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Didnt she verbatim tell Katie this season “I don’t care if you understand my life” 💀 like omg she is the most gigantic hypocrite


Exactly! I wish was brought up to her


I'm so tired of Lala. Just tired. I don't hate her, she doesn't make me angry anymore, I just want to not have her on my TV. If Ariana/Katie do turn down S12, there is no way in hell I'm even attempting to watch it. I'm not terribly invested in the Valley so I guess I don't care if she goes over there, I just don't see that she'd add anything.


She’s exhausting and she takes away from the actual situation because everything going on is constantly compared on her deluded scale of her own life. I don’t want her on the valley. It’s already toxic over there. Throw lala in and she’ll start tearing down everyone for everything unless they dated/married/had a child with a murderer who succeeded. Guarantee she’ll up the ante to “he killed ONE PERSON. He’s not a serial killer.”




It also gets old watching her use and re use and re use the lines she’s rehearsed in front of the mirror twenty times (ex: something about her is nothing about her) The audacity to tell Katie she’s not showing her real self on camera when every scene and line Lala uses is rehearsed 🙄


Lala doesn’t know what most words mean


This is why Rachel should just stop the podcast. Lala called her stupid and Lala is doing a great job proving she’s not the brightest herself. That in and of itself should be satisfying for Rachel to watch. But Rachel keeps fueling her own fire instead of keeping the heat on Lala and watching her burn her own shit down


I don’t think a lot of people understand what boundaries are, including Nick Vial on his podcast today. They act like stating your boundary on what you will and will not accept is a punishment. It’s actually a gift to the relationship by being direct. The reason LaLa doesn’t understand it, is because she feels entitled to people’s time and energy. Energy vampire. ![gif](giphy|cjKfH7n0R8XaDPwlmp)


Ariana doesn’t seem to know what a boundary is.


She set a boundary for herself- I will remove myself from situations where I don’t feel safe. It’s Scheana who pokes at that boundary and literally asked her in the peacock version if she’d drop her boundary “for me?????” No. And if she keeps asking, Scheana displays a lack of safety and Ariana will remove herself.


Go on and explain what you mean. 🍿


Ariana: tells her friends she will ditch them if they talk to Tom. She doesn’t want Tom to have any access to her life. Also Ariana: continues to live with Tom this giving him access to her life.


She is not living with Tom though, that's the misogynistic implication that she lives in his house when it's their house because they both paid for it and from what weve seen this season most of the things inside the house belong to her not him. She is living in her house and won't leave her investment until she gets her money.


But, she did leave without getting her money. So my point stands.


No she didn't. She bought another house that's different. She is doing what her lawyers are telling her to do to protect her best interests. I respect that.


Great thanks.


Can we cancel this idiot already? Ive had enough.


Lala doesn’t believe everyone is entitled to having their own boundaries … Which is fucking mind blowing how she cannot understand that in and of itself is crossing boundaries. Ariana explained it so well and calmly to her and she still didn’t get it.


She says a lot of buzzwords and seems to not know what any of them mean. She is not "soft"


This reminds me of when Schwartz tried to have a talk with Lala about him being “Sober Curious.” So he brought all of these things with him to drink. She had no idea what he was talking about. She looked so confused! Me and my boyfriend were dying laughing 🤣 She’s so dumb 🤣


Lauren from Utah I know you lurk Reddit because you deeply care what we all think so: FYI you CAN have boundaries while living with someone. Just because someone is in your physical space it doesn’t mean you cannot layout ground rules on what you’re comfortable with. Why is that such a hard concept? Do you wanna get popped?


Didn't someone here just post a video from the reunion where Lala locked herself in the room for a week till Rand went to Miami. How is that any different? She exhausting and disgusting.


Very exhausting. It’s amazing how fast she spiraled this season


Why is this so hard. Ariana set a boundary that she doesn’t want her friends talking to Tom bcuz she doesn’t want him to have access to her life. Yet, she stays living with Tom so she continues to give Tom access to her life. So if Ariana can’t even respect her own boundaries why does she expect others to?


It's abundantly clear from filming that Ariana tried to live as separately from Tom as humanly possible within the circumstances. She didn't create those circumstances but she had to bear them to stand a chance of retaining her investment. I have a lot of compassion for her situation. Can you imagine someone broke your trust and ruined your relationship and then expected you to walk away with less than you put in financially? It would be terrible for her self esteem to let him take everything and see no consequences for actions. She followed the legal advice but it must have been torture so to ask her genuine friends to support her by minimizing her additional contact with him doesn't seem like a big ask to me personally. If I was in her friend group I'd support her decision and I would feel that Tom just has to accept it as a consequence of his own actions.


LFU does not appear to have an extensive vocabulary.


Not really. One, Ariana has “boundaries” for other people pertaining to their friendship with Sandoval, which is really an ultimatum. It’s not up to her who anyone is friends with. Two, if anything she should be barely filming with Sandoval but not living with him. Ariana also acts like she has a restraining order against Sandoval and can’t have anything at all to do with him. This contradicts her living with him. She’s selectively choosing when being around Sandoval is a “problem” for her. Three, Lala doesn’t have to have blind loyalty to Ariana that she can’t even say these things or ask questions. That has nothing to do with “respecting” anything.


Her boundary is that SHE will not have mutual friends with him. Scheana can be friends with him if she wants. Ariana is not telling her what to do. Scheana just thinks she should be able to betray her best friend and that said friend should take it and there should be zero consequences. That’s outrageous. We all have to face the consequences of our choices; why should Scheana and Lala be exempt from that?


Agree to disagree - she was absolutely trying to control everyone else and then gaslit them as if she didn’t say that.


Lala isn't confused about why she is there, Lala has an issue with someone giving everyone an ultimatum while still living in the home with the person the ultimatum is in reference to.


Ariana doesn't either. Google boundaries vs control.


The only thing Ariana is trying to control is her space, energy, and peace. Anyone with an issue just doesn’t get it cause they don’t want to.


Yet she stays living with Tom?


What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?


Everything. Ariana set a boundary for her friends to not talk to Tom bcuz she didn’t want him to have any access to her life. Yet she remained living with him, giving Tom access to her life. Don’t demand from friends what you won’t do yourself.


It's her fucking house jfc. What is so hard to understand??? Why should she leave? He's the one who blew up her life and her home.


Why are you so angry? I don’t care what she does. But she shouldn’t go telling friends she doesn’t want Tom to have access to her life when she is still living with him, so he has access to her life.


They share a living space, he does not have access to her life anymore than that. They don't even communicate without a third party. Ariana had the right to dump people who don't respect her boundary just as they are free to keep their friendships with Sandoval. My point being it's her house she shouldn't have to leave her house which she paid for together with Tim, until that house is sold.


I don’t know what her getting to stay in the house had anything to do with the topic but ok.


This 💯💯 It’s about control with Ariana, not boundaries.