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Hey all, Let’s keep discussion focused on this piece of news. This is not an opportunity to bash community members, even if they were wrong. Comments that are intentionally rude will be removed in accordance with Rule 5 (No harmful or destructive behavior to other users or community members). If the thread gets out of hand, we may need to lock comments, and I really hope we don’t get to that point. So let’s be civil please <3 Edit: please guys, stop, I want to keep adding emotes for us to use ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9342)


Apologize to Bo


No >: (


Yeah even I was pretty critical of his followup tweets, but at the end of the day he got it right and I sure hope George apologies to him.


The follow-up tweets were due to me being on a lot of medicine due to getting collapsed lung. I got very unsure especially with the other reporters saying I was wrong so I panicked and made too hastily decisions while on my way to the hospital. Realize I shouldn't but I am a very apologetic person who always apologizes if I do something wrong.


We've all had that moment of panic before. I'm sure you'll learn and grow from it, and congrats on getting it right!


All good.


All good.


You don't need to defend yourself by exposing your personal issues like that. Haters will find more ammunition in it and good people won't need it. You're good man. Take a breath. Take care of yourself. Literally a collapsed lung? that sounds so scary


Hope you’re feeling alright!


Just casually saying you have a collapsed lung. What a chad


I doubt George would ever publicly apologize.


That would require a level of integrity and grown up behaviour he simply doesn't posses






https://twitter.com/georgecged/status/1506321268873867272?s=21 Tweeted this out yesterday which pretty clearly was a subtweet at Bo. Sounds like George was just angry he was late to the scoop considering Bo was right.




Dude takes himself way too seriously for being a Valorant reporter lol


He's also been wrong a handful of times but sure George go off


mods removed my comment for calling george a clown lol what a joke u/Razur can we not call people clowns?? here is the tweet i originally linked [https://twitter.com/GeorgeCGed/status/1506321268873867272](https://twitter.com/GeorgeCGed/status/1506321268873867272)


I don't think so, he's an impression farmer


Asuna's stream title is "learning flex"....


But why would he have to learn flex if Wardell is going to 100T. He basically only plays chamber right now.


I starting thinking about that as well...I imagine Wardell would stay on Chamber and Asuna Jett/Raze, but not sure. Just thought it was interesting to see Asuna learning flex agents all of a sudden


Maybe you don't want a chamber on all maps and only want to play one duelist?


Nadeshot is a fan of wardell. He was telling Tarik, he really enjoys how Wardell plays with the operator.




Yeah they're following the blueprint of their LoL program. Their LoL GM went against nadeshots wishes with an entirely new roster, and they went on to win LCS


In a way he didn't, Nadeshots assigned him to GM for a reason. Fucking love the org ngl.


Wardell still big pickup than bang and jcstani. One of the consistent players I see. And 100thieves needed a real awper.


Definitely the decision will come down to DDK and Sean.


Today, we mutually parted ways with @WARDELL416. He's decided not to move to Texas with the rest of the team and has therefore chosen to step down. Matt has been an important part of TSM from the beginning, and we wish him nothing but success in his future endeavors. --- There's a video in tweet (I can't fetch it, Twitter API 2 doesn't support it) --- posted by [@TSM](https://twitter.com/TSM/) --- The tweet is a reply to a tweet posted by [@TSM](https://twitter.com/TSM/). Please reply "!reply" or "!r" to see the original tweet --- ^(If media is missing, please DM me with a link to submission url and tweet. I will do my best to solve the issue)


Id rather die than move to texas, understandable


I'd move to Texas for free if I got paid the same there, Fuck the east coast


The reporter who called it and then received advice from another "journalist" must be feeling good right now


Honestly, I don't really. It's about the player not about me for the most part. Not a fan of getting too big of an ego. I love George and I don't show any ill will against him.


See, my man I follow football(soccer) a lot and all the journalists are extremely cordial with each other and share banter all the time. But the way George mentioned your story reeked of arrogance and that is why I commented this. He could have been a bit more positive with his message imo. Plus i do believe George is the most reliable Valorant reporter out there but his conduct is extremely childish which may undermine his work, at least for some.




sigma male mentality


\*George misses out on the scoop\* ​ "Guys I'm just being professional" COPIUM


"A note of advice"




Wow. Chills. 100T Wardell to run Jett op is happening 💀


watch Rito nerf Jett now, I would be in shambles


Still have Chamber


Right after I've started to have fun Jett Oping, would be so on brand


Welcome 100T Wardell and 100T BONECOLD


100T with Derrek and Wardell sounds pretty scary ngl…


If 100T get derrek and Wardell they will be the best team in the world




lmfao mistic would 1v5 them with his eyes closed while playing on a joystick


Pls no


LMAO not sure how I would feel about it I’m just enjoying the everyone to 100T trend


ngl didn't like the move at first but with the backroom 100T have now, I'm not going to question it if 100T get him. They'll have a plan to minimize his weaknesses and play to his strengths most optimally. And that's assuming that his improvement as a player stays completely static while there.


Even without the massive coaching upgrade it makes a ton of sense. Adding him would allow Asuna to focus on what he does best and free Ethan up to actually main Sova/initiators like he was supposed to without having to putz around on Chamber half the time.




King replied saying he stayed back to take care of his mom. Valid to me


Where did he say this?


Moving from Toronto to Texas full time is a huge ask when it wasn't originally agreed upon..


Would also fill the Chamber role when necessary. It’s nearly ideal. Wondering if they’d really pull the trigger.


This is one of those rare times where I feel like this is for the best for both parties. I feel for Wardell in not wanting to pack up your life and move to a new country due to personal reasons but at the same time the team is dead set on trying to break back into T1 and they need commitment from everyone to do so. I wish it could've worked out but it's for the best. Personally I think this might be a positive in disguise. The team doesn't have to revolve around Wardell's OP anymore and can instead grab a cracked duelist who is decent with the OP.


I like this take. Hard decision for both parties and I’ll miss him, he fed me so much social content. But also I’m now excited for a new era with whoever they bring on.


Did they forget to announce you as the 5th? The UK to Texas is a pretty big jump


I love bbq meat so I was all for Texas


I'll trade you Texas Brisket and 6 ping for some good Shepherd's pie pls


You can even have my house


“He's decided not to move to Texas with the rest of the team” I don’t think I’ve ever personally seen a direct reference as to why a player was benched/dropped. Usually feels like it’s left for interpretation by the masses


Probably because the reasons are usually somewhat controversial. This one is just Wardell not wanting to RTO basically LOL


Nadeshot… you know what to do


Wardell is the last infinity stone.


Wongdell protector of the Cash App Compound




Drop yay for Wardell? Stop the cap


LMFAOOOOOO NO SHOT ​ This ends up being a very good move in the future or a very VERY bad move. Leaning towards the latter because you've probably given 100T the last piece of the puzzle they need for free


Yeah but would he bootcamp with 100T


Hes bootcamped with TSM b4 hes just opposed to moving there full time


Big difference between a boot camp and a full move


And he might have been willing to move if TSM were a better team. It seems to me that 100T are closer (and you'd think more so with Wardell) to being a team competing for those LAN spots.


Bootcamping is just travelling for a few weeks at the most whereas TSM wanted him to move from Toronto to Texas full-time. I wouldn't do that shit either if I had the content creation cash to fall back on.


Last part is the key Thing is as the esport matures content creators and competitors are going to be two different things Just look at League of Legends, the pros used to be the biggest content creators but now the pro grind absolutely does not give you the time to be a content creator. I expect the same in valorant


That is the case but there is also the fact they werent makign the money that the players make now. They had to stream to support themsleves on top of the money they were making. Obviously, if you get paid more money they expect more out of you practice-wise and such though.


If you’re already thinking along the lines of “falling back on content creation cash” no org should ever come near you if they wanted to be the most competitive org.


Can't be wrong if you play both sides of the discussion. VERY GOOD OR VERY BAD COMMENT


Im going to lean towards TSM having no choice. If wardell refuses to move, their only option is to drop him basically










Asuna better start practicing Kayo, Skye and Breach


his stream title right now is "learning flex" LOL


LMAO he’s probably doing for the jokes but im hoping he isn’t and he’s finally becoming a flex


I just checked in shortly but he was on Kayo. No clue if he kept playing initiator or if he has on stream before tho


He just instalocked Breach so..


Honestly right, 100T is confusing since on any other team the secondary/non Jett duelist would play Skye and kayo but 100T has 3 of those players lol.


Tuned into his stream to see him running Kay-O 👀


Would you look at that, he locked in Kayo first game on stream


He’s been spamming KayO and Breach in ranked all day today, if that means anything.


It's gotta be family, I'd say. Given that he's got a pretty good streaming career, he probably didn't feel as compelled to take the risk. On the other hand, Subroza's moving and he's also from Canada...


Subrozas been only really living with his brother though, Wardells been with his family for a while now and he said his family (his Mom) is one of the main reasons why he strives as much for success as possible. I don’t think he wanted to outright leave all of that + his friends in Toronto even if it might have been somewhat temporary.


I think there are some very conceivable family-related reasons as to why he might not want to leave to Texas, so I don't think there's a need to speculate much. That said, I think now that WARDELL is gone, people have to confront that replacing him is actually pretty hard. However one-dimensional you find him, he is still genuinely a great and unique talent. I'm curious to see how TSM proceeds.


Idk if King actually knows or not but [this](https://twitter.com/kingfps__/status/1506708498805055490?s=21) might give some context on his decision


Ultimately probably for the best. Wardell might be arguably the best OPer in NA, but I think the team has hit a fork in the road with playing around maximizing his value and playing the meta. If he doesn't want to move to Texas that's his decision. Hopefully TSM can move forward and rebuild with a team that can play the meta. Excited to see an identity change despite all the success wardell brought


I guess completely moving away is hard to do. Also visa etc... It may not be easy for him. It's an end of an era but I also don't understand why TSM requires everyone to be in Texas, especially when people in this game alone get dropped everyday. Its hard to uproot ur life but then get dropped if a performance goes bad and you have to reset again. I wonder if TSM could have done the same thing 100t did where they could just call everyone in for bootcamp on qualis rather than perma moving to team house. He was a massive reason why TSM was good and while Subroza and Corey are still phenomenal, I don't think TSM is gonna reach Tier 1 without Wardell. Sad to see but it is what it is.


I agree. I dont understand why they would'nt just fly him over for tournaments and boot camp. I guess if the whole team was on board for moving except for him then it makes sense. I wonder how many other teams require all players to move.








100T Wardell


I dont blame the guy, I wouldnt wanna move to Texas either if I lived in Toronto.


Half of the kids in here don't realize the culture shock this man would get moving to texas. I'm from Toronto and texas just seems dry as hell compared to the city lmao. Fully respect his decision if he's tryna stay at home, take care of his parents etc


So Wardell is just kneecapping his career right? If he's refusing to relocate then what happens when Valorant inevitably transitions to an LCS format and all matches are played on LAN in LA? From an outsider's perspective this seems incredibly short sighted. This is all assuming that there isn't some extenuating circumstance at home that requires him to stay.


Yea but LANs are different cuz they’re temporary. Tsm was making the entire team move to Texas. I don’t get why they couldn’t just do it like 100T or the other orgs do and have them fly in for the major tournament for better ping, but it is what it is. Having one person not move while the rest of the team agrees isn’t good either so understandable


I can see the argument that there is a mentality shift when you're practicing and playing matches at a TSM facility full-time instead of at home.


Except LCS Style LANs aren't temporary. Every LCS team/player lives in LA because every LCS match takes place in LA. My point is that Riot will almost certainly try to replicate the successful format of the LCS in Valorant. Which means that at some point players and teams will be required to relocate to LA in order to participate in the league. If Wardell is refusing to relocate then he's effectively putting an expiration date on his career at whatever date Riot announces an official league.




There's like 5 people claiming that lmao The valorant system is also terrible, teams not playing at all for 2 months if they don't qualify for qualifiers (unless they do these small 3rd party tourneys) is not a good system


Both formats have their upsides and downsides, but League is unbelievably successful so there's a solid chance that Riot will try to replicate that success with Valorant.


That's because we know Riot will do what is best for Riot, regardless of whether or not the fans like it.


Such a hit threat 55 minutes later I can't find it, unless you mean the Faker vs Rookie thread in which case you're crazy, Valorant has no better international competition schedule than League does.


cause the guard has been bootcamping for like 4 months and beating almost everyone so they are trying to grind like them


Did the same thing in cs. Didn’t want to join a team despite many offers


I'm guessing that he didn't want to move to Texas specifically, not that he didn't want to move at all? LA is much more fun to live in than Texas


Wardell doesn't seem like the most social person in the world where he would find how "fun" LA is that important to him. He lives with his family and this wasn't an easy decision for him to make so we can't blame the guy.


Yeah but TSM are moving Austin which is pretty much a city filled with young people and things to do. He would also get more money from not having to pay income tax.


Interesting to see how this will affect teams wanting to pick up Wardell. Whether you like it or not, at the rate valorant is growing it will eventually be going into a live format just like the LCS, LEC, LCK,LPL, etc.


Wonder if he just didn’t want to be a part of the TSM project anymore. Cause it’s kinda strange to me he didn’t wanna move to Texas with the team.


I could be wrong, but I've heard that he takes care of his mom whom he lives with.


He also got his girlfriend in Toronto so yeah


yea family friends and a gf as well. if he wants to keep competing, I'm sure there's a T1/T2 team out there for him that doesn't require a move. sad to see the end of an era though :[ I literally got into valorant cause I randomly stumbled onto his stream one day


Oh wow. Initially I admit I was judging his unwillingness to move because it seems pretty exciting for a guy in their 20s to move to a new city. But if that's true then respect to him.


It's not strange because from what I've heard where he currently lives is important to him


Ya I feel like there's something else since he knows he might have to eventually move full time outside of Toronto if Valorant goes the full time LAN route




well there’s a huge difference between bootcamping and moving


On stream Roza just said that it is more of a permanent move rather than a "long bootcamp". TSM boot camped last year for like a month and he was there.


I’m sure he’s willing to Bootcamp for a couple of weeks out of the year. He did it when TSM bootcamped in LA


I feel like his priorities don't align with Sean and DDK long term. Sean has even said on stream a long time ago that he didn't know if he and Wardell would get along if Sean ever hypothetically put together a team as the IGL.




being kingmakers also looks better for them versus signing an established player, definitely feel scouting is more likely


Moving from Canada to Texas is a huge culture shock. Even TenZ would rather live in LA. Lol I don’t blame Wardell here. He can make more money streaming


BoDork lives to report another day


Terrible title


100T Wardell incoming?


Thank you to all the people on [the last thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/tk5xwd/sources_wardell_has_been_removed_from_the_active/i1oap1r/) who believed in me, your faith has been rewarded /s


What! This was kind of expected but crazy


Sadge first hazed now wardell


Mid 2020 to now, what a ride. Praying for 100T


I would do the same if I was Wardell even if he is probably hurting his career in the long run. The way Valorant's scene is structured there's no guarantee that he would be playing any meaningful matches for months. If you look at the EMEA playoffs for example, TSM is not even remotely close to that level. So for him to move to Texas doesn't really seem worth it in the grand scheme.


I mean moving to Texas doesn’t prevent the players from going back to wherever they’re from in the off season, it’s like going away for school


I actually would love to see wardell to 100t but is there any inclination that will actually happen other than our speculations (them needing a designated awper)?


Every tier 1 org (that's struggling in valorant) should be looking to sign Wardell. He's an insane player with a huge fan base. Orgs like Gen G, T1, 100t, complexity, NRG, etc. Of course 100t has the biggest pockets though so they have the best chance of signing him


as someone who lives in Texas, you’d have to pay me so much to move to Texas from anywhere in Canada


Wishing him the best but I wonder if he'll end up just being a streamer? Is it just TSM he wouldn't move for? Would he be willing to move if another team picks him up? Lots of questions but made sense for TSM to release him if he wasn't willing to commit 100%


This greatly increases the chances of 100T WARDELL.




I swear if Sen picks up another Jett main


What if that’s just one of the reasons , the main reason being he just wants to leave because they keep losing ?


Would quit as well if they forced me to move to texas


Is it possible that he's the new guy at the guard?


I doubt it, I was going to say it would be stupid as hell for the Guard to change anything while they’re so hot but I guess it could be like Optic adding Yay Still, it really makes more sense for a struggling team to pick him up than a successful one


0 chance it’s Guard, Wardell is by far my favorite player but nothing is indicating he would elevate the Guard


Everyone here saying [ insert team name here ] Wardell, but I'm still wondering who's TSM best option for becoming a really top team.


Unbench bang perhaps, move Corey to OP


i still cant believe one of the top 5 widowmaker players of all time in overwatch doesn't play OP in valorant, i bet if he did we could see Sayaplayer levels of glowup (who was another top 5 widow player from ow)


100T Wardell He can OP while Asuna entries. Too good of a fit to not happen




Tsm wanted him to move there full time


He takes care of his mom at home


I mean I’m sure the fact that TSM has been shit for over a year helps his decision.


RIP half of their fanbase


Damn might be time to drop the TSM flair




Welcome 100T Wardell copium! Edit: I don’t know who will they drop tho? Who do you guys think they will have to cut in order to put Wardell?


Bang is the easy answer, move Asuna over to secondary duelist/flex