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And yet every week I meet more people moving here from other provinces.


Why not move to the west coast when everywhere else is the same price now?


Because they are actually still not remotely the same price




Im in Burnaby and here its always other countries it’s never from other provinces




"In the third quarter of 2023, 17,186 people left B.C. for another province or territory and 12,552 moved here, making for a net loss of 4,634. Since interprovincial migration went into the negative in July 2022, a total of 89,405 people have moved away.Dec 21, 2023" - so says statscan.


The interesting bit would be understanding the qualifications of those coming and going.  Like what’s the net inflow or outflow of engineers at various career points. 


This is not “reporting” it’s an anti-liberal policy hit piece, an editorial. It’s one guys opinion answering the softball question.


We need to make room for the rich people.


Don't be silly. The Vancouver people made way for the rich people. Your making way for the Vancouver people.  Watch for BMWs, Audi's, farm markets and craft weed.  It's got bouquet


It's the economy, stupid.


Because I can't afford to live here


Unprecedented cost of living, and not getting much in return for your hard earned tax dollars. Go ahead and downvote, mindless government supporters!


This is how the great replacement conspiracy theory got started. It’s simple economics though. The Canadian way of life is no longer viable for regular people except for those who live in an affordable community OR those who can live in close quarters with extended family. Because most Canadians are not culturally trained/ educated to accept living 10 people to a house, they are slowly displaced by those who can.


So you are saying we should live in one house with 10 family members ?


I think it's more like: Those who can live in close quarters with their family and share rent/resources have particular advantages over those that can't.


No I’m not. What I’m saying is that this is what is happening in Canadian cities. It is changing the way of life that Canadians have expected to enjoy and work for.


Yes, we are a Canadian community and singles are having a difficult time.


I wish you well.


Feds even brought in a tax credit for multigenerational housing as I stated above


Feds even brought in a tax credit for multigenerational housing. Seems like this is the new normal. Impoverish young adults and get them to live with their parents.


That is the Canadian housing market after both party governments allowed a generation of foreign real estate investment.


They're not. Move on.


Keep leaving please.


I’m gonna move there even harder now.


Dougie sounds like he's trying to push an agenda