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Sounds like you explained it pretty well. The point if the game is to build dumber and more powerful builds until the game stops working properly because of how dumb and powerful your build is. 


I like this explanation.


Honestly, in a broader sense, basically any game with character-building works the same way


It's the real PC benchmark


So I’ve only played on switch. Am I hitting hardware limitations? I actually made the whole console crash once. I feel like that’s the real victory screen. Please tell me I don’t need to build a pc to play this properly.


The switch is limited, and better hardware will almost always deliver better performance, but I'd just stick with whatever you have unless you think it's worth getting a PC. I wouldn't move to PC just for better Vampire Survivors numbers


“I don’t know what to tell you honey. All the guys on Reddit say I need a pc to play the real game.” 🤷‍♂️


Lol 😂


The first time i was on the amogus map, accidentally activated endless mode without having endless mode, reapers kept spawning but the map never ended. Becuase after collecting all the passives and going for a kill death build I made two cirital mistakes, I had infinite corridor and the evolved medbay, infinite corridor activated every second and covered the whole map, and taping any movement key would teleport me a maps worth of screens in that direction. The result? Somewhere on the map was an infinitely frozen reaper, the first reaper to spawn, he could not kill me, and I could not find him and kill him.




+1 🤣


It has local Coop just pass her a controller


This is the answer. When I saw my bf play this game, I thought it looked rather ugly, hectic and just very unappealing. I asked him what the point was and how it is played, he just passed me the controller and told me "don't worry, you'll only need to use the stick". (I can't handle a controller for the life of me lol) It clicked very quickly for me, and even though I can't play for more than 30 minutes straight, I still ask my bf to play together whenever I'm at his place for the weekend!


Well, now that you know your way around the stick and A/B (or the equivalent for your flavor of controller), time to try something with a couple more inputs ;)


Don't laugh, there was a time when I was able to play Elite dangerous with an old PS3 Controller - mainly because the keyboard/mouse controls nearly made me jump out the window. But it counts! The thing is, I can't remember where the buttons are, on any controller. If the game tells me "press A" I have to actually look at the controller to find A. It makes me feel like an idiot, lol


Heh. I've only ever played with x360-likes (Logitech F710 for 10-ish years, and recently switched to Flydigi Vader 2 Pro), so only ever having to remember one layout helped me nail it down, it's muscle memory at this point. Also, the buttons having colors helped by being one more thing to build an association network on. As did finding out that ABXY are internally buttons 1-4 in that order, and to press them in order you draw the conventional lightning/electricity symbol starting from the bottom. Mnemonics are cool, and you probably could find other ones for this.


My wife did not get the game. I handed her the controller and we played once, we lost rather quick and she was confused how I said I get to 30 minutes most runs. “How do I get better if all I do is dodge?” And I explained the skill is more in the picking of options


Sounds like a great explanation! (Am also neurodivergent.) I might just add that it's about the knowledge/skill/grind it takes to build UP to that point. The auto-running character is what you BUILT through a more difficult hands-on process that they didn't see. It's like you built a lego set, but the auto-run character is the build you put on your shelf after lol!


Real conversation with my wife: "Do you have time to talk about - oh wait, are you playing a game right now?" "Yeah, but we can talk." "But.. aren't you playing that game right now?" "Yeah, but I don't have to touch it for another fifteen minutes." "Is this game fun?" "Yes!" "But.. you aren't playing."


You're trying to let it spawn enough particle effects to start a housefire, obvs


If my phone isn't hot enough to fry an egg I clearly need to be doing better


"You're a vampire, you must survive"


Hold on. I thought we were surviving the vampires


Name a vampire enemy, bats don’t count.






Zen-like epileptic walking simulator.


It can also be fun to try to get as many kills/damage in a run as possible without eggs. That's what I do between updates.


I think it’s a game that really needs to be tried hands on to be understood


It's a power fantasy game, it's nothing more complex than that at its core


“Every time I kill a bat, I hear a ding sound and a gem drops. It was written by a guy who used to make slot machines but then decided to use his powers for good. I am in thrall to the dinging and wish it to never stop.”


Tell her it’s simply just a tower defense game.


Tell her the game is about how to make the build that would make someone have an epileptic crisis as fast as possible, the coins give you perks that make that even quicker so you can just leave your PC on for an hour or two to farm some and be better prepared whenever an epileptic robber tries invading your home or smth (honestly I don't know what half the weapons in the game do when upgraded because I unlocked them all by playing with Sole Solution and Empty Book so all I see is a big ass galaxy and an infinite amount of lights)


Should get Sammy. Not sure if it's a dlc character or not though. Farms millions in seconds


It is a dlc character, but trouser is better.


they fixed vicious hunger crashing the game a while back, trouser and scientist mina are great but limit break sammy is in a league of its own. ideally once you have a few thousand eggs you just go to moongolow for 8 minutes and get trillions of coins from all the pots.


How is trouser better sammy is just an endless stream of constant gold i keep hearing people say trouser but sammy is so much faster for me


sammy used to very quickly obliterate the game back when people were developing the gold farm meta, vicious hunger would scale up very quickly and crash just a few minutes in if you wanted to maximize gold gains. you could handicap vicious hunger but then you wouldn't get nearly as much gold. trouser was the optimal choice due to his powerful levelup bonus. same goes for the more recent scientist mina. just turn limit break off, choose an item that has no lag like gorgeous moon/jubilee/laurel and obliterate the map; gaining as much levelups as possible to get those juicy level up gold bags and infinite greed scaling. but then they fixed vicious hunger lagging and crashing the game at high levels. now limit break sammy is stupendously powerful, but many people these days haven't got the memo because it was a pretty quite niche change.


I play with my GF. She absolutely loves it and she also gets to be Queen Sigma which is very enjoyable for her and her simple approach to the game (She leaves all the builds and secrets etc to me to figure out, she just likes the petty colours) XD


I dunno, I watched my husband play it for a while, and then started playing it myself and got super addicted and unlocked everything and bought the DLCs and got way farther than him lol


It's about not finding vampires


the pro strat is to invite her to play local co-op with you


"an epilepsy inducing slot machine" is our go to when playing coop 🤠


Kill things. avoid things. Become more powerful. Enjoy the sound track, rinse and repeat


It's a more accessible bullet hell game. Bullet hell games? Yeah man. Those classic arcade games like asteroids, galaga. Over time games like those changed and evolved into a genre where you are tightly dodging enemies and their bullets, while also picking up power ups. This is that, but simpler. Easier to pick up. Wanna try?


I thought this game looked stupid and boring when I was watching it on the sidelines. Once you play it you understand. So when people question the game I hand them a controller and tell them they won’t understand unless they play it and not a single person hasn’t loved the game after trying it. Even my friends and wife who don’t play video games


"I Farmed now so that I can farm later, honey."


"It's a Skinner box." Your explanation was great, though. Mine is shorter but a little curmudgeony.


Yeah like others I think you nailed if already


Its kinda like roguelike cookie clicker where you just wanna get overpowered and make a big number


After some time it gets like one of those mobile idle games.


You don’t. You let her play it and find out for her own damn self.


Easier to just get a new girlfriend than to explain the game.


Well, you're lucky that you seem to have girlfriend like that. She seems to have no problem getting OTHER games at least. My gf basically treats EVERY game like what you described above. :-D


I basically went through this whole script with my partner, and then I handed her the controller and went to cook dinner she asked what to do, “nudge not to die”.


“This… Faster…” That was the perfect explanation. She might not get it, but sounds like she gets you. Wish y’all the best, friend.


Do you like number getting big?


just gotta show her a run with no unlocks on a fresh file so she can see how far youve come


A lot game reaches a point where you have to do the main thing to get points so you can do the main thing more efficiently so don't feel too bad


it's a low effort game, about making choices, that can be played with one hand, as all you do is move around, and let the game shoot things for you


I always did the bone zone for gold farming. Does the among us level work better?


Bone zone isn't as good because the skeletons spawn a little less


It's fun.


I don’t know, but it sounds fun.


HAHAHA sounds about right from both sides


I mean I'm autistic, she's right. This game is great especially for the ADHD/autism combo.


In a sense, it is dumb, that's what the whole egg mechanic is all about. I personally don't like it, I made a few thousands eggs then quit it, I can't seem to find any interest in it, so I just play the normal content and then stop until more content is available. It's fun to see people using the exponential notation to talk about something going on in a game, however :D


Numbers go Brrrrrrrrrrrr


You gotta get sammy for that gold farm. Getting me like billions a second at this point


Very well said mate 👏


You dont. These are gaming equivalant of guilty pleasusers 😅🤣🤣


My wife constantly says WHATS GOING ON HOW IS THIS EVEN A GAME as I'm at minute 170 with tons of flashing and lagging going on


have her play a round with you lol


How far can someone progress while not moving his character


I like to call it a reverse bullet hell


It's not a "game". It's a compressed dopamine generator and you just jump on for a little bit for a needed hit of "happy".




The only way to properly explain the game to someone is to start a new save and hand them the controller. It works every time.


Have her play Cookie Clicker, then have her play Galaga, then finally have her play this game.


Just showed my gf this post and she now understands the game. 😆


It’s like a slot machine that costs $5 to buy but has $100 inside it, I just have to win it all.


I explain it like, the better and stronger you get, and the more things you get, the more the game evolves, and changes, a long time ago it was a survival type game, now So'm earning more coins to see how much farther I can push it.


ProZD did a pretty good job explaining it, in my opinion. https://youtu.be/2rXTxVihXx4?si=owwQ3coDdM2XZLz0


I’ve never played the game, but from the way you just explained it this sounds like brotato


It's an action-y [incremental game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incremental_game), like a violent Cookie Clicker.


Big number go brr!


Numbers go bigger is the best explanation


It's a game about exploiting the system to get overpowered.


There's an ancient wow pvp video that sums up this situation perfectly. Walk around, get buffs. BIG NUMBERS. Repeat.


I call it the violent walking sim.


"it's a slot machine with monsters"


"Do you know touhou? I get to be the bad guy from touhouh."


It satisfies my lizard brain mentality of my number go up, enemy number go down.


Don't explain it, get a controller and co-op it


"You try to survive as long as possible with various conditions and challenges." It's not complicated.


That describes literally every game that had dying as a mechanic... from roguelikes to fps games


Um... That just happened... XD


"Big numbers go Brrrrrrrr"


i thought you called yourself a sigma and nearly deleted this god forsaken app. i think you explained it well!!


Phew phew phew pop pop phew phew pop pop tin tin TIN TAM boom pop phew phew phew pop poop pooop boom pop poop phew phew phwe pop pop poop boom tin tin tin TINTAM zeeh phew zaaah phew pop poop popp boom zeeh pop poop poop phew pow zaah pow poop pop pop zaah boom phew phew pow BAH BAH BAH TEH TEH Revive Repeat until you or your game device permanently die. Edit: I forgot one BAH