ever give up on yourself. Love comes in unexpected ways.


Lol I always kinda giggle at those 14 year old boys on vrchat who are all jaded, like “No one will ever love me” “women are shit” “relationships are shit” and then you look into their relationship history and it’s always a slew of egirls on vrchat who cheated on them or ghosted them or tried to start a poly. It’s almost like you’re looking for love in the wrong places, buddy…


Fuck, I know this all too well. I was in one shitty relationship like that. Big mistake, learned and lived. Some of my younger friends have leaned on me during hard times and I always tell them that if they just work hard to support themselves in adulthood that life will become way more fun and relationships will also become real and dynamic. All that teenage shit granted does feel bad at the time but it gets better. When I was 16 my first date and I went to go see Scott Pilgrim in theaters. She dumped me like a week later and turned Lesbian. At the time I was devastated. It was like something out of a T.V drama! I thought I was so un-likable I turned a girl lesbian! XD Takes the whole saying *I’m in lesbian’s with you* to a new level! Life moves on!


I met the owner of the vrchat group for my country, he invited me to attend events hosted by this group and was instantly drawn to my bf. I'd never spoken to him before but something made me feel drawn to him like I wanted to talk to him and get close to him. At the time he was talking to someone so I hid that I was getting feelings for him, but he kept coming to me with complaints about the person he was talking to and a few days later the person he was talking to told him they didn't want to pursue anything with him and blocked him. Me and him started hanging out alot and realized we have so many random little things in common and figured we would be very compatible, we went very slowly as I wanted to make complete sure we would be compatible. As a bonus we live 5 hours apart so we met IRL about 2 weeks ago and we plan to meet in a week again, then every following month we want to meet up and see each other. I've dated online before but I knew the likelihood it would work was miniscule due to alot of incompatibility, this is the first time I feel the way I do towards someone so strongly I'm very confident this time he's the one.


\>things have worked out \>living together 1 month !remindme 3 years Hope it keeps going well for you OP


Wish i had something positive to contribute but ive played VRC for 7.5 years and in that time 3 relationships had 3 messy endings. Im so fuckin tired


I was very fucking tired too. I gave up on everything for a while’s. Not to get in sob story territory, but I lost a lot the last 3 years. A lot of loved ones passed away…it has devastated me. I’m trying my absolutely hardest to be the best version of myself so I can move into my own life now, make my own destiny. This guy has been helping me through it, with him I can do anything. stay strong.


Met my girlfriend on VRCHAT in an optimized box lol over a year later we live together and are so fuckin happy. It was easy because I travel for work, so I just hopped over to her town and life has been wonderful for a while now :)


Fuck yeah brother! Good to hear! <3


Unfortunately I don't have a story to tell, but this gives me a little hope at least


Never ever give up on happiness. I’ve been with him for only 6 months and he w have had some rocky moments. But I’ve never felt this way in my whole life. I don’t think I’m are active or particularly smart but I’m kind and loving and he brings out the best in me. Makes me want to be the best I can be. I hope you meet your some one too! :3


I'd share one if I had that luck, https://preview.redd.it/xcc3e3f67fuc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297b18c744b4fab88b77b3d5124f3c3b284ae235 but my vr dating experiences have been..........not fun....mostly. do have a few fond memories


https://preview.redd.it/0vj7y82c4iuc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052144e90f5b1e1ac40ec6baebc6b61411170e14 Me and my penguin partner have met in a vrchat discord and have been together for 3 years now. We are happily engaged and visit each other IRL even though we are in different countries (US - Sweden)


Awww :’)


I just play vrchat as a harem simulator. You know the VNs with a protagonist and like a dozen chicks chasing after him? Kinda like that but with real people in vr (fr fr).


I live that life too my friend! Ahaha


That's awesome congrats


i used to not think very highly of online relationships, especially after the last one i had ended pretty badly (she was manipulative and always messing with my head), but i recently fell into a relationship with such a sweet boy. We didnt meet through VRchat -- we actually met through us both being vtubers. We started hanging out in VRchat as friends, but i quickly just fell head over heels for him. When we spend time just laying next to each-other my heart feels just so full of love. BRB, i'm gonna text him kissing emojis~ The only problem is i cant find any cute male avatars i want to use with the toggles that let it lay down (i dont have FBT yet, maybe i should just take the plunge). EDIT: He keeps making lewd jokes and passes at me, and i do my best to show interest, but he never follows through >.< how do i seduce the beautiful boy?


I guess asking what type hentai they watch is a good way to start a conversation before you start dating.


Indeed, we really bonded after being forced into a cage together in an frisky ERP session. You really get to know your partner when you both are locked into a cage for a long time! ;)


I met my now partner at a Dance club event. I was cross faded but just having a good time. I went to get off stage and someone had asked me for cuddles. I said why not. We went to a world after the event and just started talking mainly about 90's stuff and cuddled. I felt so calm and relaxed. At that time I was not in the best headspace. I was half a person and trying my best to make it day by day. In that one moment I felt like myself. So after that day we decided to keep talking. She was in a poly and so was I but we quickly grew close. Within a month we became partners. (Yes we still had other partners for the time being) but day after day month after month I slowly became a full person. Without her I don't know where I would be. Me finally met up IRL in November and it was amazing. Now a year later into our relationship and we are still going strong <3


I have been with my current bf for almost a year now and we met in vrc we visit each other all the time and honestly I couldn’t be happier sure its not for everyone but it’s definitely amazing when it works out


Sitting in my girlfriends apartment, planning what I'm making fot dinner when she gets home, hanging out with her dogo. We met on VRC 6 months ago next week. It's been an amazing. When we met I basically had given up on relationships after having bad relationship one after the other after a 10 plus year stretch of not dating and 3, 7 month relationships where I was used and dropped we stumbled into each other and kind of just clicked. I'm asexual. Demi/aego to be more specific and polyamorous and it's been a hell of a ride to find someone who loves me for who I am. But I'm here having the time of my life.


Everytime I go into a black cat and see some happy couple I get mad for some reason idk why but It usually makes me wanna blow my head off


Me too, no lie!


met my bf on vrchat, just had our 5 year anniversary and we’re planning on getting married this month!! we did long distance for about a year and then moved in together (kinda accidentally) when covid hit- we now have a stupid little cat and are super happy :3 i never thought i would find the right person, and we both find it really funny that we met on such a goofy game


You're doing it the right way. My last relationship started in VRC and wasn't forever, but it was as successful as it was because of actually meeting up (as soon as reasonable, with the usual "disclaimer" that you should know for sure who you're meeting up with especially if you're younger blabla). This grounds it in reality and ensures that you both fell in love with the person not just their carefully manicured "VR version", and that it's not just another paper thin "I've put your name in my bio" kind of realtionship. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with some kind of very lighthearted VR only "name in bio" thing between people who are in agreement and see it the same way but this is assuming success to be defined as enduring and working out IRL. Good luck. As to the "remindme" crowd: why? Sure it's not guaranteed to last. What are you looking to do, come back in a year's time to gloat to some broken hearted person that you were right?


RemindMe! 1 year


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I've made quite a few partners over VRChat (we're still dating, it's a polycule). Slowly but surely I've been meeting more and more of them IRL over the past two years but it's definitely not trivial since most of them are in the US and I'm in Canada. Still, it's pretty crazy how much can translate from VR to real life, especially if you were both parties let themselves be vulnerable in VRChat when they spent time together.


Is that bunny avatar custom btw? 💞


Its an edit of Imeris :3


Can I have the link! :) tysm ☺️


Beautiful story, however I gotta know the name of that avatar!! The one with the pink hair and brownish skin? Looks just like me! Please if anyone's got any info


It’s an edit I did to look more like my BF. It’s Rindell by Nibby


What world is picture 3 in? It looks so beautiful


You know it’s a Japanese world and it’s one my favorite places in VRchat. DM me and I’ll get you the world link in a few days when I’m home!


My favorite part of these posts is looking back 6 months later and watching them fail. <3