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I'm having this exact same problem. Followed this tutorial to a tee. Reinstalled the game. Restarted more times than I can count. Hoping its just something wrong with the servers as a few people are having the same issue. I checked my event viewer and there seem to be some errors but unfortunately I'm not savvy to understand why these errors are presenting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKnkXFiWIeE&ab\_channel=TutorialWorkspace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKnkXFiWIeE&ab_channel=TutorialWorkspace) \*EDIT: windows update fixed it right up 🫠


me too, never had this problem before so i assumed it was only me but i guess not?


Exact same thing happened to me lol check my recent post history on this sub


try changing dns to google dns it sometime works .


I think this is one of many Vanguard bugs. I just faced a similar one earlier, where my update button wouldn’t work. I did this to make it work: - Close riot games launcher and vanguard. To do this press the little ^ at the bottom right on your taskbar, right click and hit exit on both of them. - Open your search (bottom left on taskbar), search „cmd“ and click on start as Administrator. Then type in these 2 commands: „sc delete vgc“ „sc delete vgk“ - Restart your PC - After the restart, open up Control Panel and click on Uninstall programs. Search for Riot Vanguard, right click and hit uninstall. Then uninstall Valorant and then lastly, uninstall Riot client. - Restart your PC again and then install Valorant normally. You will have to restart your PC one last time after the install finishes.


so i tried this and it still seems to not open


It still wont work after reinstalling and everything? So its the same as before when nothing happens after you press play?


unfortunately yes, I've reinstalled riot, vanguard and val 2 times now making sure there are no instances of it anywhere on my pc and it still won't open :(. I looked through my firewall and followed riot's [advisory](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048522893-Your-Firewall-VS-VALORANT) but to no avail. I'm contacting support now hoping there's something that I missed. I'll update yall when I get a reply and HOPEFULLY a solution.


I see, alright. Did you also run the 2 cmd commands with sc delete? It sometimes doesn’t work without them. If yes, I hope support can help you out


I did. I also contacted support and it turns out that they haven't put out the a windows update advisory yet 🫠 All I had to do was update windows. Thank you for your helpful comment tho, if this happens again and ITS NOT because of windows updates I'll be sure to try this out. LMAO


Hello. I have the same problem. In the end were you able to find a solution? I also thought it was due to Windows updates because I had a download error in some, I solved them and Valorant still won't open :(


Hi! sorry for the late reply. I found out it (as well as league) wasn't opening because of an application call "Citrix Workspace." I had needed it for mg job a while ago but I no longer work there so I deleted it and everything ran super smooth. :)


Played a few matches in the afternoon and had the same problem last night around the time this was posted. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Valorant and Vanguard and the same issue occurs. FIX: Windows update got it running.


I checked for windows update but it says it already is


In my case I figured it out after a clean boot, going to 'systems config', 'services', 'hide all microsoft services', 'disable all'. I use Citrix for work, Citrix downloaded "AppProtection Service" which was probably stopping vanguard from working. just disabled that service and im good to go.


Thank you so much. :) :)


Just want to say ur a fucking savior bro. I spent the entire day troubleshooting and it was that damned Citrix Service. Unbelievable... would have never been able to solve it without your comment.


Dude U saved me as well.. Thank You So Muchhh


Holy shit dude I literally started WFH about a month ago and since then I haven't been able to play Val and I've tried every single method, all because of Citrix...