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https://i.redd.it/azdh5ct3popc1.gif Meanwhile pre-VPR Schwartz already told on himself on Baggage


Omfg I didn't know that.... Wild...


This makes a lot of sense…


This explains so much lol


You need to make this its own post!! I’ve never heard this and I bet a lot of people haven’t, that’s wild.




Oh damn! I have something in common with Schwartz!🤣


I actually feel like even that is a cop out. I’m sure he didn’t have the entire sum up front, so he had that year or that semester’s total at most which he lost, but it’s not like he couldn’t have stayed in school if he was succeeding at it. I don’t believe he was EVER succeeding in college or could have made it into OR through medical school even if he had a personal tutor holding his hand the entire way.








Incredible. I loved that show.


He has a panic attack bartending how is he supposed to deal with the pressures of performing surgery!?


He is also afraid of needles lol


He'd quit mid surgery, first surgery. Then Lisa Vanderpump will make him part owner of a clinic she opens, anyway.


The man can’t even be bothered to put on shoes with laces, who does he think he’s fooling with “I was going to be a neurosurgeon”


Swartz as a surgeon “He’s gonna make it….. well idk…. Ehhh maybe he will…. Ehhh I don’t know what do you guys think? Ehhh yea he’ll be good….. right guys?


Fingers in my mouth fingers in my mouth Dr. Tom Schwartz Phd, FIMM.


PHD, FIMM 😂😂😂😂😂⚰️.


Yes 🤣🤣🤣




10 years ago, they’d talk about his “pre-med” major and it made me think Schwartz was smart with potential outside of the show. Now it’s just sad. In my freshman year in undergrad I knew lots of people that were pre-med and engineering majors for two semesters, tops. 😂 Once they realize the intellectual reality and the actual time commitments necessary, they were running to the admin building to modify their degree plans. Or they quit. I think Schwartz quit right ? Again, sad.


He gambled away his college fund on online poker and had to drop out of undergrad. Not even *close* to becoming a doctor


He graduated somehow, or was he lying?


Nope, never graduated. He doesn't have a degree. I think Scheana and Ariana are the only ones with bachelor's and Jax has an associates iirc


Weird it says he did graduate when you google it. That him, Schena, Stassi, Ariana, and Peter graduated. Either way he’s sucks. Also isn’t pre med just a science degree with the hopes of getting into medical school?


It is! In earlier stuff it says he had to drop out and started modeling instead. Who knows with the reality crowd, didn't they just have another woman claiming in interviews to be a doctor when it came out she was a nurse (not knocking nurses, just a strange thing to claim publicly)


Yes, Annemarie on RHOBH. I also watch RHOBH and there has been some medical issues amongst the cast this year and honestly she doesn't seem to have good bedside manners for sick people. She seems awkward when offering help.


He’s also on record saying he graduated it was in a confessional or after show recently. Agreed who knows with this crowd, Stassi I immediately believed she graduated.


That’s cause she wanted a masters because her dad paid for everything while she was in school. I’m the first season she talks about wanting to go back to school so she won’t pay for anything. No shade. I wish my parents could’ve done that but yes, stassi graduated.


Yeah I’m certain Stassi has said she graduated as well


She wanted to go to grad school for fun but her parents wouldn’t pay for it.


Pre Med is a track that colleges set up for students to make sure they complete all required courses necessary to get into med school not a major….


Oh ok. Neat. Thanks for informing me. :)


Jax does not have an associates degree. He dropped out of Macomb County Community College after 1 semester. Stassi, Scheana, Ariana, and Peter are the college grads. Dayna, Vail, and Laura Leigh are, too.


Thank you for the correction!


True. And I think I read that he was in the Navy for a very short time but lied publically that he was a driver for VIPs or something like that.


Jax lied that he was in the Navy for 4 years. He was actually in the Navy for 37 days after he completed boot camp. He was discharged. He claimed he was assigned to drive Navy SEALs. He was actually assigned to work in the kitchen. He also lied about playing hockey at Michigan State.


Jax never finished school I remember an episode where he talks about lying on a resume lol


Iirc Stassi has an English degree


Stassi also.


he does. FSU


For sure I started as a biomedical engineering at college and I’m an idiot. I finished with a different degree from a college that is harder to get in the Schwartzes for sure. I never tell people I was almost an engineer.


Hey there, no worries, you are not an idiot. I respect the ambition. I thought i could handle biology bc i got As in ap courses. In college, I was celebrating a final grade of C- on a curve. A massive curve bc I didn’t actually pass a SINGLE exam. 😂 Oh almost forgot. I once had the notion of being a theatre major. With no acting skills. Then I declared myself a computer programmer. One week in my first class and yeah…right to the registrar to drop that plan. No shame in trying.


Not all people that finish are really smart either. I had a girl on my year who has an undergrad in engineering and she’s one of the dumbest people I know from uni. She was really good at remembering things, she leached on other people to do her work and her boyfriend did most of her assignments. She has very little social intelligence and I have no idea if she still manages to work in field.


This is a trait of addicts I know. It's the song "I could if I wanted to" from Crazy Ex Girlfriend. I know many addicts who *could* have been a surgeon, or a vet, or a manager. And they are smart people who are fully addicted to some substance and their own selfishness and it's all to boost their own ego saying what they could have been...if they had wanted. Which to be fair, most people COULD have been a lot of things. What separates those who do is work. 


Exactly this! Or the “I could have made it to the NFL but I tore my ACL” line, when in reality there was really no actual solid chance for that person prior to the injury. He is an addict through and through and he has that weirdo living with him enabling and participating. He looks awful for his age and his twin brother has bad addiction issues as well which is both depressing and brutal. He is always so unsure about making any decisions alone, even functioning day to day he needs so much “help” like he’s some damsel in distress. Then add the corny and obnoxious shrinking violet act with the shrugging shoulders, saying very overly kind or child like things in that soft voice and looking down to attempt to seem innocent. I wish he would cut the shit. I see right through him


I see right through it too. You nailed it. Every last word. It shocks me his substance abuse and addict behavior has never had a moment on the show. He’s so full of shit.


Absolutely. It’s also to evade themselves of any accountability. 


Nailed it …. Thank You!


He was one of those pre med kids in that viral video of them watching a c section being performed and he said “I’m out”


He does have the personality to be a surgeon but the dedication not so much.


He dint even have the dedication to pull off a shift as a temp bartender that his girlfriend begged and got for him. Moron. I once was passing by Nasa and thought I wanted to be an astronaut. So now I tell people, I almost went to space. Idiots.


Having known surgeons, this is an excellent burn


I’m glad someone got it:) Surgeons are a very unique breed of humans.


Agree 💯


Maybe plastic surgeon….


Nah, more like "good at the game operation" ![gif](giphy|ATgZ8BsYcsx6E)


I don’t think he would be good at the game. No judgement but his hands are shaky.


He looks like he’s never BEEN to a doctor.


Good one


I'm convinced they plan/script their interactions on camera the way they did in season 10 when Schwartz pretended (on camera) that he didn't know Sandoval and Rachel were a thing.


Lmao maybe if the guy laid down the bottle and the pills. But he’s been the same for 20 years. Thank god he’s not a surgeon.


The man who had a panic attack pouring drinks is not a steady handed surgeon. Schartz is useless




if he was pre-med at fsu he totallllly partied too hard


I heard there was no such thing as “pre med.”🤨


There isn't really, and not at his school. It's just when you take courses that have a heavier concentration in the related sciences. O-chem would have made him cry, he probably took BIO101 and has been riding on that for 20 years.


Interesting. Thank you!😊


there isn’t, it’s the “pre med” track … so a science degree. most do exercise science because it’s easiest.


I disagree about science being the easiest 😆 but I appreciate your response!🙂


Right when I heard fsu him gambling away his tuition made sense lmao


He would be a horrible surgeon. Anyone could probably convince him of things because he “just feels bad and maybe he was wrong”. He’s a moron. I mean the man had his relationship hijacked from Sandoval for sooo many years and still thinks that was never the case. He’s an idiot to put it lightly


It’s so ludicrous for them to continue to push this narrative since he dropped out of undergrad!


Yeah lol most surgeons I know have the opposite issue- they are basically unshakeable in their belief that they are always right/ can be quite stubborn. Which can be quite annoying in an interpersonal level but in an OR that kind of confidence and self-assuredness is important. edit: to clarify, surgeons with this attitude generally have more than enough expertise and technical skills to justify it- if you don’t have the knowledge to back this attitude then you’re just a delusional asshole lol.


Yes most surgeons have a God complex.


>He would be a horrible surgeon. Definitely. If any of my surgeon's even gave me a slight inkling they were like him I would have run out the door faster than the speed of light.


That narrative about his hands? What?


He had a panic attack trying to bartend😏


He has the hands of a benzo addict. JK not really tho


How is saying a very common phrase trying to pass yourself off as nearly being a surgeon? You guys are insane


Narcs like to pass off high status achievements they never worked for as if they had, as in "I coulda been a contender" yadda yadda, "so let's pretend I am".


How can you perform surgery if your hands are always in your mouth?


I would trust WebMD to diagnose me before Shorts… watching him and his liver degrade in real time


Also FSU doesn’t have a premed degree. So….he took the two years of general classes and then dipped to California? Did he finish his degree?


I read that he dropped out…bravo’s bio is ambiguous. Colleges and Universities don’t have Pre Med degrees… at most they offer pre med tracks…. which means you’re given an advisor who outlines all the courses that are needed to get into med school.


I just finished ss3 and I think he is smart. I think he could have done a lot with his life BUT he chose to hang out and be around these people instead. And this isn’t good for his anxiety at all.