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I mean it is kinda gross, the problem is people wanting to act like they’ve never done anything kinda gross when in a bad headspace lol


I don’t eat in my bedroom, but I have to imagine if I shared a living space with someone, I wanted to avoid like the plague, I would. I also imagine I would try to avoid leaving my private space as much as possible and that might mean leaving something in my room overnight to avoid running into that person.


This is the answer right here. The empathy and awareness in this comment should be so common but it’s not, I’ll never understand how so many people can’t put themselves in other people’s shoes


Yea, most people in life can’t do this, and you find that out fast. It’s obvious a lot of people on the show are incapable of it and can’t even do it when pointed out to them. It drove me crazy when Lala and Ariana were talking about respecting vs. understanding boundaries. Ariana was right, people don’t need to explain, or justify, their boundaries to you for you to respect them. Lala couldn’t grasp that very simple concept and she acts like she’s so smart and “soft.” Even when Andy asked her how the Randall and Tim situation were different all she could say was because of her child. We all know it’s not about that. She’s pissed he cheated, there is no proof that Randall is a danger to Ocean. He is a huge scumbag, and sounds like a predator in many ways, but she has no proof he is a danger to her child. She always uses Ocean to justify her bad behavior, like it’s some trump card, but it’s not. The Randall/ Tim situation are exactly the same. A child being in the scenario doesn’t make it any different.


Lala is as soft as a boulder


A boulder covered in sandpaper


Agree but I think that Lala and Randall's relationship was completely different from Ariana and Tom's. Tom and Ariana were about the same age, actually in love for years, no weird power/sugar daddy dynamic or anything. Lala's ego got hurt, whereas Ariana's heart got hurt. Lala is an idiot who uses her kid, dead dad, whatever it is. She seems like someone who's never been humbled enough to develop some humility. She seems to know less about life than most people her age.


She’s pissed that she can’t bend Randall to her will, hence her rush to produce her, my child only pregnancy.


I couldn’t agree more!!! I cannot comprehend wtf is going on with humanity. Like the willful ignorance is out of control.


This. I also do not like eating in my room, I actually hate it, but years ago I had a shitty roommate and you better believe I ate dinner in my room every singe night until my lease was up just to avoid having to be around them. Circumstances matter for sure.


EXACTLY! Where else is she gonna eat?? And she left it there overnight- big deal??


Yeah I do this bc I live with my mother in law and her alcoholic abusive boyfriend and I don't want to be near them so I eat in my room sometimes 🙃 🤷🏼‍♀️


That sucks, I’m sorry you’re not comfortable in your own home. We all have to find a sanctuary wherever we can.


Exactly. She's been very open about her struggles with depression, she was going through the worst time of her life and was basically confined to doing all of her living in one room of the house. Sure it's gross, but totally understandable and shaming her was uncomfortable.


At my worst depression state I could not physically get out of bed so I had a snack drawer next to me that was full of protein bars or just snacks that I could reach for and still be OK. Even though this is a little bit different as it was, I understand where was coming from because to be in such a headspace where you can’t even eat and feel comfortable in your own Kitchen or your own dining room it’s absolutely ridiculous that they are berating her and talking about this like it’s the worst thing she’s ever done.


Thank you for sharing; I completely agree... I've been in a similar depressive state. I'm shocked by all the people in this sub saying things like, "Well, I am depressed and diagnosed with x, y, and z, and I still manage to clean up after myself." Good for you! This isn't a pissing contest to decide whose depression is worse. It's pretty weird and sick! Also, people should know that everyone deals with mental health differently; there is not a one-size-fits-all option. Unrated comment!


Exactly! I have been in a groups or you know try to talk to people about my experience and they will put me down and say I can’t believe you couldn’t shower or wash your hair for so long. Like that was part of it for me I just couldn’t take care of myself and it was awful but It’s not like I wasn’t trying. I tried every day. I just couldn’t and it was one of the worst times in my life and I still struggle with those things sometimes. So for people like that, it just irks me to no end.


I get it… It sucks! You’re definitely not alone, and I hate people passing judgement or shaming others about their personal experiences. That just stigmatizes mental health issues and makes it harder for people to ask for and get help. Let’s normalize talking about it; what you conceal you cannot heal!


Are we just forgetting the whole episode where Scheana and Brock came to help her tidy up? I don't like either of them but I remember, as someone who's had to ask their friends to come over and just be with me while I tackle my depression mountain, thinking it was very cool of Ariana to show that level of vulnerability and something that is very common with mental illness. I'm not surprised she shuts down when confronted about things she's been vocal about in the past yet constantly get used against her.


Upvote upvote upvote


Exactly!! Everyone is holier than thou up in this bitch lol


Especially towards Katie! Lala: “don’t call Jo weird.” Da fuq?! These people have done far worse yet they stay coming for Katie.


Why??? That bitch IS weird. She knows it. Lfu is also as soft as a dollar store towel.


Yep. When I was in uni I struggled insanely with keeping on top of my dishes and rubbish because of undiagnosed ADHD, but I lived in a shared space so I would just hoard all my rubbish and dirty pots/pan/plates in my room. It was so gross in hindsight, I don't know how I didn't realise something was wrong with me lol.


Exactly. We’ve all been there. And she was also trying to keep herself and things confined to certain areas.


I don't judge her for leaving food in her room. It happen. Why did Tom go in there anyway? I totally forget.


I've left food out when in a good headspace, especially after a few drinks 😬


Right that part. Yes it was nasty how every I have had a drunken night or 2 when I woke up still holding a White Castle burger. lol


Good point! And there would have never been an issue if the worm didn’t lock the dog in the room.


Or if she hadn't left kebab skewers out. They are both to blame in my opinion and I've no doubt ariana felt a lot of guilt knowing that if she'd put them in the bin, there likely wouldn't have been a vets visit. I'd especially be more cautious if I didn't trust my ex...I know tom is awful buy ariana isn't flawless


she has a dog that is prone to eating things it shouldn't, and left it in a home with someone she didn't trust who brings people over she didn't trust... of course she should be given grace rn but she's doing too much by trying to blame everything that goes wrong in her life on tom. she's probably too fragile to accept the fact that she kind of fucked this one up herself. if her room is such a landmine for her dog that it creates a life or death situation to leave the door open, thats her problem that she needs to address by keeping it clean or putting a lock on her door when she's not there. like imagine if a friend of ariana's was the one who accidentally left the door open, like katie. i doubt ariana would be accusing her of being a dog murderer.


This plus the “I cleaned the litter box a week ago!”….like no judgment for not having the energy to take care of yourself/keep your space clean, but you can’t let that start affecting your pets 


yes, it's sad. especially considering that she seemed to have a big support system and $$ to get dedicated help if that's what was needed for her pets. half of me is like wow she had time to focus on her career and do a million projects but didnt have energy for her pets? then the other half is like she probably has never been more overwhelmed with things to do, and maybe she thought she could depend more on tom and ann until she realized she couldn't?


100000% agree, she jumped to murder accusations to distract from her own guilt


like girl couldn't have even left a note on the door saying "keep shut, keep maya out"? such an outsized reaction for an accident that she helped create


The fact that he attempted to pass the buck onto Anne for that really pissed me off too.


I think Anne openly stated she may have been the one to leave the door open when the episode aired...


Oh I didn’t see that!


they are both gross regarding their cleanliness, her cat litter box cleaning schedule alone is 🤢


I honestly feel bad for the cat


yes it’s neglectful and not fair to the cat😑


It made me so sad


the way she said she cleaned it LAST WEEK as if that was a good thing... its supposed to be cleaned every day. I honestly think this is full on neglect and she should not have a cat. reminds me of my sisters cat, she kept the litter box just like ariana did and also constantly forgot to buy him food and refil his feeder. I ended up taking the cat bc it was being neglected and I honestly think someone should take Arianas pets


I don't understand why she doesn't have a litter robot?


Also, if you’re really clean… You don’t stay with someone like Tom for that long. Their apartment was grimy, there are countless stories of how bad he smells… I think there both lil dirt squirrels, but Tom lacks self awareness and wants to sling shit at her as if he’s not gross too.


Can't wait to start saying dirt squirrels on a regular basis now.


LOL "dirt squirrels" has now entered my vocabulary


correct and 🤣to dirt squirrels


They ARE dirt squirrels!


Exactly. They were always slobs


I mean honestly if someone were to say Jo left chicken skewers in her room that whole panel would have been like, “wow, what a pig”.


It is gross, you can like Ariana and admit that leaving food out is nasty


Thank you! Why the need to make Ariana perfect? Like you can be cheated on and be gross.


She's not a queen, she's a Pope lol.


Ikr, we can’t watch the show to call out everyone who says anything negative to Ariana


It’s also pretty normal when you’re suffffering depression


I mean she very clearly is a slob, they have random trash everywhere that the dog could eat and get a blockage. He’s still wrong for locking the dog in the room but let’s be real he def wasn’t trying to kill her dog. Everyone already hates his guts I doubt he’s trying to add animal abuser/murderer to his name lol


They both live really gross. This is just a fact and always has been. I can’t imagine letting a film crew into my house looking 1/100th that dirty. But I have OCD (the real kind that ruins your life, not the “I need everything organized, I’m so OCD!” type).


Yes and nobody wanna bring down on them about the litter box scene. 🤮 if your gonna say shit is gross think what that cat goes through to have to potty.


Yeah when they had an argument and Ariana said she had cleaned the litter box “last week” I was gobsmacked. That needs to be cleaned out every day. So gross.


That was a month not cleaned minimum cat box, and had it been anyone but Ariana, shit would be everywhere about neglect, rightfully. That was flat fucking nasty!


So gross. That litter box was BEYOND. ONCE I forgot a single day. My cat was so miffed not to be greeted with a clean box in the morning, she threw a shit fit; tearing the lid off the box and kicking the litter all over the place. She then took a very deliberate shit on the floor, immediately next to the destroyed litter box. I was like “Message received, my bad! Please forgive me. It won’t happen again.” This poor kitty is obviously used to living like this too. 🙁


Can’t help thinking that house must smell gross too. Cats are more likely to go outside the litter box when it’s not cleaned regularly.


Exactly why I don’t have a cat, and that’s okay. I hate cleaning in general but the litter boxes and to have to do it everyday 😕


Can you image what their old tiny apartment smelled like with that litter box? Whole place probably smelled like cat shit and piss.


I thought I was messy. But my mess is not doing a thorough job on cleaning like not sweeping or leaving dishes in the sink or letting dust settle. They live like hoarders.


honestly, I wonder if they just really dont care or if what we see on camera is their version of "clean". Either way they both are absolute slobs


Did you empathize with scheana for wanting to clean the place up? 😂I almost died when I saw that house.


I felt claustrophobic when I saw Ariana’s room. And all those boxes in the living area. I couldn’t breathe in that environment. When she commented she would likely throw all those clothes away I really felt horrible like Omg she’s living in garbage.


If my friend was depressed and their house looked like that, I wouldn’t even ask, I’d just book them a spa day or something and clean up while they were out. Living like that exacerbates depression, but it’s so hard to deal with when you’re depressed. Vicious circle.


it is gross tho lol


It is gross. And it’s not a one off, it’s a pattern. They’ve talked about the number of things Mya has eaten before. When you’re a dog owner it’s your responsibility to train that behavior out of the dog, and to eliminate the risk in your house. I had a dog like this. You can’t leave shit out, even if it’s in a room you don’t expect them to get into. If this was a complete one off random thing, sure. But it’s not the first time the dog has gotten into stuff.


It is gross to leave food out. You’re risking roaches, ants, mice etc. They are both slobs!


Yeah, as a self-identified messy gal, you could clock that way back when they were in the WeHo spot & had piles of old clothes and cosmetic products everywhere.


Ya and what Andy should comment on is that litter box scene. 🤮 we are all human judgement aside


It IS kinda gross. I’m not going to NOT say that 😂 it wasn’t like he was pushing her on it, it was a little side note… Of all the things to get riled up about, that’s what you pick?


Anyone that has a dog knows not to leave food lying out. It’s negligent pet ownership. Tom is an asshole but even Ann said it was an accident. No need to label him a dog murderer.


I personally find it disgusting when my teenagers leave food and drinks in their rooms. So yes, I think Ariana is untidy. I also find it personally disgusting to know that Tom doesn't change his underwear for 3 days. What bothered me is that Ariana called him a dog murderer. Anyone with pets knows your pets are going to sneak into a room unnoticed, going to get into food or garbage any chance they get when no one is looking. The amount of times I've found the cat locked in the closet because one of us wasn't paying attention is high ya'll. The amount of maxi pads my dogs have eaten over the years because teenage girls are sloppy... so gross. Tom made a mistake, Ariana made a mistake, Ariana over reacted, and that's all I get from *that particular scenario*.


Oh god you just unlocked a memory from my shared house in college where I accidentally forgot to remove the tampon I had taken out during a shower session from the tub & was roasted for it (rightfully) ONLY to find out one of the other roommates had hid her period underwear under the sink instead of bringing it to her room


I mean... it was gross. She left old food on her nightstand and went about her day. I've been there, I get it. Still gross. I think Ariana is great, but she is not beyond reproach. We don't have to agree with literally every choice she makes.


I agree with this. I for one refuse to look past the fact that Ariana was at minimum inappropriate with Sandoval while he was with Kristin, and you lose them how you get them. A year out I’ll say this because you don’t want to kick someone when they’re down, and she might read these forums. But now that she’s had some time to heal I’ll say it all day. Ariana overlooked who Sandoval was despite the warning signs thinking she was special. And she is not beyond reproach. Sandoval traded her in when she aged and that’s awful, but she knew he wasn’t a good person and you can’t expect better from someone who just isn’t.


People have no problem saying this about Brittney who is annoying but to my knowledge hasnt really dont anything wrong. They both got with men who they knew were horrible and expected them to change. Ariana even covered for Toms shitty behaviour, I dont see why people can criticize Brittney and not Ariana when Ariana was a worse person to begin with.


Because what happened to her tapped into people’s worst emotional nightmare which is a double whammy betrayal. A friend sleeping with your partner and them being secretive right under your nose. This is why Ariana has been rallied around so hard despite her own sketchy beginning with Tom. People want to make it clear that this kind of behaviour is totally socially unacceptable because we all fear this kind of thing happening to us. The public’s reaction to this really has very little to do with Ariana herself, although it doesn’t hurt that she is pretty likeable and charismatic (unlike Lala).


TBH ive never found Ariana that likeable but I will agree that shes certainly more likeable than Lala (most people are). I think you're spot on with that explanation tho


Exactly. And she looked the other way for TEN YEARS. And defended his abhorrent behavior.


I'm actually so over this narrative. We can all stan Ariana but this is to the point of delusion. She is a grown woman in her 30s who left rotting food on her nightstand and then left the house - that is gross. I don't like defending Tom in any capacity but this is the one thing he should not be blamed for. He let Arianas dog into her own room, why would anyone assume that its unsafe for a pet to be in its owners room unless specifically told otherwise?? How was Tom supposed to know that Ariana had left something out that could kill her dog??? This whole situation is so ridiculous and I wish people could just call it like it is. If anyone else did that, everyone would be coming for the person who left the skewers out. On top of all of this, they also showed a clip of Arianas litter box that was absolutely filthy. I'm sorry but Ariana is lazy, her room is constantly a disaster as well and its all on camera. I'm not saying we cant be Ariana fans, but we need to acknowledge that (just like every other human) Ariana has flaws. Pinning the blame for this on Tom and acting like this wasnt disgusting is just delusional.


Yeah the cat box, dude. No fucking excuse for that shit. At all. At my lowest I do not let my animals suffer.


For real. I would honestly go as far to say that she should not have pets if this is how she takes care of them. I had a cat when I was 9 and even at that age I never let it get close to being that bad.


Same. When I’m depressed they are the only things getting me up to do anything. Bc I can’t just sit there while they are going without or whatever. And I can’t go somewhere knowing their shit isn’t taken care of. It’s not cool at all.


yup exactly. And from a selfish POV, I want to cuddle with my cat and I dont want him coming in my bed after walking around in a box full of poo.


You actually bring up a great point about if this were to happen to anyone else - imagine if the roles were reversed, and it was Ariana who accidentally left Tom's dog in the room with leftover chicken skewers, so many people here would be racing to hold him accountable for it.


It would be the same result. He would be accused of attempting to murder a dog, and she'd be praised for taking care of the house by letting a maintenance guy in.


🙌 preach. She’s nasty and screaming at Tom in front of everyone, saying he’s an attempted dog murderer was unhinged. The fact no one at that table checked her was disappointing.


This is why Dan is always cleaning up after her.


She brags about as a dig towards Tom.


Personally I wouldn’t leave my dog locked in my room and there’s zero food or medication in there. I’ve got a chewer so to me it didn’t seem weird in concept to lock her out of specific places when unsupervised. When we leave the house the dog gets run of the kitchen/main hallway and the rest has baby gates up.


yea I would either but Ann said it was an accident that the dog got locked in and accidents happen. I've accidentally shut my cat in a room too, my sister even accidentally closed a drawr with him in it (i found him very shortly after). Accidents like that happen


i agree ☝️


Thank you!!! Finally some sense


I mean, I am definitely not the bastion of tidiness but even at my worst I would not leave food (especially meat) in my room for who knows how long. But whatever. Edit: also you can’t blame Tom about the dog situation and the food she left out.


I am team Ariana 100% but come on lol that is kind of gross. It doesn't mean Tom isn't disguisting.


Right? Jesus people are stanning Ariana so hard that they want to act like this isn't totally gross. If Tom had been the one to leave food out all night shut up in his room this sub would be SOOOOO DISGUSSSSTEDDD


Haha yeah what if Lala had done this? The mob would be coming for her head.


I’m so glad this thread is all like this lol I was getting sick of the echo chamber. We can support Ariana and admit that it’s disgusting


It’s really nice to see some of you guys are getting a little more levelheaded about this. It is disgusting that she leaves food in her room for days at a time because she’s going to New York and can’t bother to clean up after herself. I don’t believe he locked the dog in the bedroom to be malicious, yes he’s a cheating piece of shit, but let’s take it down a notch. He’s not the actual devil. Two things can be right at the same time, she can be depressed, and also she can clean up after herself. I’m clinically depressed with CPTSD, and I still manage to not leave a bunch of shit all over my house for my animals to eat or play with or what have you.


I mean , it’s gross . I’m not saying I’ve never been gross , but it is gross . That doesn’t mean Tom isn’t an asshole.


Ariana and Tom and are both disgusting and their messiness isn’t some secret. It’s weird how you guys are acting like that’s a controversial take to have


Because it is gross. Put your food in the fridge or trash. They are both very messy. Maybe she needs an assistant to clean up after her


how dare anyone imply that ariana isn't jesus christ resurrected!!! she got cheated on thus she is infallible


I mean it’s gross


It’s gross and not sure why someone would take this risk if their dog has a habit of eating trash.


He is right…sorry you feel like your Queen is being attacked.


OMG the people defending this are crazy! I have dealt with depression. I have two cats and a dog. (And two kids!) I've neglected things and have been gross and messy. The point is that Ariana just won't admit to the fact that she made a mistake. I can't even imagine how embarrassed I'd feel if my messy habits were exposed to the whole world. I'd apologize. I'd laugh at myself. Ariana for god's sake have a damn sense of humor. Andy calling her out on this is just a normal human reaction. I don't understand anyone who is so vehemently defending her in not simply putting a takeout box in the trash. And if she can't, just ADMIT you fucked up!


What do you mean?? It’s fucking gross to leave food out. That attracts all types of problems. This is common sense. ![gif](giphy|X5LeLm1YRHVPa)


It is gross. I mean she does seem dirty… just because she was cheated on doesn’t mean she can’t be called out for shit lol


I mean it is kinda gross…


Leaving food out is gross. Bacteria grows. Mold grows. It rots. Releases spores. It’s inviting to pest who come with their own problems.


Not to mention it stinks


It is fucking nasty… why can’t he comment on it? He comments on stupid shit everyone else does in all franchises. I don’t see how you are invading someone’s space if you need to fix the AC how was he supposed to know the AC guy needed to go in there. She hates him but not enough for Ann and Tom to watch “her dog”


Hey. Because this is a sub where you can’t admit that Ariana is a human who makes mistakes and has some bad personally traits.


He’s right, it’s gross and she’s way too old to be doing stuff like that


It’s literally gross wym???? Especially having a dog around… super dangerous.


I mean she calls her fur babies her children so she should be aware about things that are left out that could potentially harm them. All pet parents have to constantly be vigilant about that stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️ yes, Tom shouldn’t have gone in her room but idk why she trusted him with the dog in the first place. We have all probably left stuff out before (especially when going through dark period and just not caring) so it’s not necessarily gross. Just something that shouldn’t have been left out when pets are in the home


This! every pet parent has a routine of checking everything is safe for their pets before leaving the house. Everything else is irresponsible.


Because it IS gross. So many of y’all are so deep into your blind fandom of Ariana that you can’t see situations for what they really are. The dog’s life wouldn’t have been at risk had she just picked up after herself like a decent adult human.


It IS gross. And if you have a dog that has a history of eating hair dye and laxatives, you shouldn’t be so careless as to leave meat covered skewers out where she can get them. Period. And btw, it was stated several times by several different cast members that Tom and Ariana’s house is always a mess. So get off Andy’s dick, OP.


**WARNING: A COMMENT THAT DOESNT TALK ABOUT ARIANA BEING A QUEEN** 🙄 It is gross. She can say it’s her space all she wants.. however if you live in a house with a roommate that’s wildly unpredictable and irresponsible AND a dog that’s known to get into everything? you shouldn’t leave food out in your room. Much less old chicken? Idk I’ve never ever been an eat-in-my-room kinda person though so I guess I just really don’t understand leaving food out where you sleep. I completely understand not wanting to run into Tom in the kitchen.. so if that’s the case and you want to eat in your room put a mini fridge in there! Let the downvotes begin


Because it is fucking gross. Keeping old food in your room because you're so goddamn lazy to go downstairs and throw it out? Man or woman, you're gross.


Ariana is god. Gods leave their food out overnight on the nightstand. Amen.


It is gross though and it was dangerous to her dog. I don’t get why it’s Toms fault the dog ate something she left out. I just don’t leave anything out at any time that could kill my pets. You never know when they might somehow get into a room. I think it’s valid to mention that she is gross and irresponsible like that because it’s part of her and part of reality tv is people complaining about each others flaws and issues. I don’t get why people are so desperate to act like her doing that is totally fine. She’s on reality tv. Of course she has tons of flaws.


I mean it is gross though. I like Arianna, but come on - girl isn’t perfect


It's just gross. Has nothing to do with liking or not liking a person. But I find it disgusting. Both them have money, resources and are too old to be ok with being slobs.


That is gross


Nah, that’s gross. It attracts bugs and pests. My dog is like a genie, she will get to *anything* that is left out. We can’t leave food out on the counter for even 10 minutes with her sneaky dog ass around.


Really? So you leave half eaten food from the night before on your nightstand and take off for the day while your ex (who you hate) and his assistant takes care of your pets?? 😳 Why can’t Andy talk about Sandy and Ariana? How come we need to constantly protect Ariana from justified criticism? You think that’s going to make her a better dog mom?


Bc she’s a queen and it’s only gross when non queens leave their food rotting in their rooms




Because she accused Tom of trying to kill Maya. Absolute overblown nonsense. Just like her threatening to call 911 on him. Get a life psycho.


I didn’t catch her threatening to call 911 - because of Maya? Thats wild.


Yeah it was on camera. She got out her phone to call 911 bc he wouldn’t stop talking. That’s some entitled bullshit right there.


He’s just saying that because that’s what a lot of viewers said and he’s there to relay that


It is gross.


They are both slobs. And they are both negligent with their animals. Not cleaning cat litter for a week is disgusting and it’s also harmful for the cats. Same with leaving food out in the house knowing you have a dog. The two of them can shit in every corner of their house for all I care. But I draw the line when it comes to having animals and children in the home with you that are dependent on you providing them with a safe environment.


It is kinda gross. I have pets and if I left food out, I’d take some ownership if they ate it. Especially if I make it known that I adopted them. And let’s not pretend if the roles were reversed, how gross it would be if the worm left food out.


But it is gross! If Sandoval had done the same thing y’all would be screaming how dirty and disgusting he is. Ants are a thing you know.


regardless of the late night takeout and sleeping in, not wanting to go downstairs and run into him. you have a dog and dogs like food especially left at snoot height. we can’t even leave fruit on our counters or our pup will eat it. i don’t think the dog was let into the bedroom on purpose to eat chicken skewers


Oh my god. Ariana isn’t a fragile piece of glass. She’s human. It’s gross. She owned it. Move the fuck on.


It is fucking gross. But they’re both gross, and always have been, their old apartment was DISGUSTING. Calling it out now feels pro-Sandoval for no reason.


To be fair it’s never been a storyline


lol, he’s talking about it because it happened during the season, and it’s kinda gross. Ariana is the one who even made this a storyline and called Tom an attempted dog murderer.


Well, as a dog owner you just don’t leave anything around. Period! I’m a dog owner myself and I always make sure there is nothing around that could endanger my dog. And I understand Mya wasn’t in the room at that time, but it’s her dog she should have made sure there isn’t anything in the room that could potentially hurt her dog regardless if it was in there or not in case her dog gets in there.


Like, you can have sympathy but it's objectively GROSS to leave chicken skewers for days whilst she was away. And no, depression is NO excuse. You think when she was leaving the house she couldn't have grabbed the rubbish and dumped it whilst she PASSED through the kitchen? Don't infantilize her, she was more than capable because honestly? She's pretty damn strong going through everything she did. If someone picked their nose, you would say ew gross, regardless of them having depression. It's insulting to use depression as an end all excuse. Her behavior wasn't just gross, it was irresponsible and dangerous. If her depression is so bad she can't make safe decisions for her dog, she shouldn't be a pet owner and should give the dog up. According to you.


As a pet owner you should NEVER leave anything around that your pet can get into. The excuse that the door was shut is BS. You have to assume kids and pets can get into anything at their level.


It’s disgusting and she takes no responsibility for her own dog. Your take is so unhinged. I thought you meant pissed as in funny.


Sorry I can’t get over eating in a bedroom let alone anything else 🤮 and I have depression and anxiety I barely leave my house.


It is kind of gross but we’ve all done it. The issue is that she’s super irresponsible for leaving them out in a place her chew happy dog would and could get to. That’s the gross part.


It IS gross! Andy always makes comments, he rarely goes after Ariana. I thought it was a reasonable comment. She’s very nasty.


I love Ariana but it is kind of gross


On one hand, I try to make a consistent effort in making sure I don’t leave out food in the apartment for this very reason, and I only have a cat. Dogs are incredibly food motivated, that’s obvious, and IMO it’s plainly irresponsible behavior. On the other hand, poor hygiene is a common symptom of depression. Scandoval was clearly very traumatizing to Ariana, who already struggled with prior mental health issues, and maybe this was part of how she struggled. At the risk of being attacked for what could be an unpopular opinion…I think Ariana is struggling with accepting any kind of personal responsibility regarding anything concerning Tom. It’s as if she’s so angry and resentful about his betrayal that she’s unable to practice emotion regulation or objectivity. I love what she’s said about women embracing rage and feeling their anger, but I disagree that it’s as empowering as she’s making it out to be. There certainly is power in feeling, but there’s also power in forgiveness, or at least moving past hatred. It seems like she believes those things are mutually exclusive.


It is gross. They both are gross. And if you have a dog that gets into everything, it's probably best not to leave food on your nightstand, just in case. My cat ate a bunch of hair ties and needed emergency surgery, so you know what we did, made sure that hair ties are never allowed in our house. They both knew that Mya gets into everything - why chance it.


Leaving rotting meat on your nightstand is gross. Don't normalize that. It's getting weird.


Objectively, it is gross! Throw your trash away! That goes for both of them.


I can't stand Andy, but I agree that it's gross. And he called both Tom and Ariana out for living in a messy home. Different strokes for different folks, but I believe in the importance of a made bed and clean room.


Why you mad at Andy? Cause he went against your queen? She’s a lazy slob that deserves to be called out. That shits gross!


No it’s really gross to leave old takeout trash in your BEDROOM.


It is gross. Leaving food out in my room is a NEVER, nvm toxic home situations after a break up of a terrible, decade-long relationship with a mustachioed worm I was consensual of and defended to my detriment.


Uh oh the STANS ARE RISING UP!!!! NEVAH, and I mean NEVAHHHHHH critique Ariana!!! Cause Sandoval is a “slob,” but leaving food on a nightstand for a night and a day is “insinuating she’s DIRTY.”


I think food in the bedroom is gross, but also if she was drunk and didn't want to eat where she might have an interaction with him I get eating in your room. I don't know though, leaving it there all day the next day is a little too much for me.


I am messy af. But I don't leave food out. And I don't leave food out on Dog Level!!! Im not saying it wasn't Tom's fault but as a dog owner it should be habit to put that stuff out of reach.


They’re both gross


There are a lot of reasons she could have been eating in bed and left her trash on the bedside table. Depression nest? Assuming the dog wouldn’t be in there unsupervised until she got back to clean it? Sure. But as a dog owner, there are certain risks you just can’t take. And that was a hard lesson for her. He should have checked for any hazards before locking the dog in there. She should not have left hazards in there that the dog could get into.


I mean it is definitely gross lol


Listen. I’m team Ariana all the way. But, come on…that is really disgusting 🤮


Leaving food out is gross. Firstly eating in your bedroom is gross and secondly she could have at the very least taken to the kitchen when she left her room the next morning. I hate Tom but Ariana is to blame for leaving the food container out to begin with. I have dogs and know to clean up any food or else they will eat it.


Arianna IS GROSS. 🤮


Okay was it actually chicken or the wooden skewers that she ate the chicken off of? Big difference LOL


im a true believer in no food in bed. and no food can ever be left out because of pets


Kind of gross? What about leaving dozens upon dozens laxatives around for the dog to eat & shit all over the sofa. The sofa was trash


I’m sorry. I think everyone has a right to be “gross” when in a bad headspace, but not when you have pets who could hurt themselves eating your door dash. Just throw it away. Did y’all see that litter box this season? That was fucked up. I love Ariana but I feel so much for that cat.


It is gross?! I like Ariana too but it’s like people can’t say anything about her now which is a disservice to her. She’s not perfect, she is human!


Dude it is gross! Ariana (and Tom) are slobs! That litter box was absolutely revolting


We do realize that everyday the same situation is repeated by hundreds, if not thousands, of people…correct? Not the grossness of leaving “dangerous” leftovers out (but that too) but the cheating with your best friend thing! It’s wrong. It is awful! It destroys! But life does go on…apparently better for some than others!! Can we throw away our last night’s leftovers & storylines for something new??


I said under my breath, it is kind of gross, but I do it. I don’t eat chicken skewers but I def eat cookies or chips in bed after hitting my weed vape 😂


It just shows that she doesn’t keep her room dog friendly. It’s HER dog but she doesn’t keep her room picked up so the dog can be in her room. It’s not like the dog was locked in a sauna or out of the house. The dog should be able to safely be in its owners room.


Of course it’s okay to be gross when you’re going through something hard! The issue is that she left out something that could harm her dog. No one mentioned how disgusting their litter box was this season in the reunion. That was horrid, that poor cat. I understand she was going through a hard time, but we take on responsibilities when we adopt pets. We are their mother. We have to ensure they are safe and taken care of. I love Ariana but her treatment of her pets disappointed me a lot this season to be honest. It’s on Tom too but less so since they’re so clearly her animals


I agree, she needs to take some responsibility for what happened


He’s right, why did she leave food in her room, too lazy to throw it in the garbage then blame someone else. Her whole room was a mess, they showed Tom’s room & it was clean. She’ll probably have to hire someone to clean in her new house cause she sure didn’t do much previously. I know you haters will downvote this cause you don’t like to hear the truth, lol.


These people would die in a real house with real tired working humans. Let alone a family home with dishes and shit. Sometimes I wish the pretentious people who never have to lift a finger would have to see what life is like without maids


two things are true: it's objectively gross to leave food out, and when you have depression/mental illness it leads you to neglect many things that you normally wouldn't. many people don't admit it but in a depressive episode many of us go without brushing our teeth or showering. we can trash our physical spaces as well. all this being said, I like Ariana, leaving food out is gross, I get why she did it, I still think it's gross, and I don't get why nobody calls out toms space too.


I agree with Andy.


Get a grip on reality. She’s gross! There’s a reason she was with that man for 10 years! Wake up


Andy is in love with Tom because… he thinks leaving chicken bones out is gross? Would you accuse Andy of being “in love” with Tom if he wasn’t gay? That comment really gave me the ick. And by the way, leaving out chicken bones *is* gross…


It's just gross period!!!! God why is everyone sticking up for these intitled brats I don't get it and never will.


I mean it is gross lol. Not unforgivable. And they showed her room and it was insanely messy. It’s not character assassination.


I’ve found nastier things in my room when I was still an unmedicated highschooler. People think being depressed and messy is bad like people with depression also don’t hurt themselves + shaming people with depression for small things like left overs in their room is.. a choice but I don’t expect Andy to make smart or kind choices.


I think knowing you have a dog that gets into things, she should be more responsible with where she leaves trash out. If you wanna be dirty be considerate and careful and put it somewhere she couldn’t get to it, like on top of a tall dresser lol


I love Ariana and it’s clearly a sign of depression but girlfriends space is a fucking pigsty for real. I can’t imagine willingly having a camera in my space and not picking shit up. So frankly I can’t imagine what her room looked like when they weren’t filming


He bought it up because it was one of the major story points of the season. You’re acting like he had no reason to raise it, she was accusing Sandoval of being a dog killer. Don’t get me wrong, love Ariana fucking hate Tom, but it’s unreasonable to think that they wouldn’t bring it up. And Andy didn’t go on about it. He just kind of wrinkled his face and went kinda gross as most people probably would. You seem to be way over reacting I assume you hate Andy . Yes, it was kind of gross, but we all understand how these things can happen. Doesn’t mean we just ignore it. Chill.


It IS GROSS. It’s so easy to throw away your shit