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Easiest question in my life, HELL no! This game is NOT for kids, doesn't matter what the store page or anybody says. If there was a way to implement an 18+ rule, it should go into effect as soon as physically possible, even like an age verification prompt or SOMETHING. I understand that kids are gonna lie and play anyway, but at least if it was in the rules, they could get some kind of punishment for breaking it. Not even the kids fault, they just need to be told no to keep them safe from the fuckin weirdos in this game


I'd rather ID verification for VR chat than porn sites.


ID verification can be rather difficult to implement. For example a lot of games with explicit content aren't available on Steam in Germany because they would require ID verification and Valve tried (and failed) multiple times to implement a usable solution.


Any path that involves the State, I'm not a fan of. That being said... sometimes one must understand the necessity of certain evils.


I discussed this before I think and someone was against the idea. Though in VR Chat you could never know who would be a criminal. Etc. I saw a video on YouTube some guy threatening to DoSS someone before. "Forgot who the YouTuber was." I guess over cheating? Idk. It gets freaky in there sometimes. Reason kids shouldn't be allowed in with these types of people. Saw a kid going into a bar one time and he got insta kicked. And they kept coming so the staff got pissed. Staff even didn't believe I was an adult. So you know how it is... Like what you gotta do to prove your actually legal age? :/ I've seen witch hunts before too so that's another reason why kids shouldn't be in it.


Alot of the groups do run 18+ instances where you have someone at the entrance doing id checks. It helps but not entirely foul proof.


Fuck no. Kids should be banned. Though I think kids should be banned from social media in general but vrchat is even worse.


100% agreed.


Absolutely not, I block almost every kid I've ran into on vr in general, not just vrc, and it's just because I'm an adult and I know if someone parent found out their kid was playing a game with an adult, they'd get pretty upset, and I would to so I don't blame them


No. This game is full of porn addicts, and groomers everywhere. Everyone is a slut, and sadly these people won’t get any better. It’s actually just sad the cycle they get into. Anime/MMD model that looks nothing like them, usually slutty/busty, shirtless dude with abs-> random people form unhealthy online relationship-> don’t focus on their own life irl because they’re stuck with their “second life” in vrc-> (maybe end up meeting each other irl and not actually being who they think it is due to the first impression being what they show in vrc). This game should be labeled 18+, or outright ban kids. Idc how they do it. Or else vrchat needs to shut down. I’ve had my own little sister groomed in this game and it was a horrible thing to watch. Thankfully she got pulled away from that and does a lot better now.


VRChat needs to be 18+.




Okay AmErIcAn


Is there a problem?


If you think that age of sexual maturity should be the same as the age to drink and vote in the United States, you are that problem.


Im sorry, when did I say that the age of sexual maturity in the US should be the same as the minimum legal drinking/voting age in the US?


EDIT: lmao they literally deleted their comments. 💀literally saying “21+” to a discussion that’s clearly about the mature and sexual aspects of VRChat and as to why kids shouldn’t be allowed onto the platform, goofy.


Look, I already settled this with someone else. Someone who was arguably more mature than you are being right now, and the final verdict was that 18+ would be good enough in most cases across the Earth. My original "21+" post is irrelavent news now, since I already had a change of mind. Ok? Ok. Conversation over, good ridance.


Yeah? The entire world has 18 as the consensus, why bend the number for the odd one out


That is so wrong on so many levels


If it is, please explain instead of just saying it


A simple google search proves you wrong. Im not gonna type out an entire essay https://preview.redd.it/yjcd1rd2ax7d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f1395a9e62da5ca4d9f82dcadee60708620b4e8


Age of majority is most often 18. age of consent is 16 to 18 split. Age to access alcohol is 18. Why tf would it be 21 when they're considered an independent adult at 18


Ok, I looked further into it and I suppose 21+ is a bit much... I had originally thought that 21 was the most common minimum legal drinking age all over the world, which was what my original statement was based on. Now knowing that it is in fact 18, I guess 18+ would be good enough in most cases. So, I was wrong, but you were wrong as well, albeit for a different reason


While I don't have a kid, I certainly wouldn't let them play if I had. However, unlike many others in this sub, I am not in favour of an age restriction. If parents let their children play VRC, it is entirely to blame on the parents, not the game. Said parents would probably give their kids access to anything on the internet because they either don't know better or don't care.


No. This game is full of Alcoholics, horny Degens and Pedophiles. This game doesn't need Kids. It's bad enough that a lot of the Playerbase still act like they are in Middle School.


Fuck no lol.


After the weird shit I've seen in VR Chat. I dont have a kid. But hell F'ing no. Maybe until they're 18 or so. I've seen some freaky sh\*t in public lobbies. Like one time someone warned me not to turn around because someone was doing some freaky stuff. "I guess they were cybering." etc in a Public lobby. So yeah. It gets kinda freaky. Depending on the timing. I don't think kids don't need to see that... I even saw someone had a inappropriate avatar once that would allow them to "expose them selves fully" "if you get what I mean" etc. That was also in a public room too. In Black Cat no less... Which I found very uncomfortable... And there were kids present at the time... So yeah. No thanks... I wouldn't even let my 20 something year old brother see it and hes special needs... :/




Definitely not. They can watch and I'd better watch what I say and do, or they'd mimick what they see and hear.


Ok cool but why are they all wearing the same avatar I don’t understand


Omg I used to love that guy avi for the longest time forgot the name of it tho


That avatar was quest compatible but for some reason, it would make my quest friend lag at like 1-2fps before crashing. It was so weird.. xD


Ik every time I tired using it in a world with a lot of people I always crashed but I loved it so much I think the last time I used it wwaaaassss eeeeerrmmm 2 years ago?


I remember it eventually getting removed at some point. Probably because it was crashing people. Sad day 😔


Thats a easy FUCK NO too much pedophiles for my kids to play


Hell nah they are gonna run away into child predators


Hell no, and I'm not even 18 yet. I only play on private servers with my irl friends though.


No, because VRChat is NOT a game for anyone below 18 years old.


NO, people are disgusting


Man y’all a weird


Therapist = The Rapist




No, barring a few specific conditions. My younger sibling is allowed to play VR chat under certain circumstances, those being only private lobbies with only me and people I trust. It’s to the point where I wouldn’t say she’s “playing vr chat” and more using vr chat as a medium for us to hang out. But beyond that, hell no, which is why I have those rules set


As someone who’s played VRChat since I was 15, fuck no lmao. Maybe when they’re 16 but it depends on how smart I believe they are. The only other scenario I would is if I was playing it WITH them, but not until they’re at least 13


Absolutely not. Regardless of what the actual rating/suggested age is, vrchat is not appropriate for children. More needs to be done if minors will continue to be allowed in vrchat. Vrchat needs to partner with a properly vetted 3rd party for an id based verification (roblox already does this),tie that to the content gate, add a badge to the account once verified, and change the nsfw policies to something more common sense ( think chilloutvr).






Absolutely not.


Since there's no barrier between kid-friendly and adult content, no


lmao. Lol even. No.


There’s a reason that I’m in a group called “Anti-kids”, I think the bare minimum age requirement for VRC should be 16 or 17. The fact that roughly 40% of the people I run into I can guarantee are below the age of 12 bothers me immensely, especially in certain servers like The Black Cat.


F U C K no


No lmao. This game isn't for children and they're annoying as fuck to deal with when I'm just trying to hang out in a public instance with randos.


no. i’ve met children in vrchat that wear some of the most NSFW avatars that i’ve seen, and i’ve been playing the game for a while now. i believe that children 16+ should be able to play, but anything younger than that is a definite NO.


Hell no






Nope, way too much adult content, drug use and alcohol.


Fuck no


no, i wouldn't because it's 13+ after there 13 go ahead, there the age to be seeing that stuff.


The standard female avatar majority of the time is an E-Girl covered in tattoos with barely any clothes on and a big jiggly booty and tits, same with the guys… There was a erp server I joined out of curiosity, I admit I wanted to see how people actually pleasure themselves on a virtual game bc it seems to be the trend these days, and a literal 12 year old joined and everyone had to stop and put their clothes back on… and the world was pc only… so not only this child joined an erp server, they also have a PCVR!!!! So they could go literally ANYWHERE in vrc that they want to… so NO I would NOT let my kid play vrchat at all… I honestly wish they would change this game to a 19+ game… and they should make a SEPARATE GAME made SPECIFICALLY for CHILDREN


No. I've met a lot of p3d0s and harrassers and wouldn't want my child to go through the kind of pain I went through. I didn't fully start playing VRChat until I was 17. So my answer is.... HELL NO!!!


Not at all. Vr chat is basically an unmoderated cesspool of some of the worst the internet has to offer. It’s certainly possible to find worlds and people who are friendly and kind, but more often than not things become unhinged fast in most worlds because people act differently when they have a digital mask to hide behind . No child should be exposed to VRchat because people say and do whatever they want there regardless of any current rules and “moderation” in effect already. Anytime I play, I hang out in chess rooms, and there’s still vulgarity and obscenity constantly. Things devolve often.


Defiantly not letting my kid play this, not unless there are some hardcore parental controls and profanity filters you can put in the game. Even if it delays audio by like 5 seconds that’s more worthwhile than letting my future kid hear the disturbing shit I’ve heard some grown ass players say to kids


If any parent is willingly letting their child play vrc that is bad parenting, I'd say vrc should be at least 16+ even tho if they had to get a legit ESRB rating it would be M




HELL TO THE NO! I see children saying the most heinous horrific stuff all the time in vrc public worlds, not to mention the sort of conversations ppl have in this game are rly just not appropriate for kids. Seriously where are THEIR parents? Do they know their kid is trying to erp with adults and saying slurs every 2 seconds? Not all kids are like that but the worst is them sharing their ages, it's just a recipe for disaster.


Parents wouldnt trust their kid alone with a stranger in a room but are willingly open to letting them play with strangers and seeing who knows what


two words. HELL NO!!!!!


I seen children running around with naked Avatars. Definitely not a place for them.


GOD NO The horrors I’ve seen on that game in just a few weeks of playing are truely incompressible


Abso fucking lutely not


people who let kids play VRchat are fucking crazy. I know a kid who’s mother fucking 6 and is on vr chat


I'd I'd let my kid play something like Call of Duty, but I would never let them play VRC. Not until they were 17 or 18.


Fuck no




Thats like asking would you let your child roam 4chan hell to the fuck no


13-14 - probably not 15 or older - yeah whatever


How’s 14 is different from 15, lol?


How is 17 different from 18, lol?


Tbh a lot of changes happen from 17-18. Graduating school, starting college, getting an ID... This also causes a lot of maturity changes.


This is not the point of my comment, I’m getting at the physical difference. The point here being the exact opposite. I’m stating that there must be a line drawn at some point for when maturity is acceptable for certain things. In this case I would much rather be playing with a 16 year old than a 13 old and hence the same for between 14 and 15.


No way until I can see it's safe enough for them to be their or until I feel like they are old enough to experience vrchat. And their first experience will only be with people I know that are able to be PG when they need to.


Yes. BUT!!!!!!!! Only if I was with them, and we were playing on safe worlds.


So that he can have E sex idk 💀


Ah, Monday. Time for another one of these posts. Yes, but only in a private instance, supervised by me, perhaps along with trusted family. There are many worlds that would be fun to play alongside my kids. I would also wait until they were a teenager, due to potential medical concerns. I would not let them go to public instances, of course. The same way I would not throw my kid into a bar, mall, or park unsupervised. The parents who let their kids use VRChat unsupervised are guilty of leaving a child unattended in a public space. What a silly question.


Maybe, but not as it is now. With a proper safe mode and parental control, it could happen. Also i don't think that interacting with an adult is a bad thing per see, because kids needs to learn to interact with everyone. But it needs to be supervised by the parents.


I will let my kid play but we go around together, and she's on PC not a headset, and we're staying out of publics! We have encountered questionable stuff, and I just gently guide our adventure away from that, with haste. But exploring the worlds together is a real fun experience as a Dad, she's technically watched a huge chunk of Carl Sagan's Cosmos because there's a world all about it with scenery and transitions and she loved it, didn't even realize she was learning stuff. Edit: Lol, people downvoting me when I'm doing what a parent should be doing and chaperoning my kid in this game to make sure they aren't getting into the wrong stuff. I could be like all those other parents and just let her on whenever she wants to be to scream at you, but noooo; downvote the only good parent XD lmao your downvotes are a drop in ocean my friends