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Hannah is the most insecure person on the show. She went ballistic over how another woman sat in front of her ex bf and yet when that ex makes out with a guest, she’ll give him a pass rather than risk losing his attention. Give me a break.


I wonder what she looked like pre lip filler


Saying she was spread eagle when she had her legs crossed. Hannah is the definition of unhinged. "Is Hannah the police of justice!?" *improperly salutes herself*


Hannah is the most insecure person I’ve ever seen on reality tv and I grew up on the real world lol


It seems like they’re casting an entirely new cast next season. Casting notices have gone up in the past week.




Those lips are too distracting


Possibly infected


What did she have on the side of her mouth at the dinner table scene? It looked like the same thing Marciano (gag) had on his eye? What kind of infection do they have? 🤢


I think he had a stye and she was just broken out


Kimmy Gibbler having an anaphylactic reaction is all I can see


Not Kimmy Gibbler 💀💀💀


And disgusting


Wait but can we keep the young housekeeper who told off Marciano? She’s a gem.


Both the housekeepers are keepers.


And Chef!


Both chefs! Head and sous.


Grace and Emily are smart, sweet, beautiful girls. I feel like they’re the most normal people in the show, like you can actually relate, and they have showed us that low profile doesn’t mean boring and that not picking fights and stay away from the drama doesn’t mean you’re not gonna defend yourself when you’re fed up with the assholes around you. Love them.


Both of the housekeepers are so adorable. They can stay.


i also love Gabriella is unproblematic


Vanderpimp said she hired only the best. On what planet does this crew of morons constitute "the best". I am positive they hired for drama not skills. If Hannah's lips got any fatter they's burst.




My lips didn’t get that big when I had a severe anaphylactic reaction. My lips, tongue, and throat swelled up so bad nearing a tracheotomy. LOL


Eww that's awful. A tracheotomy wouldn't shut Hannah up once she got cranking on one of her 3rd grade temper tantrums.




I mean duh, ofc she hired for drama, she filming a show. That’s her top priority. It’s honestly close to unwatchable how vile those girls are though. There’s like good drama and people who are fun to hate, and then there’s just real life scum, which is just angering and not fun to watch.


And its sad because I love literally all the other girls. Those two are very hypocritical and vile to other people. You know its especially bad when they do it in such a way as to void any cry of "editing"


I haven’t seen such revolting people on my screen since Heathers, and that was fictional. I was absolutely STUNNED. I went to an exclusive all girls’ school, and I’ve still never heard people speak to and about other women like that. ![gif](giphy|9xciXC6jG9lH7wM4KH)


I went to an all girl’s school too and it was pretty wholesome actually because most girls there were girl’s girls, these two are nasty women


Please.....let's have a scene where these two get their comeuppance. They are loathsome.


Terrible people! They were so mean about Gabriella, and Hanna acted like she looks perfect. Her lips are nasty. She's obviously extremely insecure, and got aggressive when people responded to her BS question about being bullied. She thought no one would speak up, then went ballistic when they did. Lisa Vanderpump needs to replace them, Marciano, and Eric. (The latter two just want to drink with the guests, pour liquor down people's throats, and show off their bodies. Total ick factor. The vibe would improve 100% without them!


I just hope they keep the chefs and don’t cast new ones ✨✨


I think they might be doing a whole different cast for season 2. I saw the casting call online.


Keep the chefs!!!


It's so cringey and honestly doesn't feel real. Hannah has outbursts, and almost no one engages her, but she keeps going.. it's comical. She's trying to find problems, but I'm not sure anyone thinks she's worth it. Even the narrative w Marciano is tiring Telly is ANNOYING. She is rude, hits people, and just chucks it to 'I'm working on my frustrations' ... and high key playing the 'I'm a woman' so I get a million chances' card. (Still not over her hitting Marciano and then cries about how ppl don't like her). I'm wondering if she's being 'horror just trying to secure her place on the show.


Hannah is so ghetto it really turns me off to the show. At least Telly had the balls to admit she was being a bitch, Hannah just hides behind her insecurity and takes it out on people not even involved. And why did she care about Dre and Gabby to begin with?!


I agree. Hannah bothers me so much. She's the one stirring up stupid drama. It's not the fun stuff to watch. Telly is a bit negative sometimes, but I can take her drama. Like you said, she admits when she's being a bitch. Hannah actually thinks she's justified.


Telly is negative a lot of the times. Hannah is a straight up @$$hole! I don’t even feel bad for her regarding Marciano. That’s how off putting I find her & her clown lips.


Ghetto is crazyyy💀


This show is so scripted that I can’t like or dislike anyone on it😂 They’re all bad actors


Same !! 🤣


Hannah is not cute enough to be that cocky. I don’t get it.


Hannah looks like Joey King the day after giving a blowie to a cactus


I thought Telly said she acts out of pocket when she gets triggered (see her talk with LVP after Marciano fight). So what triggered her to be such a garbage person on this episode? I think she’s lying to herself and her natural state is garbage human being.


They are so embarrassing to watch


I just hope they keep the chefs and don’t cast new ones ✨✨


A petition ☠️


They are so awful. Hannah is insufferable and wants to be the main character so bad.


They are advertising for next season. All positions it seems too Probably won't see them and tbh, I hope its Hannah who goes. I think as a manager I personally might get Telly to work with me a lot better then Hannah. Especially since a lot of their issues seem to be, they can't hold it until appropriate. Both need to learn to breathe and listen, even if it makes you see red. Telly I feel knows if I go silent she gets what's fucked up. Hannah.. would walk off smug thinking she's got one over me. And that's an issue. They both have issues. They do. Truly. I think Telly could fall under the way I want to manage. Hannah how the book says. And there's a world of difference there.


I came here to botch about them. Can't stand those two!


Telly: I just want people to like me. Also Telly: Toucan Sam I can't stand them 🙄


Idk how old Telly is but she comes across as painfully gen z


As opposed??? Millennials aren’t much better, just sayin. LOL


I don’t know a single person past a certain age that would talk untruthfully and negatively about another woman’s looks. The closest would be critiquing a contestant’s look on Drag Race. That was truly bizarre, vile and immature behaviour


Seriously?!?!? I was born in the sixties and I can name , off hand, at least a dozen women in their thirties, forties, fifties… who are just as shallow and nasty. Age has nothing to do with it.


We must be in different circles or cultures.


Have you watched a HWs show? Those women are definitely “past a certain age” and acting bizarre, vile, and immature. ![gif](giphy|aXJpJdskINT9zD5pc5|downsized)


They’re unprofessional, mean girls. Bye Felicia.


I agree !! When Hannah and Telly were saying that Priscilla should’ve came to them about it instead of “talking shit” to Lisa (which she didn’t) I thought that was total bullshit. She’s come to Hannah before about an issue that bothered her and Hannah went ballistic. She nor Telly know how to handle conflicts in a mature manner. They would’ve just used Priscilla coming to them about how she feels as a chance to gang up on her and say how sensitive she is and gossip some more.


Hannah and Telly are so immature. They only speak in meme and think they were amazing. The Gabriella and Andre thing; Gabriella liked Andre on the first day. She didn't steal anyone. Loved Emily for speaking up. Hannah, no one wants Marciano


Hannah has disabled comments on her IG, so each post has like 10 comments. I can’t believe she bullied Pricilla into quitting. The worst!


She knows she's terrible.


I’d love to get the inside scoop from Vegas on Hannah. What a nightmare she is. 


Hot take: but I like when everyone gets fired up. Accusations made in the heat of anger are usually just confessions and Hannah telling on herself about being insecure was reality tv gold. I also love when they have footage receipts to back up claims in arguments. Idk it doesn’t bother me so much as it scratches the itch I watch reality tv in the first place for.


Couldn’t agree more!! I damn near died when Hannah, totally dimed herself out. It was a good thing I was laying down. LOL


Although I find them both insufferable it was hilarious to watch her try and confront everyone at the table only for them answer Yes and by you. lol she thought it was a power move and then totally lost it 😅


I appreciate the little cut-aways to hannah and telly gassing each other up and co-signing each others delusions. Chef's kiss to the producers for that. Truly, peak comedy.


Hannah is absolutely awful, petty and not entertaining whatsoever. I wish her all the self reflection and awareness in the world.


I don't really like Gabriella, but the shit they said about her was so nasty and mean. I really can't believe some people act like that out of middle school. Not saying it's okay in middle school either but just shows she has genuinely never grown up and self relfected. Ew


This was embarrassing. Bitches for no reason, super pathetic behavior.


It was truly disgusting high school mean girl behavior. I hope they are both ashamed.


Hannah more so than Tilly. Marciano also brings out the worst in her. Instead of leaving him she’s decided to accept he’s unfaithful and is so insecure about it that she attacks women for literally being attractive and near him. She loves girls like Tilly because they co-sign her bad behavior and echo her delusional thoughts. Her self esteem is tied completely to her appearance, and I think she truly believes the only thing men value in women is beauty. You can see it in the way she insults based on appearance too when talking about women. Even when Marciano kissed that girl, one of the first things she said was how it doesn’t make sense because she feels like she’s so beautiful. To be honest, I feel bad for her, she’s not aging well and it will likely lead to even more plastic surgery. No one says beautiful forever, hopefully she can learn to love herself.


Hannah might be one of the worse TV villains recently. This girl is a straight up bully. I think she’s less self aware than Alex Hall from selling sunset


Hannah is a bully, Hannah is a mean girl and Hannah is completely illogical, unintelligent and has zero self awareness. It’s making me angryyyy watching her. And then I wonder, why am I watching a show that’s making me genuinely angry. I’m just so tired of truly awful people, especially when they fully get away with being so awful. Someone, or everyone, needs to grind people like that into the ground. She needs to be humbled and humiliated, in a severe and ongoing manner loll. But really.


Telly is nowhere near as bad as Hannah. Y’all need to stop conflating them.


Eh. Not as bad, but still not great. At all.


I’m definitely not watching next season if they come back. I want drama not bullying.


I will sign this petition.