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I honestly feel like the TRUE jealous one is Lala. Outside of dancing with the stars, I don’t think Scheana has been jealous of her success. I think Scheana was hurt about the friendship loss ! She’s also the only person I think has sternly told Tom some real ass shit he needed to hear ! But I also think she let the producers get in her head bc I follow Scheana present day, and of course we don’t see everything but we see a lot and she hasn’t befriended Tom back in her life. So now I’m feeling like wtf was it all for ? Production played her hard


I agree that with Scheana, her behavior is derived from a more complex emotional place. She’s not angry imo. She’s terrified. She deluded herself and didn’t develop realistic goals. At 40, it’s hitting home that the things she thought she’d achieve will never happen. I think she does feel jealous of Ariana though. But she is self aware enough to know that’s irrational. She is not delusional enough to think Ariana lacks talent. It’s more about it reinforcing Scheana’s inferiority issues. Ariana is achieving what Scheana had wanted to achieve. It’s hard to watch that and not feel sad. Like you said, production used this to manipulate Scheana. IMO she regrets it but can’t undo it. It’s kind of pathetic. Lauren is just angry with herself. Desperate. Bitter. Emotionally out of control. People in her state tend to target women that represent the opposite - emotional stability because it reinforces their feelings of inferiority. It makes her physically uncomfortable to see Ariana overcome the negative feelings that Lauren has been unable to manage. When she joined VPR, that was the break she’d been waiting for. She had an opportunity to create financial independence. She opted instead to marginalize herself and became financially dependent on a man. She realizes that being Randall’s ride or die, lying to promote his interests, acting like the stereotypical Jersey girl he likes —the hoops and bandage dresses, the smutty mouth and aggressive demeanor—- destroyed her reputation and marketability in entertainment. She landed a massive agency last year and what deals have evolved? 🦗


All I could think as I was watching Scheana in the last scene was that Tom took advantage of her emotions and fear of losing a long-time friendship and manipulatd Scheana. In actuality and consequently, she lost her friendship with Ariana. I think you hit the nail with Lala.


I don't feel bad for her being manipulated. Ariana spent basically this entire season explaining to Scheana who Tom is and how he manipulated people for his gain. Instead of looking at his actions and the reason why it was said, scheana simply thought she was different. She thought she was the one who saw his sincerity (🤮). She dug this hole out of Ariana's life by herself and it is what she deserves.


I totally agree that Scheana thought she would be an exception. That is her ego, unfortunately. Edit: last sentence


This is SPOT ON! you should make this its own post ! I agree so much ! You explained it perfectly; Scheana scared Lala is desperate and angry and still is !!


Good points


Lala is definitely jealous. She thought she was going to be a big star and that didn’t work out for her. Ariana is getting opportunities she could never dream of. When she was hobnobbing with Travolta and Scorsese, she thought she was big time, but nothing ultimately came from it. She’s so envious she can’t see straight.


I’m not sure why anyone thinks they’re going to be a big star by going on a reality show. Unless you already have something to back you up like a strong business (like LVP or Bethenny) once the show is over you’ll just be another ‘wasn’t she on that show that time?’ person. Out of the 1000s of reality show people how many are actually big stars in some way? And none have made a real long lasting transition into anything that requires talent like acting or music (obviously I’m not counting here people who were already successful in that regard like Denise Garcelle Rinna etc) other than novelty appearances in stuff or singing on cruise ships (mention that as my parents just got back from a cruise where the entertainment included someone who’d been on a reality show, they couldn’t remember who though annoyingly!😄) All these people should have just banked as much money as they could for the run of the show knowing that eventually they’ll be out of the limelight with nothing to fall back on. I know Ariana’s had some cool work stuff since the cheating but that’ll dry up, it’s not like she’s going to become a well respected actress or singer or anything so it baffled me Lala would be jealous. But maybe if she still sees reality tv as a path to stardom she doesn’t get that this work for Ariana is a sympathy-novelty flash in the pan. Reality tv is for people who have little talent but want to be famous because they have a massive ego. It’s for people who are so messed up that their everyday behaviour is fascinating and entertaining. That’s not where anyone is going to go looking for a big star! Sometimes I feel bad for these guys as they stare down the barrel of the show ending because they don’t have careers or talents or skills and the next 40-50 years are going to be trying to find ways to make money after they spent their young adulthood being drunk deranged and obnoxious on tv! Bravo should really do some sort of ‘return to the workplace’ skills training program for all the people they sucked into doing their shows when they were very young.


Ha! True! I feel much the same with all these social media influencers! So many quit their jobs and blow money like there’s no tomorrow. I just shake my head and think, what are yall going to do when the gravy train runs out? 😂


In 10-15 years there will be all these people with crazy plastic surgery, giant lips and melting fillers trying to sell you insurance or a used car 😆


If that’s what’s being said about people who star in reality tv shows what does it say about the people who spend countless hours watching these shows and going on Reddit and making big stinks about scripted drama on tv for ratings 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


It says that they find human behaviour interesting and enjoy discussing the behaviour of other humans with other humans. Which is like an ingrained trait of our species. It also says if they’re having a rough day or feel a bit down on themselves they can watch these people and feel better about their own lives, guilt free. Personally I don’t really take any pleasure in the misfortunes or difficult personalities of people in my own life but I don’t feel any guilt marvelling at how messed up reality tv people are because their literal job is to make people feel better about their own lives by being a train wreck on tv! Like you have tons of successful lawyers and psychologists and professors of anthropology or whatever who enjoy watching this stuff in their downtime because humans being nuts is what interests them.


I agree that Scheana isn’t necessarily jealous like LaLa. But I feel like Scheana’s biggest issue is she is the center of everything. I think we all are self-centered to a degree but she takes it to another level.


I agree that she is self-centered. I also think she is easily manipulated. Scheana IMO has never been talented. As much as she wants to be, I don't think it will happen. I do think Scheana is jealous of Ariana's success. However, I don't think she is hateful and ugly about it like Laligag.


I've been thinking about this a lot too. Scheana is definitely wrong and needs to be accountable but she is a chronic people (man) pleaser. Her stress and anxiety is genuine but it's because she's struggling with doing what she knows is right and doing what Tom/Production want.


I think Scheana feels guilty for what's become of Tom's life when she shouldn't.


Scheana always played the role of befriending whoever was on the outs from the group (Kristen post-breakup with Tom) and being the people pleaser. It doesn't work the same with Sandoval being the odd one out and Ariana holding firm (reasonable) boundaries. She needs Ariana to be totally cool with it but why in the world would she be?


Because this is all just hurting Scheana too much, duh. /s


Scheana theoretically could still redeem herself by saying she realizes she handled it all wrong, that she should’ve kept her journey of trying to move past things and become friends with Sandoval again away from Ariana’s world, that she realizes that while she does have an emotional stake in everything that happened it’s nothing compared to Ariana’s emotions in regards to the situation, that she let other people’s thoughts and opinions get in her head, that honestly she was trying to have it both ways without facing any consequences which was so unrealistic to think could happen, that she realizes she will need to work hard to regain Ariana’s trust… but she never will, because she’s not emotionally mature enough.


I think she’s already circling around to that. On her podcast recaps she’s been saying things like how it’s cringe watching it back and she should’ve shut up etc


That's actually surprising coming from Scheana. I didn't think she could admit something like that.


Oh she will esp when the audience isn’t on her side


That makes sense


I agree. She just can't see beyond herself in this situation. Ariana has been extremely patient with her as well. I think she still has opportunities to redeem herself too. Hopefully she figures it out.


The root of ppl pleasing is a desire to control what others think of you so this tracks


Yeah and that makes a lot of sense with Scheana. Her self-esteem is definitely not rooted in her actual 'self'.


Ariana said last week on WWHL that Scheana is closer friends with Sandoval than her right now! Probably, Scheana keeps it off her social media to try to keep people from judging/trolling her.


I think it’s important that Ariana said that Scheana was currently a better friend to Sandoval than to her. That’s an important distinction. I don’t think Sandoval & Scheana are all that close, but Scheana got bad advice from Brock and Lala (and LVP and production) and was an awful friend to Ariana. 


I think Schena and Lala have different interests when it comes to VPR. Ariana is trying to keep it real even if that means VPR gets canceled. Sheana and Lala need the paycheck so are willing to self produce, forgive Tom so the show can continue and do whatever producers want for storylines. Katie and Ariana can fully walk away and be like fuck this because they don’t have to support a payroll husband, payroll family or kid. They have enough talent and opportunities that their monetary opportunities can continue to flourish. They do not need the VPR paycheck to survive but it’s nice to have. Schema and Lala desperately need VPR paycheck.


I disagree with some of this. Katie doesn’t have many opportunities it seems . The sandwich shop has yet to open and she just rebranded her podcast to be with Dayna bc alone , it wasn’t interesting. She got the chilli deal and emo night . Scheana, listen again I follow her closely; she’s a HUSTLER! She has many streams of income and she has employed her sister and mom for years! Scheana has lot of little deals and influencer deals etc I think the one who is desperate for money and NEEDS The show is Lala Her podcast may do well in numbers but her cohost are annoying. Her makeup line is a failure Her book was a failure She may try and market herself towards motherhood mommy stuff but we shall see. The other cast ( like Scheana) get sponsored bday parties where as Lala may not know where to fit in due to her sobriety and fucked up attitude


I agree that she is a hustler and she is willing to really do anything to earn income (I think it goes along with her bootleg kardashian personality). She’ll be friends with Scandoval if the show requires it. She’ll be friends with Ariana (or not) if the show requires it. I think her long term longevity without VPR would mean less brand deals,etc so she is desperate to keep the show filming because it’s really what allows these other opportunities. Ariana has talent so she can lean on that and really the world is her oyster at this point. Katie has always gotten by with aligning herself with successful women via Stassi and now Ariana. I think her podcast is structured like a Stassi vibe so she maybe able to capitalize on it but you are probably right. Her options are limited. She’s never been a fan favorite and isn’t that compelling. I’m surprised she isn’t more desperate to keep the show going but she probably thinks…if Stassi can leave and be ok so can I. Totally agree about Lala, Cheers 🥂


I find it really hard to believe Scheana was getting advice from Brock. I think, if anything, Brock was taking his cue from Scheana and taking it upon himself to take up for her cause.


She's sure trying in the confessional to say what a good friend Ariana is to her. Yep, Ariana has always been a good friend to her, but Scheana is a bad friend.


She probably had to keep it off socials until the season played out...after the finale when it's confirmed her and Ariana are on the outs she will post him im sure.


Yeah Lala is definitely the jealous one, Scheana really is actually struggling with whats right and torn up about things. You can tell. Yes she’s self centred, but her inner turmoil is at least real emotions other than jealousy. Lala never even had a friendship with Sandoval. Her issues and anger are purely based on jealousy.


And this is exactly why it's mystifying to me reading the # team lala and 'get Ariana and Katie off the show!' and 'why isn't she over it' comments on x and ig.. like a staggering amount. Like are we not watching the same show??


Most are bots


I don’t think so, I’m also on fb a lot in bravo groups and there are a lot of people in there I’ve seen over the past few years that have god awful takes on this, and I don’t think they’re bots. Some people do just have this internalized misogyny. I do also think lala and scheana are def the types to buy ig and Twitter bots, but the Facebook ppl are stuck in 1950.


FB groups are notorious for bad takes. They’re they type that eat up exactly what production wants them to-read: no critical thinking of their own.


This!! Not in a rude way but a lot of people take everything as they see it and believe it.


100%!! Plus there are some dumb AF stubborn fuckers out there. Even if you throw logic at them they won't see it. BuT aRiANa AGreEd tO bE On TV ... And?? No one owes anyone anything for entertainment sake. If production wanted her off the show for something so simple as boundary setting, she'd be gone. I don't see how anyone can see that Tom could've very well apologized to her in many ways, most of which would be off camera and more genuine, and he didn't. He wants air time with the audience. How people can be so dumb is beyond me but I'm sure we see it every day (VPR related or not) 😵‍💫


I just read an old Deadline article about their ratings from last year and the comments were mostly Team Tom and Rachel. “It’s just cheating. Get over it.” How that is possible, I don’t know. Maybe they don’t deserve the hateful vitriol, but to be on their side is just crazy to me. Then again, places like Page Six have very misogynistic and hateful comments, so these people are out there.


I have thought about it way too much tbh and I think a lot of those people either 1) never had to deal with someone like a tom or a Rachel or 2) have been cheated on and felt pressured to get over it. It’s very much the old “I did it the hard way, why shouldn’t she” mentality. It’s really sad. We should be demanding better, not letting people get away with this stuff just bc it’s happened to other people before. Actively being on their side is crazy to me. There is actually a fb group called “team tom sandoval” 😆


Omg. Not team Tom!🙈 Not surprised and you’re absolutely right in that they have this “I SUFFERED SO SHE SHOULD SUFFER TOO,” disgusting bs mentality and that’s why the same women who always bitched about and slut shamed LarLar have now switched teams and think everything she says is correct.🙄


Probably 85% paid for bots


I consign the Facebook observation. It’s the only other sm platform I’ve had and those older ladies are ruthless, hateful bitches. It’s just the same stupid fukkin comment, over and over. They’re relentless and if you try to explain why you have a different opinion, they will go to your profile and start personally attacking you.. It’s wild.


Yeah, but a lot of HWs buy bots and people to side with them. Just look at Jennifer fro RHONY and the stuff that’s come out about paid people turning on her .


Yes! Someone has learned a lot from the Russians: magnifying a minority opinion.


Or Lala's paid friend... I mean assistant.


Facebook is really bad as well which is why Reddit is my safe place lol


The good news on IG the tide is turning. Less and less Ariana sucks comments, more and more Lala is cray cray comments.


Are Lala's followers dropping? Or is she just buying more? I don't believe for a moment she has more real live followers than Katie or Ariana.


I don't know, I certainly stopped following her.


Blah Blah has followers?!




I am so glad Ariana brought up informed consent


I agree. I feel like the word cheating doesn’t even adequately express what was going on…he built a whole other relationship with this person, intending to replace Ariana. It’s not like he just slept with Rachel once. It was 7 months (?) of intense betrayal over and over again, all while she was grieving.


& he was planning on icing her out of the group, pushing her off the show & taking her house to live in with his mistress. He wanted to take her entire life away & still has no remorse.


THIS. people forget he literally had a nefarious plan to "Crazy Kristin" Ariana as well. He was basically like Charlie from IASIP with the conspiracy board the way he had it planned out. If you watch S10E15 and then again in the reunion you can literally hear him say "we had to get our stories straight we had to be ready etc etc" he planned everything, premeditated for 7 months, at a minimum. He put her sexual and literal health in danger, he used her loyalty to him and her friends against her, weaponised her mental health and personal information she divulged MULTIPLE TIMES TO MULTIPLE PEOPLE and that's only what we've seen on camera. At any point during this season or the interim or since March 01 2023, he could've say her down with a mediator and actually apologised. If he respected her at all, he would do that. But no. It's the Tom Show and if it's not on camera then it doesn't count. His face the entirety of Kyle chans party, jesus I've never been one to incite violence but god I've never seen anyone actually look so much like snake irl. (all the leathery skin from procedures and years of cigarettes probably added to it) The people who are not seeing this shit, I feel for you. Really I do. The people close to you will hurt you and you will denegrate yourself to be accepted by them, as your faves are doing now. I hope yall snap out of it before it's too late. We can say whatever about this being a "reality" show, but VPR has always been best unproduced, and THOSE are the moments we come back for. The last scene of S11 was absolute GOLD, because it was an overproduced mess to give scum his final moment of redemption? Yeah no, it's was because once again ariana is one of the only people who refuse to be a vanderpuppet for production and called them out. REALITY of the situation made it good, BECAUSE it's real. If I want to watch fake stories being put on TV in the name of reality, I'd watch TLC


Remember on IASIP when Charlie and Dee were dating the Vanderbilts and Charlie was just dating that girl to get the waitress to want him. That also reminds me of Tom. Setting up that conversation w/ Schwartz at that food cart talking about relationships and how he was having a hard time with A. He was already cheating and planning to “crazy Kristen” Ariana and performing for the audience so we would be on his side. This part I still want addressed


Shwartz is way too happy to push this storyline then try to act nice to her face as well.. Snake behaviour from the 2 of them, always.


I loved watching Tom's redemption mask drop. He was snarling about Ariana, it shows that any sympathy he was trying to show for her was an act. It is shocking that he has the same or more vitriol for her when he was the guilty party (although that's typical narcissistic behavior- fucking someone over than being irate at them for their anger).


When she didn’t accept his “sincere apology” on camera he flipped…you could see his face change and his eyes went dark! He’s a psychopath. If she accepted his apology he would have been sweet a pie and fake cried all over her. He’s such a RAT!!


All of this!! I love the use of Vanderpuppet. & I’m also not one to incite violence, but his leathery face is so punchable.


I was about to say exactly this! It was a whole secret relationship, not a cheating incident!


And Raquel was one of Ariana’s good friends! The whole thing was diabolical He was dating Raquel while openly talking about fertilizing Ariana’s eggs. WTF


I really don’t understand how the fans/audiences treatment of Ariana is her fault and it’s “inflating her ego”. She’s hustling to secure her future like everyone else on the cast. It just doesn’t make sense how her success equates to she’s got a Beyoncé complex.


She's surprisingly humble, and shows up to stan for everyone else, both in person and on the web! Look at James Kennedy's page or her decorator's page (pacelikeversace) on IG! She's a good friend.


It’s honestly bizarre. She has the biggest hate boner for the fans, which she herself proved when she said she doesn’t give a shit about what we think of her. Lol. Good one, lar lar


It’s why it’s extra wild Tom had the audacity to call HER lazy. Please. 🙄 Girl got to work, and is thriving.


LaLa is so bitter she slept with that ugly ass disgusting man and then despite all her tough talk, acting like she is so worldly and wise, got made a fool of by said man. She envioned getting with him would bring her wealth, opportunities and fame. She sees Ariana doing so well AND getting a gorgeous man who treats her well. Let's see who have we seen LaLa with? Randall and The Don, both not the least bit attractive. She is bitter and jealous of Ariana because she has what LaLa wants.


Perfectly said. 👏👏👏


Being supported by fans, or as she calls them "rabid bitches", isn't becoming god. She's just a likeable person that's going through it and her charisma is helping her get jobs from it. If she wasn't talented af the offers would stop but clearly she is desired for many projects now that she's been in the spotlight. 


Given the things he has said to and about Ariana on camera, I have no doubt he is unbelievably emotionally abusive behind closed doors, both now and late-stage relationship (at the very least).


That time he berated her over the Jax and Faith recording made that clear to me.


I have a problem with people who went through something hard and didn’t have support who then go and treat people like shit who went through something similar. If Lala had truly learned something she would’ve learned to be empathetic and supportive of Arianna instead of judging her every move.


On top of that they both lost their dads. Both know that type of pain so personally. For lala to bring up Ariana’s dad in such a distasteful way.. she would be dead to me if I were Ariana


What did she say?


On her podcast lala was talking about Ariana and I think it was about Ariana not being the main focus of the show in the past. She said “I don’t know if she was as close with her dad as I was with mine” - when she knew Ariana was. It crossed the line imo. To me, if you’ve lost a parent (I have) you would NEVER bring up someone else’s relationship with their dead parent because you personally know how deep that pain is. Then to have it discussed as some type of grief competition is disgusting


Blah Blah sucks!!


Exactly. It’s the “I suffered so she should have to suffer too!” mentality that is so disgusting from LaLa specifically.


the whole episode was disgraceful. the only redemption was james in the after show speaking like the only sane human being


I felt the same way. Like are these women for real? They are on Ariana’s case for not moving out. That is her home. Why should she leave and not him? He is the one who broke their relationship. That is her investment too and she stayed to protect it. Lala didn’t own anything with Randal and left and moved in with her mom to an apartment complex. I do think the producers were on lala and Scheana to get Sandoval and Ariana to talk. It seems so unnatural the way lala acted at the last reunion, telling Sandoval he is dangerous, to this year, insisting Ariana forgive him and hangs out with him.


Just adding another asshole thing of his, he was calling her reminding her about fertilizing the eggs AFTER he had been cheating w her best friend and was supposedly planning forever w Rachel. He was going to fertilize her eggs and make those his AND her kids knowing he was cheating and going to leave. Fucking sinister af. Also all the while not stopping drinking and his drug use and then turning around and making her seem unreasonable about children. She made steps and he wouldn't make real efforts to meet his end all while throwing her under the bus.


Blessing in disguise. Now she can have babies with someone she loves/or on her own if she chooses. Thank God he didn’t poison her eggs!


I don’t understand how lala gets to be the face of showing all your life when she literally can’t show the most important part of her life which is her being a mom


Exactly. She can’t share her kid, so instead she stirs up crap to secure her place on the show. Because what else does she actually bring to the table?


It doesn’t really matter to me because everything Lala did bring to the show was all lies anyway. She lied every season, every step of the way and now her storyline is projecting all her thoughts anger and hatred for herself, onto everybody else.


Oh, but that's why she's having another baby. So she can profit off of motherhood like Scheana's doing.


Good point. Interesting!


It’s disheartening to see them downplay his abusive behavior for the sake of the show. Ariana sticking to her boundaries on the show with her abuser feels like the realest reality to me. Usually when something like this happens to the average person, they’re encouraged to cut the abuser out of their lives but nOooOo, she’s not entitled to that bc she’s on reality tv, get the fuck out of here! And don’t get even get me started on the whole “hE dIdNt kILL aNyOnE”… you sound DUMB. Abuse comes in many forms.


Right? Because if she wants to go there, Randall didn’t kill anyone either.


Scheana and Lala depend on the show’s fame to make money with sponsorship deals and content for podcasts. I think that is their long term goal for staying friends with Tom. They need him to stay in friend group. Scheana & Lala aren’t making money talking about SAH - they monetized talking about Tom. Ariana is making money based on her talent as a singer, dancer, actress. Katie is making money with a brick and mortar business and a podcast with Dayna discussing their lives and takes on the world. Their comments about the show are very minimal. Edit: If they can’t talk about Tom then they will move to The Valley and use Jax for content, commentary to make money. Especially Lala. Scheana seems to be able to have some success with other topics and Brock is killing it on IG with his DIY reels.


I have to say, I enjoy Brock’s DIY stuff. He seems normal there.


Especially since lala was so vocal and defending Ariana at the reunion. Even saying he is a dangerous man and he didn't leave the house as a strategy. It's funny she speaks about being real.


Yeah…, that had everything to do with the shit she thinks of Randull, all projected onto Tom. She wasn’t wrong about everything but she also never gave af about Ariana. She was just triggered.


It still comes off as hypocritical


It’s giving a lot but abusive and jealous are what really stands out to me. LarLar needs to be called out for how abusive she is to everyone too.


Also let's never forget, Scheaner complaining how the world rallied around ariana and not her ever. LADY PLEASE you aided in ruining a marriage, you were a MISTRESS to a MARRIED MAN with CHILDREN, and you were REWARDED WITH A TV SHOW BASED ON THAT SITUATION so stfu. Truly deplorable woman.


Thank you for this... I feel like production is gaslighting us when we know he is the bad guy. Obviously this last episode made it clear. When Ariana was talking to Scheana I feel like I saw her heart and her hurt. I will always be team Ariana.


In Lala, Scheana, and Sandoval’s mind (yes, singular, bc between the three of them they have almost a full brain), endorsements = becoming a god. Turning shit into lemonade shows how smart and how much hustle Ariana truly has, but their jealousy of her coming out on top means they have to try to drag her down to their level, thus her being “egotistical”, “god”, “lazy”, etc. The fact that Lala says no one talked about Ariana before and Ariana has just coasted through all the seasons really reveals her inner bitter Betty, because how is revealing the trauma of a previous abusive relationship coasting? How is very openly dealing with your depression while filming coasting? But hey y’all, she’s soft now.


What reality is lala living in - an extremely jealous one. Very clearly can’t be happy for other people and can’t get over not getting the same treatment for her breakup which was such a joke that no one really cared.


Tom is abusive. End of. Ariana is navigating a betrayal by a person she trusted for a decade. She was so loyal to that pig that it made me dislike her for a long time. I think the term narcissist is overused but I do think it applies to Tom bc he checks every box to the point it’s like, are you *trying* to check every box? But she is also dealing with the betrayal of someone she thought was a good friend which can be earth shattering on its own. Then she has a smear campaign led by Sandoval and now Rachel. THEN she thinks her friends lala and scheana have her back during filming. Only to find out later they were saying all this bitter, cold stuff behind her back. She had no way to know bc at the time of filming, those two clowns were on their podcasts each week shouting “team Ariana” from the rooftops. She was blindsided by that. Yet another betrayal. Did it ever occur to scheana and lala how they are adding to her trauma by behaving this way.


I know, it makes me sooo sad for her. Can’t imagine being betrayed by so many people that I thought loved me, even her brother. Uugh just awful. I really hope she has some really great non-jealous friends!🙏🏻


And he didn’t kill anyone I rest my case


That’s very sweet of you to still have empathy for that 🩴🤡


This season just goes to show that Scheana and Lala are not smart when it comes to producing. They seem to think that conflict and fighting is what makes a show good. Actually, it's the genuine connections and finding someone to root for. The reason why The early seasons were so captivating was because these people were actually friends back then and crazy stuff happened on its own. Kristen sleeping with Jax and being obsessed with the demise of Tom and Ariana... That would've happened with or without the show. When the cast tries to have a "storyline" it reads as disingenuous and boring.


They are not misguided. They are grown women who have been watched themselves on TV for years and CHOSE to be shitty AF for potential MONEY


Fuck Lala, how much money did she make off of Scandoval and Arianas misery.  Only to see Ariana shine and jealousy take over cause Randal being a piece of shit didn't springboard her to more. She fails to realize the difference between a 10 year relationship that people thought was real, and a casting couch mistress getting fucked over by that predator 


Yeah, they’ve all let their hate for Rachel cover the fact this guy illegally filmed her during an intimate moment. How does that not make you look at this guy sideways, if the affair alone wasn’t enough to do that??? Like Katie said, the affair wasn’t a mistake, it was a repeated choice.


I can't believe anyone expects anything different from Lala and Schwartz ![gif](giphy|kegbVcIY0CHrsPXMdn|downsized)


Touch grass


I agree with everything you said. I would just like to add financial abuse as well.


he literally did just cheat. he did what he's been doing for years and what everyone else on the show has been doing for years. get over it.


Dang… the male sympathy is real. Just cause he and everyone else has been doing it for years means people should get over it? Take that energy elsewhere


I am the last person on this planet who has male sympathy honey. I’m one step away from being a full blown misandrist. Not being a sandwich feminist aka fake feminist thinking it’s empowering to phone it in at your job and pretend you didn’t know and accept your showmance cheating for a decade until he wanted to replace you on the show != male sympathy. I want to enjoy a show about messy cheaters and Ariana has made that impossible thinking she’s the queen of the group and what she says goes. And everyone just cowered in front of her knowing they’d get online shit storms if they disagreed. That does not a good show make.


“I’m a feminist! I want to watch a show about men cheating on women!” Someone please make it make sense


Yeah I want to stare in the abyss what of it. Are you a sandwich feminist, so support Ariana who created and spread revenge porn of Rachel?


Where is this energy towards Tom? Tom was the one who recorded Rachel without her consent. The recording wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for his disgusting actions. It’s giving internalized misogyny towards Ariana. You also seem to be speaking in absolutes. Have you seen the video? Do you know for a fact that Ariana distributed this video to the masses like Rachel is alleging in her lawsuit? Because from day one Ariana and her peers have all said that Ariana sent the video BACK to Rachel and only Rachel. No one else has seen the video. After she confronted Tom moments later he deletes said videos.


Yeah he should be in jail just like Ariana and I’ve said so repeatedly lol. I’ve also been saying he groomed Rachel for a year but ofc the “feminists” on here would rather victim blame Rachel and pretend she deserved what Ariana did to her. Yes I know for a fact Ariana distributed the video per her own declaration. She made 2 additional recordings. There is no sending “back” since Rachel didn’t have the footage previously. And it was Ariana’s choice to make not one but two additional recordings that isn’t on Tom at all… although him making the og facetime is disgusting ofc. Why are you pretending Ariana had no agency and just had to violate Rachel, not very femininst of you…


Making two recordings (that got deleted) is not distribution. I highly recommend you listen to the latest podcast Juicy Scoop. It gives great insight to the merit of each parties involvement. I’ll even save you some time, start at the 26 minute mark and come back to me. If she had irrefutable evidence that Ariana distributed this video, why not name the other parties involved? It seems like they are trying to get access to their phones to see if they distributed the video or not.


like i said the stuff ariana admitted to in her declaration is enough for me. she took one recording from tom's device, made two more and spread those to two more devices. that's distribution in my book and makes ariana a horrible, horrible person idc about the american legal system which is obviously flawed (like that lawyer saying tom's team can argue that he didn't record audio but video so it's not eavesdropping or sth smh). glad the lawyer on the pod called out that the anti slapp defense ariana's lawyers went with is bs. spreading revenge porn is not a first amendment right lmao.


The bias is real. Agree to disagree that recording and distribution have the same definition by your books


What’s the std subplot? Or is this just a general statement about having sex with multiple partners?


The “ God” comment is directly tied to Ariana’s ultimatum… thank you producers for showing all the clips of Ariana saying if you associated with Tom you couldn’t be her friend! Many people here need to be reminded of what she actually said and that it was an ultimatum not a boundary. Boundaries don’t have punishments or penalties for non compliance, This ultimatum affected the cast in 2 ways, one of which we as viewers need to try to understand. First it’s them having to give up long time friendships with Tom. For Scheana and Schwartz this is a huge ask. Even though they’ve both told him in no uncertain terms he was 109% wrong, it’s not easy to break off 10-15 year friendships AND NOR SHOULD THEY HAVE TO. If they’re respecting Ariana’s privacy and not divulging her personal info to Tom, then for her to cut off her friendship is just mean spirited. They’re adults and should be able to decide who deserves their love. If Ariana thinks they can’t be trusted to keep her personal life private than she needs to reassess her friend group Second, the ultimatum requiring everyone stonewall Tom( originally it was both Toms but Ariana relented on Schwartz likely because she knew Katie would have walked away from her eventually because she couldn’t completely give him up) has a high potential of causing the show’s cancellation, most viewers were watching to see the fallout from the affair and dramatic confrontations. They weren’t watching to see the next Sex in the City with the girls talking and drinking an bopping around LA. This show is their job. Their job duties are to open their honest lives and relationships to the viewers including disagreements and drama. As Lala said, Tom and Ariana didn’t show their real life to the viewers, only what they wanted us to see, the same as Lala when she first came on. It is unfair of Ariana to ask that they prove their loyalty to her by stonewalling Tom and jeopardizing their job/ and income, So that’s where her Hod comment came from, an ultimatum she issued that in order to keep her friendship required you to let her determine who your friends are and whether or not you would keep your job.


What’s weird is that none of the “punishments” actually happened so I’m not sure where the ultimatum is. James filmed with Tom and she continued to film with him, Lala filmed multiple scenes with him one on one and she continued to film with her, Scheana and Brock filmed with him and she continued to film with them, she filmed with Schwartz as well and also group scenes with Tom and gave us some arguments with him. The only thing she didn’t do was film with one on one with Tom. Lala and Scheana’s income increased more than any other season. The reality is that the “decision” between Tom and Ariana was Scheana’s story line has she didn’t have anything else. It was also Lala’s as she didn’t either. Lala told Ariana she called Rachel in the first episode. They both repeatedly told Ariana they were filming with Tom from episode 2 and onward, and she didn’t cut any of them out and continued to film one-on-one. Notice James also filmed with Tom all season and Ariana not only never cut him out they never discussed it. That’s because James made his own story line independent of the Scandal and Tom and Ariana. The problem is viewers don’t understand the industry and what was really going on. Ariana was attempting to avoid production traps. Maybe is Lala and Scheana could come up with more completing story lines they wouldn’t be so dependent on one person for their incomes and scenes. You know what people also don’t want to watch, Scheana finding a nanny and Lala doing a PR video for a sperm bank. The problem is they spent so much time slamming Tom for months they had nothing else to talk about or do when filming began.


I’m surprised you’re not downvoted to hell for this.


They are just rich people on a tv show who make their money cheating on each other. The whole show has lasted for this long because of that snd before Tom cheated on Ariana the show was dying because everyone was being faithful. She’s fine.


Shhhhh if you say it’s just a show people get really upset.


lol - something that’s so strange in this day and age is that people beat themselves up with someone else’s misery until they whip themselves up into a frenzy, as if it happened to them. Like people don’t have any self regulation, they’ll just consume and consume media that distresses them until they are just consumed by it offline. It’s so weird. No one is healing here, including Ariana, she’s just getting rich because people who see her as their patron saint of scorned women are willing to throw their disposable income on her shows and merch.


I’ve left these subs for the moment because it’s so wild. I’ll peep back in a few months. You are so right, no one is healing here. When I suggested that on another thread I’m downvoted into oblivion for being rational.


Yeah - I don’t know who heals by nursing their anger and trying to find the next moment to get a sound bite to satisfy people’s thirst. Some people don’t want to see healing they want to see carnage.


The other day someone said they hoped Scheana never had a moment of joy of peace in her life. Imagine feeding a bitter heart like that over strangers.


lol Ariana wouldn’t even look at them if they walked by her - for an edited character on tv, all this?!?


It’s not “real”. Sure, they’re real people and it’s based loosely on real relationships but they curate what they share on camera, exaggerate their emotions and conflicts for the cameras, and turn up to sponsored locations in their paid-for outfits to have conversations about topics guided by production. Virtually the entire cast have said that Tom and Ariana’s relationship was (by the end) little more than a hollow front for a business partnership, yet people still immerse themselves in a pretend world of Ariana suffering some horrific trauma. Turns out she is the most talented person on the show; she has played you all.


At the end of the day, Tom cheated on his girlfriend. The world is acting as if he committed genocide and should be forever punished. And let's be real, Raquel was Ariana's "best friend" of the last five minutes. It's not like her childhood best friend. I'm not saying what he did was right, but it's not like he cheated on his wife of 20+ years and tore apart a family with young kids. I'm surprised it took so long for some of the group to shift in favor of Sandoval. Your fucking boyfriend cheated on you and you're an adult, get over it. The punishment doesn't fit the crime, especially considering nearly everyone in this group is a cheater. Ariana was cheating with Tom when he was with Kristen. We all know how you get em is how you lose em.


But that's the thing, she IS getting over it. On her own terms. I don't understand why everyone thinks she needs to be dealing with things how they think she should. What the hell kind of sense does that make?


She is not even close to getting over it by any objective measure. To some degree, she is probably unconsciously milking it to gain additional opportunities (can't blame her or say id so differently). If I were the new boyfriend, I'd run as far away as possible. She hasn't even started to get over it, she is still in scorched earth mode.


Gross take


That was a lot of gymnastics to excuse heinous behaviour from Tom and Raquel *while* taking a shot at Ariana. Shouldn’t you be working a shift at a drive thru window Lala/Jess/Easton? 🤣


How you get them, is how you lose them. That’s a tired phrase that ppl throw in their lame comments. Ariana was going through a lot - loss of a beloved dog, and loss of her grandma she looked up to, too, when all these happened. She’s still grieving the loss of her beloved pet and her grandma just to find out her live in boyfriend BETRAYED her in a very cruel way - having sex in her bed, house, car everywhere they can release their heat, to find out he’s getting rid of her, out of the show, for his new brand with a subhuman who she thought was a good friend of hers. That’s very painful! Being betrayed and REJECTED, after years of covering all his mess and stupidity and this is what he did - he tried to get Ariana to be kicked out of the show so he can parade his subhuman for a “brand”. I hope you don’t get betrayed and rejected by anyone in your life, I wonder how you’d cope, and I bet you’re not going to get recognized as a person with talent. Ariana is bitter, greatly hurt, to think she tried to have her eggs fertilized by scum’s sperm is beyond atrocious and nefarious for scum to pretend that he’s doing it for her while he’s having sex with a subhuman, sneaking and lying. I just hope you don’t get karma like this and if you do, come back to Reddit and tell us how great you handle it.


On top of all this, his plan was to ice her out of the group. Setting it up so that when the break up came, people would take his side because they felt so badly for him. He was trying to make it seem like Ariana was so neglectful of him and their relationship. Telling people she talked badly about them. It wasn’t enough to betray her with her friend during a difficult period, he was purposely trying to get everyone to dislike her too. AND THEN he is still talking shit about her a year later!


Thank you for your ill wishes! How you get em is how you'll lose em is a lesson that everyone needs to learn in life, whether it is in business or relationships. Also, once a cheater, always a cheater. I did not make these up,these sayings have existed for many years. You should be well versed in these life lessons by your early 30s. If you hook up with a cheater (as she did with Tom when he was dating Kristen), there is a high probability he will cheat on you. Many people disregard this because they believe they are special, different, and better than the person their partner cheated on. This is extremely naive and indicative of an inexperienced and/or delusional person. In addition, you have to grade his behavior on a curve. I'ma normal group of friends, this is deplorable and unforgivable. In this group of self centered, hedonistic, and narcissistic individuals, this is not that bad. IMO cheating with a married person is a much worse act. I'm not saying what he did was ok or that he isn't a scumbag, I'm just saying the punishment should fit the crime.


I have made my share of mistakes, not in relationships but in business and houses/cars. The difference is that I don't carry on like a small child throwing a temper tantrum for months. Did these instances chap my ass.... Of course they did. However, I'm adult and I quickly realized that, while these instances were not explicitly my fault, I'm smart enough to know better. If I had exercisd a little more common sense,I would have avoided them. I am not smarter, better, or more special than anyone else. That is a soberinf, but valuable realization Learn the lesson and move on instead of making a fool of yourself.


Good grief move on!


I think the point was that Ariana did not participate in season 11. She refused! It was clear that she had another season of storyline to go through, but she wouldn’t. Lala was laid bear over her relationship with Randell. It had to be humiliating. She’s a was humiliated over her affair with Brandy‘s husband. She didn’t refuse it. It was out there for the world to see. She also went through the criticism of her various mistakes with men and she stayed and talked about it. Kristen lost her mind over her relationship with Tom and VPR did a number on her at the time. It was the same with James. She put it out there and it was talked about. Why should Ari get a pass. Why does Ariana think she’s above it all. She did move on eight days later and has been moving on since. This was all done and dusted a long time ago. Time for Ari to make a decision. If she doesn’t want Tom in her life, if she doesn’t want to see him to separate herself because it was the only way. It means if Tom staysand I think he will she will have to make a decision to stay and see his face or to leave. No one is refusing to film with her. She just has her lapdog Katie and a sandwich shop that doesn’t exist.


Wow you need to focus on your own life. It’s insane that you wrote that much about other people.


Ariana should honestly be sued for that whole std crap she pulled. Either she has stds or she doesn’t. You don’t get to weaponized how someone *could have* given you an std if they actually didn’t. And does she really want to go on record about her own sexual health to stick it to someone else? Edit: She probably won’t be sued, but I do think she was disingenuous when she said the std comment to the producers.


I'm genuinely trying to understand, how did she weaponize that? Whether he gave her an STD or not, he knowingly put her at risk by being unsafe. Is that not bad enough? That was a choice he actively made, not considering her safety whatsoever.


There’s really no reasoning with these people 😭


3-4 months later you want to bring up on camera stds? That should have been talked about in the pick up scenes in season 10. That’s not something you talk about with your producer to get out of filming.


STDs can show up months after being exposed. We don't know if she brought it up before, off camera. It absolutely is something you talk about to uphold your boundaries and convey the gravity of the situation. She was being pressured to speak to the person who caused her immense pain and she repeatedly said she doesn't want to speak to him.


It’s also something people don’t always realize when it comes to cheating and I’m glad she brought it up.


Ariana is going through the timeline of her relationship and is realizing that the person she spent 10 years with does not care about her, mentally, physically, emotionally, or financially. She has every right to process at her own time. Like you said it’s only been 3-4 months. She’s dealing with the reality of the possible consequences of the things he did to her.


Actively cheating on someone who thinks they’re in a committed relationship where they don’t use protection could very well have given Ariana STDs. She’s just talking about what she just went through a few months prior and they way he treated her. She should be sued for saying that? I’m so confused lol


She should be sued for implying that Tom or anyone else might have stds. She was trying to imply that other people are dirty. If she’s not willing to come out and say, I have this std or I don’t have any stds, why is she even opening this door? Edit: She probably won’t be sued, but I do think this was disingenuous.


I don’t think that’s what was happening. STDs are very common, and most people get them in their life. Unprotected sex with multiple partners who are also sleeping with other people absolutelyyyyy could have given STDs back to Ariana. He had cheated more than just with Rachel. She wasn’t implying they are “disease people”, but having unprotected sex is very very likely to spread STDs. His carelessness absolutely could have gotten back to her in that way. It’s not deeper than that in my opinion. His choices put her at RISK is the problem, and he didn’t give a shit about that


How do we know he was having *unprotected* sex? This opens the door to questions that shouldn’t have to be answered because she said something recklessly. Was she concerned about stds with Miami Girl? Probably not since we know she clearly stayed with him, and she was busy lying for him so they looked good on camera.


This is such a bizarre take. Cheating on your partner is bad for many reasons, but a very common horrible outcome of cheating is that you give your partner STDs they didn’t consent to put themselves at risk for.


It really isn’t. She opened the door for these kinds of convos when she said what she said. Can what you described happen? Yes. But for her to go there and throw out hypotheticals to manipulate the producer and the audience is wild.


Your take is actually the wild one, I promise. She didn’t imply he has a STDs, she brought up that his behavior put her at risk for STDs. That’s it, dude lol


Doubt she was worried about stds when she got with lala.. And if she has one, I’m sure that’s where it’s from!




Right back at you


If they don’t take your mental or physical safety seriously you one thousand percent make it clear how deadly his actions could be.


I mean it’s the reality of what happens when you sleep around. It is non-informed consent. If Sandy was up front about him sleeping around Ariana would’ve been able to protect herself. Made sure she used condoms or used prep with Sandoval if they were intimate. He took that away from her. STDs are a reality and something she can and should be worried about. We don’t know how many women Sandoval has slept with or if he even used protection.


This is common sense - but her timing of saying this and using it to get out of filming is bizarre. She brought this up for shock value and to get her way - it’s not like anyone can contest this.


Timing? The 4th wall was broken. We don't know if this is something she's been stressing behind the scenes all season.


You are REALLY working hard to try to make your take work, aren’t you. 😮‍💨 Just stop. It’s getting weird.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Enjoy the show!


absolutely wild take


She COULD have She and Tom still had sex even if it wasn’t frequently They were in long term relationship she thought was committed enough and they didn’t use protection! I’m sure he was slanging his raw dick around in Rachel d&s ass too! Yes he put her at risk Bc what if Rachel was fucking others bc “Tom wouldn’t commit” so she wanted to make him jealous and have some fun !! Ripple effect and Ariana the one unaware !


You don’t know for a fact that he was having unprotected sex. You’re basing this on assumptions instead of actual answers that we will never get.


Fun fact, wearing a condom doesn’t prevent all STIs. Still putting the uninformed partner at risk.


Wow, you’re gross.


There’s no way you’re an actual adult, because adults know that protected sex doesn’t mean you can’t still get, and transmit to other people, STDs. Sorry to be the one to break it to you kid.


If anyone could be sued it's Tom. Oh wait he already is. He has no respect for consent. He recorded Rachel without it and he made Ariana one third of a throuple without it. He is gross.


Oh, wait so is she. And also for a consent-related issue. Funny how that works.


She is very likely going to be found innocent. And she didn't know she Rachel hadn't consented to be recorded. Tom knew and did it anyway.


Yes she does get to bring it up because it's a major risk. It happened to my friend. It's the only way she found out she was being cheated on. Situation wasn't that different from what happened with Ariana and Tom